Million miles Away!

Da EmmaLouDee

85 4 0


Million miles Away!

85 4 0
Da EmmaLouDee

Is this a fairytale, is this so real

is this just the way its meant to feel

My heart vastly pounding with all the words you’ve said

There constant going around there spinning in my head!

Each step that you take feels a million miles away

but i shall always love you in every single way

Why dose it have to be like this 

Why you always go ?

Will you come back one day an finally steal the show

i know that you feel something its there its in your head.

its just the frightening deadly soul drounds you up with dread !

My world keeps going round

its dragging along each day

an hoping that in time you finally come back to stay

but is this just a fairytale

this sometimes feels so surreal

and do you truly love me the way

You’d hope to in every single way ?

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