Blood Tiger (Kakashi Love Sto...

Von kawaiifoxx77

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Mala Matzu is no ordinary Ninja... She is an Akatsuki and has been since the age of seven. But what will she... Mehr

Blood Tiger (Kakashi Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 New Genin!
Chapter 3 - Stupid Leaf Shinobi!
Chapter 4 - I Hate Drunk Bridge Builders
Chapter 5 - I Hate you MooMoo!
Chapter 6 For the Record, I Will Always Care.
Chapter 7 You Don't Know Me
Chapter 8 An Unlovable Beast
Chapter 9 Much More Then A Tool
Chapter 11 Why Am I Crying?!
Chapter 12 Just Be Friends
Chapter 13 New Roomie
Chapter 14 Decisions
Chapter 15 I am going to kill the man I love, how wonderful.
Chapter 16 Blood Tears
Chapter 17 Give It To Me Straight
Chapter 18 - Betrayed and Heart Broken
Chapter 19 - Immortality Comes with a Price
Chapter 20 - Blood Field
Chapter 21 - An Eternity Without You
Chapter 22 - What if I Forget?
Chapter 23 - Forever bound, Never free
Chapter 24 - Blood Tiger Awakens
Chapter 25 - Everything Will Go Dark
Chapter 26 - Light up the Darkness
Chapter 27 - Reborn
Chapter 28 - Scattered Love
Possibility of a rewrite.

Chapter 10 Training Is Never Easy

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Von kawaiifoxx77

Alrighty so here is Chapter 10 :) I hope you enjoy it as much as you have been enjoying the rest of my story so far! Hehe

Please don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me! <3

Alrighty then.


I finish packing the rest of my clothes and I sit down on the bed that has been mine for the past two weeks. I stare around at the small room feeling sad.

I guess I have kind of grown attached to this little place and Tsunami...

"Mala? Are you coming? We are leaving now." Kakashi says through the door and I sigh, grab my bag and open it to see him already gone.

Ever since I told him that I hate him he hasn't said anything more then he has to when it comes to me. I guess I sort of deserve it, I can't get close to anyone like that. I have to keep pushing away that is how I have always been. Kakashi is my enemy he is not my friend and I am sure that when I return to the Akatsuki one day he will have no problem trying to kill me again.

I don't want any attachments with the people in Konoha at all... But I am starting to feel like I already have some... I mean Naruto and Sasuke are practically my students and I am starting to feel protective over them and all of that stupid teacher shit.

I make my way down the stairs for the last time and I head out the front door to see everyone saying their goodbyes. I try not to laugh when I see Naruto and Tazuna's grandson crying all over each other.

"Goodbye Mala." I turn to see Tsunami giving me a warm smile and she hands me something wrapped in a blanket.

"What is it?" I ask curiously and she continues to smile but I can see her eyes filling up with tears.

"I made you all some fresh bread for your journey home." She says kindly and I bow respectfully.

"Thank you Tsunami." I say and I wipe away a small tear that escaped before she can see.

"You can't keep the blanket so that means that one day you will have to come back." She says with a mischievous grin and I smile.

"I guess you're right." I say and then I turn and start to walk away with the others.

I turn and wave and surprisingly I get a wave from the old drunk as well. Then I turn and we head down the road and toward Konoha.

"Hey Mala-Sensei, when you go back and visit will you take me with you?" Naruto asks with a small smile on his face and I pat his head and give him a smile.

"Of course I will." I say and he gives me his stupid grin and he runs ahead to pester Sasuke.

"Mala-Sensei?" I turn to see Sakura staring at me looking pathetic.

"What is it Sakura?" I ask with no emotion and she flinches slightly.

"Well... I was wondering if you would train me to be stronger?" She asks and I stare at her in shock.

Sakura actually wants to become stronger???

Was not expecting that!

"Fine, but only if you promise not to mention Sasuke once." I demand and she nods her head quickly and a smile spreads across her face.

I smile at her but it is more of an evil one then a nice one but she doesn't seem to notice. Oh poor poor Sakura has no idea what I have in store for her. Sure she may be good with Chakra control but that is it.

We walk in silence for a while and I am glad for it while I start to think up ideas for Sakura's training.

"Mala can I talk to you for a minute?" I snap out of my thoughts about Sakura's pink hair burning off to see Kakashi looking at me seriously.

Oh no what did I do wrong this time?!

"I wanted to apologize." He says quickly and I stare at him in shock.

He is apologizing to me?! Wow I feel like a total asshole...

I should be the one apologizing.

"I understand that you don't want to get attached to anyone in Konoha especially me since the moment that you leave the village we will be enemies again. I should not have tried to push my friendship onto you like I did. If you don't want to come to me with your problems that is fine." He says while staring up into the sky and for some reason I feel fearful.

But I am not scared that he will harm me when we are enemies again... I am scared that we will be enemies again and that I will have to harm him again.

Why am I feeling like I want to be his friend all of a sudden?! What the heck is going on?!

"Kakashi... I am sorry too." I say quietly and this time he stares at me with surprise.

"You have saved my life so many times now and I have done nothing but be rude and mean to you. You don't deserve to be treated the way I have treated you... I think maybe it would be nice to try and be... fr- friends." I say and I give him a small smile and he sort of stares at me.

Oh no he thinks I am crazy!

I sigh in relief when he gives me a closed eye smile and I feel a small tinge of happiness from it.

"I guess I am trying to say thank you Kakashi. If it were not for you I would be dead right now... Even when we were still horrible enemies in that room with Ibiki you saved me, and you couldn't kill me... I have been wondering this whole time why you didn't. You hated me and you must have killed hundreds of criminals before." I say quiet so only he can hear and he stares at me for a while.

"I can honestly say that I don't know why I didn't do it." He says and I nod my head taking in the information.

Liar, why won't you just tell me?

But I guess I can't just push it out of him if we are going to be... friends.

Sometimes I think I should get checked for my mood swings, I don't have great control over my emotions.

We walk the rest of the way to the village in a comfortable silence and when we reach the gates I laugh as Naruto runs through them and off in the direction of his favorite Ramen Shop.

What a knucklehead.

"Alright Mala and I are going to report to the Third Hokage, we will meet at his office tomorrow at nine AM so pass the information on to Naruto." Kakashi says to the other two and they nod and walk off both of them looking annoyed.

"Sakura!" I shout and she turns with a hopeful look in her eye and I smile.

"Meet me at Training Ground 66 at midnight tonight and be ready for a long night with no sleep!" I shout and she nods with a determined look on her face and I smile evilly to myself.

"What was that all about?" Kakashi asks curiously and I give him an innocent smile.

"Sakura wants me to train her so that is exactly what I am going to do." I say and he raises his eyebrow.

"At Training Ground 66? You are going to kill her." He says and I laugh.

"No I am just going to make her realize that she is a brat who will never be a real ninja by giving her the hardest training methods ever. The Training methods that I had to go through." I say as if it is no big deal and I start to walk toward the Hokage's building and Kakashi quickly catches up to me.

"I should be there to keep watch." He argues and I shrug.

"Sure come along if you want but just remember that she asked me to train her and not you, so no butting in okay?" I demand and he nods and we make our way to the Hokage's office.

We enter the building and I see the woman with red eyes and the man with a beard smoking a cigarette who were with the Hokage that day I was rescued from Ibiki's torture.

"Kakashi!" The man yells and the two of them walk over to us.

"Asuma,Kurenai this is Mala." Kakashi says simply and I nod at the both of them politely and they smile and nod back.

"Kakashi tomorrow night a bunch of us are going out for drinks at the usual place do you and Mala want to come along?" Asuma asks and I frown.

Go out for drinks? I was never aloud to drink when I was with the Akatsuki, they always said that it would cloud up my mind and leave my senses dull.

"Sure we will be there." Kakashi says with a closed eye smile and I try not to hit him.

No I will most certainly not be there!! I will stay at your place with Pakkun.

They walk away and we head toward the Third's Office and I give Kakashi an evil glare.

"I am not going out tomorrow night." I say simply and he shakes his head.

"You have to go everywhere I go because you are stuck with me while you are in this village and I am going out for drinks tomorrow night." He says simply and I growl.

Damn it!

We reach the door and we enter to see the Third smoking on his pipe and Ibiki standing beside him.

I ignore Ibiki but I can see him give me an evil glare, the Third smile at us and I give him a small smile in return.

"So everything went well I gather?" He asks and Kakashi and I sort of look at each other wondering who should say what happened.

"Not exactly." Kakashi says and I watch the Third's face as Kakashi tells the story of what happened on our mission.

By the time we were finished the Third looked troubled and I stare at Kakashi in surprise.

He didn't tell the Third about how I knew Zabuza tried to assassinate the Mizukage and I was involved.

"Very well, thank you for telling me the truth about the mission Kakashi. You arrived just in time actually, I wanted to tell you that your team is being entered into theChunin Exams." The Third says and I raise my eyebrows in slight surprise.

Maybe Sasuke and Naruto but Sakura??

"Ehhh?! But Third Hokage! They are not ready for that!" I turn to see Iruka standing in the doorway and I frown at him along with Kakashi and the Third.

"Kakashi tell him that they are not ready!" Iruka shouts and Kakashi turns to the Third and he gives him a closed eye smile.

"My team is definitely ready to be entered." He says and Iruka falls to the ground dramatically.

"Very good, discuss it with them tomorrow. The exams start in one week." The Third says and we bow and leave the office and make our way back to Kakashi's apartment.

"You really think all of them can do this? Sure Naruto and Sasuke are strong but Sakura... Well she isn't." I say bluntly and Kakashi turns around and faces me.

"That is why you are training her this week right?" He says and he turns back around and I follow him in silence.

Damn it now I am going to have to actually train her... I still won't go easy on her!

We reach the apartment and I flop down on the couch as soon as we get through the door.

"If I am going with you guys tomorrow night I will need new clothes." I say while picking at my nails and Kakashi sighs.

"Here this is your part of the pay for the mission." He says and he throws me a wad of bills and I smile and pocket them.

"You have to come with me remember?" I remind him and he groans and I grab his wrist and pull him out the door and we walk to the main marketplace to shop.

I stop at a store for dresses that should be worn to bars and clubs and I walk in and start to browse around.

I find a plain looking dark brown dress that is knee length and the arms stretch out all the way to gloves.

"Alright this will be perfect." I smile at it and I bring it to the counter to pay for it where a young girl around seventeen sits eyeing up Kakashi like he is a toy or piece of jewelry she really wants.

"Ahem I am ready to pay." I say getting annoyed and she snaps her attention to me and she rings the dress through.

"The total will be 30,000 yen. Is there anything I can get for you sir?" She switches her attention back to Kakashi and I dig in my pocket to find the money I need.

"Err no I am just here with her." He says sounding slightly uncomfortable and I smirk and decide to take extra long to find the money.

"Well If you need ANYTHING let me know." The girl says but she makes sure to say the "anything" very slowly as if trying to sound seductive.

"No I am fine thank you." Kakashi says sounding even more awkward and I finally pull out the money that is needed and I hand it to the girl who looks disappointed, and we leave the store quickly.

"Can we go now?" Kakashi asks sounding really bored and I shake my head.

"No we need to stop and get some weapons and then I need to pick up a few sowing items." I say and we continue to search for what I need.

We find what I need and by the time we reach the apartment it is nearing 11:30.

"Okay Kakashi we have to go meet Sakura now!" I yell in his ear and he groans and rubs it. I smile and I drop my things and we head out the door and toward the training grounds. I have been pestering him all day and now I get to pester him all night.

Sure we may be... friends now, but that doesn't mean I don't still enjoy torturing him, his reactions are too good to pass up.

And since we won't be shopping there won't be a bunch of cashiers ignoring me the actual shopper, for him.

We reach the bottom of the mountain and I let the chakra flow to the bottom of my feet and we walk up the rocky and jagged side casually.

"So what exactly do you have planned for her training?" Kakashi asks curiously and I shrug. I already know what I am doing I just don't want to spoil the surprise!

I was trained by the Akatsuki members, for me it was either get it right the first time or die. Those rules will apply but will be more around get it right the first time or I will hurt you.

We reach the top and I see Sakura standing there waiting for us with a nervous expression.

"Mala-Sensei!" She shouts and she runs over to me and I look at my wrist to see the time.

It is now exactly midnight.

She runs over to me with a smile on her face and when she gets close I grab her and slam her onto the ground.

"Your training begins at midnight! It is now midnight! The rules to this exercise are simple... You will be fighting me, you will be using every weapon or jutsu you know. I want you to try and kill me because I will be doing the same to you! There are no breaks this will only end when you beat me or when the sun rises... Begin!" I shout and she stands up and she gets into a fighting stance looking terrified and I smile at her.

I extend my claws knowing that they will be the only weapons needed tonight and I send her a chilling smile.

I run at her with the full intent of cutting her across the chest, I slice at her and I make contact with her kunai. She struggles to hold it and I don't give up on getting to her so we stare into each others eyes as we try to over power each other.

"I can't!" She screams and she jumps back but my claws skim her shoulder blade and they make a small cut there.

She holds her shoulder and she stares at me with wide eyes, now she knows that I am serious about what I said at least.

"Come on then weakling!" I shout and she pushes her eyebrows together in concentration.

I watch as her chakra goes to her fists and I actually see it which makes me stare in surprise. She has better control then I thought!

She runs at me with a shout and I jump out of the way just in time to miss being hit by her chakra enforced fists.

She hits the ground where I was and she makes a small crater which I stare at feeling slightly impressed.

I always knew she packed a mean punch but that mean?! I never would have guessed!

"Hyyaaa!" She shouts and she takes me by surprise when she appears behind me and she hits me in the side of the head.

I fly toward the edge of the cliff and before I can get a grip on the edge I fall over but I grab a rock jutting out just in time.

I think I will just dangle here for a while to see what she does.

"Mala-Sensei! Mala-Sensei are you alright?!" I hear Sakura scream and I smile.

Stupid girl, this exercise isn't over.

I swing back over the edge and I land behind her, I throw a strong wind chakra enforced punch at her back and she flies across the rocky terrain away from the ledge.

"This exercise is not over!" I shout and I see her get up slowly and she stares at me with anger this time.

"That was cheap!" She shouts and I watch as the chakra flows to her fists again.

"I am your enemy, I am going to do everything and anything I can to beat you, even playing on your weaknesses like caring to much." I say simply and she runs at me and she throws a punch that I block, she throws another and I grab her fist and I twist it causing her to land on her back on the ground.

"If you don't smarten up and get stronger, Naruto or Sasuke could end up dying because of you one day." I say coldly and I grab her by her shoulders and stand her up in front of me.

I hit her with my palm in the stomach and I send her flying backwards again and she lets out a scream as she hits the ground and she rolls on it leaving a small trail of blood behind her.

"Mala!" Kakashi shouts and I turn to him.

"Don't worry Kakashi! I know medical ninjutsu and also you promised not to interfere." I remind him and he slumps his shoulders looking defeated.

I turn to see Sakura running at me again and I swipe at her with my claws but this time I stare in surprise to see her disappear and turn into a chunk of wood.

"Substitution!" I shout and I turn around to get a blow right in the face that sends me flying backwards about 20 feet.

I stand up quickly to see Sakura standing panting and looking like a bloody mess.

"Please Sensei I am exhausted-" I cut her off by appearing behind her and shoving her to the ground where she lands on her face.

"There are no breaks in a real battle!" I shout and I go to stomp on her but she rolls over and she stands up. I throw a punch at her face but this time she blocks and she hits me in the stomach, I barely feel it and I send my elbow straight up into her face and she falls to the ground clutching her nose and crying.

"Mala take it down a notch!" Kakashi shouts and I ignore him and I grab Sakura and pull her to her feet.

"If I was your real enemy you would be dead by now. You can't just lay on the ground crying! You have to fight!" I shout in her face and I throw her back down again but this time she jumps right back up and she starts to throw punches at me but I block every single one of them.

Looking frustrated she jumps back and she pulls out three kunai, she runs around me and she starts to throw them one by one. I block all of them but I quickly jump to the right to miss being hit by a punch.

Damn she had another clone this whole time in hiding!

I turn to face the clone but I am hit in the side of the head by one of her chakra enforced punches and I fly into Kakashi knocking him over.

I stare at him, our faces only inches apart. I'm straddling him and his hands are resting gently on my hips, and my hands are on his chest. I gasp and roll off of him as fast as I can and nervously try to shrug it off. 

I hope Sakura didn't see that...

"How long have we been at this Kakashi-Sensei?" Sakura asks and Kakashi shrugs, so I check my watch. Phew she hasn't said anything about it.

"It has been three hours, only three more to go." I say and I run at her. She goes to jump out of the way of my punch but she is to slow and I clip her in the side of the face.

She falls to the ground and she stays there unmoving.

"Sakura!" Kakashi shouts and he runs over to us and he checks to see if she is breathing.

"She is just knocked out. Don't worry I will take her to the hospital." I say and I pick her up and start to walk away but Kakashi catches up quickly.

"I am not allowing you to train her anymore. This type of training is to dangerous and rough on someone like her." Kakashi says and I turn around to face him with an angry expression covering my features.

"What do you mean someone like her?" I ask narrowing my eyes and he stops short and he rubs the back of his head nervously.

"Well, female ninja aren't usually as strong. Also she has not really done real training before." Kakashi says quietly and I glare at him.

"I was eight when I took this type of training and it was my very first time. Also I am a girl and I have kicked your ass so many times I am surprised it isn't permanently bruised by now." I say coldly and I turn and walk away with Sakura still in my arms.

She did a lot better tonight then I expected and I must say that she has earned my respect. She didn't back down until she was knocked out.

I guess I should not have judged her just because she came across as an annoying fan girl.

I should have more consideration for her position, being a female in the ninja world isn't easy.

We arrive at the hospital and I hand her off to the nurses and explain that it was from training and then Kakashi and I leave and head back to the apartment.

"I'm sorry about what I said, she just comes across as weak and like a fan girl." Kakashi says from beside me and I nod.

"I know, that is why I didn't hit you." I say and I send him a small smile which he returns.

We reach the house and I quickly lay out what I bought on the table and I begin to make some changes to the dress I bought.

"What are you doing?" Kakashi asks me from across the room and he peeks over his pervy book to do so.

"Preparing an outfit for tomorrow night, I guess if I am going out I want to look good." I say simply and he nods.

"How do you know what to wear? Did the Akatsuki go out to bars?" Kakashi asks curiously and I laugh.

"No but I remember seeing this one dress on TV that I really wanted so I am going to make it. I rarely even got to watch TV anyways I was so busy with training and missions." I say and I feel slightly sad.

I miss them... Sure some of them were horrible and I wanted to kill some of them like Hidan who was a creepy perv to me talking about sacrificing me in a sexual manner or whatever, and Kakuzu who wanted to sell my beauty for money but most of them were good friends to me and they are my family.

We don't talk anymore about it and I finish my dress in time to get a few hours of sleep before we head out and discuss the Chunin Exams with the team.

I lay my finished dress carefully on the table and I walk into the living room to see Kakashi passed out with his book on his face, I take it off and I lay it on the couch and I turn back around to see him sleeping without his mask.

I stare at the giant scar on his face and try to take in all of it. He hides his face simply because he doesn't want to be stared at constantly and have people feel sorry for him or think he is a monster.

The only thing is I don't see anything wrong with what he looks like, his face seems fine to me and if other people can't see it then damn them.

I sigh and mentally slap myself as I realize that I was staring at Kakashi which was extremely rude. I walk over to him and I nudge him awake and he opens his eyes and stares at me looking confused.

"What happened?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"You fell asleep reading your book, come on lets go to bed." I say and I walk down the hallway to our room and I crawl under the covers and into the soft warm bed.

I feel pressure beside me and I turn to see Kakashi wearing only his boxers slipping in beside me.

"You do realize you just took off almost all your clothes right?" I ask and he stares at me with a sleepy expression.

"Whatever Mala it is hot tonight and I want to sleep like this." He answers and he flops his head down on the pillow and I laugh silently at him.

"He acts so stupid when he is tired" I laugh and I turn to see him giving me an annoyed look.

"I just said that out loud didn't I?" I ask and he nods and I facepalm myself.

"At least I don't cuddle with you in my sleep." He replies and he smiles and closes his eye.

"WHAT?!" I shout and his eyes snap open and he stares at me looking even more annoyed.

"You like to cuddle in your sleep that's all, but it doesn't matter because tomorrow the furniture department is dropping off a bed for you and we are going to put it in the other room." He says and I glare at him.

"You pervert!" I shout and he turns over to face the wall.

I groan in frustration and I flop down and face the door not wanting to look at him. Seriously?! This whole time I was doing that and he didn't say anything?!

What a pervert!!!

Tomorrow I will get him back... Maybe I will embarrass him while we are out or something... Hmm sounds like fun!

I let my eyes shut and I quickly fall asleep into a terrible dream about Kakashi wearing a fruit cup on his head and spilling peach juice in my hair.

Alright so that is chapter 10! Sorry if it isn't super duper exciting :P But it needed to be done!!!! LOL I can just picture Kaka wearing a fruit cup on his head XD Oh my goodness!!

So let me know what you guys think about this chapter and how Kaka and Mala are finally... friends? Lol


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