De Azuka243779

7.3K 258 16

Cerita pendek seram 2018 originally dari Miss Azuka sendiri. Datang dalam malay dan English version. Mais

Teddy Bear

HANTU WATTPAD (Wattpad Ghost)

2.2K 55 7
De Azuka243779

Mira adalah seorang gadis yang suka dengan cerita-cerita seram. Setiap malam dia akan masuk ke dalam aplikasi wattpadnya dan membaca cerita seram yang ada di sana. Adakalanya dia akan membaca cerita itu dari malam sehingga ke awal pagi.

Satu hari, seperti biasa dia meniarap di atas katilya. Jam meunjukkan jam 11;39pm. Dia membuka aplikkasi wattpadnya. Dan membaca cerita-cerita seram dalam wattpad. Sedang dia mencari-cari cerita seram yang ingin dibacanya, matanya tertarik dengan satu cerita yang tiada tajuk dan covernya berwarna hitam. Dia menekan cerita itu dan masuk ke dalam page owner cerita tersebut.

" Tiada tajuk?" Bisik hatinya.

Mira pun meng-klik cerita itu as a reader. Dia mula membaca cerita itu. Cerita itu sangat pelik. Ia seakan hidup dan Mira boleh merasakannya. Mira jika sudah suka akan cerita tersebut dia akan Vote dan komen di dalam cerita tersebut. Tapi yang peliknya, setiap kali Mira comment, commentnya itu dibalas dengan cepat oleh owner page tersebut. Seakan dia tahu bahwa Mira tengah online dan tidak pernah lekang dari wattpadnya.

Owner itu sangat lucu dan selalu membalas komen Mira.

Dan adakalanya di membalas dingin dan menanyakan sesuatu yang pelik dengan Mira.

Tiba-tiba rangkaian internet Mira terhenti dan terputus. Dia memerksa rangkaian data Maxisnya.


Mira mengeluh perlahan dan melanggan semula pas internetnya. Setelah berjaya, dia pun masuk semula ke dalam wattpad. Dia me- refreshkan semula page owner tersebut. Gambar profilnya telah tiada. Sepertinya dia telah membuang gambar profilnya. Mira masih ingat lagi gambar profil owner tersebut adalah wallpaper gambar horror iblis bertanduk dua.

Mira berasa pelik kenapa tiba-tiba owner tersebut membuang gambar profilnya dan dia mengambil keputusan untuk menghantar pesanan secara private kepada owner tersebut.

"Hi, mengapa gambar profil kamu dah tak ada?"

Beberapa minit kemudian ada balasan dari owner page tersebut.

"Saya bosan tinggal dalam sini." Balasnya.

"Huh?" Mira kebingungan dan berasa pelik dengan respond tersebut.

Perlahan dia mendengar dari arah belakangnya dan sedang membisikkan sesuatu ke arah telinganya. Jantungnya kini berdegup kencang dan badannya mengigil.

" Nak join boleh?"

Satu suara garau dan menakutkan kedengaran dan memeluk Mira. Mira hilang di dalam biliknya sendiri. Yang tinggal cuma telefonnya.


This owner had published new story



Mira is a girl who love horror stories. Every night she gets into his wattpad app and read horror stories that are there. Sometimes she will read the story from the night until early morning.

One day, as always she was lying on top of his bed. The clock show 11:39pm. She opened his wattpad app  and start reading horror stories. As Mira's searched for the horror stories that she want to read, her eyes were attracted to a story that had no title and the cover was black. She pressed the story and entered the page owner's story.

" No tittle?" Her heart whispered.

Mira also clicked the story as a reader. He started reading the story. The story is very strange. It's alive and Mira can feel it. Mira if she likes the story she will be Vote and comment in the story. But the strangest thing, whenever Mira commented, the comment was quickly responded by the owner's page.Like he knew that Mira was online and never leave her wattpad.

The owner was very funny and always replies Mira's comments.

And sometimes the owner's cold replying and ask something weird to Mira.

Suddenly Mira's internet network stopped and loading. She is endorsing his Maxis data network.


Mira sighed slowly and re-subscribed to her internet pass. Once successful, she goes back into wattpad. She refreshes the owner's page. His profile picture is gone. It seems like he has removed it. Mira still remembered the owner's profile picture is a two-horned devil horror picture wallpaper.

Mira felt weird why suddenly the owner removed his profile picture and she decided to send private message to the owner.

"Hi, why  you profile pictures gone?"

A few minutes later there was a reply from the owner page.

"I'm tired of staying here." He replied.

"Huh?" Mira confuses and feels weird with the response.

Slowly Mira heard someone whispering towards  her ear from behind. Her heart pounding so fast and her body shivering.

"Can i join you?"

Scary voices sounded and hugged Mira strongly and then disappeared. Mira lost in her own room.  What's left only just her phone.

"Kling!" (New notifications)

This owner had published new story.

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