The Book of Coco

By Lara-Draight

380 8 3

You're name is Rosalíne Lucía Paloma. 21, on your own, and a dancer. A gig that goes wrong invokes the power... More

Chapter 2, October 26th - 6:45 AM

Dia de los Muertos, The Day of the Dead

234 5 0
By Lara-Draight

(Y/N) <Rosalíne Lucía Paloma>

Day of the Dead 2018 in United States of America will begin on

Wednesday October 31

and ends on

Friday November 2

The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico, in particular the Central and South regions, and by people of Mexican ancestry living in other places, especially the United States. It is acknowledged internationally in many other cultures. The multi-day holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died, and help support their spiritual journey.

The holiday called Día de los Muertos is known to have taken place at the beginning of summer.

Your story begins October 25th in a small town in Mexico City...

Chapter 1, October 25th- 9:3o PM

Collecting yourself, you wiped the excess makeup from your face that took took a one way trip down your face on the SS tear train. Taking a deep breath, you straitened your skirt, and marched from the ladies room. There was a new man on the stage playing guitar, not the same as the one who itemized you before. But you didn't care. You did not care what man was playing. You were a dancer. You would dance, get paid, leave, and never work this restaurante again. The men who were toying with you before were sitting all over, some at the bar, others were at a booth laughing over something but stopping once they saw you. "¡Hola cariño!  You gonna dance for us some more??" One teased. "Shake that culo for us bebé~" Another added. You hardly flinched as you strutted over to the guitarist. "Can you play something for me... Um..." He looked star struck, but snapped out of it, "Héctor." "Héctor, then." "Depends, what song?" He smirked. "Miénteme Otra Vez." His eyes widened. "You sing too niña? Talk about a full package." He said, keying up his guitar and nodding to the rest of the band. You sighed, men, and moved to the center of the stage. You haven't sung before a crowd in such long time. But damn did you sing it. Once everyone had successfully quieted down, you began your song and dance. You poured your heart and soul into it, belting the notes like you were made for it. The song finished, you were breathing heavily, and you made a beeline for your things. You clutched a light brown coat to your chest, picking up your bag from the corner booth. Turning on heel, you bumped into someone, immediately falling into the booths seat onto your back. You looked up annoyed, your expression furthering in annoyance seeing who had bumped into you. "¡Ernesto!" You shouted as he grinned down at you, eyes not hesitating to wonder. "Ah, ahí lo tienes, mi princesa. Time to go home." He said sternly as you straightened out your skirt. You growled. "Tu basura, I am not your princesa! I'm not your anything!" You spat, sitting up. You were met with his large hand pushing you back down as he crawled over you. "¡Eres mío!" He shouted. You panicked.

You knew this restaurant currently consisted of mainly crude men, half were drunk. None of them would be able to help you in this situation. Not only that, but no one messed with Ernesto de la Cruz, or dared to touch his chica actual. Unfortunately, he considered you to be that current girlfriend. You admit, you went on a date with him, once, almost a week ago. Who wouldn't say yes to going on a date with the image idol himself? If only people knew what he was really like. He tried to take things way too far the first night even!

You thought you were breathing heavy after singing and dancing. Now having this hombre loco looming over you, you were full on having a panic attack. "Por favor, solo déjame en paz-" your voice trembled.

"Oye," a voice said darkly behind Ernesto.

Ernesto huffed, reeking of alcohol, blowing the curl of loose hair in front of his face out of the way. He slid off of you, straightening himself up to greet whoever dared interrupt him. You didn't care, all that much you mean, to stick around and find out who the loco was. You slid under the table, grabbing your bag and standing. You stopped once you saw it was the guitarist from earlier. "H-Héctor?" You stuttered, holding your bag to your chest. His eyes flashed to you. You must have looked terrified, because you saw the rage of a charging toro suddenly standing before Ernesto, who did his best to match it, looking between the two of you. "You know this... hombrecito?" Ernesto asked. "A man is measured by the size of their corazón! He's probably the only gentleman in this entire dump!" You shouted angrily. Héctor crossed his arms, smirking at you. "Excuse me princesa, but I just so happen to own this entire dump." He chuckled. You gasped softly, "I- oh... lo siento señor..." You looked down, your cheeks flared, "I only meant the hombres here tonight..." Héctor took a step away from Ernesto, closing some distance between you and himself. Ernesto looked furious as Héctor began to make small talk with you. It seemed like Héctor was attempting to put you at ease. "So I saw, I took it upon myself to give those amigos personal permanent bans." He tipped his hat to you, and you couldn't help letting a small laugh out. "That wasn't necessary señor-" "Please, Héctor." You rolled your eyes. "Yes, Héctor, like I was saying. It wasn't necessary, I'm leaving." You didn't move your feet, but you did adjust your coat, getting your bag onto your shoulder. Suddenly, Ernesto grabbed Héctors shoulder, and yanked him around, throwing a punch that should have rendered him unconscious. You yelped, covering your mouth. Ernesto marched to you, grabbing your wrist aggressively. "Your right perra, we are leaving."Ernesto started tugging you, throwing a look over his shoulder, "Hombre feo." He spat towards Héctor, who was struggling to shake off that punch. You think it was the shrill yelp that came from you when Ernesto yanked you towards the door that helped Héctor regain his strength. "Déjame ir, idiota!" You shout at Ernesto. He scoffs, looking at your small, delicate figure. "You going to make me miel?" You're shaking with fear, arm tugging with all your might. You and Ernesto are nearing the door when Héctor shows up out of seemingly nowhere hitting Ernesto over the head with an empty bottle. His grip pulls you down as he passes out. Your knees hit the floor fairly hard, and you finally yank yourself free, flinging backwards with a grunt right into Héctor. "¿Estás bien, niña?" You tilt your head back to look up at him, your eyes spilling tears. His nose is bleeding, he looks very worried, but he looks okay other than that. Your heart really goes out to this man for saving you. You slowly turn in on him, his arms not hesitating to collapse around your shaking frame. "Shh shh, tómalo con calma..." he whispers. "W-We should... Call the police before he wakes up." You mumble into his chest. "That is a good idea." He chuckles. It reverberates through you, giving you a warm, fuzzy feeling. Slowly, you two slip apart. He helps you stand, worried about your knees seeing you wobble. Héctor guides you to the back of the bar where you waist no time trying to clean his face. He laughs at your fussing, and again your heart hammers, but he's fussing just as much, you note. Your just about finished cleaning up the sangre as he hangs up the phone. You expertly toss the wet paper towel into the trash. "There, good as new!" You smile. He looks at you, lost in thought. "You should smile more often, niña, it suits you." He says bluntly. Your face heats, and before you can respond, there's a groan from the other end of the bar. You squeak, jumping from your spot next to Héctor, backing away with the fear that man put in you. Héctor motions with his hands to have you stay quiet and to say it's going to be okay. He starts heading in Ernesto's direction, but you grab Héctors hand before he gets too far. "Don't!" You whisper scream. He looks at you sadly, and you realize your crying again. Suddenly, there's a loud bang, like a door hitting something, and another groan. "Stay here, I'll be quick," he says, hand slipping from yours. You cover your mouth, trembling. There's muffled talking, some metal clicking, and a door closing. You hear footsteps approach, and it takes everything you have to muffle your sobs. "Princesa, its alright, he's gone." Héctor says softly, walking into the small room behind the bar. You rush into his arms as quickly as you can, shaking like a leaf and crying your eyes out. He guides you to a booth, let's you sit, holds you while you cry. You don't know why your this upset, really. You weren't hurt, not badly at least, and it was all done and over with. Using those thoughts, you dried your eyes, and calmed your breathing. Héctor gave you the most patient smile, hands still holding one of yours. This stranger had completely flipped your opinion of people up until this point. He was unlike anyone you had ever met. To top it off, he wouldn't stop making your heart race. "Niña... I don't exactly know when to ask these things," he starts, his cheeks dusted pink. Your world stops as he turns to you, your hand clasped between his, his eyes on you. What's he going to ask? Oh my gosh, what if he wants to go on a date?? Or more! Men! All men are the same! You begin to think, when he flashes a golden toothed grin. "I never caught your name. If you don't mind me asking, what is it?" It was that simple question that made you realize you've been lost without this man in your life. "Rosa. Rosalíne Lucía Paloma." You say softly. "Paloma? That's beautiful. I mean, the whole thing is beautiful, but especially that part." He rambles a bit. Your eyes are glued to him, ready to listen to whatever this man has to say next. His eyes dart between you and his hands around yours, and he lets go. "Lo siento princesa, getting a bit friendly is all." He chuckles. You hold your own hand closed in your lap, wishing he hadn't let go. You're working up the nerve to say something that will further this new investment, but he slips away, standing. "It sure got late niña,-" "Rosa." You smile. "Ah yes, oye is this for me interrupting earlier?" he asks. You nod, and then you both begin to laugh. "Anyways," he mimics you from earlier, "like I was saying. It's late. Perhaps I could escort you home?" You slide from the booth, again collecting your things. "That's alright Héctor, gracias, but Hotel de la Casa is only a short walk down the street." You point. "Woah woah woah, hotel?? Your telling me you've been sleeping in that dump?" He asks, utterly shocked. "Mm, such is the life of a cantante dancer." You motion to yourself. You're sporting a flowing dancing skirt, all ten pounds of it, and a bralette top with golden rivets. He crosses his arms. "Now, don't get the wrong idea when I say this, but I have a spare room upstairs if you're interested." he says, walking towards the stage. "I couldn't possibly-" you begin, knowing how such things typically go. "But of course, with every cake there's a bit of icing. I'd like to offer you a job here. I think you'd really hit it off, and could potentially bring in more clientes. You would be getting a salario of course, paid I mean," he says casually as he puts his guitarra in its case. You're shocked, and fight the tears coming back. "Héctor... why are you being... so nice to me, a total stranger, a desconocida?" You ask, shifting your bag on your shoulder some. He stops what he's doing, and turns to face you. "Because Rosa, seeing how you were treated tonight gave me the impression this town hasn't shown you much humanity. And that's what I intend to do, show you a little human decency. Well, also to make up for it happening in my establishment." He says, returning to putting away the instrument. He locks the case, and turns to see you hugging yourself. He gives a sad smile. "You of course don't need to feel pressured into-" "Okay." You cut him off, lifting your head, smiling at him. "Okay?" He asks, simply to clarify. "Yes." You nod. His smile gets much bigger, and he jump skip kicks off the stage to you. You giggle at the silly action, and watch as he juts out his elbow to you, offering his arm. "Why thank you señior." You laugh again, locking arms. "Ah ah, Héctor, Héc-tor!" He ununciates. You roll your eyes as he guides you up the stairs.

Once in the guest room, you sit on the bed, exhaustion overwhelming you. "We can pick up your things from the hotel in the morning, how's that sound?" he smiles. You rub your thumb over your knuckle distractedly. "Oh, I have all my stuff with me in that bag." You nod to the small shoulder bag sitting in a chair near the bed. He blinks a few times. "Ah- uhm... Well, would you like a change of clothes? I think I have some pj's around here..." You shake your head. "You've done plenty for me today Héctor, thank you. I'll be good in this." His eyebrows knit, "A lady should be aloud a pair of pajamas," he grumbles. You laugh softly, "I'll use that first paycheck to get some, how does that sound?" He grins, "A fine idea niña!" "Rosa~" You correct with a smirk. He rolls his eyes, and you both share a laugh.

Héctor shows you the tucked in sheets and how to access them, practically tucking you into bed. "Well then, I hope you sleep well princesa..." He begins to leave, but you quickly grab his sleeve. "Héctor!" You shout unnecessarily loud. He turns around, somewhat confused. "I, ah hah... I just... wanted to say gracias, for everything today. And... because of me you got hurt... I just..." You can't finish, your eyes start to burn, and he takes a seat on the bed, setting his guitar case on the ground. "Rosa, you don't need to cry for me. I'm tough!" He flexes an arm, poking it for reassurance, but he makes a face of displeasure. "Well, someday I will be, I'm sure." You laugh, and so does he. You cuddle into the bed, eyes heavy, hand taking and clutching the cuff of his sleeve. "Héctor, will you play me something?" you ask, and he smiles warmly. "Certainly, any requests princesa?" he asks, unlocking the case. You shake your head, laughing softly. "Why do you keep calling me that, I'm no princess," you say. He grinned, "Every niña deserves to be treated like a princess. Now, song request?" You blush lightly, looking away. "Play anything. I'm too tired to remember song titles." He suddenly perks up, guitar now set on his lap. "I have just the one." he says, and begins to strum, hum, and then, sing a song you have never heard before.

Recuérdame, hoy me tengo que ir, mi amor

Recuérdame, no llores, por favor

Te llevo en mi corazón y cerca me tendrás

A solas yo te cantaré soñando en regresar

Recuérdame, aunque tenga que emigrar

Recuérdame, si mi guitarra oyes llorar

Ella con su triste canto te acompañará, hasta que en mis brazos tú estés


Recuérdame, hoy me tengo que ir, mi amor

Recuérdame, no llores, por favor

Te llevo en mi corazón y cerca me tendrás

A solas yo te cantaré soñando en regresar

Recuérdame, aunque tenga que emigrar

Recuérdame, si mi guitarra oyes llorar

Ella con su triste canto te acompañará, hasta que en mis brazos tú estés


The song ends, and your smiling faintly, looking out the window. "That song... reminds me of a time when I was very young. My father used to hold me in his lap, and play his guitarra... I miss him so much..." You say quietly, thumb sliding into the ring attached to a cord around your neck. He looks at you as you gaze out the window. "Is he...?" You turn to face Hector, but avoid his eyes when you begin to speak. You look at the ring, eyes heavy. "He... No... He t-took his life... on my fourth birthday. I hardly remember him really." Hectors hand gently falls on your shoulder. You gladly invite the gesture. "I'm so sorry niña... Regardless of the time passed, it must be so hard on you and your familia." he says. You scoff, and he looks a bit surprised. "My mother was a bruja, evil before and after and I was never close with any other family. I left that diablo house the moment I turned 18.... that was three years ago..." You say softly. He looks at you sadly. "You've been all alone for three years? Rosa I'm..." he trails off. "It's why I got involved with Ernesto in the first place." You begin to shake again, but this time it ends quickly. Hector has leaned forward and collected you in his arms. He holds you for what feels like nothing more than a moment, but it really must have lasted a solid five minutes. Your shaking had stopped, and you decided you wanted to talk just a little longer about anything but Ernesto. "Héctor, your song. I want you to know. It has to be the most beautiful thing I've ever heard." You look at him, surprised to see him blushing. "Your too kind princesa. But, that song does mean a lot to me. I wrote it for mi familia, back home." He pauses, now being the one lost in thought. "My wife," you flinch for some reason, "she left me almost five years ago." You clutch onto his sleeve a bit tighter. "Héctor..." You say softly. "She took our daughter, Coco, with her.... Coco is so grown up now... I occasionally get letters from her. But, Imelda, my late wife, she met someone who she thought could take better care of Coco and herself. A zapatero, a simple shoemaker. Who owns his own business." Your eyebrows furrow as he says this. Leaving one for another has to be in your top ten list of de mierda things to do involving relationships. Héctor continues, "That was before I owned my own," he grinned, then sighed, "Their doing quite well for themselves. I just want to make sure my Coco is happy, and that Imelda is as well. They mean everything to me." You make a face that spells "awwww" all over. "You're too kind for your own good Héctor," you say. He smiles at you. "We seem to both have our reasons for viaje. But hey, my sobrino Miguel lives in this town. It's nice to see him every now and again. He's an aspiring musician as well. Kind of self taught, mostly picked up the rest from me." You gently shove the now bragging man as he again packs up his guitar. "This is actually the room he uses when he comes over, I'll have to see if I can't get another bed somewhere..." he thinks out loud, then snaps his attention to you. "But I promise the room is clean, Miguel takes care to cleanup after himself." You chuckle. "Héctor, the thought had never even crossed my mind that it wouldn't be." He laughs a bit too, then takes your hand, the one that was holding his sleeve, in his, and kisses the back. "Goodnight princesa, sleep well." "Buenas noches señor Héctor," you giggle as he returns you hand after doing a little bow. He leaves, and you curl into the blankets. You lay there for a long time, thinking about the day, thinking about Héctor, and eventually you succumb to sleep.

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