Gilmore Girls: One Shots/Stor...

Autorstwa amethystjewel04

9.2K 211 95

Ideas for upcoming stories(maybe) If there is a One Shot that you would like to become book, or to continue o... Więcej

A Path Turned Difficult
Valentine's in the Vineyard
A Band Of Girls
Unexpected Help
New Lifestyle; New Love
Yale Alumni Party
You Are The Reason
Last Shot
Past Comes To Haunt

A Different Beginning

763 23 18
Autorstwa amethystjewel04

I do not own Gilmore Girls.

For some reason I'm always writing the scenario of Rory being or becoming a Hayden. I dont know why but I guess it's just that that's what should happen or at least be family to the Haydens ya know what I mean?

Well anyway, this starts out where Logan and Rory meet. The 1st time.


(Her style is different btw more society then small town girl but still the same Rory)

Rory was getting coffee with her friend Marty.

She was wearing her favorite blue knit sweater, dark blue jeans, black ballet flats and her ivory scarf. Her hair down to her mid-back in natural curls.

She was helping Marty with something for business class, and for a thank you he asked her to go get a coffee with him.

They were in an awkward conversation.

"I'm not joking, my dad was relieved that I wasn't his."

"No way."

"I'm serious, I heard him say 'whew'."


"So how was your summer?"

"Oh, uh ya know... it was fine."

"Ror- ..." Marty was cut off by someone bumping into him.

"Hey watch where you're going." A light brown haired boy said.

"Oh, sorry." Marty said backing away.

And there before stands a blonde guy  with a girl hanging off his side and his two half drunk and most hilariously idiotic friends standing aside.

"I mean really you didn't see me there?" The light brown haired boy spoke again.

"Not everyone is staring at you Colin." A tall Aussie boy said coming up to stand by the light brown haired boy.

"Hey, I know you." The blonde boy said to Marty.

"Yeah, I bartended for last night." Marty said.

"Oh, that's right."

"This is Rory." Marty introduced.

He looks over to Rory, "Hi."

Rory was glaring at him the whole entire time, unnoticed.

"Well, we gotta get going. Are you available for Friday night?" The blonde asked Marty as he walked away.

"Uh yeah."


And they walked away out of ear shot.

Marty turned to Rory, "I kinda hate those guys."

"Well then I wouldn't be one to talk to about that."

"What?" Marty asked confused.

Rory's phone rang.

Caller ID says Nana Francine.

"Hey nana, how are you?" Rory asked and stepped away to answer her phone.

"Oh Rory honey, I'm great. How about you?"

"I'm great nana."

"That's wonderful. Now for why I called."

"Nana, please don't tell me another set up dinner. You know how that last one went."

Francine laughed lightly on the other end, "Oh yes. That was entertaining."


"Okay, okay. We have an event tomorrow night at 7. I need you to be there all dolled up, okay? It's not a setup party. I know Emily tried, but this is the Hayden Heiress announcement party. We already sent out the reminder notification yesterday."

"Oh okay, nana. I'll be there."

"Great! See you tomorrow at 7!"

"Bye nana."

"Bye Rory."

Rory hung up and then made her way over to Marty who was just standing awkwardly fiddling with his coffee cup.

"Hey sorry about that." Rory said.

Marty looked at her, "Oh, no your fine."

"Well anyways, I'm sorry but I gotta go get Paris. I need to go shopping for a new dress for tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?"

"Oh uh... A my nana invited me to a... uh... a party. Yeah, a party."

"Oh, well hope you have fun."

"Thanks. Bye." Rory said and took off to her dorm.

"Paris!" Rory said as she bursts into their dorm.

There wasn't an answer.


Then her cell rang.

Caller ID says Paris


"Hey Rory."

"What's wrong?"

"Asher died."


"Yeah, it was of a heart attack."

"Was it-..."

"No! No, he was at his office."

"Oh, okay. Hey, do you want to come to the Hayden mansion tomorrow night for a party that's at 7? To get your mind off of him?"

"Thanks for the offer, but no. I should stay here. His children are all selfish and is wondering who will get his fortune."

"Alright, well I gotta go get me a new dress. Nana wants me to be all dolled up."

"Are you sure it isn't another setup dinner?"

"I'm sure. It's the Hayden Heir announcement party."

"Ah, so they finally are gonna announce you as soul heiress."


"Well I need to go. Bye Rory."

"Bye Paris, I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you Rory."

Paris then hangs up.

Rory sighs as she grabs her purse and car keys and heads to the mall.

When she arrives she immediately heads to her favorite store.

"Hey Rory! It's so good to see you!" The manger said giving Rory a hug as she enters the store.

"Kat! It's so good to see you too!"

"So, need a new dress?"

"Of course."

"Special occasion?" Kat asked as she starts to trail the isles.

"Yes, it's the Hayden Heir announcement party."

"Ooh... fancy! So, your gonna be looked at all night so we need a show stopping dress. Any color idea?"

"Blue perhaps? Or black that works too."

"No black. Blue I can work with. Style?"

"Maybe a mermaid or flowy a-line?"

"Hmm... I think a two peice... mermaid skirt."

And with that Kat pulled out the most stunning two peice dress.

[A/N: Picture above]

"Ooh.." Rory held out her hands.

"Ah-ah! No, you'll get a glamorous treatment tomorrow. Come here at 5 sharp and I'll get you ready."

"Kat!" Rory whined.

"You rarely let me treat you to a beauty makeover. You've helped my business succeed and I now repay the favor."

"Fine!" Rory cried.

"I'm gonna go get me some pretzels at the food court then I'll be back. I wanna try the dress first before hand."

"Alright, fine. But just so you know you'll love it no matter what."

"Ok, well see you in like 20 minutes."

Kat giggled and headed to the back room.

Rory scurried out of the store and went to the food court.

And on her way there she bumped into someone.

"Hello darling." The person said.

Rory looked up to see a tall Aussie.

He looks familiar... Where have I seen him before?

Rory was about to say something when she was interrupted by two boys.

"Hey Finn? Who'd you run into." Logan asked as he came up behind Finn, followed by Colin.

"Oh no." Rory muttered, as Logan looked at her.

"Hey, I know you. You were with that guy... that guy, what's his name?"

"Marty." Rory supplied, folding her arms.

"Oh yes! Marty! And your name's..." Logan carries off.


"Nice to meet you Rory, where are you off to?"

"I that isn't any of your business."

"Well, then I'll make it my business." Logan says straightening himself, his friends stand off to the side and watch in amusement.

"Take your nose out of my business and put in a book. Maybe you'd actually learn something." Rory turned and was about to leave when a hand took her arm.

She turned to see Dean.

"Dean?! What the hell?!?!"

Rory yanked her arm out of his grasp.

He glared down at her. "Ror where have you been? You haven't answered any of my calls or texts. Your mom set up a reservation at Sniffy's Tavern tonight. I didn't find you at your dorm so I figured I'd find you here. We need to go now or we'll be late." Dean said reaching for her again.

"Dean! We are not together! I broke up with you two years ago because you're with Lindsey now."

"We're divorced it was finalized last week. We can be together now."

"No Dean. I don't love you, I don't even like you as a friend!"

Rory was really angry, and didn't realize that this fight was happening in front of three society raised boys.

Finn and Colin were looking back and forth between the two, while Logan was looking in concern at Rory. For who knows why?

Dean tried once again to grab Rory and drag her away, he succeeded to get her two feet away.

"Ow! ow, ow, ow! Let go of me!" Rory cried as Dean's grip tightened on her arm.

Logan had had enough, so he went up and yanked Dean's grip away from her.

"Yo man what's wrong with you?" Logan says putting an arm around Rory protectively.

"Who are you?" Dean asked.

"I'm her boyfriend, going on four months." Logan pulls her close to his side.

Rory pulls her soceity smile and puts her arms around Logan's waist.

Dean doesn't believe it, "Prove it."

"What?" The two say.

"Prove that you are together."

"Wha -.." Rory was confused until a pair of lips met hers, cutting of her trail of thoughts.

Logan kissed her a bit harder to get her to respond, that did the trick cause Rory melted into the kiss and kissed back.

Finn and Colin were stunned, and Dean was frustrated and disappointed.

Logan then broke away from the kiss with a smirk plastered on his face as he licked his lips.

Rory was in a daze, blushing from the realization that she was just kissed. She bit her lip, then looked away from Logan to a very uncomfortable Dean.

"Well then." Dean said and stormed off madly.

Once he was out of ear shot she turned back to Logan and took a step back seeing that they were standing very close to each other.

"Now then, thanks for the save but I need to go. I got a dress fitting for tomorrow night's party, and I need to try on the dress like now... so bye!" Rory said and rushed away from a very amused Logan.

"What was that?!" Finn exclaimed in such a shocked mannor.

"Huh?" Logan asked still watching her walk off.

"You being all heroic." Finn says in a still shocked expression.

"And that kiss!" Colin commented.

"What about it?" Logan asked finally turning to the boys.

"What about - What about it?!?! You practically dove in like she was the last drop of water and you were dying of thirst." Finn said.

"Hmm, well... now what party was she talking about?"

"Don't change the subject." Colin pointed out.

"I'm not! She said she was going to a party tomorrow night, what's tomorrow night?"

Before the boys could answer, Logan, Colin and Finn's phones beeped.

Logan's phone:

You are required to make an appearance tomorrow night with your mother and I to the Hayden mansion for the Hayden Heir announcement. You aren't required a date, nor is a set up made for you tomorrow. The event starts at 7. See you tomorrow. - Mitchum

Logan groaned.

Finn's phone:

Son, your attendance is mandatory tomorrow night for the Hayden Heir announcement. It's at 7 at the Hayden mansion, your mother and I will be there as well. A date is not required. - Dad

Finn grinned and thought: SCOTCH! The Hayden's always have the best scotch.

Colin's phone:

Colin, the Hayden's are having a Heir announcement party tomorrow night at their mansion. Be sure to be there at 7 and a date is not required. - Father

Colin was non-responsive, but smiled that his father actually notified him of an event. Normally, he finds out by his friends.

"Well, boys I guess we got to get fitted for tuxes." Logan sighed.

The boys nodded.

They made their way to the place they always got to, which happens to be across from the dress store Logan saw her heading towards.

When they entered they asked the manager if it was possible to get them three last minute fitted tuxes, and of course he's dealt with these boys on many accounts and started immediately.

When Logan was getting fitted, he stared out the store window into the dress shoppe. He saw a brunette laughing and smiling while wearing a deep blue two piece dress. He thought she looked stunning, but then saw her leave his sight, so he put his attention back on to what the tailor was doing.

One hour later, the tailor was done with fitting the tuxes.

"Okay, come get them at 5 and you can get ready here as well." Thomas, the tailor, says.

The boys nod then go change and then leaves the store.

As they exit, Logan finds Rory with a large coffee in her hands talking happily to the dress store manager. 

He then stops his gaze when something hits his head.


"Well it wouldn't of hurt if you were paying attention." Finn said.

"Yeah, whatever."


The next day at 4:30, both the boys and Rory left to the mall to get ready for the party at the Hayden mansion.

They didn't see each other walk into the mall although.

Rory was getting dressed, the dress fit perfectly.

Kat dragged Rory to sit on a chair as she curled her hair into a half up half down hairstyle. Kat completed the look with a sapphire and diamond comb along with matching jewelry and shoes.

"Wow! Thank so much Kat! How can I ever repay you?!" Rory exclaims as she looks at herself in the mirror.

"No need for repayment. I did this as a thank you." Kat replies.

They shared a brief hug.

"Bye Kat. See you next week?"

"Bye, have fun. And of course."

Rory left the store before the boys, heading to her limo that awaits.

She arrives to the Hayden mansion early enough to greet all the guests.

"Hi Grandma! Grandpa! Nana! Dad! How are you all?" Rory asked as soon as she saw them.

"Oh Rory! You're here!" Grandma Emily announced gleefully rushing over to give a hug.

"Good evening Rory, it's good to see you again. How's Yale?" Grandpa Richard asked smiling proudly.

"Yale is wonderful. I've finished my law exam last week and now I'm completing my latest article for the Daily News." Rory said as she give her grandpa a hug.

"Splendid! Rory I'm so glad you're here. And my you look gorgeous in that dress." Nana Francine says giving Rory a hug also.

"Thank you Nana."

"Kiddo, you look great. Although I would much prefer if you were wearing something a bit less revealing." Chris says as he also gets a hug from Rory.

"Dad, I'm 19, almost 20. Plus I'm going to be stared at all night. Might as well look amazing and show stopping." Rory giggled.

"That dress is definitely show stopping now we better start greeting the guests." Chris says as he heard the doorbell ring.

"Wait, where's mom?" Rory asked.

"Oh she said she couldn't make it. Something about an inn emergency. I guess they are low on staff tonight and it's fully booked." Chris replied.

Rory frowned.

"Hey it's okay. She said she'd stop by tomorrow for lunch, if you're free."

Rory nodded.

Right then the door was opened.

And in stepped a family. Finn's family.

"Finnagen Morgan Sr.. Glad you could make it." Richard said shaking the man's hand.

"Richard Gilmore. We're glad to be here. This is my wife Annabelle and my eldest son Finn." Finn Sr. said in a thick Australian accent.

They shared their greetings and then Richard and Finn Sr. went off to talk about business. Annabelle and Emily went off to talk about the D.A.R.. Finn saw Rory.

"Well I'm surprised to see you here darling. Are you family of the Gilmore's?"

Rory turned to him.

"Yes. I'm their granddaughter."

Finn nodded, when the doorbell rang once again.

In stepped two families. First Colin's then Robert's.

"Andrew McCrea. Good to see you." Chris said shaking their hands.

"Christopher Hayden, good to see you too. I see you will be revealing your heir tonight." Andrew assessed.

"Yes indeed. The announcement will be made later this evening."

Andrew nodded. "This is Giselle me wife and my eldest son Colin."

Greeting were shared.

"Travis Grimaldi, glad you could make it. How's business?"

"Chris. Business is well. This is Christine my wife and Robert my eldest son."

Greetings were shared.

Colin and Robert saw Finn, they talked as Rory began to talk with her dad. Only to be interrupted by the door once again.

The Huntzbergerfamily entered.

Rory froze for a sec.

"Mitchum. Great to see you again. Glad you could make it."

"Christopher. Great to see you too. You remember Shira, and my son Logan."

"Indeed. This is my daughter Rory." Chris said motioning to Rory whom was right next to him.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Huntzberger." Rory said sweetly with her society smile on her face as she greeted them.

"Good evening Ms. Rory." Mitchum said smiling at her.

Logan was silently checking her out. Then snapped out of it when he realized his parents started to move more towards inside.

He saw his friends and darted to the bar where they stood.

As time passed, more families entered and the evening was dying down. Everyone was mingling and talking about business, the D.A.R., and the Hayden heir.

Then the announcement came.


The boys walk out of the changing rooms in their tuxes.

They thanked the tailor and then went to style their hair so it didn't look so wild and out of place at such highly sophisticated party. [A/N: basically based in the pictures]

They left the mall, heading to their limo and straight to where they were gonna meet their families.

Finn's family were the first to enter.

Finn smiled as he saw Rory, they talked for a bit before he made his way to the scotch at the bar.

When Colin and Robert's families arrived next they were surprised by Rory's look, but saw Finn with scotch and they started to talk.

"Hey Finn." Robert said as they approached him.

"Hey mates." Finn acknowledged as he raised a glass towards them.

"Did you see the lovely brunette?" Colin asks.

"Yeah, what about her?" Robert asked.

"I think Logan is gonna pass out at the sight of her. It's obvious that he likes her." Colin says.

Logan then came over after 10 minutes.

"Did you guys see Rory?"

"Yeah, and that dress is fabulous on her." Robert says taking another glance at her.

"Back off mate. We all know she's Huntz's girl." Finn says smirking while smacking Robert's arm.

"She's not my girl." Logan muttered grabbing a glass of scotch.

"She will be soon." Finn grinned.

They changed the topic until they were dragged off in different directions to talk with people in society that they have not yet been introduced to.

That's when the announcement was about to be said.

"Welcome everyone to the Hayden Heir announcement party, but this is not just about the announcement about the heir to the Hayden fortune, but also to the Gilmore fortune." Francine spoke, "Emily, Richard."

Emily and Richard step up next to Francine.

There were some whispers.

"We would like to introduce the double-heiress of Hartford our granddaughter Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Hayden III. Also known as Rory. Rory dear come here." Francine said.

Rory made her way though the crowd to get to the small stage.

Rory smiled at her grandparents and her dad whom was not far from where she was standing.

Rory was then handed the mic.

"Thank you so much Nana, Grandma, Grandpa and Dad for the honor of being the heiress to both families. I would like to thank all of you for coming tonight and hope you enjoy the rest of this wonderful evening."

Everyone clapped.

Rory and her grandparents stepped off the small stage and went to mingle with more people when they were approached by the one and only Shira Huntzberger.

"Emily! Francine! It's so good to see you. And you must be Rory. Congratulations and you look beautiful. Where ever did you get that dress?" Shira asked in a sweet voice and society smile.

"Thank you and I got this at my friend's boutique. It's called Katalina's Elite Boutique." Rory said with her society smile plastered on her face.

"That sounds lovely. Francine, Emily if you don't mind could I talk to you about something?"

"Of course." Emily said.

Rory sighed in relief, it gave her the chance to get to the bar and get her a drink.

"Gin martini please." Rory said.

The bartender nodded and started to make her drink.

"Well someone seems to be having some fun." A voice said to her right.

"Heh yeah. Everyone asking what your majoring in, Law or insurance and business? How do you feel being a double-heiress now? Is your mother happy with this? This or that? It's exhausting." Rory sighs not looking at the person as her drink is handed to her.

"I know how you feel. Being an heir to a multinational company isn't such a thrill either."

"It's not just that. I apparently have to get married at age 25 to officially become the CEO of Hayden Law Firm." Rory sighs and then downs the martini and asks for another.


"Yeah, 6 years to find a guy I love or arranged marriage here I come."

"I'm in a similar boat with you except I have until I'm like 35."

"Are you serious?" Rory asked finally looking at the guy.

"Yep, I'm not joking." Logan smirks.

Rory exhales a breath that she didn't know she was holding.

"Rory! Rory dear! Oh hello Logan. Your mother is actually looking for you. Both of you as a matter of fact. Come, come." Emily says dragging off the two to a isolated corner, so no one could eavesdrop.

Rory and Logan shared a look as they try to keep up with Emily's fast pace.

"Oh there you are Logan!" Shira said smiling.

"Now, we wanted to talk to you two. We have decided that you two will be a couple." Shira says.

"What?!" Logan and Rory exclaim.

"You two are perfect for each other!" Emily chimed.

"Yes, it's also good for business." Francine intercepts.

"But-... we barely even know each other." Rory tries to say.

"That's what dating is all about. Get to know each other, date, be a couple. It's simple really." Shira says.

"Oh! We might as well start planning the wedding already." Emily says.

"Yes! We'll start that once they become official."

"Woah, woah, woah. There will be no wedding planning and there will be no dating between us." Logan says.

"Logan. Your father agreed to this, so did Rory's dad. You two will date and get to know each other and that's final" Shira says.

Logan and Rory are speechless.

"DAD?!" Rory and Logan yelled.

"My dad wouldn't accept anything until he talked to me first on this sorta thing." Rory said getting mad.

Logan just stood there, he knew he couldn't do anything now that his father agreed to this. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"Alright." Logan sighed.

"What?" Rory and Shira asked.

"Fine. I'll do it if Rory accepts."

"Fantastic! Rory? what do you say?"

Rory didn't know what to say, she looked at her grandparents.

"Alright fine. I'll do it." Rory sighed.

"Wonderful!" Emily exclaimed at the ladies started to chat with bright smiles.

Rory darted off to the bar.

"Rory! Wait up!" Logan said and chased after her.


"Well we are technically a couple now so... let's talk."

"Okay. Talk. I'm getting me a drink." Rory muttered.


Rory and Logan talked through the rest of the evening. They talked and laughed and actually enjoyed their time together not knowing three boys watch the scene before them with smiles on their faces.


Ta da! I updated finally on this one, two more in the works currently. :)

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