A Walk On Ice

By lesbianecrivain

84.3K 3.1K 1.1K

In an all-girls school, there studies Carroll Coleman and Melissa Madison, who are rivals ever since they sha... More

1: Nothing's wrong
2: Pride
3: Power
4: The meeting
5: Best Friends
6: A Change Of Heart?
7: Sleepover
8: Freed
9: A Phenomenon
10: Working Together
11: Warming Her Up
12: Result
13: Acquaintances
14: Jealousy..
16: Moving out
17: Whipped
18: Peruvian Lilly
19: Elections
20: The Out
21: Forgiven
22: The first girl I loved
23: Let Me Drown
24: Work of Art
25: Promise
26: Opening The Book
27: Solace
28: Confirmation
29: Confession
30: Picnic Date
31: Damsel In Distress
32: Safe
33: Let It Go
Author's Note!

15: Backing Out

2.3K 88 23
By lesbianecrivain


"Are you sure?" Mrs Kraus asked. I nodded. I just informed her that I won't be running for president anymore and I'd prefer being a vice president. "Madison.. For the past years I've been watching you run for president in every election.. Your words are really persuading, you had so much determination.. You're so passionate about leading your fellow schoolmates.." She trailed off as her gaze pierced mine intently.

"Now.. Tell me what happened for you to back out? You always lose to Carroll but that didn't get in your way, so tell me what happened.." Mrs Kraus ordered. My heart beat suddenly become rapid after hearing her stern voice. I couldn't possibly tell her that Carroll is the reason I am pulling out, right?

I couldn't tell her that Carroll intimidates me. How her cold stare affects me, the way her hips sway perfectly.. The way she speaks with so much authority in her voice that I instantly become this soft thing around her.

"Earth to Melissa," Mrs Kraus's voice brought me back to reality. "It's just.. I.. I got sick and tired of losing repeatedly to the same opponent.. Besides, Carroll is perfect for the position! She is better in being the president than everyone else here.." I tried to speak confidently but my voice betrayed me. Her face clearly didn't buy any of what I just said.

"It's Carroll, isn't it?" I didn't answer instead, my eyes became glued to the floor. Of course, she's not stupid, she's older than me and I'm sure she has known much than me. "It's okay child, I understand.." She laughed, making me look at her weirdly.

"I don't like her.. I never did, never will." I tried to deny but my voice betrayed me. It broke halfway through when I was speaking.

"Your eyes said it all.. I can see the way you look at her.. The way you overreacted.. Melissa, you don't have to ignore it, it's best if you admit it.." The woman across me that didn't seem to be a principal, instead a mother to her child, advised with a smile.

"The way I reacted is just normal. If you were in my shoes, you'd beat the rapist 'til she can't lift her fingers anymore.. And ma'am, I do not like Carroll Coleman, period." She just laughed like I've said the funniest thing in her whole life.

"Say that now but later you'll be coming to me, asking how to serenade someone!" She kept on teasing me. Well, maybe she's right. Maybe I'd come here and ask her how to serenade someone. In fact, she knows how to serenade a girl because she did it too.

"That wouldn't happen Mrs," I retorted but the woman across me did the opposite and laughed. "You bet!" I was suddenly reminded of Skye. I smirked while adjusting my eyeglasses.

"Sure, Mrs Kraus. If I win, I won't pay for my college here.. But if you did.. I'll stick with the scholarship, I guess?" Now I am doubting my own decision and voice. I shouldn't put my future over something like this!

"Good deal child, I'm sure I won't pay for your college." She smirked. Now I'm terrified. How am I supposed to pay for college?! I need to be valedictorian to have one-hundred percent discount!

Carroll is not an easy opponent.

We're always switching rankings. Every end of a quarter, the rankings change. If last grading I was the top, I'd be the second after. It's so unpredictable. I am the laid back while Carroll was the focused one, now you get my point?

"God, I feel like taking back my words.." I talked to myself. "Wait child, are you just admitting that you like Carroll?! You're not confident enough! You can't even last a minute!!" She laughed so amused at me. "Whatever, see you Mrs Kraus!" I hastily left her office before the woman could even retort something. God, she's crazy.

While I was closing the door behind me, I saw Carroll just leaning on one of the lockers in the hallway. Her gaze fell on me just after I closed the door. My heart started beating rapidly in my chest, it feels like it wants to fly out of my ribcage. "Melissa, can I talk to you for a moment?" She approached me, her hips swaying ever so perfectly. Stop that thoughts Melissa. I shook my head at my thoughts. Has she been waiting for me all the time?!

Something happened inside my stomach right after she asked that. Something like tickling my insides- it's unexplainable or maybe I'm just too dumb. Nevertheless, I just shrugged it off. It's just probably my stomach doing weird things.

"Melissa?" Carroll's cold tone reminded me that she's still here. "Oh? Y-yeah.. S-sure.." She looked at me before walking towards the parking lot as I follow her my head faced towards the ground.

"We'll talk on our way.. Get in," she opened the front door for me as I docilely hopped in. She started the engine then drove away. "Are y-you okay, Ca-.. Carroll?" I asked, fidgeting with my lace. "I am good, you?" She said, her eyes never leaving the road.

"Good I guess.." I replied suddenly feeling so disappointed. Wouldn't she at least look at me while asking how I was? Why did it matter anyway.. She didn't talk after that. We stopped in front of Patricia's house.

I turn my head to face her. "Umm, what are we doing here?" Confusion laced in her eyes but her face remained the same. "I already moved out of that house.. For now I'm living in Skye's place.." I explained as she nodded.

The car was filled with silence again. It wasn't comfortable. There was a tension between us. I started to shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"What happened to you Melissa?" I flinched, startled by her sudden questioning. "Huh? What do you mean?" The car stopped and I looked at her. Her emerald orbs were already staring back at me. She suddenly started to lean closer to me.

"You changed Melissa.. What happened to the old cocky, annoying, competitive Madison? The girl who made my school life a lot difficult but so much fun. Where have you gone, my Madison?" Her eyes never left my eyes that were trying their best to avoid the alluring green orbs.

"I.. I don't know what... Y-you are talking about.." I mumbled, my voice barely a whisper. "You do know, Madison." She insisted.


"What the hell happened to you!" Suddenly she snapped. "If you were still the Madison I knew, you wouldn't be avoiding my eyes, you wouldn't be stuttering, you wouldn't act so strange, you would have something smart to say.." She pondered, her chin caught between her fingers.

"If you were still the Madison that I knew, you wouldn't be nervous around me. Now tell me what happened to you!" She snapped. My hands quivered at the tone of her voice.

"I just... I.. I'm sorry.. I don't-" my lips quivered as I spoke. My heart beats so fast that I think I might pass out any time here. Why is she so mad about it? Isn't that what she wants? Me submitting to her, obeying her, become a good girl? But then she's complaining.. Why?!

"And that, you always say sorry now. Whatever, I hate you Madison." Now she returned to calling me by my surname again. Could I be more stupid? I just can't act myself around her! How much I wanted to shout that at her.

"I don't know Ca..."

"Oh great! Also that! You can't even say my name! Yeah, what-?!" I sighed before interrupting her. "Goddamn, let me finish Carroll for the love of god!" I yelled which took her by surprise but then a small smile tugged on her lips.

"I don't know why I'm like this around you either!" I looked up from the ground to look straight in her eyes. "I don't fucking know why I'm nervous around you! Nor the reason I couldn't retort something smart to you anymore! I am clueless too, just like you!" I paused, trying to look for any reactions or if she wanted to interrupt, but she was just listening intently to me. "You don't know how much I want to bring my old self back, where I was constantly teasing you, annoying you at my best.. But I couldn't just do it now.." My voice started to lower its volume. "After seeing you in the girl's restroom, on that very day.." I shook my head as tears threatened to escape my eyes. "I just want to get to know you Carroll then.. I want to get to know you in every way possible, and I couldn't possibly do it with just teasing or annoying the living daylights out of you.."
I look on my shaking hands after I spoke. "I want to know what your favorite color is, your favorite food, or why you get so moody whenever I smile at you.. Everything Carroll, everything.. I want to know everything about you.." I sighed.

"And I wanted you to know that I'm always here whenever you need me.. I'll always be here as someone you can always lean on.." If someone heard me right now, they would probably think that I like Carroll, which I discovered now is true, or even worse they might think that I'm confessing to her. I don't want the latter to be what Carroll is thinking right now, hopefully not.

The atmosphere become dead silent again. I wish I had not spoken at all. Maybe now she thinks I am weird and will soon start to avoid me. No. Just thinking of that makes me want to cry. I want to be in her life, and it doesn't matter if I'm a friend, a foe, or someone just in the corner; I have to be in her life, I want to be a part of her life.

"Really?" I nodded as I looked at Carroll's eyes. Suddenly, she bursted out laughing. "What's so funny?" I was dumbfounded. Why on earth is she laughing?
After a few more minutes, Carroll stopped laughing. "Melissa.." The green-eyed beauty clicked her tongue. "If you want to beat me in the elections, you should've done better!" She stated with a smile. A smile that I wouldn't get tired of looking at, but what does she mean? I gave her a confused look that sent her to explain further.

"You can't win me by your sweet and charming words.. Don't even explain to me, explain to the students on why they should vote you.. If you want to get to know me just to know my plans, then you're not getting what you want." She stated firmly with such stubbornness that only she could have. Her eyes were dead serious.

I'm sad and disappointed with what she just said. She thinks that I have ulterior motives for wanting to know her, which is not true at all. She doesn't want to trust me. Well, I can't possibly blame her. I mean how can she trust me when all I did to her was to annoy her and try to beat her in everything. So her just thinking that is normal.

I'm sad because that's not what I want to happen. I'm genuine, I want to know her and be the one she can lean on whenever problem comes along.. But it seems impossible..

Her phone rang that, thankfully, broke the deafening silence. "Yes, she's with me.." Carroll continued to talk to whoever is at the line until she called my name. "Madison, your friend wants to talk to you." She said with much colder tone than before as she handed over her phone. It seems like her walls have doubled.

I quickly removed the phone from my ears, the first thing I heard was Skye's squeal. "What the hell Skye?! Calm your tit down!" I snapped then she remained silent for a while, though there were sounds of something. "What are you doing Skye? Skye? Are you okay?! Skye?! Should I call the police!?"

"You calm your own tit babe, I was just checking if I had tits, unfortunately.. None.." She sighed. I checked mine too, like an idiot. "Yeah, same.. I don't have tits too.." I sighed heavily while she laughed then later both our laughter echoed through our ears. "So what do you need?" I asked after coming from my high. Suddenly, I almost forgot that I almost confessed to Carroll.

"You." I chuckled. "Me? Why? What happened?"

"I agreed to sleep at Emma's house.. And I told her that you're coming with me.." She explained, her voice seeming to be hesitant in doing so.

"What?! You agreed!? Without my consent!? You little piece of shit!" I exclaimed while closing my eyes. "What the fuck Skye?! We were just heading to your house!!! Nooo! You're causing us so much trouble!" I cried out. I don't want to be a bother to Carroll, especially after what just happened.

"Us? Ooh, I like the sound of that Melissa.. You bitch.." Skye teased and I could imagine her giving me a fucking dirty look. My cheeks became a darker shade of red after that. "Oh shut up! Now what?! Fuck you Skye, I fucking hate you!" I want to punch Skye's face right now.

"Damn, nah, I doubt that.. Anyways, tell your girlfriend to head straight to Emma's place," Skye deadpanned. I can imagine her staring at her fingernails like a bitch.

"What the fuck!? What do you mean girlfriend! She's not my girlfriend you shithead! What about my c-clothes?!" I heard a faint chuckle beside me. I wanted so much to turn around, but I decided that it wouldn't be the best thing to do. Getting flustered while talking to Skye with Carroll beside me is the last thing I would want to do.

"Worry no more! All is fixed! Now all we need is your ass, now move your ass!" Skye demanded with such accent that I couldn't distinguish.

"Okay fine, bye. Fuck you Skye." I grumbled and was about to hang up if only Skye didn't interfere.

"Just stop talking and do it! You coward bitch!"

"What!!? Ewww no! I might be gay but I won't- fuck you.." She hung up on me. "Here you go Carroll, thanks.." I hand over the phone without looking in her way. I roll my eyes at Skye even though she couldn't see me.

"That fucking bitch.. Gets in my nerves every time she wants to.." I muttered under my breath as I cross my arms. "What did she say?" Carroll asked before starting the engine. "We head to Emma's house." She let out a groan.

"What?! That's.. Oh god!" She snapped and I look at her. "I know right! How can she not inform me sooner!? I'll fucking beat that ass later.." We talked again like nothing has ever happened earlier, and I wish that she'd just forget it and move on with her life.


I knocked on the door three times while Carroll was waiting behind me. The door opened but it wasn't the person I'm looking for.

"Where is Skye?" I asked the wide eyed Emma. "I'm not... sure... She just hid somewhere.." I pushed past her and let myself in. Fucking Skye, she's going to pay for this.

"Never mind, that bitch will pay later.. I'm sorry for pushing you Emma.." I apologized to Emma who is now smiling at me.

"Hey babe" Skye suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She was peeking over the stairs. "Don't babe me Skye! Come down here you little demon!" She quickly ran upstairs as I started chasing her.

"What the fuck? Now where is she!?" I reached the top of the staircase and there were several doors, this house is surely big. Emma is freaking loaded.

I decided to just give up, I don't want to open this doors one by one and see something I shouldn't be seeing. Oh, the memories. "Giving up already?" I turned around upon hearing someone spoke behind me. I just gave Georgina a short nod while sighing.

"Yours and Skye's room is over there, the door in the middle.. She's probably hiding in there, in the closet perhaps?" I quickly ran to the room Georgina had said after thanking her. When I opened the fucking door, no signs of Skye. I looked for the closet like Georgina had suggested. What the fuck, too many clothes, and this closet is bigger than my old bathroom in my hell house.

After some time, I touched something warm. Wait, what if this isn't Skye?! The thought send chills down to my spine. I don't like corpses, ghosts or anything supernatural. God sake. "Melissa?.. I'm.. Hey.. How are you?" Thankfully, my suspicions were proven wrong when I heard Skye's irritating voice.

"You little shit! Come here you bitch!" I grabbed her towards the room. I hovered over her as I straddle her with my legs. "Of all places to hide Skye, why did you choose a closet? Like seriously? Are you hiding something from me?" My hands started to aim for her sides as her head shook with wide eyes open.

"No! What! Please no! Melissa.. Mels! Don't please n-no! I don't want to! No! Please!" Skye pleaded with laughs as I continued to tickle her sides. "Mels! Please stop! I can't! I don't want to! N-no!" I quickly let go of Skye. I remembered something I shouldn't have. It was my mom beating me with a belt while I was tied up.

"No... No... No! I don't want to!" The memories, or nightmares rather immediately came flooding to my head. It was endless. The whips, ropes, bats, belts, knives..

I hear my voice being called while my body is being shook. "Melissa.. Melissa.. Melissa! Are you alright!? Come on babe, please, I'm sorry..!" I looked at the person kneeling in front of me. It wasn't my mom, fortunately. Skye was looking at me as I looked at her. There were tears running on her face as if she had lost something. I'm still here, this idiot is wasting her tears.

"I'm sorry... I just.. Remembered something.." I pulled Skye close to me, hugging her tightly. "Did I trigger something? I won't do it again please Melissa.. Forgive me?" I nodded on her shoulder though there's nothing to forgive. "You little dramatic bitch, I'm all good.." I reassured while patting her back.

"What happened?! Is everything all right?!" Someone asked from the door. I didn't know who because I wasn't facing the door. "Yep, Melissa's just tired.. Sorry for the noise we created" Skye gestured her hand to peace sign after she spoke. "Come on Mels, you wouldn't want your skirt dirtied as hell!" I took her hand and stood up.

"I have so much to talk about!" I exclaimed as Skye laughed. "I know babe, I know, trust me, I do know.." Then we walked towards the living room to join the other girls.


"So what happened? Was anyone hurt?" Carroll shook her head at Emma's question while I clench my fists as tight as they could. We're now eating dinner together with Emma's maids so I'm trying my best to hide my anger from the incident earlier.

How can I not be mad?! That was an attempted rape! For fucking shits sake! And Carroll doesn't seem affected at all! God, I'm crazy! Carroll is so fearless and numb then. If she wasn't traumatized by what happened earlier, god, what a strong woman she is.

"Well, let's just thank this knight in shining armor here.." Georgina teased causing my cheeks to flush. I focused on my food and held my head down, hoping nobody would notice my beet red cheeks. "Melissa Ashly Madison, is that a blush I'm seeing?" Skye spoke like when a mother teases her daughter. "No.." I defensively answered while adjusting my glasses. "Ooooh, so Melissa does blush.. What a surprise.." Both Emma and Georgina giggled.

"Ugh.. Please stop.. All of you stop," I finally raised my head to meet their gazes. My cheeks finally blush-free. "Ookay, as you wish, my lady.." Georgina bowed like a gentleman as Emma and Skye laughed. "Oh fuck you all..!" I yelled out of annoyance. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Carroll trying her best to muffle her laugh.

"I didn't know that the vice president has a foul mouth!" Emma said after she gasped. "Yeah, I like her.. I'm going to vote for her next school year!" Georgina added. Speaking of which, should I tell them about that right now? Or, just to Skye later? Probably the latter. "You okay dude?" Skye asked with worried tone. I pushed her hands off and then frowned. "Don't 'dude' me Skye," my eyebrows furrowed as I glared at her. "I might've done something, Skye.." I mumbled which made her look at me worriedly.

"What is it?" I should probably say it in front of them and quit being a pussy. I looked up from my meal to them. "I won't run for the president anymore." I sighed before looking down. I was met again by the deafening silence. My heart started running when I heard that particular voice.

"You did?" I just nodded. Now she knows that I don't want to get to know her just to beat her in the elections. I genuinely want to know her. "Oh.." Was what she all said and after that they resumed to eating. "Too bad, I'm planning on voting you for next year's president.." Georgina clicked her tongue in disappointment. "Same, same.." Emma agreed.

Everything was great until Skye decided to whisper. "We'll talk later." I just released a sigh and nodded.

"You're grumpy today, what happened?" I shook my head but Skye's eyes narrowed as she look at me with concern. "So what are we doing later?" I questioned trying to change the subject. "Swimming!!" Emma yelled cheerfully standing up from her seat. "You fucking have a fucking pool here?!" Emma nodded at my question as she went to change.

Everybody also stood up while the maids clean up the dishes. "You need some help?" I asked one of the maids who just smiled at me. "Thank you for your generosity but we're all good," the young lady smiled once more before washing the dishes. "Cmon Melissa! Get your ass up here!" I smiled sheepishly at the maid before going upstairs to change.

"What the fuck took you so long? Here, wear these," Skye handed me a two piece swimsuit. I look at her bamboozled, has she gone mad? Has she already forgotten about my scars? "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I snorted. "Are you fucking dumb Skye? I can't wear these!" I exclaimed as I return the garments to her. "I'm not fucking dumb-"

"Then prove it Skye! Tell me why I can't wear that shit!?" I snapped, Skye looked at me confused. The other girls in the room are now looking at us. I grabbed Skye out of the room. "What is it Melissa?" Skye asked with a puzzled look on her face. "Have you gone blind or have you not seen my scars?!" Her face had just realized that. "Yeah, okay, I'm sorry for snapping.. I don't know why I'm easily pissed today.." Skye nodded in understanding and held my hand while entering the room again.

"Here, this one's better!" Skye handed me a rashguard. "Thanks," I gave her a genuine smile as I took the long sleeved swimsuit. "You girls good?" We turn to look behind me and nodded at Emma. "Sorry for the fuss.. So let's go?" I said with a sheepish smile. "Yeah! Let's fucking go!!!" Both Georgina and Emma slung their arms on each other as they ran towards the pool. "Be fucking careful!" Carroll shouted as she also soon followed them to the pool.

"Cute," Skye giggled. "What cute?" I asked but she just nod to Carroll. I gave her a 'what the fuck' look then she explained, "you see how Carroll scolded the two shitheads? It was cute.. Like she was the mother of the shitheads.. She's still got the president-y attitude everywhere.." I just laughed at her observations. "Of course, she's the president! What, do you expect her to be docile as hell? That's my job! You silly," Skye stared at me blankly after I spoke. I thought of possibly wrong things I could've said...

"Your job? Being docile is your job? You sure? As far as I know, being docile wasn't your job before," Skye stopped walking as she crossed her arms. Shit, I didn't mean it that way. "Of course, I should be docile to whatever the president wants, as long as it doesn't concern anything.. Oh shut up! Goddamn! Fuck you you bitch!" I shout as I stand beside the pool. Skye didn't talk after that and became quiet. I turned around to look at her only to see a mischievous grin on Skye's face.

"Oh no. Skye no. Please no." Her eyebrows wriggled suggestively. Seconds later, I am being pushed to the pool as laughter continued to fill my ears. I wipe my face off and raised my finger on Skye.

This summer is going to be fun.


Merry Christmas!

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