You're My Freedom

By HipstuhhLouis

485K 15.9K 3.5K

Yup no one likes me. I'm a burden but hey, I'm smart and I've got a future ahead of me. When I'm 18 I plan on... More



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By HipstuhhLouis


Madison's POV

Zayn had his gaze right on me before forcing his lips on mine. My eyes widened shocked by his actions and I wanted to push him away. I wanted my hands to press against his chest to stop him from kissing me. This wasn't the way I wanted him to kiss me. Instead I kissed him back.

His hands held me firmly around my waist and his nails dug into my skin.The overwhelming feeling of having Zayn like this with me gave me the confidence to move my hands up his shirt and let them roam around his amazing body.

His tongue glided over my bottom lip but, I continued to kiss the way we were doing right now. His hands went lower until he grabbed my arse with both hands and pressed  against me removing the little space we already had between us. I gasped and he slipped his tongue in.

I tugged at his shirt and he removed his shirt, lifting it over his head. I bit my lip and he moved towards me and harshly pushed me down. To my surprise I landed on a bed and he climbed on top of me. He began leaving small kissed around my collar bone and stopped when he wasn't about to kiss my collar bone anymore but my breasts.

I started unbuttoning down my shirt but, my hands were trembling and I had a hard time.

"Let me, please?" Zayn asked.

"Please Madison. Please. Please wakeup" The voice said.

"Hmmm" I shifted.

"Madison" I felt someone lightly pat my cheek and I jolted forward. Suddenly sharp pain ran through my head and pain was written all over my face.

I laid back down and groaned.

"Oh my god, my head hurts like a bitch" I groaned.

"Here I made you coffee" Mitchell passed me a cup.

I tried sitting up and the pain was awful. I fought the pain and I grabbed the cup of coffee.

I took a sip and it was nice and hot. What happened? I looked at the clock that read 10:34. I had a double take and glared at the clock.

"What the hell. We're going to be late Mitchell!" I yelled before completely regretting it.

"Madison listen we aren't going to school today. I already called your mom" He sat on the edge of my bed.

"What the fuck, you called my mum!" I put the cup on the night stand.

I got out of my bed and went straight to the bathroom. Panic was not what I planned for but, that's what happend. Everything I touched kept ending up on the floor and tears started forming.

"How could you call my mum?! What did she say?" I yelled.

He knocked before entering the bathroom. He leaned on the door frame and looked completely calm.

"Please calm down, I acted sick and told her you were going to take care of me. She was okay with both of us missing school" He finished.

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him.

"Seriously?" I asked him.

"She even said don't go back until you feel a hundred percent better" He replied.

Completely relieved I closed my eyes and tried to let the pain in my head subside. My stomach started to feel weird and I opened my eyes again. My arm went around my stomach and with my other hand I covered my mouth.

I threw myself on the ground by the loo and I coughed everything up. The feeling was extremely gross and it had been a while since I've last thrown up. I didn't miss the feeling.

Every strand of hair kept getting in the way and I had trouble removing them out of my face. I felt his hands around my face pulling back my hair.

I groaned loudly before flushing, getting rid of all the contents. For once I'm really glad Mitchell was being helpful. I slowly got up from the floor with Mitchell pulling me up by my arm.

I used a hair tie to permanently keep my hair up. I went over to the sink and splashed my face and rinsing my mouth with water.

I looked in the mirror and saw a cut on the top right corner of my forehead. How did that get there? It doesn't look bad but there is a bump there and slight bruising.

"What happened last night?" I brushed past him before getting myself in bed again.

"You don't. don't remember?" He took a pause in asking the question.

"Not really, oh my god. I drank, I drank some stuff, I don't know" I wiped my face in frustration.

"That's all you remember?" He asked as he bit his lip.

What did I do? Harry! That idiot it's all his fault. Why didn't he stop me? Who am I kidding? I can't blame Harry for this. It's my fault.

I'm such a hypocrite. I was never going to drink in my life, and I'm completely against it. What if mum finds out?

"Did I do anything else stupid?" I said as he sat down on my bed and crossed his legs.

"You were retarded for the whole night practically" He huffed.

"Seriously though" He nervously coughed. "People were telling me you were very high last night too. It didn't seem like you were smoking so you probably had some brownies. Why did you take the brownies if you knew in the first place?" He tried to sound as calm as possible.

The damn brownies! I can't believe this is happening. I can't belive this actually happened. The crazy night is just an addition to my list of problems.

"I didn't know" I managed to say.

"I didn't know?! You've got to be kidding me" He began to yell.

He was right to be upset at me. Heck, I'm even upset at myself. How could I have been so stupid.

"I'm sorry, I'm a sorry. Even I won't forgive myself" I added.

Mitchell's face softened up and he put his hand on my knee. He forced a grin but, his lips went into a straight line again.

"I know you're sorry. I couldn't take you to the doctor's last night because they would have done some tests and found drugs and alcohol in your system" He touched my forehead and I winced.

Mitchell has really changed to the maximum.  Since yesterday he's only been kind towards me, looking out for me too.

He looked tired, with heavy bags under his eyes. His hair was a mess and he was wearing his pj's as well.

"I cleaned up the cut though. I was scared you were going to get a concussion" He stated.

"Anything else stupid happened last night?" I asked him.

He thought a moment his eyes not making eye contact with mine anymore.

"No." He quickly said.

"Are you sure? Don't be scared to tell me" I assured him.

"Yeah I'm sure. N-nothing else happend" He got off my bed.

He started walking towards the door and he seemed nervous. He also stuttered. He never stutters. It felt weird, what was he keeping from me?

"Oh I left so Tylenol for you to take for the hangover" He said before exiting.

I wondered what the hell happend last night. I'm going to have a serious talk with Harry. I decided to get out of bed and take the Tylenol. I reached over to open the blinds...

"Ow what the fuck, shit" I immediately closed them.

I groaned. Never again, gosh that hurt, stupid light and sensitivity. I looked on the counter in search of my phone. My phone! Where is my phone?!

I wanted to shout for Mitchell but, that wouldn't be to great right now and plus I don't want to bother Mitchell.

My phone is in my purse at the party, hopefully it's still there. Maybe I can swing by and grab it later, but what are the chances if it still being there.

Honestly it's probably not there, mum is going to kill me.


Later that night Mitchell and I ordered Chinese and we ate together. It was nice and peaceful and we weren't fighting at the table for once.

Robert and mum would soon be coming back in two weeks and everything that's happening lately won't be possible anymore. I hate the thought of my mum being controlling again.

Maybe she'll have to go out of the country again. And I hope it's real soon.

"'s school?" Mitchell tried to make conversation as he served himself more fried rice.

"Good I guess, you?" I took a bite of an egg roll.

"The usual" He answered just as there was a knock on the door.

Mitchell and I looked up from our chewing and our faces read the same exact thing. "Who was at the door."

The door bell rang followed by more knocking. I got up from my seat, I wonder who it is.

"I'll get it" I announced.

Mitchell nodded and continued to devour his food. I walked towards the door, who on earth could this be?

I pulled the door open and saw Zayn fidgeting with his hands. My eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper yelled and grabbed his arm before pulling him farther outside the front door.

"We need to talk" He looked at me seriously.

"You're out of your mind, Mitchell is in there. He's going to freak out on you" I told him.

"I don't care I could talk to him too so" He pushed passed me and walked right through the door.

"Zayn! Oh my god" I said and Mitchell was up and fuming.

I shut the door slowly and kept switching my gaze between the both of them and wondering when would hell break loose.

"What are you doing here?" Mitchell gritted his teeth and clenched and unclenched his fist.

"I need to talk to you about the party" Zayn started.

"No, I was going to talk you about it. Don't you dare bring it up right now!" Mitchell made his way closer to Zayn.

"It's not like anything happened right?" He said.

Mitchell's hands grabbed Zayn's collar and their faces were inches apart.

"She doesn't remember so don't bring it up. Ever." Mitchell said.

Bring what up? Something happened at the party. No wonder he was acting weird in the morning when I asked him if anything else happened apart from what he told me.

"What are you talking about Mitchell?" I moved closer to him and frowned.

"Nothing. Now get out of my house" Mitchell eyed Zayn.

Zayn's hands were up and he had a sly smirk on his face which wasn't good. Whatever he's going to pull isn't going to end well.

"I just want to, talk" He smiled.

"Anyway Madison, what Mitchell isn't telling you is that" pow! Right there Mitchell already threw a punch and Zayn landed on the floor.

My hands went up to cover my eyes. Oh my god, I never should have opened the door in the first place.

Zayn had some good hits on him but, Mitchell was clearly hurting him badly. He was on top if him and he wouldn't stop punching.

"Stop, stop, please not again!" I yelled.

"I told you to get the fuck out!" Mitchell yelled at him.

Zayn spat blood on him and Mitchell was disgusted. He wiped his face and Zayn took the advantage and punched him in the gut.

What do I do? Oh my god!

Mitchell clutched his stomach as he groaned. Zayn started to get up on his feet again and so did Mitchell. I was crying for this to be over.

"You dumb arse" Zayn yelled before grabbing Mitchell's shirt and knee him in the stomach.

"Stop!" I yelled. "Stop! Please!" I continued to yell but, no one listened.

Mitchell went down on his knees and began to cough. Zayn was getting ready to kick him but, Mitchell lunged himself and took him down.

Chairs were on the floor and blood as well.

"Please stop!" I tried to pry Mitchell off Zayn but, he pushed me away.

I let out a small scream when my bum made contact with the hard wood floors. I crawled over to them again and tried again to knock him off Zayn to stop this fight and no use.

They were up again and fighting over the couch. I quickly ran over to them and started yelling again. Mitchell turned around and lifted his hand up about to punch me and his fist made contact with my face.

I fell to the side and I banged my head on the edge of the table. I sat up and touched my face with my mouth wide open as I stared at him.

"You twat look what you did to her" Zayn pushed Mitchell away from him and went directly to me.

Mitchell was breathing heavily and he looked completely shocked about that he had done.

"Are you okay?" Zayn touched my eye and I winced and moved away.

Mitchell was standing there speechless and staring at his hand and back at me.

"I-I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to-you know I didn't" He tried to put words together.

There were tears in my eyes and I kept my hand on my face.

"Come with me I know someone who can check us up" I looked at him questionably.

"Only doing you a favor it isn't just for me" He assured me and I nodded.

"You're going with him?!" Mitchell yelled and pointed at Zayn.

Zayn helped me up although it wasn't much help since he was in pain as well. I ignored Mitchell and began walking out the door with Zayn. If I'm going to school tomorrow I really don't want to go to class with a black eye. It would be embarrassing and it would definitely start rumors.

"Please don't go, I'm sorry" Mitchell tugged lightly on my arm.

"Don't touch me" I pulled my arm back and walked out with Zayn.

Uh, I grabbed my head, I started to feel a little light headed. I leaned on the door frame.

"You okay?" Zayn asked me.

"Yea. Just a little lightheaded" I answered him.

We made our way to his car and the pain in my head began to increase. Zayn unlocked the door and I hopped in the car as quickly as I could before I faint outside.

Maybe I should just sleep for a while now. I slowly shut my eyes.


Yay! I updated!  What do you think about the Zayn and Mitchell feud? :/ I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

-Anna xx

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