Death on Dangar Island

By GPField

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Professor Israel Wren doesn't think Roxanne Duncan died of snakebite on Dangar Island — no matter what anybod... More

Saturday Afternoon
Saturday Night
Sunday Morning
The DI
Sunday Afternoon
Gary Goes Fishing
Local Colour
Sunday Night
Monday Morning
Caves and Birds
Max 'The Mauler'
The Landlord
A Convict Past
Monday Evening
A Suspicious Bunch
Tuesday Morning
Words on the Wind
Gaol Birds
The Coroner
The Tokoloshe

Monday Afternoon

187 8 1
By GPField

Walking home, their feet scuffing up small clouds on the dusty track, Israel had just started to recount his meeting with Jon Morris when a familiar stocky figure loomed ahead of them. ‘G’day, Sam,’ said Gary. ‘Have you met my friend Israel?’

‘It’s good to meet you Sam, and most advantageous. I have a question that I’m sure you will be able to answer for me.’

Sam regarded the slim foreign figure in front of him sceptically. ‘Yeah?’ he drawled, drawing the word out like a question.

‘Yes, I was just wondering how much a trip to the Berowra Waters Inn would cost?’

‘Two hundred dollars if you want a return trip for the two of you.’

‘I see. That seems quite a lot.’ He turned to Gary. ‘Perhaps we should make alternate plans for our dinner on Sunday?’

‘Yeah, I know that seems a little pricey, but it’s a fair old ride down there from here, and I have to cover my costs. Anyway, if money’s an issue, you might want to reconsider. That restaurant isn’t cheap either.’ The boatman reached into his pocket and pulled out a card. ‘Let me know if you decide to make a booking and I’ll get you there. If there’s anything else you want while you’re here, just give us a call. Maybe Gary’ll want a lift to a secret fishing location.’ He winked at the big ex-lifeguard. ‘I’ll see you out on the rocks again sometime, mate.’ He started to turn away, but Israel stuck out his hand.

‘Ah, Sam, there was something else I wanted to ask you.’

‘Yeah?’ This time the word was more of a sigh.

‘I believe you brought two young men across from Brooklyn to the island on Saturday afternoon. You would remember them. I understand they were wearing makeup and unusual clothing?’

‘Yeah, I remember them. Dropped them off near Deep Water round the corner here. What about them?’

‘Well James from the cafe told me he shared a ride with them. He says you gave him a free trip back to the island. Is that correct?’

‘Look, I dunno what this is about, but I don’t like talking about my customers behind their backs, especially ones that come from the island. People talk, you know.’

‘Oh yes, I know.’ Israel leaned towards Sam conspiratorially. ‘This relates to a police investigation into the death of the young woman on Sunday morning. I’m sure you’ve heard about it. I understand the police will soon be knocking on your door to find out more. I happen to know the head of the investigation and I could save them a trip to your house by passing it along. Anything you tell me will be kept in the strictest confidence, I assure you. I’ll only tell the detective inspector himself.’ He smiled cheerfully.

A brief look of concern flashed across Sam’s face. He looked over at Gary who just tilted his head and shrugged his shoulders noncommitally. Eventually, Sam reached a decision. ‘Yeah, well, I suppose if it’ll save them the trip, I’ll tell you about it. You’ll pass it on to them, will ya?’

Israel nodded, now solemn. ‘Can you please tell me about that fare? How did James end up on the same boat as these two young men?’

‘Yeah, all right … so I went over to pick up this young bloke I know. His name’s Shay, and he comes over to the island a fair bit. He’s often with another kid called Evan. They’re in a band or something together. When he wants to come over, he messages me and I shoot across and bring him back.’ A sly look came over his face. ‘He just messaged me a few minutes ago actually. He and Evan are waiting for me over at Brooklyn right now, as it happens.’

‘Ah, that’s very interesting. Where are you taking them?’

‘Oh, the usual. Drop ‘em off at the rocks near Deep Water.’

Israel nodded and continued. ‘So what happened when you went to pick them up on Saturday afternoon?’

‘Well, Shay called me over, and I’d just tied off at Brooklyn when I saw him and a mate down the jetty a bit. They had their heads together talking. Then Shay walked back through the building like he forgot something. When he came out he had James with him, and all three of them came up and jumped in.’

‘Did you think that was unusual? I understand James doesn’t like these young people who come over to the island.’

‘Yep, I did wonder about it at the time. I knew Jamie was supposed to be cranky ‘cos one of that mob got busted holding some of the stuff that was nicked from the cafe. It was weird. He was all cheery, carrying on with these young fellas. It was almost like they’d had a few drinks – or something – together.’

‘So what happened after you dropped the other two off? Was James still cheerful and talkative?’

‘He’d had more than a couple I reckon – couldn’t shut him up. I actually mentioned to him that I was surprised he got on so well with the two young blokes. He just laughed and said anyone who shouted him a taxi fare couldn’t be all bad. Then suddenly he came over all serious. You know how people are when they’ve had a few jars, laughing one minute, all depressed the next?’

‘Could you tell why he had that sudden change in mood?’

‘Nah, not really. Though I had just asked how Frankie was going. Maybe that had something to do with it. He said something about things not running smooth. Some quote or other. I can’t really remember.’

Israel’s ears pricked up. ‘The course of true love never did run smooth?’

‘Yeah, that could’ve been it, I reckon. Something like that anyway.’

Israel reached to shake Sam’s hand. ‘Thank you very much for your cooperation, Mr Sam the water taxi man. I will make sure your information is passed on to the appropriate authorities if it turns out to be helpful. Would you like me to alert you if they plan to come and interview you formally?’

Sam shifted from one foot to the other. ‘That would be good, if you could. It would let me, ah, you know, tidy up and that.’

Israel thought he did know. He looked down at the card Sam had given him. ‘Of course. I would be only too happy to do that. I will message you on this number if they are coming.’

Sam turned and walked quickly down the track, towards the safety of his little waterfront house.

Gary waited until they were alone and raised an eyebrow with a quizzical smile. ‘You’ve got a scent of something, don’t you? Otherwise you wouldn’t be pretending to collect info for the cops. I seem to remember that DI didn’t want a bar of you at the interview. I’m not sure he’d be real happy with you mucking around with his witnesses.’

‘The good detective inspector can do as he pleases. I am more interested in why our barista James was quoting Shakespeare in an unguarded moment.’

‘Shakespeare? What’s he got to do with it?’

‘Ah yes, my friend. What could he possibly have to do with it? I love thee so, that, maugre all thy pride, Nor wit nor reason can my passion hide.’

Gary looked at him like he was mad.

Spurred on by his friend’s perplexed look, he continued. ‘You know, I really think I should book in for a manicure. It’s been far too long.’ With that, he started to wander back down Grantham Crescent towards the house that was becoming so central to this little mystery – Deep Water

They sat together quietly on a public bench near the rocks. The imposing bulk of Jon Morris’s rental property squatted to the left of their field of vision. Gary scanned the water for Sam’s boat while Israel scanned the trees around him, listening intently for bird calls.

‘So, Iz, how come no one sees this “deep throat” of yours talking to you on Twitter and busts her for leaking classified information? You know, these days people are always getting in trouble for saying things on Twitter they shouldn’t have.’

Israel took a moment to focus on the question before answering. ‘It’s true that many people use Twitter as a megaphone for inconsequential thoughts, my friend. They tweet without thinking, without due consideration. As you know, I simply use it to collect information and occasionally ask a question or two. Not everyone uses Twitter to broadcast what they had for breakfast. My contact is very considered in the way she supplies information. The Twitter handle and account name are, no doubt, pseudonyms only traceable back to an anonymous email address. In addition, we only speak of sensitive matters in a type of personal code.’

‘No offence, but if it was me, I’d be worried about putting all this info out in cyberspace where anyone can follow your conversation.’

‘Cyberspace!’ Israel laughed. ‘Look Gary, I understand your concerns, but most of the sensitive information is passed privately between us using the direct-message function – the general public are excluded from our conversations. I agree that there is reason to be circumspect about my Twitter use and I acknowledge I’m by no means an expert. I’m still relatively inexperienced as far as participating in the social media.’

‘Guess that makes you a “Nubian” then.’

‘What did you just call me?’ Israel was grinning from ear to ear, white teeth flashing brightly against the background of his dark skin.

‘You know,’ Gary baulked, ‘a Nubian. That’s what kids call someone who’s crap at computer games. At least that’s what mine call me when I try to play with them.’

‘Ah, a n00b?’

‘Yeah, right. Maybe?’

‘This term n00b can refer to anyone who is inexperienced, but it most often refers to technological ineptitude. I would add that “Nubians” are a dark-skinned race of people hailing from Northern Sudan and Southern Egypt. They were famous for their great wealth and power during ancient times – in fact, they ruled over the upper and lower kingdoms of the Nile for more than a century.’

Gary clenched his teeth. ‘I’m sure I’ll sleep better tonight knowing all of that.’

At that moment the twin hulls of Sam’s water taxi motored around the rocks to their right and the boat began to slow. Sam looked briefly towards the beach as the catamaran pulled up in the shallows and two slender figures prepared to splash out over the side. A moment later the young men looked up. They dropped into the shallow water, with their dark trousers rolled up to their shins and bags slung over their shoulders. A nose ring glinted in the sun, and even from twenty metres away Israel could make out thick mascara. Gary raised an eyebrow as Israel stood and walked towards where they were headed on the shoreline. One of them noticed him coming. They exchanged words and then abruptly changed direction.

‘Hello! Hello, there!’ called Israel, waving a hand. The young men ignored him and picked up pace.

‘Why don’t we just go around and knock on their door?’ asked Gary.

‘And do you think they will open it? No, my friend, I have learned enough from this exchange. Let’s go home.’


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