I'll Protect You, No Matter W...

By JustAnotherValkyrie

1.5K 83 96

Book 2 of 'All To Protect You' Meliodas, Elizabeth, and the sins graduated high school and now are out in the... More

Welcome to the world
Chapter two: Birthday

Chapter 3: Graveyard and Holiday

418 25 35
By JustAnotherValkyrie

Elizabeth was sitting upstairs with Tristan. Meliodas was downstairs working in the café.

They had inherited the BoarHat from Aunt Daisy when Demero moved to the countryside to raise Hawk. He still works at the highschool, but he left the BoarHat to them. The BoarHat is now a café by day and a bar by night.

"And scared Little Miss Muffet away!" Elizabeth giggled, tickling Tristan.

Tristan's room was a light blue with a seaside theme. The floor was a light coloured wood but it had a large yellow rug to imitate sand in the middle. His crib was in one corner and a bookshelf in another. There was also the large toy chest and a changing table. The set of drawers with his clothes in was pushed against the wall under the window.

Tristan shrieked happily. "Mama sop it!!!"

Meliodas was watching from the doorway. "Is someone getting tickled Tristan?" He called.

Tristan turned to look at him and he smiled even wider. "Daddy! Daddy!" Tristan jumped up and ran to Meliodas. "Up!"

Meliodas picked him up. "What were you reading?"

"Lil miss- lil miss m-" Tristan tried to say. Giving up, Tristan yawned and put his head on Meliodas's shoulder.

"Little Miss Muffet." Elizabeth said, standing up. "Can you get him settled down for his nap?"

"Sure. What are you doing?" Meliodas grinned.

"I'll be doing some waitressing. I've got to earn my keep somehow!" Elizabeth joked.

"Okay then. Have fun!" Meliodas waved when Elizabeth left to go downstairs.

Meliodas put Tristan in his bed and tucked him in. "Go to sleep, Tristan." He smiled before heading to his bedroom.

Inside, he started taking out his clothes and putting them in an old black suitcase. Meliodas then grabbed an old book off the shelf and put it in there as well.

He glanced at the wall. There was a photo of Tristan taken on the day he was born. Underneath in swirly writing it read:

Tristan Wrath.
February 18th 2019

Next to that picture, was a picture of Elizabeth and Meliodas on their wedding day. Elizabeth looked happier than ever. Meliodas grinned at the memory.

There were other pictures, too. Ones of Tristan, Elizabeth, Meliodas, the Sins, and Elizabeth's family.

Elizabeth walked in and smiled at Meliodas, who hadn't noticed because he was lost in thought.

"Mel?" She said softly.


"What are you doing?"


"Ah, I see." Elizabeth grinned. "Always the last one to pack."

"Yeah, yeah." Meliodas stopped packing and stared out the window. He sighed and stared off onto the distance.

"What's wrong? You've been like this ever since before the party." Elizabeth asked, concerned. She slipped her hand into his and squeezed it encouragingly. "Is it about that letter?"

"I'm mad about the letter, but this is different..."

"You want to see her, don't you?" Elizabeth stated. He turned to look at her, his eyes filled with guilt, sadness yet happiness and hope, amongst emotions Elizabeth couldn't begin to comprehend. "Go. Just be back for six."

"Thank you." Meliodas whispered as he hugged Elizabeth. Her face went pink. He was in her cleavage.

Meliodas, grinning, pulled away from the hug and grabbed his phone, keys and jacket.

As he was about to leave, Elizabeth ran up to him with some flowers. "From the garden. They ought to do." She kissed his cheek and handed him the flowers.

Some of the young employees wolf whistled. The BoarHat was a place most of the students used as a part time job. "Someone's got a boyfriend!" One boy waiter yelled.

"Husband actually." She yelled back, subconsciously twisting her wedding ring around on her finger.

Meanwhile, Meliodas had just reached the graveyard. He pushed open the gate and walked down the sadly familiar path.

He walked until he got to a medium sized headstone. It was made of white marble and had an angel carved into one corner.

He sat down in front of the stone and read the writing for what seemed like the thousandth time.

Liz Dana.
January 6th 2000 - October 14th 2014.
Caught in the Danafor Attack.
Loved dearly.
Will be sorely missed.

Unable to help it, tears slid down his face. The tears Meliodas shed were bitter, full of guilt, love, and regret. It started to drizzle. "How cliché..." He whispered to himself.

Meliodas was there until about half five, when a man working there walked up to him. "Still coming?" The man asked softly.

Meliodas nodded.

"It wasn't your fault, by the way." The man said as he walked away.

As Meliodas exited the graveyard, he muttered under his breath "I know."

When Meliodas was home and dried, they had dinner. After watching TV for a little while, it was seven o'clock.

Elizabeth dressed Tristan in his biggest, comfiest, fluffiest pajamas. "It's going to be a chilly night." She said.

"I'll go start up the car, and you get our stuff? I'll load them into the car." Meliodas suggested.

"Alright." Elizabeth agreed. She picked a wide awake Tristan up. "Let's go get your suitcase!"

"Okay!" Tristan giggled and Elizabeth put him down. She held his hand and helped him up the stairs. They grabbed his suitcase along with hers and came down. By that time, Meliodas had started the car. He loaded all the stuff into the car.

Elizabeth buckled him in and got in the car. Meliodas got in the drivers seat. "My turn to drive!" He laughed.

"Sure." Elizabeth replied. "But can you actually see over the steering wheel?"

"Hey!" Meliodas said, mock offended. "I'm not that short!"

"Sure..." She giggled. "Let's go. I want to get there before Diane and King. Ban and Elaine won't arrive until tomorrow morning anyway."

"Alright. Let's race."

After two hours of driving, They stopped at a service station. Tristan was fast asleep in the back of the car. Meliodas and Elizabeth were sitting on the front of the car, stretching their muscles and having a quick bite to eat.

Elizabeth looked at Tristan and smiled. She nudged Meliodas and said "He's beautiful, isn't he? Can you believe he's ours?"

"No, I can't." Meliodas smiled. It was true, after all. He couldn't believe it.

They arrived at the very large cabin, and half an hour in front of King and Diane. They walked in.

It was a large cabin, with different rooms. Three rooms with double beds and one with a bed for Tristan, a living room area connected to the kitchen and a large front porch. It was surrounded by woodland area and if you followed a path behind the cabin it took you to a private little beach.

They quickly got in and settled, putting Tristan in his bed. They stayed up until King and Diane arrived.

"Ha! We beat you his time!" Elizabeth giggled.

"No fair!" Diane huffed. "Where's Tristan?"

"Asleep. We decided to stay up until you arrived." Meliodas grinned. "So we could rub it in your faces that we beat you."

"How kind..." King murmured.

After King and Diane had got all set up, they chatted for a little while before heading to bed.

They would need all the sleep they could get because bad things were about to go down.

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