Spacechase 1: Rise of The Cho...

By Richurian

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In the aftermath of the Battle of Washington DC, the governments of the earth had collapsed, making the earth... More

Prologue: The Beginning Of The Multiverse
Chapter One: New Earth
Chapter Two: The Quest Request
Chapter Three: Welcome To Spacechase
Chapter Four: Preparing For The Mission
Chapter Five: Battle Against The Cult
Chapter Six: Back To School
Chapter Seven: Mrs. Zar
Chapter Eight: Dinner Of Sacrifice
Chapter Nine: Mr. Shriek
Chapter Ten: The Library
Chapter Eleven: Grandma Zar
Chapter Twelve: The Richurian Theorem
Chapter Fourteen: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter Fifteen: Jack Vs Shawn Vs Waldo
Chapter Sixteen: The Battle Begins
Chapter Seventeen: Shawn Vs Moloch
Chapter Eighteen: Waldo Vs Waldo?!
Chapter Nineteen: The Space-chase For The Book
Chapter Twenty: Allied Forces Assemble!
Chapter Twenty One: The Realm Of The Abyss
Chapter Twenty Two: The Dark Prophecy
Chapter Twenty Three: Shawn's History
Chapter Twenty Four: Waldo's History
Chapter Twenty Five: The Chase Begins
Chapter Twenty Six: No Name
Chapter Twenty Seven: Death And Rebirth
Chapter Twenty Eight: Hybrid Theory
Chapt Twenty Nine: Preparing For Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty: Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire
Chapter Thirty One: Battle Of Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty Two: Chosen One Vs Surtr
Chapter Thirty Three: A Tad Too Late!
Chapter Thirty Four: There And Back Again

Chapter Thirteen: Preparing For Gladiatorial Combat

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By Richurian

In between the fourth and fifth classes of the day, there was another Break. Unlike the last Break, this Break was super long. This way, people could practice the skills they learned in their previous classes more efficiently. This Break lasted for nearly 4 hours, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

Everyone decided to split up into groups. Waldo, Witchdoctor, and the 10 founding Agent Kids decided to search the library for the Book of the Dead. Meanwhile, Jack and his siblings practiced the skills they learned from their classes so they could be prepared for Gladiatorial Combat Class.

In the Library, Waldo and his group searched the shelves.

"Hey Witchdoctor, back at Elementor Class, Grandma Zar mentioned that mom said the word 'Surtr' after she escaped prison. Have you ever heard that word? Have you ever heard the name 'Surtr' before?", said Waldo.

"I heard of a mythological fire demon named Surtr. He is said to live underneath a mountain in a kingdom of fire. They call him the Sword of Doom. If you wanna learn more about Surtr, go look for the book RICHIE'S GUIDE TO LEGENDS," said Witchdoctor.

"Yeah, in what shelf do I find that book?", said Waldo.

"Go ask the Librarian! A little warning, he's very grumpy, and never smiles," said Witchdoctor.

"Okay thanks," said Waldo.

"Waldo, should I come help you?", said Resizagirl.

"Sure, after all, we are boyfriend and girlfriend now," said Waldo.

"Don't go all smoochie smoochie!", said Leo.

So Waldo and Resizagirl went together, just the two of them, to seek the Librarian. They walked for a half hour until they finally found a man in a big desk.

He looked as though he never smiled. He was about 80 thousand years old.

"Hello. May I help you? You better not be one of them couples out there. I am sick of seeing people smooching," said the old man, in a grumpy tone.

"Yes, we're looking for RICHIE'S GUIDE TO LEGENDS. What's your name?", said Waldo.

"Oscar Grouch!", moaned the old man.

"Oscar Grouch? Not Oscar THE Grouch? You're not from Sesame Street?", said Waldo.

Oscar Grouch just stared at them, not amused, with a straight face, and very emotionless.

"Ummmmmmmmmmm............are you okay?", said Waldo.

"Let's go find the book you seek. Then get outta my sight. I hate couples. I hate humans," said Oscar Grouch.

So Oscar Grouch guided Waldo and Resizagirl to a bookshelf. In the shelf was a book titled RICHIE'S GUID TO LEGENDS.

"There you are sir," said Oscar Grouch.

"Thank you, sir," said Waldo.

Oscar just stared at Waldo, with a very straight face.

"Do you ever laugh?", said Resizagirl.

"No!", said Oscar Grouch, in a very deep and grumpy voice.

The Librarian left them.

Waldo and Resizagirl opened the guidebook. They turned the pages. There were so many legends, from the Legend of Exzar and Nousaurong to the Legend of the Female Dwarf, etc.

Suddenly, they came across a page with a fire demon drawn on it. It was Surtr. This was the page they were looking.

"Surtr, this is it!", said Waldo.

They read the pages

A demon born of evil and fire, Surtr was one of the few surviving Sanvulcans to live through the catastrophic God Wars by taking refuge deep within the mountains. Residing far beneath Muspelheim Mountain, Surtr's fortress serves as a place of exile for the useless prisoners of the Cult of Nousaurong. No one ever knew of his existence until a group of Dwarfish miners began building mines that stretched deep into Muspelheim Mountain. Unknowingly, they dug too deep, to the point where they inadvertently came across Surtr's lair. Since then, the mines of Muspelheim has fallen into Dwarfish lore as the Caves of Fire. Only fools would dare to enter Muspelheim Mountain. When the Cult of Nousaurong discovered that Surtr, one of Nousaurong's surviving creations, dwelled within Muspelheim, they used the mines as a place of exile for prisoners to live out the rest of their lives in terror. Recently, a woman named Jenna Zar, claimed to have escaped Surtr's lair. She told the Oridian Council that John Zar might possibly be well and alive down there. However, all of King Neron's search parties have also disappeared with John Zar. Only Jenna Zar is claimed to have been the only known person to have seen Surtr and make it out alive.

"So I guess your daddy is being held in a cave of fire by a fire demon? That sounds surprisingly easy," said Resizagirl.

"No, it's not that simple. Don't forget, we're talking about Surtr, one of the last surviving Sanvulcans to live through the God Wars. If we just waltz into Surtr's lair, we'll just die just like the others who dared to enter his lair," said Waldo.

"But, we fought against Emperor Deathshadow," said Resizagirl.

"Yes, but that fight was merely dumb luck! The only reason I killed Emperor Deathshadow was because I used the Astrogem against him. The fact that I lived to tell the tale, or even just wield the Astrogem, is mere luck. You saw what he did to me back then. He beat the crap outta me, and sent me crying to my knees. And then the other reason I survived was because of...........Vanessa, and Michael," said Waldo, who was starting to cry.

"You okay?", said Resizagirl.

"Sorry, just dealing with my PTSD again. It sure is a lot to take in, both the aftereffects of my previous war, and the worries of my next war," said Waldo.

"I get it, you're still grieving over Vanessa and Michael. If it makes you feel any better, I am still grieving over Lukas. I lost my brother during that fight," said Resizagirl.

"It's not just the deaths of Michael and Vanessa! If you haven't forgotten, I still have to bear with all the people who I so inadvertently killed at the Galtraxian Uprising and all the devastation I caused after. You know I still owe the Galtraxian Government an apology note for the billion Units worth of property damage!", said Waldo.

"Look on the bright side, you're finally reunited with your long-lost brothers and sister. They all seem pretty cool, even the tall angry one," said Resizagirl.

"Yep, those are my brothers. As you can see, they haven't changed at all," said Waldo.

"Not to mention, John Zar might be alive!", said Resizagirl.

"Don't be too cocky, Ardan!", said a voice.

Waldo and Resizagirl turned behind them. There was a boy wearing a hood over his face. He looked like a complete emo. He was reading a book.

"What did you call me?", said Resizagirl.

"An Ardan, hopefully you know what an Ardan is? An Ardan is someone who comes from the universe Arda, obviously," said the mysterious boy.

"Arda?", said Resizagirl.

"Arda is the old name for Space. If the term Arda were to offend your modern sensibilities, you know could refer to this universe as 'Space.' This universe, Spacechase, is also known as Milda," said the boy.

"I had no idea universes had many names. Who are you?", said Resizagirl.

"I'm you, the you from Ardor," said the boy.

The boy revealed himself. He looked like the male version of Resizagirl. He had blue skin, just as Resizagirl did. Unlike Resizagirl, his clothes weren't made of leaves. Instead, he wore futuristic armor.

"You look like me! But I thought Witchdoctor was the other me?!", said Resizagirl.

"I'm from Ardor, a universe that has been long dead. Over 6 years ago, it was plunged into eternal darkness by Nousaurong. It's one of the Ended," said Resizaboy.

"But how is that possible, Nousaurong is in Asmeth," said Resizagirl.

"True, but he didn't die. Why do you think Exzar banished Nousaurong to Asmeth rather than simply kill him? It's because Nousaurong placed a seed in this Multiverse that can't be destroyed, and that's every negative feeling there is. Nousaurong feeds upon all these feelings, it's his food source. Evil is the thing that keeps Nousaurong alive. Ardor was just a red velvet chocolate cake full of these negative feelings. If a universe, like Ardor, has too much negative feelings, then Nousaurong won't just feed upon the negative feelings, but everything else. Ardor was drenched in war, hatred, greed, arrogance, ignorance, chaos, jealousy, and death at a drastic scale. It is our dark sides that keep Nousaurong alive. I still remember when I first saw him," said Resizaboy.

"What happened there?", said Resizagirl.

"Well, it was just a typical day of bloodshed. People were losing their sanity. Then, during the day, darkness began to fall. All of the lights, including the light of the stars, had completely faded away. Then an ominous cloud of darkness descended upon Ardor. Everything was engulfed in black fire. Even the ground was gone. Everything was gone. The last thing I recall was seeing a shadowy figure of a demon. His eyes were purple, and I felt incredibly cold and terrified. Then, before I knew it, I woke up, in this universe. I've laid awake at night, waiting for the day I'd take my revenge upon Nousaurong. Would it be okay if I tagged along with you? I wanna fight those Nousaurong fanatics!", said Resizaboy.

"Sure, the more the merrier," said Waldo.

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