Forever Mine

By BlaiseWeaver

196K 9K 1.3K

When Nebraska decided to sacrifice herself to save the people she loved, she didn't expect to wake up and fin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Not That Important Announcement

Chapter 5

11.4K 468 101
By BlaiseWeaver

Layton on the side ----->

Chapter 5

I groggily opened my eyes and woke up. A little bit of light shone through the blinds and I squinted at it. I don't remember pulling the blinds closed.

Shrugging it off, I yawned and stretched my arms over my head before rubbing the back of my head with one of my hands. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I smiled when I noticed face wash and small towels near the sinks. After washing my face and drying it with one of the soft towels, I looked at myself in the mirror. I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing how different I looked.

Speaking of which, I still have no idea why I look different. It was one of the things that slipped my mind when I was speaking with Layton and Levi yesterday.

I finished doing my morning routine before walking back to the room and pulling the blinds open. I was surprised to see that instead of seeing the sun outside, I saw the moon. Instead of seeing the morning sky, all I saw was a black sky with some stars shining.

Holy heck I slept through the day?

I groaned and rubbed my head. Great, there's no way I was going to go back to sleep since I felt energetic, but at the same time I didn't want to be the only ones awake.  Layton and Levi were probably sleeping since it was night time.

Walking down the steps, I was surprised to see them both on the couch watching TV. "How are you guys up this late?" I asked, rubbing the back of my head.

They looked at me weirdly. "Seriously Braska?" Levi asked, shaking his head. "It's only been nine hours and already you've forgotten?"

I shook my head. Did I miss something?

In a flash I was pressed against the wall with Levi restraining my arms to my sides. His eyes darkened but that wasn't what made me terrified. A scream escaped my lips when I saw two fangs pop out of his mouth.

Holy crabcakes how did I forget they were vampires?!

Suddenly Levi was pushed away from me and replacing him, but with his back turned towards me, was Layton, looking mighty pissed at Levi. "What the fuck was that?" he seethed, breathing heavily.

I didn't want to be anywhere near a pissed off vampire so I silently cowered in the wall. It wasn't like I could go anywhere else. 

"Just joking around," Levi replied rolling his eyes, as if he wasn't in front of someone who looked ready to rip his head off.

He stood up and brushed off his pants, before shaking his head at me. "Come on dude, you're scaring the poor girl. Just calm your tits while I search up anger management classes in the area."

"Thanks it!" Layton growled, before tackling Levi. Another scream left me as I watched the two throw each other punches and kicks.

While Layton looked like he was trying to rip off Levi's head, Levi was trying to block off his attacks. He was doing good for himself, but sometimes he was too slow and missed a punch that came from other side while he was trying to block a kick.

I wasn't as scared as I felt a few minutes ago, now I was just curiously watching the two with their little wrestling match. They reminded me of siblings fighting over who gets the remote.

"Are you guys done?" I asked, trying to sounds bored. In all honesty I was terrified that they would take their anger out on me and start attacking me instead. There was no way I was going to survive one punch from either of them.

Heck, I don't think I'll be able to handle a shove without having to check if my ribs are bruised or not.

They looked up at me before standing up. Layton's hair looked disheveled, which wasn't doing me any favors, while Levi had a cut on his lip. Other than that they didn't look that major. It was all just minor injuries.

"What was that about?" I asked, crossing my arms and leaning against the door frame.

"Braska you're a vampire," Levi blurted out. I could hear Layton cussing him out but that wasn't my main concern right now. 

Did Levi just say I was a vampire? That I was one of them? How? Why? When?

A part of me, a very large part of me, told me that Levi was joking and just trying to get under Layton's nerve. However, a small part of me told me that what Levi said made a lot of sense.

I felt energetic at night, my skin was considerably paler, my hair changed, nearly everything about me changed. And as disgusting as it was, I actually liked the taste of one of the drinks, that I now know was blood, and crave it more.

But...when did this happen!

"W-what?" I stammered, leaning against the wall for support. I saw Layton walk towards me but that wasn't what I needed right now. "S-step back! I m-mean it!" I said as clear as I could, even though my words were the complete opposite of what I felt.

I grew stressful and rubbed my head and looked up at them to see them with guilty expressions. "Someone please explain to me what's going on," I said, "starting with me."

Levi sighed. "I'm not staying here for this talk. I'll be out to-"

"You are not leaving me to explain this!" Layton snapped at him. I raised my eyebrows at the both of them.

I was indifferent about Levi being here, but if he was going to leave that quickly, he won't do it without a punishment. If he's in a rush to not stay for this, then that means that they're both hiding something that they know will get me mad.

Fine, if he's going to get away, he won't do it that easily.

"If you want to leave, you'll do it on one condition," I told him, crossing my arms and looking as threatening as I can.

He looked at my warily. "What's the condition?"

I thought about it for a moment. I haven't known Levi that long as a vampire, but I have gotten to know him better as a person back when we were still in school. Of course this is if he wasn't faking his personality, but if he isn't, then what would really get under his skin.

"You have to buy me pads for my uh...thing," I told him, smiling victoriously. There's no way someone like Levi would agree to do that.

He looked conflicted and alternating his gaze between me and the door. "Risk my life, or my dignity?....see ya Layton," he rushed, before leaving the door, locking it behind him.

I looked at him weirdly through the door. Well okay I guess. But by how quickly he left, I now knew the door was unlocked. That will really help me later.

Layton cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, uh...Nebraska, you aren't exactly as uh...human as you were before," he mumbled, avoiding my glare.

I tried to keep my threatening posture up. I know he knows that I couldn't actually hurt him that well, but he better damn know how angry I was. "Wanna explain further?" I asked, trying to keep from snapping at him.

"Remember when you hit your head?" he asked. I nodded, it was a pretty painful memory. "Before that, you were going on and on about how you knew what I was. I panicked thinking you knew I was a vampire and I couldn't have a human know about us since it was against the rules so I kinda're not human anymore," he explained, slowly backing away.


Breathing techniques don't always work; especially in these types of situations. I continued breathing heavily while I processed every word that came out of his mouth. 

"You...I meant I knew you were my stalker not some freaking blood-sucker!" I exclaimed. He looked shocked and opened his mouth but I interrupted him. "You changed me into something I don't want to be all because you misunderstood what I meant!"

"You weren't exactly being specific!" he argued back.

"Is that your excuse? That I wasn't being specific? Layton if I came there to tell you that I knew you were something else than I probably would have killed you on the spot, or at least attempted to. God...I'm one of you now?" 

I saw him coming closer but right now all I wanted to do was be away from him. "Please just leave me alone for a while," I begged, moving away.

He looked torn but I felt a gust of wind before I saw that he was gone. I took a deep breath and looked at the door. Levi was out, and now so was Layton. Now might be my only chance.

Slowly and carefully, I opened the door and walked out. The moonlight was the only thing illuminating the abandoned area, but the moon was disappearing often behind clouds. Despite the lack of light, I could clearly see every object.

Looking around, I found that I could see every detail on each object even if it was far away from me. I could see the tiny spider walking up a tree trunk meters from where I was. I could hear the sound of an owl but I knew it must be miles away.

He wasn't kidding when he said I wasn't human anymore.

I ran straight ahead trying to find somewhere I could think clearly without having to worry about running into those two. After about two minutes, I came across a small town. Most of the people were asleep but the streets were empty.

I walked around and found a guy sitting on the bench. "How far away are some cabins in the woods?" I asked, wondering how far away I was from those two. I was also praying on the inside that this guy doesn't turn out to be a killer or rapist.

He shrugged. "I don't know, maybe three or four miles? Those are some pretty deeps woods there, and the trees are too close together for cabins. The closest one clearing is three miles into the woods so I wouldn't risk looking for that cabin at this time," he said, smiling at me.

At least he seemed nice. "Is there any diner or something open here?" I asked, not wanting to be around the cold. 

He nodded and pointed down the road. "Go down this street and make a left. There's a 24-hour diner there. Not likely for there to be anyone there at this time, so you'll be alone," he warned.

I smiled, that's just what I needed. "Thanks mister," I said, before walking away. He nodded in return and continued reading his newspaper. I wonder how he's able to read in the dark?

I shrugged it off and followed the guy's directions until I came across the diner he was taking about. When I walked inside, I was immediately hit with the smell of warm chocolate. "Oh my god," I moaned, taking up as much of the scent as I could. It smelled so amazing!

Opening my eyes, I could see the waiter giving me a weird look. I gave her a sheepish smile back and tried to force down my blush as I sat down in a far booth, away from sight. That was embarrassing.

I held my head in my hands and thought about my options.

One, I could go back to Jason. Tell them I got kidnapped and miraculously escape, then make the cops put us in another state with different identities to stay safe. That was the plan I wanted, the problem was that I have no idea where I was, and I have no idea how to get home. Maybe I should have asked that guy where I was.

Another option is going back to Layton and Levi but I shot the idea down as quickly as it came up to my head. There's no way I was going back to either of them. As far as I know, they're dead to me, literally. I can't believe they would just change me into this...creature.

The realization of the situation finally took a toll on me and I could feel a few tears escape. I didn't bother to stop them and instead laid my head down on the counter as I continued crying my eyes out. I wiped some tears away with my sleeves but more kept coming.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I jumped in surprise as I took in the person next to me. It was the waitress looking at me weirdly, but not instead she was looking at me concerned. "Oh um can I help you?" I asked, wiping the rest of my tears away. I probably looked like a big mess right now.

"Can I sit down?" she asked, pointing to the seat in front of me.

"I actually was looking for alo-" she sat down already and I shut my mouth. Alright then.

"I'm Karla," she introduced holding her hand out to me. I smiled at her friendliness and shook her hand.

"I'm Nebraska," I told her, moving some of my hair back. She nodded.

"Cool. So why is a vampire like you walking around?" she asked. My eyes widened. How did she know?

"How'd you know?" I asked, looking shocked.

She scoffed. "You reek of vampire smell. And can't you tell what I am?" she asked, looking at me curiously. Huh? "My scent..." she continued, looking at me expectantly. She wanted me to sniff her? Despite how weird I felt this was, I took a deep breath. 

All I smell was flowers, maybe clover? What was this smell? "I can't tell," I admitted, looking down.

She shrugged. "It's okay. Just from that I can tell you're an inexperienced vampire. Probably a newborn or something. Anyways, I'm a witch," she said, smiling brightly. She's the only person I know who would be proud to admit that.

But a witch? "Those exist too?" I asked. I felt weird about the whole situation, but I was curious and fascinated by all this. Who knew there was more than just humans and animals sharing this planet?

She nodded. "Who turned you? You're most likely a newborn, there's no way that your creator would have let you out this late," she said.

I was not prepared to answer this question. There was also no way I was going to tell her who I was running from. But I knew there was no way of getting out of this question. Since she was a witch, there's a chance that she'll know anyways who I was talking about. "Layton," I muttered.

"Oh," she replied back, looking out with a weird glint in her eyes. I shrugged back and tried to look as okay with the situation as I could.

She took a deep breath before her normal happy expression returned. "Anyways, wanna go back to my place? Wait hang on...let me see your wrist," she asked, holding her hand out.

"What?" I asked. Instead of asking again, she grabbed my left wrist and pulled my sleeve down before nodded.

"Good, you're not marked. Alright, so wanna go?" she asked, standing up. "My shift is over in a couple of minutes anyways."

I decided to ask why she was checking my wrist for later. Instead, I looked around to make sure I didn't see any of those two before nodding. I'd rather go with this witch than go back to those two. I didn't plan on going back to them.

Instead, after getting more information about myself from Karla, I would find my way back and check up on Jason, Lucas, and Haley. After checking up on them, I would check up on Mom and Tony. Then after making sure everyone important to me is safe, I would run away.

No destination, no complication. I would just run and never look back.


This story is going to start picking up pace within the next couple chapters, it won't be as slow as the first few. 

Anyways, tell me what you people think!

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