Hurt // Marvel [2]

By superlukey

85.4K 2K 974

"I miss you." "I know." >..< Cover by hazholland More

23 - epilogue
Book 3 is up!


3.3K 91 41
By superlukey

"You can hit harder than that." Bucky makes fun of me as I go for a punch to his jaw.

"You and Steve both don't seem to understand the fact that I'm not exactly comfortable with punching my friends." I drop my arms to my side, tilting my head slightly as I speak.

"You can't get better if you aren't willing to fully try during training." His arms move back up into a defensive position and I mirror his actions. "We've been training for two weeks and you're still afraid of hurting me." He sends a jab towards my face with his right hand and my forearm instinctively goes up to block it. "You're not going to hurt me, Medela. I can promise you that."

His left arm comes up this time towards my face and this time I take a step back, getting ready to play defense. He sends punch after punch towards my face and gut and I continue to block each of them, watching and waiting for him to make a mistake. As he sends his right fist towards my jaw, I stick out my left arm to block it and instantly send my right fist towards his gut. He moves his left arm to block it and my left fist gets him right in the jaw.

My movements were quick and instinctual, as Bucky was trying to get them to be. My smaller frame made it easier for me to move faster and slip through any cracks in his stance that others may not be able to get through, but my quick movements didn't make me any stronger. My punch barely made him flinch.

"Please tell me that wasn't as hard as you can hit me." My arms go back down to my sides again as I glare at him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't injected with all the steroids that you were. My strength is natural and I'm perfectly aware that I'm not very strong." My hands go to my hips as Bucky's lips curve into a smile. "This isn't funny, Barnes." His smile grows wider as I get more annoyed. "We've been training for a week and all I hear is that I'm not strong enough. Maybe you're just too strong." I turn my back to him and march over to the bench where both of our waters are sitting and waiting for us.

We had found a gym down the street from our apartment that we've started visiting almost everyday. Bucky told me he would help me control my powers, but he also wanted to make sure I could fight and defend myself, and getting my combat skills back has been a little easier than controlling something I barely understand.

"Come work with the punching bag. That way you'll actually get stronger." Bucky watches as I take a swig of water before placing the bottle back on the bench.

"What time is it?" I ask as I trudge back over to him.

"Not time to go home." I send another glare in his direction before setting myself up in front of the black punching bag.

I send a combination of punches and kicks towards the punching bag before I stop and watch it swing back and forth. I glance at Bucky expectantly, as if that one quick set was enough to make a difference.

"We also need to work on surprise." Bucky states next to me.

"Surprise? What do you mean by-" I'm cut off as Bucky's fist connects with my jaw. It wasn't nearly his full strength, but it was enough to sting. My hands go up to cradle the left side of my face as I turn towards Bucky.

"You are such a little-" I cut myself off this time as I bring my foot up towards his ribs. He effortlessly grabs onto my ankle and I use the support from his arm to bring my other foot up to his face, twisting my captured foot out of his grasp and landing back on the ground.

With little hesitation, Bucky sets up for another attack. He goes harder than usual this time as he exploits my weaknesses. He takes multiple steps towards me before my back hits the cement wall. I desperately go for a punch but he grabs onto my arm and somehow manages to swing me up onto his shoulder.

"You're really annoying, James."

"James? You must be pretty serious if you're using my first name." I can practically hear his smirk laced into his voice. I want to make a joke about him coming out of his bubble and discovering his annoying personality, but my internal filter decides it's not the best thing to joke about.

"Are you done?" He walks over to the bench with me still over his shoulder before finally placing me back on the ground.

"With this training." I start unwrapping the tape that was protecting my knuckles. "We still have other stuff to work on at home," Bucky states as he grabs his water.

We both walk out of the gym together and begin the short walk back to the apartment. We both have baseball hats placed atop our heads. Anyone who sees us could still theoretically recognize us, especially after my face was plastered all over the news with the rest of the Avengers after Sokovia.

I follow Bucky through the door of the apartment and throw the hat and water bottle I was carrying onto the counter.

"I don't understand how you're still so willing to work with this," I state, referring to my attempts of controlling my ability to hurt people.

"Because you've improved," Bucky says as he runs his hand through his long hair. I watch as he sticks his right arm out. "Hurt me."

"Seriously?" I give him yet another annoyed look.

"Trigger your own emotions. Hurt me right now." I stare down at his outstretched hand. "I know that you know how to do it. You just need to be willing."

"The things I need to bring up aren't exactly the most pleasant." Bucky nods knowingly but encourages me once more to try it. "Don't you think this is too much of an escalation in our training?"

"I think that you can do it if you just stop stalling." I take a deep breath as I look back down to his arm.

I close my eyes and bring my mind back to Sokovia. Back to when I allowed Pietro to slip through my fingers. When I was too weak to save him, too distracted. I pictured his lifeless frame in my mind and as tears formed in my eyes, I changed the sadness of his death into anger. Anger at myself for not being able to do anything and anger at Pietro for leaving me with unanswered questions and broken promises.

When I open my eyes, my hands are glowing gold.

"Touch me," Bucky states, interrupting my thoughts. I look up and make eye contact with him before reaching out and wrapping my hand around my wrist. I hold it there for just a few seconds before moving it away and thinking of happier memories.

"It stung but it didn't do too much damage. You just need to work on the strength of it." I run my now normal looking hand through my loose ponytail.

"Thank you, Bucky."

"For what? We're not done yet."

"For having the patience to help me with this. And for being caring enough to allow me to stay here with you. I really appreciate everything you have done for me, and honestly, I'm honored to have been able to see your personality shift. I'm so glad that you're comfortable enough with me to joke around and be stupid, because if you asked me three months ago if I thought this is what you'd be like, I would've said no without hesitation. Thank you for being you, Bucky." He slips into a slight smile.

"Thank you, Riley." he pulls me into a hug and my head rests on his chest as our arms wrap around each other.

"You're an amazing friend, Bucky." We stand there in the middle of the apartment for what feels like forever before Bucky pulls away.

"We still have to work on your abilities, though." I laugh at his insistence on training, but agree to work anyway.


"Don't work too hard," Bucky states as I lace up my running shoes. "You did a lot of work this morning, don't over-exert yourself. Plus I'm making dinner already." I roll my eyes at him as I remove the hat from my head so I can pull my hair back into the ponytail it was in this morning.

"I won't go too far, don't worry." I smooth out the top of my ponytail and take a quick sip of water before I open the door to the apartment. I look back and see Bucky's back to me as he works on whatever food he is probably currently ruining. "I'll be back soon." I close the door behind me and make my way down the stairs and out to the street before I start jogging down the street.

I make it most of the way through my usual jogging path when I notice a teenage girl standing across the street looking right at me. I instinctually send a polite nod in her direction and she returns the gesture before pulling her phone out of her pocket. I reach up to adjust the baseball cap that sits on my head every time I leave the apartment but freeze when I realize it isn't there. I left it on the counter in the apartment.

My heart rate increases as the girl jogs across the street, phone still in hand. It looks slightly like she might be taking pictures, but I might just be paranoid. I hear her lightly say my name, but I choose to ignore it.

I don't look back at her as I pick up my pace, acting as though I didn't notice her attempt to approach me. I continue moving faster and faster until I've turned enough times to be sure that she is no longer anywhere near me. I take the fastest path home that I know of and don't stop running until I reach the apartment.

"Bucky." I'm out of breath as I attempt to speak. Bucky's head snaps in my direction when he hears the fear in my voice.

"Are you okay?" Bucky quickly makes his way across the room, scanning my body for injuries.

"I was recognized." My eyes are wide as I look up at Bucky. "I'm so sorry. I left my hat here so I couldn't use it when she looked at me."

"She said my name." My breathing is shallow as I continue speaking. "She might have pictures. Bucky I messed up bad." He shakes his head.

"I thought it would be time for us to move soon anyway. We've been here together for over two months, and I was here for a few weeks before then." He places a hand on my shoulder to calm me. "I'll go get plane tickets or something in the morning. You don't need to worry." His eyes scan my face as I avoid eye contact, scared that he would be disappointed in my carelessness.

"Just eat some food and relax. I messed up what I had wanted to make so instead we have sandwiches." Bucky motions towards the two plates on the counter and I nod my head.

I can't believe I messed this up.



I messed up. You'd be disappointed in me, really. I was just being careless when I went out for my run today. I left my hat on the counter, and I hadn't wanted to bring sunglasses. It was just a stupid mistake but I was recognized. You guys might even hear about it soon, that's why we have to leave.

Bucky said he would handle travel arrangements in the morning, but I can't help but worry. I'm sure that if he heard about it, Tony would be here in an hour. I'm sure he has a way.

I'd be ready to see you guys again soon, though, I think. Bucky and I have been training together quite a bit and I've managed to get more control back over my body and what I can do. Also, my combat has definitely gotten better even though I'm still uncomfortable fighting my friends.

Maybe these accomplishments will help you get over my huge mess up. One can only hope.

Maybe I'll actually talk to you again soon. I miss you.



This was supposed to be up earlier but I ended up being busier than I thought I would be with things going on with my friends. I hope you guys enjoyed anyway.

Question of the week:

What's your favorite marvel fanfic?

I need some recommendations for once I finish the series I'm currently reading.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and have a great week!!

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