I Can't Live Without You (Pok...

By AmazingMisty

26.8K 498 186

Misty and Brock run into their old friend Ash who they haven't seen in years. They're having a good time unti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 8

1.7K 37 9
By AmazingMisty

Brock's P.O.V
I actually couldn't believe it when Ash said he has cancer. He's so young. He doesn't deserve this. I stepped back from the hug, leaving Misty and Ash hugging each other tightly. I just needed to think. Ash is only 16 and this is what he's going through. He's such a kind soul. He doesn't deserve this. I'm really not sure what to do,so I went and knocked on the bathroom door to check on Delia. "Delia? Are you ok?" I ask quietly, not wanting her to be upset. "Yes,dear. I'm fine thank you, just a little shaken up" she says as she opens the door with a sad smile. "I'm really sorry about Ash. He doesn't deserve this" I say sympathetically because I really was feeling everything she was. Ash is my little brother. Maybe not biologically but I love him like a brother and that's what counts. "Brock, honey are you ok?" Delia asks me. Of course I'm not ok. Ash might die. But I wasn't going to say that to her so I just smiled weakly at her. "I guess so. This is just a lot to take in" I say with a sigh. "I understand" She replies quietly. "I'm going to make dinner. Would you like to help?" She asks knowing my love for cooking. "I thought you'd never ask" I say, cheering up slightly.

When we get downstairs, all I can see is Ash and Misty hugging. Still on the same place I left them. Neither of them was crying anymore though. Delia and I looked at each other and slowly and quietly walked past them. When we got to the kitchen Delia started laughing. "What?" I asked her. "They're so cute together and they won't admit it" She says,still laughing. "I thought I was the only one who noticed! They always deny it when I mention it, but I know they really do care about each other." I agree with her. "I think it's now our duty to get them to realise it" Delia says. I raise an eyebrow. "Is this just to get your mind off of Ash?" I ask her. She stays quiet. I just give her a smile. "You don't need to play matchmaker to get your mind off of it you know. You can just do something you love,like reading or cooking." I tell her. "You're right, Brock. I just need to clear my head" she says with a smile. "Now let's get cooking!" She says as she tells me what we're cooking.

Ash's P.O.V
Misty and I stayed hugging for a good 10 minutes before we broke apart. I just weakly smile at her. "Thank you so much Misty" I say to her. "For what?" She asks, genuinely not knowing why I'm thanking her. I guess I'm not the idiot now. "For everything, you dumbo" I say with a laugh. "Oh. It's really nothing you know. You're my best friend in the whole world. I love you and would do anything for you." She tells me. She then turns bright red at what she said. I just smirk at her. "Oh Misty, what was that? I didn't her you properly. Did you say something along the lines if 'I love you'?" I ask her mischievously. She just hits me over the head with a pillow. "No...I....uh s-said that I like you as a friend...." she says quietly. I just laugh at her. "Whatever you say...." I tease. "Ashhh" she whines. "Mistyyyyyy" I say, mocking her. "Rude" she says jokingly. "Can't say much yourself" we then both burst out laughing. Then Misty gets all serious. "Ash, just know that I do love and care for you. You're my best friend, why wouldn't I" She says with a genuine smile on her face. Her smile is so beautiful, it could light up a dark room. "I love and care about you too, Misty. You're one of,if not my absolute, my favourite people I know" I say. My face gets closer to hers that I can feel her breath on my lips. "Ash" she whispers. I lean in closer but am interrupted by Brock. Misty and I both jump back, not expecting anyone to come in. "Hey, guys, dinner is ready. It's pasta." Brock shouts and then walks back to the kitchen. I blush and look down and Misty does the same. "Maybe we should go get dinner?" She says sarcastically. "No I don't think so" I say back. She just laughs at me and then walks into the kitchen.

When we sat down at the table, Brock looked at us. Both of us were blushing like crazy. "Misty? Ash?" Brock says with a smirk. "Yeah?" We reply in unison. We then look at each other and laugh. Brock laughs too. "Ok, I know I was kind of joking just then but this is serious. You've got to listen to your mom Ash." Brock tells me with a straight face. "Ash you're going to the hospital in 2 days. The doctor thought it might be a week but he got a place for you as it's urgent." Mom says, not looking up from her meal. "Oh" is all I could say. "Can Misty and Brock still stay tonight?" I ask. Then she looks up for her dinner. My eyes were pleading her to say yes, but I knew she would probably say no. "Well then can stay for one night but I'm not sure about two...." she says, trailing off at the end. "Don't worry, I understand" Misty days with a smile. "No, Misty you don't understand!" I say jokingly, trying to get her to stay. She just laughs at me. "Ash, you've got to see where your moms coming from. I would love to stay here, but your mom is worried" she says with a smile. "Oh, alright." I huff. Mom just laughs at me. "They can stay one night. You can call them when you're going to the hospital if you want and they can meet us there." Mom says with a smile. I smile back at her. "Thanks mom"

1030 words ♡

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