True Monster (Karma Akabane X...

By Katsu-san

228K 6.1K 8.4K

|COMPLETED; UNDER EDITING| (Y/N) (N/Y) was the new girl in E-3. Brand new and full of mystery of her past. Bu... More

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1.1K 31 13
By Katsu-san

The burning of my legs was heavy. But I couldn't stop. My life depended on it. While the revolver in my hands, I didn't waste time to take out my next target.

Running swiftly with heels wasn't as easy as they trained me to do. But I still got the job done. Before anyone could notice, I dived behind a crate and aimed for my next victim. I shut one eye and let my hand get the correct aim.

Bald head, expensive clothing, smug look. Everything about this one seemed cliche, even for me. He even went down a deserted area, not a good idea. Even with those large goons of his, he wouldn't be able to escape my wrath.

I chuckled lowly under my breath when I got a perfect clearance for a headshot. "Too easy," I muttered before pulling the trigger.

A thin line of shiny red blood had shot out into the air, alerting me of my kill. Surprised gasp came from the bodyguards as their boss fell helplessly to the ground, lifeless.

"Boss! Boss!" They shouted helplessly, trying to shake the man awake. There was no hope, he was already done for. I guess that's the thing about life; it's either your living it or you're not. Things can just end in the blink in the eyes, if you're ready for it or not.

I sighed, pushing the gun into my thigh band. Tight clothing was never my just remind me just how busty I am in the chest area. But at least everything was black, it made it a lot more easier to forget.

My mission was complete so I decided to head back to base to give in my report. After making sure my presence wasn't noticed, I slipped around the shadows before running down the street and back to base.

"Base" is basically the government building I've spent about 6 years living in. After I was taken away from my friends and family 7 years ago I was being tested and trained by the Japanese Government.

Basically after they took me, it was either die or work for them. Something I've come quite accustomed to for some odd reason. Naturally, I selected the 'live' if there was any real option.

"Good evening, Agent A." The counter lady welcomed me with a slight bow.

I looked over at the small girl. "It's 11:34 at night, Mono." I answered back causally before scanning my ID badge at the elevator.

She gave me a cheeky smile before scratching her cheek. "Yeah, just thought you would like a little nice talk..." Mono was a foreigner, Filipino I believe she said. She had the most dazzling smile I ever seen. I always wonder where she gets all that...happy from. Maybe a nice childhood, I suppose.

I turn away bitterly from her before refrain from being nasty. For the two years she's spent here, I think she's probably the nicest person I've met in this facility. "Thanks, I appreciate it."

Just then, the elevator arrives and I step in without another word. I jam my finger into the 10th floor button before leaning back and letting out a shaky breath. For the past seven years I've been doing whatever they tell me to do. Killing, tracking, targeting...all of it. I try not to think about it at times but can't help myself when I do.

Seven years of this type of life is hard for a 22 year old. I guess I really did end up like Irina who went under this route as a young child as well. I still see her every once and a while. She got married to Karasuma-sensei not that long ago so she's there sometimes when I'm given a mission.

The elevator ding brought me out of my thoughts and made me stand up straight. When the doors opened, I stiffly made my way towards Karasuma-sensei's office. He also recently got a promotion and became head of the office of whatever its name is. Quite frankly, I don't really care. I do what I'm instructed and that's all.

"Hello?" I yank the door open, forgetting to knock at all. I don't care about that either.

Karasuma-sensei, who looked like was about to leave, looks at me slightly startled. "Ever heard of knocking?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, just choose not to." I simply shrugged. I entered his office more to hand him a simple brown folder. "It's done."

He took it without question. "You've been doing very well." He dryly commented before taking the folder from me and walking over to one of his filing cabinets.

In all honesty, Karasuma-sensei looks like he hasn't aged over the past 7 years. The only difference would be the eye bags and slight gray highlights in his hair. Otherwise, I probably would of thought I was still in the classroom.

"I've heard that your former classmates are planning on going back up to the mountain in honor of Koro-sensei." Karasuma-sensei bluntly stared out of nowhere.

I looked up at his back in horror. Shortly after the government apprehended me, Koro-sensei eventually met his demise in order to save my classmates. I remember the day clearly, I was sitting in my small room provided by the government when actually Irina had came in and told me. I'm not sure why I found the incapacity to cry but I sat there, empty.

It also turned out that in his last couple hours, Koro-sensei had created a special year book for us. It was filled up with memories from the whole year. I was in there as well. Several times I would be featured with many of my friends, even at times I had no idea Koro-sensei was even there. But the one I keep the closest to me...was one of Karma and me sitting under the big tree together.

It was one of the first times I really hung out with him so it was an important memory to me. I teared up just thinking about it before I cleared my feelings away. I can't let him see me cry, I promised I wouldn't let this man see me cry ever again after that day. It was one of the last times I cried in seven years...after all.

"I suggest you should go as well."

I blinked a couple times before muttering under my breath. "I'll think about it...."

After that I left quickly and quietly, going down the way I came up. I breezed through the lobby and out the door within a couple seconds. Never in my life did I set my foot back on that mountain. After I was away...I lost my tentacles.

My body could no longer put up with the stress of them and caused my body go into shutdown mode. Although they couldn't just let me die since of the tentacles killed me and Koro-sensei found out about it somehow, he would immediately would of been up their asses due to the contract they signed. So basically another reason why I'm still alive is because of Koro-sensei.

I sighed, pulling out the keys to my apartment. Last year I finally got clearance from the facility to live out on my own since I was no longer a threat to the world. It was such a relief to get out of that stuffy place but still felt a little weird to be on my own. All my bills and rent where taken care of so I never had to worry about that. They call it "recompensation", I call it sucking up for their wrongdoings. Either way, I don't worry about the money. My checking account is always filled back up in the end.

After locking the door behind me, I threw my keys onto the kitchen counter and tossed my self into my bed. I didn't even bother to take off my clothes, only slipping off the shoes I had on and snuggling into my pillow.

That night, I fell asleep quickly but with a lot of thoughts swirling around my head.


I didn't wake up until around twelve in the afternoon. The best thing about being an assassin is that you don't worry about work times. I grumbled under my breath, deciding I really needed a shower.

Yawning as I get up, I walk into my opened closet and try to blink the tiredness out of my eyes. What Karasuma-sensei told me was still floating above my head but I wasn't sure. It's been seven years and I just kinda...left them. Would they be mad? Would they be upset? Would they tell me to get the hell out of there? I wouldn't be surprised nor would I deny any of their feelings.

"Screw it..." I grumbled before snatching a pair of dark jeans and a light flowy shirt. I decided this with a pair of flats would look good enough to say 'Guess who's not dead!'.

After deciding this, I got what I needed to get ready and headed up nearly an hour and a half later. With a simple coffee in my hands, I made my way up the old and worn down trial to the old classroom. It was still a little hot due to the time of the year which really brought back up some old memories.

I smiled softly to myself as I took as much time as I needed. Everything was growing out of control now. Weeds where growing and vines littered the floor. It smelled terribly of old must but I still couldn't help the smile on my face. It brought me back to the times I treasured the most- spending time with 3-E. They really were my true family, and I couldn't be happier with those people in my life.

With time seemingly flying by, I had arrived at the top of the mountain. I clenched the half empty coffee cup in my hands as I could already hear giggling from the building. I came up to the old post that use to say '3-E' but now the writing was invisible behind the unruly amount of moss covering it.

I sneered at it before, with all my strength, ripping it off. Once I got majority of it off, I smiled fondly at the writing. Oh, my childhood memories.

"(Y-Y-Y/N)...?" I heard a feminine voice whisper. I whipped my head around to stare at a girl a good 10 centimeters under me. I blinked at the girl before taking in her features. Round face, short gray hair, round gray eyes, frail body....

"Kaede!" I shouted in surprise. I totally forgot that green wasn't her natural color but merely a cover up back long ago. I eruptly got up from my crouching position to stand directly in front of her. "Oh you startled me!" I shakily replied, laughing awkwardly.

"'re here..." she whispered, clutching her hands to her still flat chest. "Oh my god!"

Suddenly I found myself being engulfed into a bear hug. The girl, despite being still so small, felt like she was carrying a backpack of bricks. Although since I'm still pretty strong, it wasn't enough to knock me off my feet but still came as a surprise attack.

"Sorry for not telling anyone I was going to come," I awkwardly chuckle as she buries her head into the crook of my neck. "I don't have any of your numbers."

"Let's exchange! Like, right now!" She bubbly stated, ripping herself off of me to give me her smartphone. "Put it in, we need to catch up."

I chuckled naturally this time before putting my digits in her phone. "Definitely."

The girl took my hand and began to tug me towards the run down building. "C'mon, there's not a lot of us but I'm sure everyone still wants to see you. Come on! Come on!"

I forgot just how enthusiastic Kaede could be. Her energy made me smile despite my feet getting caught on a loose root. I'm kinda glad I did come because the moment Kaede had dragged me around the building corner, everyone's eyes had landed on us.

"(Y/N)!!!" Everyone has shouted before running into me and this time really ramming me into the ground. We all landed onto the ground with a chorused 'oof!'. I chuckled lightly before I could help the tears run down my cheeks.

"I missed you guys too..."

Shortly after our crying fest, I began to help everyone repair the old, broken down classroom. Much of it was destroyed but it wasn't anything we couldn't handle. I also found out that many of classmates had chased after their dreams. Nagisa had become a teacher. Rio was studying in Europe. Sugino was being scouted for baseball in his college team. A lot of my classmates had started their adult lives and I couldn't even be more prouder.

"And Karma is becoming a politician." Kaede told me after we left the mountain around 6 that afternoon.

"Oh?" I raised my eyebrows. "He always did say he wanted to become one."

"You should totally go where he's being interviews today." She suggested.

I looked at her with widen eyes. "Why would I do that?"

"Because you two are boyfriend and girlfriend." She simple stares with a shrug.

"Um I think not."

"I never heard a 'we are breaking up' from you two."

"We haven't seen each other in seven years." I tried to reason with her. I still couldn't help the burning feeling on the tips of my ears as I looked away. There's no way Karma would even consider being with me again. Not that I want to be with him again. Totally not.

"You had to see how devastated he was when you left that day," she pointed out. "He was heart broken."

I remained quiet after that. I honestly tried to keep my mind off of him, knowing it would just make me emotionally and physically drained if I thought about it. Honestly, I wouldn't even want to see him for that reason. Because I knew I broke him, and there's no one else to blame, just me.

"Here," she cut me off from my thoughts. I looked down at her and watched her type something into your phone. "This is where he's at right now. His interview should end about half an hour. Maybe just stop by for a few minutes?"



Damn I hate those puppy dog eyes. Even now.

I huffed. "Fine." She let out a long squeal. "But if I don't see him within ten minutes I'm leaving."

"That's reasonable enough," she simply shrugged. "Well I have to go, but let's meet up later!"

I nodded my head to her before waving her goodbye. Once her figure was out of sight, I began to walk to the uptown train. It wasn't long when the train approached the station and I sat down in the empty cart.

I leaned my head back and let the rocking leave me in a peaceful silence. I don't know why I'm doing all of this...maybe to keep a grip onto those memories? Maybe I crave them, for the comfort. Maybe that's why I crawled back. I have no idea.

Within the twenty minutes ride, I didn't find an answer. "Hosu station." Was announced over the intercom. I didn't waste any time before booting out of the train and the station and back onto the busy streets of the city.

The crowds didn't bother me, with my line of work sometimes I use them to my advantage. To hide from my foes or, maybe in this case, from my fears. I was honestly scared to see him again. I left on such bad note that I have no idea if this was the right choice.

My brain told me no but my heart said yes. Go see him again. Go hop back on that train where you came from. My inner doubt began to gnaw on me so much I really did start to believe this was a bad idea.

Just as I was about to turn around, the sight of red caught my eyes. At first I thought I was mistaken because it could of been anything. But the it was too off. Too faded.

I shook my head, clearing myself of the idiot thoughts that surfaced. What am I even doing here? I should just go back home and call it a day. I'm so tired from all that repairing. Yes, tiredness. Let's just go with that excuse.

And since I was still a block down from the address, I figured that my coward ass wouldn't even get caught. We don't meet, memories don't surface, all is good. Save it for another day. Yup, sounds good to me.

As I was about to turn around, something had gripped around my hand. My response? Well, back kick the bitch.

As soon as my foot made contact, I took my assaultant down in one swoop. Much like earlier, all you heard was an 'oof!' When the person landed. After bringing down my foot, I looked down to see who I exactly just took down.

It was a man, wearing a black suit and holding a briefcase curled up on the floor. The man was clutching his stomach closely while groaning. But the thing that caught my attention was his hair. Red. Not very vibrant but more of a faded color.

Oh my god...

I had a mini heart attack when golden eyes had flickered their way to me. I froze, taking in all the sharp features of this man. A man...that I was deeply in love with seven years ago.



We both stared at each tiger, eyes locked on one another. Unable to look away. It was as if time had slowed down to a stop. Our eyes captured each other's and I could tell the millions of emotions that ran behind them.

"You're alive..." he muttered.

"Yeah..." I whispered back.

At this point I realized he was still on the floor, looking up at me like a kid getting caught doing something bad. "Um...are you going to get up?"

"Oh...yeah..." he slowly started to get up but before he could fully, I already picked up his briefcase for him.

As I tried to hand back his belongings, I extended my arm out for him but instead got wrapped up into a hug. Since Karma was still somehow taller than me, I was lifted off of me feet and crushed into his chest. I barely had time to register before quickly wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I can't believe you made me wait all this time..." he whispered into my hair.

My widen eyes soften before fighting my tears off. "I'm sorry, I had to do what I needed to do first."

Even though we were still in the middle of the street, I couldn't really care. We finally reunited and I couldn't even be more happier.

"Don't ever do that again. Ok?"



With a simple smile, I pulled back my head to look him in the eyes. "Promise."

It's been two long years. Two years ago from today I had published this book. June 6, 2016. It doesn't even feel that long, honestly. I remember the day I posted this I came to the conclusion that this story was nothing more but to have a little fun and maybe test out some different writing ideas. At this point, the story became something much more than fun. It became my pride and joy to write this. All of you have been so supportive of me and this book and I couldn't be happier. This story has come so far within the past two years more than I expected or hoped for. Thank you to those who stocked out until the end and those who have just started reading. I hope this story has provided to you of what you expected either if it was romance, action, or angst. I tried to include as many of these aspects as I could in this story. And special thanks to LonelyGirlHarshWorld who helped me edit all my mistakes. Without you, I'm sure that when I go to re-edit this story it would of been a lot harder. Thank you all for your time and dedication towards True Monster and hope to see some of you in some of my other stories. Thank you guys so much!! I'll miss you ❤️❤️ Bye Bye!!!!!

Japanese: Saikai also spelled as 再会. English: Reunion.

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