Astro boy x Assassin reader

By Noonecame1212

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You are an assassin who's had a dark past. One day, you meet a boy. Can he possibly change your life? (2003)... More

The new student is an assassin
Running from the birthplace of sinners
The cultural festival


377 16 4
By Noonecame1212

You sighed as you zoned out, ignoring miss Penelopy as she taught math. Astro glanced at you, and frowned. He then flicked a bit of paper at you. A tick mark appeared on your head, and you slowly looked at him while your eye twitched.

"What!?" You whispered. Astro pointed to miss Penelopy as she wrote some equations on the bored. You rolled your eyes, and looked away. Ever since Astro found out about your occupation, he hasn't left you alone since. Everytime you went to and from school, he'd be watching your every move. He even tried to convince you to give up your occupation, but you refused. Miss Penelopy then turned around, and smiled.

"Okay, now who shall I get to answer this question." The teacher wondered. She looked around the class room, and saw you and Astro having a stare off. She then smiled. "Y/N! Would you please come up, and answer the question?" Your eyes widened as you were called up. You then heard Astro snickering, and flicked him on the forehead as you walked by him. Astro rubbed his forehead while frowning. You took the pen from the teacher, and eyed the question. You frowned. You were an assassin, not a mathematician. The teacher sighed, and tsked. "You should have been listening, Y/N. Astro, would you mind showing Y/N how it's done?" Astro smiled, and stood up.

"Not at all!" Astro exclaimed. He then walked over to you, and took the pen from your hand. He then solved the equation in a matter of seconds. You scowled as Astro smiled at you confidently. You then kicked him from behind his legs, causing him to fall backwards. You then stomped to your seat, and sat down. You looked at Astro, and smirked. Astro saw your smirk, and frowned. He then got up as the class laughed, including his friends. Astro gave his friends a look. "Traitors." He muttered. His friends smiled, and shrugged. Astro sighed, and sat in his seat.

Later that day, the teacher was calling out the people who would be partnering up on their homeroom assignment. You sighed in boredom as you looked out the window. Astro meanwhile, was chatting with his friends.

"So, who do you want to be partnered up with?" Ajeero questioned. Astro shrugged.

"I don't know. I wouldn't mind being paired up with you guys." Astro told. Kennedy frowned.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Kennedy questioned as he playfully punched Astro. Astro laughed. The teacher stood in front of everyone, and smiled.

"Alright, I'm going to announce the pairings that you'll be put in. First up, Ajeero, you'll be paired up with Abercrombie, Steven, you'll be paired up with..." You tuned the teacher out as she went through the names of everyone in your class. You sighed, and thought about jumping out through the window. "And Y/N, you'll be paired up with Astro." You choked on your own spit, and looked at the teacher in disbelief.

"Say what now?" You questioned. Astro grinned, and smiled at you.

"Looks like we're paired up together." Astro told, seeming a little too happy about it. You glanced at him, and groaned as you laid your head on your desk.

After school, you mentally beat yourself up as you and Astro walked home together. 'How the hell did I end up allowing this fool into my house?' You questioned. Astro smiled, and turned towards you.

"I wonder what your family's like. Are they assassins like you?" Astro questioned. You gasped, and covered his mouth with your hand.

"You idiot! Don't say it out loud! What if someone heard you!?" You whispered as you looked around. Astro gave you an apologetic look.

"Sorry." Astro apologized. You sighed, and uncovered his mouth. You then looked away.

"To answer your question from before, no. They're not assassins. In fact, they don't even know that I'M an assassin." You told. Astro frowned. He then walked in front of you, and stopped. You stopped, and raised your eyebrow at him. "What?" Astro continued to frown.

"You should quit being an assassin." You rolled your eyes.

"How many times must I say no! I can't quit being an assassin, I have to do this!" You told. Astro clenched his fists.

"But why!? Why must you do this!? What's so good about killing a bunch of people!?" Astro questioned. You sighed.

"You wouldn't understand. The people that I kill are bad. They deserve what's coming to them." You told. Astro shook his head.

"No! You're the one who's wrong! I've had to fight both robots AND humans. I've never killed anyone!" Astro told. He then looked down. "And besides, it's so dangerous. You could get hurt, or possibly die!" Astro then hugged you, surprising you. "You're my friend, and I don't want to ever lose you." Your eyes widened at the word 'friend'.

"Friend...?" You questioned. Astro nodded, and looked at you. He then smiled.

"Of course, we're friends! After all, I know your secret, so why wouldn't we be friends?" Astro questioned. You looked down, and smiled. You never had a friend before now. Astro's eyes then widened. You looked up, and raised your eyebrow.

"What?" You questioned. Astro smiled.

"Woah, so you CAN smile!" Astro exclaimed. You frowned.

"Of course I can smile!" You yelled. Astro grinned.

"Well, it's just that I've never seen you smile before. You should smile more often. You look pretty when you do." Astro told. You blushed, and turned away from him.

"S-shut up." You muttered. Astro raised his eyebrow, then leaned his face near yours. You took a step back. "W-what?" Astro watched you with interest. He then shrugged.

"Nothing. It's just that you're showing me these new emotions that you wouldn't show before." Astro told. You deadpanned at him.

"What about the time I laughed when Abercrombie burned his ass off when he accidently fell onto that fire pit we made?" You questioned. Astro sweat dropped, and frowned.

"That was just your own twisted humour." Astro told as he crossed his arms. He then turned towards the direction you and he were walking in before, and grabbed your hand. "Come on! Let's' go to your house!" You rolled your eyes, and smiled slightly as your new friend pulled you along behind him.

When you and Astro arrived at your 'house', Astro looked up in awe.

"Wow! So, this is where you live?" You nodded. Astro grinned, and pulled you behind him up to your front door. You sighed, and took out your house key. You then unlocked the door, and walked in with Astro following behind you. Your eyes then widened when your brother jumped on you, knocking you back.

"Big sis is home!" Your brother cried. He then looked up, and his eyes widened. "And she brought a BOY home with her!" Astro sweat dropped. He then heard crashes, and saw a man run towards them.

"Where is he!?" Your father questioned. He then looked at Astro as Astro waved at him while smiling awkwardly. You sat up, and sighed.

"I know what you're thinking, and no, he's not my boyfriend." You told. Astro blushed at what you said. You then grabbed his hand, and made your way to your room. "Come on, we'll plan in my room where no one will interrupt us." Astro nodded, and followed you up the stairs to your room. Astro looked around your room, and smiled.

"Wow, you sure keep your room clean." Astro commented. You shrugged. You then dumped your bag to the side of the bed, and jumped on it. You then sighed. Astro dumped his bag next to yours, and jumped onto the bed next to you. You both stared up at the roof, and sighed. You then both looked at each other.

"So, what exactly are we gonna do for the assignment?" You questioned. Astro sat up, and walked over to his bag. He then took out his note book, and walked over to you.

"Well, the task is for us to come up with a successful restaurant dish, and write an essay about it." Astro told. You groaned.

"Argh, this sucks! Well, at least I have you to do it for me." You told. Astro raised his eyebrow.

"What do you mean? We have to do it together. I'm not doing it by myself." Astro told. You gave him a blank look. You then stood up, and slowly walked towards him. Astro frowned, and backed away from you. You walked up to him, and grabbed the task sheet. Astro sighed in relief. You raised your eyebrow at him.

"What?" You questioned. Astro shook his head, and smiled. He then heard his phone ring, and answered it.

"Hello?" Astro answered.

"ASTRO! YOU GOTTA HELP US, PLEEEEEEAAAAASE!" Abercrombie shouted. Astro had put his phone away from his ear, then put it back.

"What's wrong? Did you need help on the assignment?" Astro questioned. You were about to ask what was up when you felt your phone buzz. Your eyes widened when you realised that you had a job. You then looked at Astro.

"Um, hey, Astro?" You asked.

"Hold on, hm?" Astro turned towards you.

"Maybe we should work on our assignments together with the others." You suggested. Astro smiled, and nodded.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea." Astro then put the phone back to his ear, and turned away as he talked to Abercrombie. You took out your phone, and turned away from Astro. You then looked at your text, and sighed. You had another job. 'Dammit, why now?' Astro heard your sigh, and turned towards you. He then saw you on your phone, and frowned. "Y/N?" You jumped, and hid your phone. Astro continued to frown at you. "Don't tell me it's another job." You sighed, and looked away. Astro put the phone back to his ear. "We'll see you in a bit. At the tree house." Astro then hung up, and walked over to you. "Y/N, as your friend, I'm telling you that you should quit being an assassin. It would be the best for you and your family." You turned away from him. Astro sighed. "Why are you so silent? What made you want to become an assassin in the first place?" Astro questioned. You walked towards the door, and were about to open it when Astro grabbed your hand. You stopped, and sighed.

"Let go." You told. Astro shook his head.

"No, I'm not letting you do this! I keep asking you the same questions over and over again, but you never answer them! Why do you keep avoiding the subject?" Astro questioned. Tears welled up in your eyes. You then looked at Astro.

"Because I'm doing this to PROTECT my family!" You cried. Astro's eyes widened. His grip then loosened, and you took this as your chance to run out of your room. Astro gasped, and ran after you. You jumped down the stairs, and ran out the door. You used the secret passage to go to headquarters. Astro ran outside, and looked around for you. He then sighed, and thought back to your words. 'Because I'm doing this to PROTECT my family!' Astro frowned.

"Protect them from what though?" Astro muttered. You sighed as you made your way through the corridors of the assassination guild. You then made your way towards the changing rooms, and changed into your assassination outfit. You made your way towards Bartus's office, and opened the door. Bartus looked up, and smiled.

"Ah, Y/N! Good to see that you are doing well! You surely look a lot better." Bartus told. You looked at him with cold eyes.

"Just tell me my mission already." Bartus frowned.

"Hmm, that's odd. Usually you'd be patient. Were you in the middle of something?" Bartus questioned. You looked to the side.

"Bartus, I have a question. What would happen if I left the assassination guild?" You questioned. Bartus sighed.

"Ah, so that's it. Well, Y/N, if you were to leave the guild, then your family would be put in great danger." Bartus told. Your eyes widened when you thought of your brother, 'mother', and 'father'. You then looked up.

"But... I have the skills to protect them! They wouldn't be harmed! Not as long as I'm around!" You shouted. Bartus frowned, and stood up.

"Listen, Y/N. No matter what you do, you'll never be able to escape this life. I warned you when we first met, didn't I?" Bartus questioned. Your eyes widened. You then looked down as you clenched your fists and gritted your teeth. Bartus chuckled, and threw a folder at you. You caught the folder, and stared at it. "Your mission today will be to assassinate Ainsworth Richardson. He is the head of a trading company that is smuggling weapons to other countries. Do you understand?" Bartus told. You sighed, and nodded.

"When do I start?" You questioned. Bartus smiled.

"Next week, you'll assassinate him during his sleep." You sighed, then nodded. You then made your way back to your house.

Astro sat with his friends as they worked on the project together. Ajeero raised his eyebrow at him.

"Uh, hey. Where's Y/N?" Ajeero questioned. Astro shrugged.

"Dunno." He answered. Kennedy frowned.

"But weren't you just with her?" Kennedy questioned. Astro looked to the side. Abercrombie, Ajeero, and Kennedy looked at each other, then back at Astro.

"Uh, hey. Did something happen?" Abercrombie questioned. Astro frowned.

"Y/N was just being unreasonable. She and I had a disagreement." Astro told. He then looked outside of the tree house. 'I wonder if she's already after her target.' Astro thought.

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