Secrets of Destiny

By TardisofCats

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Secrets of Destiny By Hannah Funk Love’s Strength Only Goes So Far… The wheels of change are finally turning... More

Secrets of Destiny

72 1 2
By TardisofCats

Chapter One

“The Last Morning” 


      From The dairy of Veda Swoon:


 April 16th, 400 AC

    This morning beings another chill down my spine as soon as I feel the suns heating rays crawl across the wooden floor, up on top of waking furniture, and to my warm body. Today is the last say that my town (Holivan) is preparing to send another batch of innocent men to their deaths and into the hate-filled inferno of Holivan and Colline’s ever-lasting war… Plus I’m accused of treason. 



  I dropped my quill pen on my sturdy cherry oak wood desk that my father has gotten me for my 16th birthday; the quills dried ink leaving half of my page written on, the other half empty. 

 My mind reminds me of my dark future like the rising sun that counts my days Intel I must confess my sins.

 I must keep all this silent Intel I can’t contain it anymore. 

My quick breath stirs the other darker side of me as I quickly cover my daily writing entries that expose my secret, and the voice of my father brings me to our small cold poorly lit living room.

 My father is standing near the door with a friendly smile painted on his tan face, a face I could never forget. 

 “You ready honey?” He asks politely in which I reply with a warm smile and a smooth nod.

  Today my father is wearing black shoe, (only a year old) black light skin-tight pants, a thin midnight black long sleeved shirt (with another short matching top over the undershirt) and a short mustache to finish the look off. 

 “Anna!” My father (Peturo, a kind sensitive yet brave man indeed) politely calls my six year old younger sister, grabs his light black jacket with important war documents tucked under his bent right strong arm.

  I wonder what they have hidden in them.

 “Oh but Veda, you would beg for that information.” Taunts a voice only inside of my head like it was too important to share out loud, and so unlike my own; a man’s perhaps. 

  I hear my younger sister opening her wooden bedroom door and walk through the dimly lit short hallway that leads to my parents, Anna (and my own) bedrooms. 

 Anna appears behind me, her combed semi-straight dark chocolate hair tucked gently behind her small ears, her eyes bright with joy of waking up to seeing her two favorite people; Peturo and me.

 She’s never going to be the same after today Veda, enjoy this time while it lasts.

 The voice comes back, I try not to look distraught by its comments all the time; this voice has walked into my head ever since the night the prince and I kissed like our lives depended on it.

 My father tries not to make the guilt painted on my face noticeable when he catches it in a heartbeat before its gone. 

 I look behind me and see her lightly tanned face beaming; her mouth wide and her eyes round, her cheeks smooth like mine, even the way she walks is a twin to my movements. 

 Only my hair is raven black and hers, a dark chocolate brown; mine like my mothers and hers like my fathers, our eyes are the same way.

 My ivy green eyes match my mom’s perfectly and Anna’s hazelnut eyes sit closely noticeable with my dad’s speckled hazelnut eyes. 

 The warm color of her eyes is also closely related as the shade of her simple (yet not poor) ankle length tan and brown dress. 

 This time the voice didt speak to me and so I told myself this; If you knew Anna, I could lose and hurt you forever.

 Anna smiles at me and sways a little in her dress, the corners fanning out as if to wave good morning to me; the tan layer hidden underneath the brown showing.

 The tan went two inches father form where the brown stopped which was two inches above her ankle, making the tan the border of the brown parts and seams.

 I return her favor by winking and nodding; now she knows my father and I approve of her dress 100 %. 

 She smiles at me and I hold out my hand to let her grab it so I wouldn’t lose her in the streets of Holivan while my dad is in his important war meeting.

 “Come on girls, we have a long day ahead of us.” My dad announces while opening the door for us like a gentlemen.

 I enter the streets once again as a wanted woman. 


Out in the cobblestone streets of Holivan, it was crowded but I know tomorrow it will be quirt and most shops would get little revenue. 

 Today ladies where not in the streets buying from various shops whiles their husbands also brought merchandise. 

 Therefore, a fair amount of men where in meetings with war Council Meetings like my father, busy devising strategy’s to take all of Colline down and get their revenge again.

 My father wanted Anna and I to spend today together in case the Council Men would send him off to war, (again) and wouldn’t let him come back to Anna and I.

 The authority in my family would be laid on my shoulders overnight. 

 The ladies (differing from all ages, shapes and sizes) who passed by didn’t know my secret, the though never occurred to them that I betray my country.

 I could imagine what they would say to me.

 “OH! How could you sleep with a Prince?”

 “He’s not your same statue! Subjects never sleep with their prince!”

“Get out of here! You fifthly hog!”

 Plus the worst (yet true) one yet would be, “You don’t deserve to live!” 

 Anna and I spotted the cobblestone and brick butcher shop near the corner where the paupers might pass by, their shacks made into poor houses where just a few yards away and clearly not livable. 

 I shuddered at the thought of having to even be in them for even a heartbeat, much less live in them. 

 I walked up to the cobblestone shop, (the hole is covered with a white makeshift covering of cloth that is torn and moves every few seconds in the light wind, reveling its stained surfaces) where a man’s large shadowed figure shows him busy cutting up dead chickens. 

  When he notices my figure from inside his shop and moves the cloth away from his face from inside his hot butcher shop is when I notice blood from various animals is painted on his filthily hands as if a three year old had done it. 

 I saw blood along with grease and dirt arranged on his hands and apron so I could easily spot all three materials. 

 Then a smell of rotting animals went right up into my nose, making me feel dirty and hot; even through it was faint it seemed intensified to me.

 Or was the smell rotting flesh? 

 The butcher finished chopping off the head of some small innocent chicken right infrount of me Intel he moved it aside and run a wet rag over the red stained wooden counter all in one movement. 

 He moved the dead chicken parts aside when he noticed me staring at the knife as if it would stab me right then and there, beneath its sharp edge (No question’s asked) it gleamed in the afternoon sunlight like a sword.

 I felt my neck hairs rise up in fear and unease, what if he decided I shouldn’t be here and buying from him; what if he knew already?\

 Don’t be silly Veda, how would he know? The king and the prince never share their prisoner’s reasons; they know better because they don’t want to frighten their people of other people’s sins. 

  The butcher looked up at first and asked me, “You here to pick up princes fresh sausage?”

 My heart skipped beats suddenly like a stepping stone before I said to myself; Oh no! He knows. How?

 I gulped down the stab of fear and forced my face to look like he didn’t just say that even through it made me shack because I almost had panic devour me. 

  Utter nothing Veda! You know what will happen! I remind myself again and held onto the words Intel I was home and hidden from reach.

  I reminded myself that this man is wrong and I’m not the prince’s delivery girl.

  And I never will be.

  I faked my joking tone when I spoke like I’ve never done before and plastered a smile so it’d make it more believable.

  “Oh no sorry, I just need one pound of beef- please. Thanks.” I made sure to add a please since my mother and father always taught me and Anna to use manners, a lot of people don’t so our family might as well be ones that do.   

  The butcher nodded yeas; his eyes leaving mine, whipped his bloody hands on his filthy apron, and walked to the back of his shop where a huge slab of beef was waiting to be cut. 

 The head of the chicken was still and peaked out from the right side of the opening where the cobblestone stopped and started again on the other side. 

 Today everything was giving me chills. 

 Its beady eyes stared directly at me.

 Anna waited patiently beside me, holding my left hand; it comforted me while we stood next to each other like trees on a street’s shoulders.

 The butcher also works for the prince; I knew that when he asked me if I needed the princes sausage as if I was sent here to pick up his meat.   

 Plus this man is the only butcher on this side of town and I didn’t want to go even farther in to this small town of Holivan.

 Holivan is located in France’s lush country side and no castles and towns have been built yet that are near it, and dense forests cover the back side of Holivan as another object hiding Holivan from view.

 Although, I’ve never been on the other side of the forest so maybe there is another settlement hidden; I just haven’t seen it.  

 As you can tell I’ve never been outside of Holivan’s walls and probably wont because of my short lifespan now anyways. 

 The butcher also told me who he was working for when I visited for the first time on my own a week and a half ago the following morning after I slept with the prince of Holivan.   

 The butcher walked up to the window where Anna and I wait with a wrapped pound of beef, waiting for me to pay him for the freshly cut beef.

 “Thirteen Centos.” The butcher says and scratches his head.  

 I have exactly thirteen centos so I put them on the wooden counter that’s inside the butcher’s musty shop, grabbing the beef in my right hand uttering nothing. 

 The butcher garbed all of my centos with a sweaty hand, dropped it in his aprons single shallow pocket while I turned to leave.

  I don’t want to stay here any longer. 

  I spoke little on the way home; asking about how Anna’s sleep was, unsure what to say since I’m nervous but she speaks the rest in a happy tone and I’m grateful for that.

  She does not notice my unease rolling off of me in waves.

  The walk back home was short because it really was just a winding narrow cobblestone road that I feel safe on; this way leads me home where I can feel almost like myself.

  Besides my home, the most significant place I find myself free to be who I really am is whenever I’m with the prince himself and when we first kissed it was a sealed deal to our future. (Weather or not we are forgotten or not) 

  Anna and I entered through the front door after I unlocked it and let Anna go take an evening nap she about fell asleep walking up to the front entrance.

 While she rest, I would be grilling the meat in a pot over a fire so it would be ready when Anna awoke.

  Before getting a sharp knife out to cut the beef into smaller chunks, I took off my hooded cloak and hung it carefully on the hook on the middle metal hook’s very tip. (Three hooks are nailed into the wall) 

 I hang it on the middle metal hook since later tonight I’ll be visiting my mom in jail, with this black cloak I could easily slip into the night, unnoticed and unwanted. 

 My heart feels tangled with fear and unease so much I wonder if the feeling will ever leave me, maybe they will and maybe they won’t.

 It depends on what will unfold before me from now on. 

 I decided to stop wasting my time on trying to simmer these feelings and write in my journal since that was the only thing that set me apart from how I feel inside.

 I’m realizing (as I walk to my room and sigh with tiredness) that (Nightmares have been keeping me up like it’s their only goal in their dark life since the night with the prince) my father won’t be coming home tonight, and maybe not ever.

 Father, I’m here for her.

 I pick up my used quill again for the second time today with warm sweating hands and dip the fine quill tip into its ocean of midnight black ink, putting it carefully on the next space below what I already wrote this morning.

Chapter Two

“The Hooded Lady” 


 The moon hung steadily in the sky of midnight black as a young women with a dangerous past (and future) full of treachery, deceiving, and lying snuck out into the empty cold streets of Holivan. 

 Tonight I’m going to visit my extremely brave mother, (who was torn away from me when she tried to stand up for me the following morning of the night I slept with the prince) even if her real crime was only sleeping with the king instead of the lie of also sleeping with the prince that she told the guards who arrested her that same morning. 

 I will never forget that morning, ever.

 She and I both broke important Holivan’s Laws by sleeping with royal men (who possibly really did love both of us) and are paying the price for our filthy decisions, my mother’s outcome is he depressed soul in jail for who knows how long.

 I will be beheaded in three days.

 I know that once I’m dead everything will change for Anna and some of this mess will be untangled.

 Although I’m sure some things are so deep and impossible that they seem to have no end to them; just like the word love.

 What is love? I ask myself for the first time in my impossible life. 

 The king is too caught up in his kingdom’s problems that he still hasn’t decided what he want to do with my mother; maybe he’s unsure to end her life in seconds or maybe he wants it drawn out and even more painful.

 Maybe he wants to keep her alive and exile her from Holivan altogether and let wilderness take care of her.

 What do you want king? 

 Plus Colline is starting to come closer to Holivan because they think we have something of theirs and unless they get their thing back, their kingdom will fall.

 Therefore, I wish the king would tell Colline that we don’t have whatever their thirsting for and Colline would just move on already.

 That is the only reason why Colline won’t just Holivan alone, that is the cause of this useless war that started eighteen years ago and hast dismissed since.

 This night through, I keep to the narrow ally’s and shadows on top of me and become one out of the numerous shadows cast by lighted torches placed on the walls of the many shops of Holivan. 

 I hope no one spots me and I continue to stay alert like an enemy assassin, carrying out her evil plans.

 I duck behind a large square piece of scrap rusted metal when I spot a silhouette of a poor pauper I his thirty’s (holding a half empty glass of cheap alcohol and talking to himself ) walk right infrount of me, clearly distracted by his own tangled troughs.

 Only by a heartbeat do I hide myself as he passes right infrount of me in case he decides to come out of his drunken state.

 When the drunken man disappears from the main street that leads to the castles dungeons and into a narrow rat-filled ally, I get up cautiously (while swiveling my head form my right and left in case someone would jump me) and quickly walk forward; continuing my plans to see my mother tonight. 

 Soon I reach the final shop on that street and glance a second at the closed door and window that usually are in the hubbub of the day’s busyness, now it looks dark and mysterious. 

 The owners of this shop where wise to lock their shop, people like the man I passed might break into it to steal a sip of their own sin, especially at a time like this.      

 I see where the cobblestone path curves a few inches because of Holivan castle’s outer walls do too. 

 I’m here. 

Suddenly I feel rough bare hands grasp me from behind, one near my lower back and the other near my neck; quickly and swiftly putting me in a chocking position.

 I gasp in fear with surprise as I’m being dragged by the neck while he takes me to an empty building that stands feet away from us.

 I barley can catch my breath and say to whoever is chocking me, “Stop! NOW!” 

I don’t scream when I order him to let me go because he’s cutting my air supply off, but put force behind my voice so he gets my tone of I-will-kill-you-if-you-don’t-let-me-go right away.

 Leave me Alone!

I know what he will do to me and I won’t let him get away with it, not tonight and not ever.

 I struggle under the stranger’s brute grasp and force and feel his hands dig into my skin like ropes; I yearn for him to stop touching me on my neck and my lower waist. 

 “Who are you?” I manage to say between the sheer second where his hands shifts to my neck while this man slips infrount of me so we can look eye to eye. 

 Now I see the man clearly; the bright moon shows his sharp figures, his crooked nose, missing teeth, and a bruise on his red check that shouts at me he’s a man who likes to play rough.

 He quickly shoves his lips against mine with force, hoping after a few minutes I’d start liking him; I knew I would get in deep water id I did what he wished.

 I needed to see if the king of Holivan has my mother already in her consequences lonely presence.  

 I kissed relentlessly against my will; he puts his hands on my sides so he can push me up against the shops wall like a hand would, but harder.

 Finally after the man touches me all the way down to my neck, he takes a breath of air (readjusting his hands on me) I take my split second of freedom wisely. 

 Never again will I be used!

 My small dagger is grabbed by my squashed fingers before his hands can do any more touching of my body.

 “Goodbye.” I murmur as his rough dry lips go to my lower neck.  

 Finally I shove my dagger straight into his chest with force. 

 His eyes have become as big as large meaty hands that have moved to my lower waist when his heart is forever finished beating by my sharp dagger.

 The last sound I hear from him is a breath inhaled and a thump as his dead body falls straight to the stone like a limp ragdoll. 

 If I didn’t have my dagger tightly secured on my belt that snaked around my waist, I would have become his forever.

 Never again, I’m not just a jewel and I never will be.

 I spit on his body for taken advantage of me and anger boils beneath my bones, it’s so heated I feel my hands clench tightly together making my knuckles go white. 

 The dagger is quickly cleaned off; I don’t want to bring this up to my mother either and I would never tell Anna what a pauper sinned on me tonight.

 The night is getting short so I hurry down the path, enter through a side door and creep through the castle out walls unseen. 


 The only way I could know where I was going was with my cold hand sliding on the rough inner castle wall on my left, I saved my right hand for defense purposes.

 I knew I was getting closer to my mother because my left hand found a heavy wooden locked Dorr that led to the inner walls in this white castle.  

 My watchful ivy green eyes peered into the darkness, the sense of being fallowed quickly dismissed. 

 I put my hands out into the darkness and leaned forward on my left foot with my eyes facing forward, my hand shy to step into the unfamiliar space around me as if there was something dangerous hiding in it.

 The things in the dark wait for prey to come before jumping out from behind the darkness and take their chance.

 I shudder; the chills starting to creep up into my feet like spiders but I pushed it down so I could do the important task that lay before me, it stood before me naked and afraid. 

 Then my feet pushed me further, rousing me and my whole being in questioning of why I even came here in the first place.

 Because you have to Veda, it’s your destiny. 

 Still I listened because my feet conceded to my heart that I have arrived here for an understanding of myself I could never comprehend.

 My mind quickly listened to my feet and began singing in chorus as one; moving and acting with each other perfectly like one straight line.

 My heart hushed as I took one step again and felt another door. 

 My face glowed for a moment when my hand made contact with the door, the inner child in me in me escaped as it express its joy to see our mother again.

 Oh my prince, have you done it again? I asked the night, hoping the key Peter (The prince of Holivan) had given me two nights ago when I spelt with him would work.

 Since I had told the prince who my father and mother where the night we became one, he wanted this problem to be unrivaled too before the whole kingdom knew and possibly would start a mob.

   I was concentrating so hard on getting the key to cooperate with this heavy wooden door a guardsman almost heard my struggle and the key being shoved into the hole.

 My breath froze; the heavy footsteps of the guardsmen’s leather boots alerted me that he was walking my way, if I didn’t leave now (trashing this plan) they could kill me sooner than I was originally told. 

 Please don’t come to me, I’m not here; please.

 I begged him silently, making sure to make no sound and no movement; being this still and silent is vital.

 I had to be the night for more reasons than one. 

 But then I heard his grouchy mummer’s right around the curving cold grey stone corner where he paused and before he turned away from me, letting me stay alive for tonight.

 The strongest feeling of pure relief was dumped on me by the guard and I wiped my sweaty left hand on my forehead before turning back towards the door.

 The door opened silently with ease, marking the point where I wouldn’t be ignorant towards my family’s sinful past. 

After tonight my family’s past will be uncovered and my future will untraveled like a tangled string.

 Chapter Three

“The Lost Princess” 


 I quickly stepped into a T-Shaped room and felt for more walls in which I sensed and saw four people were in here with me because of a small lantern that had been lit on the wall to my right.

 My mom has to be in here, innless they already had her hung for her consequences.

 Finley I passed the old large man who was hiding where the keys to each cell where.

 I searched for the keys by rummaging through a wooden chest on the small matching wooden table. 

 My breath held itself, not sure what to do Intel I opened the chest.

 I opened it with the tops of my fingers and saw what I’d come for, the keys to my past.

 The second wave of relief passed over me, painting a genuine smile on my face. 

 Thank You. 

 The chest was a rich dark cedar and I could tell it was worn by some scratches and chip of polish was pled off, thankfully I didt have a splinter in my skin.

 I hate splinters, no matter the size.

 The keys to this room full of regret and guilt where stowed safely in my dark plain cream and black dress, but the sliver key for the cells that stood infrount of me are tightly encased in my right hand; ready to do their magic.

 At first I really had no knowledge of where they had locked my mother up, probably not in the cells of two oldest sinners that where put in the corners; (because the king didn’t care where they went, as long as they were put in a cell and locked up for who knows how long) although most likely the newest sinners where put in the middle cells.

 Following my question, I heard who I was searching for when she whistled a tune just loud enough for my uncovered ears to hear.

 My whole body registered the whistle within seconds because I only knew one person who could do it perfectly.

 “Mom?” I whisper out into the dry air cautiously and shy.

 Then I walked closer where I heard the whistled tine come from which was past the sleeping dungeon key keeper.

 My whole body was scared and shaking like never before, if I controlled earthquakes I would destroy this castle.

 The key keeper was slumped over onto the uneven wooden table, facing the wall to my left fast into deep sleep as I walked past him carefully like mouse traps had been scattered everywhere. 

 I gulped, cast a quick glance over at the dungeon key keeper as I heard a women’s hopeful whisper speak to me my name.

 “Vedath Swoon.” 

 I clearly heard my name- a name unspoken of by everyone but my mother-called me so I hurried past the snoring guard and once I reached my mother’s cell I felt cold iron bars against my hand’s skin.

 “Thea.” I said without emotion behind my voice and a deep tone escaping my mouth surprisingly.

 Suddenly a woman’s rough and dirty hands grabbed my hands with force and urgency which scared me; but before she grabbed my hands like they could free her, my hands were holding onto two rusted black metal bars.

 She then yanked my hands to her check like it was vital, almost yanking my wrist off my hand with a tight grip that my wrist turned red from but only for a second.

 “Honey, you shouldn’t be here and it’s late.” She pleaded, her voice shaking and worn by her weeks spent in here and I felt for her.

 The feeling decided to leave through after a heartbeat and was covered with anger that quickly settled in my stomach like heavy dirt, a bitter taste formed in my mouth. 

 I looked into her eyes, like mine they reflected my inner soul and made me realize I was like my mother too; worn and weary by carrying the burden of my sin and was withering away by it like a flower.

 It was my choice, and will be always be flowing through my veins and burning my heart. 

 Her eyes pleaded for me to get her out, one way or another and her mouth trembled as a lonely tear ran from her left eye.

 Should I?

 “I’m sorry mom, but I have to do this. Please don’t worry about me anymore; we’ve done enough already.” I replied at first with a regretful voice but then ended with the voice containing the strictness of a guard. 

 I realized the words had killed her soul and she let the rest of her grief and guilt flow uncontrollably form her, not caring how many tears she let fall.

 “Mom, I might ne pregnant.” 

 The result was free and ran wild between us like the northern lights. 

 Thea moved her hand out of mine and finally let me have it back, and finally looked down at the straw that covered the cement of each lonely cell.

 Her dark brown greasy hair falls to her face that stares disappointed at the floor and starts ignoring me. 

 I knew what she was feeling and I sighed, I know my future isn’t going to get easer; no matter what I do.

 Pain rose from my mother’s heavy disapproval and stabbed me as I became silent, I was speechless; I would feel the same way if my daughter had sinned this bad.

 You would never forgive her.

 The voice taunted me and I decided to listen to it while I waited for my mother to break the wall that stood between us, so thick it seemed unbreakable.

 The silence annoyed me too and I couldn’t stand this long drawn out moment of it, even with another criminal coughing heavily every few minutes and the guard’s rambunctious snoring.

 “Mom, please at least listen to me; the prince and I didn’t mean to have it gone this far, he just wanted to see if I would be suitable for being his personal maid and asked me to make his bed. I had no idea he wanted to be more than friends.”

 I pleaded with my voice accidently rising in pitch and volume like a growing wave on the horizon.

 Thea turned to face the cement wall that faced her, got up and went to sit in the far left corner of her cell like a rat would and let me continually feel my anguishing continually; it seemed as if she was going to let this go on till sunrise. 

 Mom, please say something; I’m giving up on you! Mom…

 “Veda, why did you let him take control of you?” Her voice was a child, shaky and quiet; full of questions. 

 She knew this would hurt me and anger rushed back up to me, but before I could spit my cruel words out my voice froze; the old side of me would never say the words to her.

 I closed my mouth and let the anger be contained in my longer than I’d planned too.

 I knew you wouldn’t understand. 

 Plus I’ve been asking myself that question the moment we first kissed, even though my heart rushed madly inside of my chest and fire sparked between us; I knew we were in love and I’m still too proud and ignorant to answer it yet.

  I still loved my prince, whether or not it began with a sin. 

 What a way to have my first kiss. 

 Inside of me I could feel our trust between us collapse and set afire, never to be restored again; the feeling made me want to leave this body forever.

 “Mom I’m not listening to you anymore, my consequences for sleeping with the prince will be carried out on April 17th.”

 I finally let my breath go and waited for my mother’s hatred toward me to be expelled again.

 Instead I listened to a story I’d never heard before now and regretted not knowing Intel now.

 “Just like you Veda, when I was eighteen my self I made the sin that forever changed my future and is still being sought after by Collin after eleven long years.”

Then came the voice of a sinner, exploded with regret so deep it severed the sinner’s heart forever like a missed opportunity.  

Thea continued as another tear fell from her closed ivy green eyes and dripped onto her filthy stained sliver grey dress.

 My only choice was to listen and re-remember my past, it whispered to me now like a ghost; awake and alive.

  “And now because of my bad judgement and sin, Colline and Holivan are at war; therefore Colline will not stop intel they get their lost princess back.”

 Now I had to question my mom’s words so I did,none of this made sense; it made me hate the war I was born into like never before.

  “Who are you talking about mother? Who’s the lost princess?” I asked, suddenly fitting my foggy childhood back together and filling in the blanks like a sentence, piece by piece it came running to me in my nervousness mind.

 I started rewriting it and shaking as it hit me, through by through as my mother filled in pieces I had totally forgotten about.

 What’s happening to me?!?!

 I pleaded to my mind; tears actually came from me now and my inner voice shock as I trembled in fear while I learned of the frightening unknown.

 I can’t take this anymore!

I was too scared to move through; afraid I would shatter like glass if I shifted any part of my body so I was glued to the floor and listened against my will.

 My life came crashing down upon me and I was crumbling beneath it all like a vase thrown angrily against the wall.

 “I shouldn’t have spelt with the king- a prince at the time- and his name is Xalvador.”

 “No!” I screamed, the tears clearly heard between my voice’s outbursts, I knew anger had taken ahold of me and wasn’t going to let go Intel I was hung.

 Thea stopped when I interrupted her, the pause from her lips lasted a minuets before the rest of the fake story escaped her lips while also completely ignoring my question.

 “As soon as the lust passed the truth slapped me so hard I begged for the king’s mercy, I felt like hanging myself instead of having the child. The king of Crouse didn’t actually love me, I was too naïve to realize that he was only yearning for me to become his made and fell into his trap while I was making for my first exam. The only reward he gave me for doing half of it was fake love in which I had to suffer though as I has the king and I’s child- the child created from sin- a few weeks later.”

 “But when his previous heir to the throne died of black cough, the only other person who could take the princess spot was his daughter. The next day of the princess death, he came straight to me and asked for my one month old baby back; I couldn’t let her go for I become found and in love with her within days. The baby girl was my first child and I’d rather have died then give her up.”

 Thea paused again, gaining her breath and by now I’d stop crying and stared silently at the west dungeon’s wall with pointed arrow brows and a death stare that could kill.

 I realized that this story could help me defeat the hate between Holivan and Colline forever, therefore my fear changed to worry and my eyebrows shifted higher.

 “Mom hurry, times running out; sunrise is almost here.”

 I turned to her and let my eyes grow big with fear also before continuing.

 “Tell me what you did!” 

  This time I was pleading for the rest of the story, welcoming the forgetting moments and memories like an old friend.

 My heart affirmed to my mind that this story is real and needed to be retold like a timeless tale.

 But this one included sins so deep it ran in the family and an unbreakable bond of love.

 “The King asked relentlessly, even beating and abusing me from time to time intel finally a day after his 20th birthday when he’d had enough of it; he broke into my pauper house and took the child away from me by the most brutal force I’ve ever felt. I was so destroyed that my new husband- I’d remarried a day after the baby- couldn’t stand me being so depressed and took a stand against the king’s kidnapping,”

 I couldn’t handle the feeling of such anxiety in my entire body that I had to stand up and move my muscles, my body uncontrollably shaking again like a million fire ants where engulfing me in their red bodies.

 Despite me getting up to leave with a ray of sunshine waving me good bye, Thea finished the story and had her mouth forever locked shut.

 “I changed my family’s outcome by finally breaking free of the kings grasp by feeling to Holivan with my daughter safely shielding against the elements; safely secured in my arms. I came here to start a new life, and had another girl, but his one wasn’t a sin and was with my true love. I knew we were always meant to be as one family and household. Despite all of this trickery and kidnaping Veda, the king of Colline never forgot who stole his daughter and set aflame the war of the lost princess.”

 The air was unbearably heavy with the realization of who the last princess truly is.

 But before I could firmly tell me body who I truly am, the first rays of gleaming gold broke over the horizon and sent strips of morning sunlight onto my disturbed face.

 I was as good as dead, I’d been caught trespassing in the castles walls and now would be hung for coming this close to the royal family atop of my first sin.

  “Don’t move!” 

  I didn’t dare move and waited for further instruction from the dungeon guard and dungeon key keeper’s voice coming from behind me.

 It’s over; I can’t tell Collines king I’m living in Holivan, the war will be ever-lasting.

 Chapter Four

“A Final Warning” 


 “Peturo!” called a man that was only half dressed in battle armor and was leaning forward against a tall cherry oak wooden table inside Holivan’s Chief General medium-sized tent.

 Charttle’s hands lay sprawled out on top of the map of the territory known as “Duracell” that contained Holivan and Colline’s castles, plus the stretch of hilly land that lay between them like a river.

 The land between Holivan was always being watched by kings and their armies and had only two things built in them; one was by nature and stood off to the right side where Holivan’s outermost territory lay and the other a small arch angel’s hut that no one ever went too.

 The battle of the lost princess had effects on both opposing sides; Holivan was losing good and skillful soldiers and horses while Colline was short on weaponry and battle strategies.

 Still, the most saddest and affecting cost that roomed both of the kingdoms was lack of –they gave half of the famers produce to the soldiers- and a drought that took ahold of Holivan and Colline ever since Colline declared war.

 Finley Peturo appeared through the tents opening red of a sunburnt and sweating a river of water, his sword safely stowed away in his leather belt.

 Charttle sat up straight and put his hand on his chin in confusion, clearly not finding the new point to work from.

 “Sir, we keep losing men exactly at the same place as we are sending them now. We need to change areas and get more fresh men and horses.” Said Charttle, still staring at the map like the answers where going to appear at any moment. 

 “We don’t need many more men, we need more positions.” Peturo replied, somewhat annoyed that Charttle couldn’t figure this out by now.

Peturo paused at the wooden table that had the map of Duracell pinned down on it, making every drawing easy to see and point out.

 Then he leaned over the table with his arms extended on the map exactly as Charttle was demonstrating.

 Peturo was deep in though and just when he finally found the perfect answer to this puzzle, Holivan’s young battle messenger had arrived in the clearing where Holivan’s armies tents bordered it yelling out to the whole campsite a note has been delivered.

 The messenger didn’t say who it was from through.


  “Peturo, you should go; it sounds urgent.” Charttle said, looking up with him with nervous eyes.

 Peturo cast a straight face at him as a glance before rushing back out into the morning sun. 

 A few men who were dressing for battle had already gathered outside of their tents; some had the breast plate on, others only had their boots and fishnet pants on, still all had become anxious to hear what the young messenger boy had to say.

 The messenger boy was sitting patiently on a dark brown horse looking at the envelope that held the message; his trusty stead stood twelve hands high and was sweating because of the rising temperatures.

 “Herburto, the message.” Asked Peturo now annoyed that the messenger boy hadn’t given him the envelope with the message in it yet, the hot April day making his anger higher than normal.

 Peturo was standing by his horse, near his head and was staring at him while also giving the stead a pat on the check as a reward.

 Finley Herburto looked away from his letter, at Peturo and handed him the sealed envelope saying an apology for not handing it to Peturo right away.

 “It’s ok Herburto; never do it again through, and go patch up that soldier boy” Peturo said quickly before turning around and heading back into his tent knowing that this most likely will be a threat and he didn’t want his army scared anymore than they should.

 Plus this kind of information goes straight to the chief general and must not be said around the army.

 Not one word. 

 Herburto was wounded on the soldier so he went straight to the first aid tent and had the nurse wrap up his soldier with tape and went easy for the rest of the day since the cut would become worst if he stretch his soldier more.

 Peturo wiped his sweat covered forehead, sighed and ran his fingers along the seal it bore on the back, it was shallow and made with a tin layer of bronze. 

 The seal of Colline looked exactly like this:

Charttle looked up from the battle map of Duracell and at Peturo in bewilderment; this was the first note he’d saw from Colline’s king and General since he’d been promoted to general assistant five years ago, right after he’d turn twenty three. 

 “Sir,” Charttle began, with confusion and nervousness but then was silenced by Peturo’s hand going up in urgency.

 Peturo’s eyes passed over Charttle and peered at the words written on the parchment like he could fry them off the small page parchment.

 Then his face turned into anger as he narrowed his eyebrows as if they were sharp arrows flying towards the enemy.

 Peturo looked so closely at the ink the words seemed to mock him so much only Charttle could see his hands twitch uncontrollably, yet they were sturdy enough to hold the note.

 Peturo’s face changed, now two emotions played across his face; it remind Charttle of a child just about to cry.

 Oh no.

 Charttle knew they had to act fast before it was too late and Colline would destroy Holivan. 

 Finally Peturo looked dup from the parchment note again with the serious face and still controlled hands.

 Charttle,” Peturo said strictly and stared straight into Charttle’s scared dark brown eyes.

 “Yes sir?” Charttle’s voice quivered like a string being strummed on a acoustic guitar. 

 “Go rally everyone up and fall back to Holivan’s walls just outside the castle. Tell the messenger boy to see if he can rescue any living men in the battle and leave the casualty’s behinds. We must move to Holivan and stop this, now.” Peturo ordered with his anger looking also controlled now, his shock of what the note said washed over by determination instead.

  Peturo put the parchment back in the envelope and safely tucked both items in his pocket to keep from losing it. 

 “Let the kingdom come.” Whispered Peturo, almost already feeling defeated.

Chapter Five

“Once Alone” 


 “Veda?” Anna called from thee dark silent hallway of the Swoon’s house. 

 Anna held a stuffed doll in her left hand while she used her right hand to rub the sleep from her eyes and wake up more.

 A ray of morning sunshine seeped through a hole in an old tattered curtain nearby.

 Once Anna had rubbed both eyes, yawed like a lion, and let her belly growl its request for food she realized she was the only one in the house.

 She opened her eyes to their full capacity in a second so she could clearly examine the house she was living in; she was looking for Veda to be sleeping on a rocky chair in the still hit living room.

“Veda!” Anna called again, now her voice trembled and she started to listen very closely to see if Anna was writing again early in the morning with the kitchen staying around her like she usually is doing.

 The kitchen stood on the other side of Anna and the living room occupied the left hand side.

 She heard absolutely nothing, not even outside; no one would be in the streets quite this early, innless they needed to be. 

 Anna felt completely alone, she realized this was her biggest fear; this was the first time she’d woken up alone in this house and this has become the most freighting moment of her life.

 She dropped her dill and felt a tear begin to gather in her eyes, a burning feeling of defeat ruined her energized body.

 “Veda!” She screamed to the house with closed eyes and a tear streaked face.

 This time she didn’t care if she woke anyone up, she just wanted Veda here with her and not wherever she really is. 

Anna went to the living room’s wide widow and ripped the curtains away from the window in pure hatred and digest.

 The sun’s face shone brightly into her red face before Anna closed her eyes and blocked out the world and all its problems, letting the brown curtain fall from its rod iron.

 The curtain was silent as it draped its self over Anna to protect her from the sun and the outside world while Anna turned into a different and more mature girl.

 Anna had leaned against the wall, looked at the black celling that faced her before sitting on the dirty wooden floors with her knees up to her face.

 She was glued to the floorboards and wasn’t going to budge, she would die there in a home she once through was safe and a wall against all evil.

 “Veda.” Anna whispered quietly to herself and anything else that bothered to listen.

 Sorrow covered her as thickly as her loneliness and she was crushed beneath it all like a bug.

 Meanwhile at the edge of Holivan’s tall stone walls a wind of danger swept up through the land and straight up to the gates. 

Chapter Five

“The Changed Destiny” 


“What are you doing here?” Snarled the bald key keeper into my throbbing red ear as e walked behind me, making me face forward with him pushing me from behind. 

This man had slapped me in the head and ear in which I reacted to his abuse by falling onto the cement floor and cell bars of the cold dungeons before I could explain myself.

 I was silent now after he slapped me, I only let out a tiny gasp go for my mom to hear. 

 Only now I realized why I had come to my mother at all and was explained my real childhood as if it was never really forgotten In the first place.

 “The prince told me if I found you, I would take you to him first thing; no questions asked. I can already guess what he’s going to do to you. You filthy women”

 Suddenly he pushed me so hard forward I fell face fist back onto the ground and the wind was sucked right out of me.

 I let out another painful scream and felt bruises appearing all over my body, covering me in purples and blues I would feel Intel I was hung.

 Help me! 

This time I couldn’t handle the pain that ripped through my face as he left me on the cement stair landing and kicked me in the butt, legs, and stomach like it was his job.

 I fell onto my side and tried to use my back as a shield against his kicks and grasped my stomach, trying to breath between the painful feelings burning throughout my whole body.

 He had led me on numerous said through the heavy door I first found while on the outer walls of Holivan’s Castle yesterday night.


 Tears flowed freely from my eyes, my body shook like it was being thrown around brutally and I told myself one last promise before passing out because of the unbearable pain. 

 Veda, your free to die now.

 While I was passed out for at least an hour, the key keeper had made one large bruise on my back and multiple ones that where smaller on my legs and tailbone. 

 I had received all these hits before finely the prince heard one of my screams and someone kicking a human non-stop right outside the bed chambers where I wasn’t safe.

The prince looked angry and confused when he opened the door of truth and saw me lying almost completely still right outside his bed chamber doors like the injured animal I’d become. 

  The key keeper/ dungeon watch was gone of Crouse, too afraid of what the prince might say and do to him also if he found out he’d abuse his first true love right outside his door.

  I lay with my front facing him and my back facing the opiate wall, breathing abnormally and twitching. 

 He looked out the small window that faced him while he stood right outside his bedchambers doors, glanced down the empty concrete stairs before taking me inside his bed chambers to be somewhat healed.

 The prince carefully placed me on his king sized bed, making sure not to move my body even more and ordered hot tea from the maid who passed by his bed chambers.

 “I would like two cups of hot tea please maid, and two slices of white cake.” The prince kindly said before closing his wooden door once the maid had started walking up higher into the castle to check on the king before making the prince’s hot tea and cake. 

  The stairs she used where worn, somewhat clean, and twisted since the bed chambers where on one large tower on the east side of the castle.

 “Peter?” I asked once I’d awoken, still feeling the bruises if the key keepers abuse and hatred towards me; it was a raging fire inside of me. 

 Now I know my mother’s and my execution dates would be sooner than expected for sure. 

 The prince paused a moment, looked at the floor, and finely stared at .

 He knew what I’d done and what I will do; he felt my pain as he walked over to his bed I was sitting on.

 “You have to leave Veda, now; before they come for you.” Peter (the prince of Holivan) ordered me. 

 I wondered if he knew about my real childhood, probably not through since I was the only one he knew between Anna and me.

 “You have you tell him.”

No I don’t, leave me alone. 

The voice I tried to block out was the same one who came to me yesterday morning, unlike mine in a few ways but deftly mine. 

 “Once he knows the real reason that the war is really for you know he will just leave you and your child to Colline and  never love you again!”  

 A Headache burned from the voice nut thankfully the prince’s presence dimmed some of the throbbing pain that matched the rest of my abused body.

 I finely mustered up enough courage to tell him the truth that might break his heart but finally end this pathetic war once and for all,

 Both of our eyes locked with ease as he moved co close to me our noses brushed against each other before I opened my mouth and let the words dance between us.

 “Peter, I’m who Colline’s fighting for and their coming for me; goodbye my love. I will forever love you but I’m not letting my mother’s mistake decide this kingdom’s destructive fate.” 

 Chapter Six

“At The Walls of Holivan” 


  Peturo’s small yet mighty army had gathered only what they needed for one last attack and left as soon as possible.

 The messenger boy had his cut quickly covered and clean, had only thirty five men rescued form the battle upfront (now most of Colline’s troops had also fallen back and where joining the rest of their army like Holivan was doing too now) and had dropped them off with the rest of their army, Holivan before heading straight to Holivan to worn about Colline’s dangerous final move.

  It was to attack Holivan head-on and take back what’s rightfully theirs; The Lost Princess. 

 The sky depicted everyone’s moods; it was a cherry blue picture Intel now when it became a dull light grey.

 The rain would be coming late this evening and would bring new life to France’s largest kingdoms (out of the numerous settlements) who hated each other down to the final words, Holivan and Colline. 

 The clouds formed in the sky where as rare as forgiveness and the humidity were as heavy as hatred.

 Holivan’s small army had left their tents and un-needed necessities behind at their third and final camp (or they hope) but remembered to bring whatever fight they had left.

 Their last gathered strength and power was a single sword, fighting its way bravely through s never ending sea of enemies. 

 Peturo was on his brown spotted Paint horse and had his men hurrying behind them in running gallops, trailing not too far behind his fast horse.

 The walls of Holivan appeared form a distance, welcoming back home their men and showing its self timidly off to Colline’s approaching larger army.

 Within three hours they had come to Holivan’s walls and set up another line of men infrount of Holivan’s thick walls.

 Peturo had his men resting while also staying alert as a cat, eyes can never close; and of carouse don’t blink, your only job intel Colline’s army arrives your only job is to be alert.

 He had planned a sneak attack, and told his men their jobs for the rest of the evening right at Holivan’s walls and before dispersing to their hide outs; they only emerged when the single was given by Charttle and Peturo.

 The four men on horses that where the gatemen where confused when they witnessed what looked like to be a battle set up right near the castle instead of in the heart of Duracell.  

 When Peturo went up to inform the four guards on more horses, Peturo watched his mouth for words that needed to not be said.

 “Guards-“ He began while his tall horse stood still on the bridge that covered the moat.

 The bridge was narrow but wide enough for ten horses to pass through but not a single extra, if needed the guards could tell the gate controllers to bring the bridge to act as another defense; (it’d cover the iron gates)  therefore the probability of Colline’s army passing into Holivan is decreased. 

  Of carouse if they tried they went drowned in the moat that was always filled by a narrow fast-moving river behind Holivan in a dense forest that covered about half of France. 

 “Peturo, what are you doing” If your endangering Holivan-“ Irrupted the chief front gate watchmen who’d come up closer to Peturo before getting his sentence cut short.

 The tension arose between them and the man all realized it and was unsure what to do about it.

 “Oh no, Colline’s king actually told me that-“ Peturo began kindly before he was stopped short with his words again.

 “Yes, your message boy told us. I just want to hear it from you. You never know if someone’s lying or not.”

 Peturo stiffed, Holivan didn’t know about Veda’s birth; if he’d told Holivan’s king he’d be thrown out of Holivan and left to die, alone and outside of Holivan’s protected walls.

 Peturo tried not to show hi nervousness even through his hands started sweating under the pressure of staying quiet for so long.

 Watch what you say Peturo.

 When Peturo and Thea first met eighteen years ago, Peturo vaguely knew about Colline’s Lost Princess dilemma; he knew Colline had lost someone (a female of carouse) priceless and knew Colline wasn’t going to give up looking for her.

 Even if it meant killing numerous people and breaking hearts.

Over throughout Peturo and Thea’s lives, Thea let Peturo learn more about Veda’s birth, realizing what their lives would be like from then on.

 Although they vowed one simple act of defiance, they would never give up Veda. 

 What have we done? Peturo asked himself, reinforcing it was Thea and himself who had made the worst mistake of their twisted lives.

  Not Veda. 

 “Oh yes, he did; where is he now?” Peturo asked the main gate guards/watchmen.

 What will the king say? 

“He’s running throughout the streets warning everyone to lock their doors and stay inside incase Colline’s army gets pas these gates, the castle’s doors are all are locked shut too Peturo. The Prince would be last since that’s at the edge of Holivan.” Replied the head gatemen, annoyed that Peturo didn’t get the entire jest of what was playing out this afternoon. 

 All of it? Well that boy better hurry then, and spend no time wasted on unneeded precautions. 

 “Thanks, you better get the rest of the wall watchers and gatemen ready too; I don’t know what the result of Colline’s plan will be exactly.

 Peturo finished his words with the head gatemen and nodded before turning to face the enemy of all Holivan citizens.

  Its unforgettable name is Colline. 

Chapter Seven

“A Messenger Boy’s Help” 


 Anna had fallen asleep as the morning went on without her, not knowing where Veda was and feeling completely alone in despair.

 Colline was seconds before attacking Holivan and change was the wind of nature, blowing its way across people’s hearts and minds; even Duracell was trembling under its lighting fast effect. 

The Swoon’s home was right in the middle of Holivan, only a few miles away from Holivan’s towering pale grey castle.

 The messenger (seventeen) stopped only for a few seconds at each house to order the commands of locking themselves up in their houses where it was safest.

 His horse is a quarter horse and a fast one, (almost as quick hooved as Peturo’s horse) and while he gave a warning of Colline’s attack on each doorstep no one questioned him; the people of Holivan knew of the messenger boy ordered you to do anything it meant it could kill you if you didn’t fallow every single word escaping from his mouth. 

 It was an hour and a half Intel non with the sun almost completely covered with a dark blue and grey cloud.

 On a regular spring day in Duracell, France the sun would be at its highest point in the rich baby blue sky, all while warning off clouds so well that only a few dared to stand in the sun’s way. 

 The messenger boy, Herburto felt fear following him every step of the way and tried gulping it down his throat Intel this attack was finally over.

 He wondered if Colline is really attacking Holivan for stealing their princess, or if it was because they didn’t get along with Holivan.

  Maybe it’s in their blood. 

 Herburto asked himself numerous questions while his job carried him throughout the empty cobblestone stone streets of Holivan.

 One of those questions was unforgettable, and it was one he needed to ask Colline’s prince himself, person to person and with no one watching him.

 Dose the prince of Colline also truly want his kingdom’s princess back?

 Or is there something going on that Holivan douse not know about.

 Once he arrived at the Swoon’s house he let the questions slip off hi9s back like water and let his order come back up to his mouth.

 He got off his dusty brown horse, not letting his anxiety get the best of him, and stepped up to the Swoon’s unlocked door. 

 Herburto stood right infrount of the Swoon’s door, not hearing a single soul stir for many heartbeats, he hard for any female and male voices to drift from the house to his listening ears but wasn’t given anything in return for his patient waiting.

 So he turned to leave, scratched his itchy scalp and hoped that whoever was left in the house had locked the doors.

 And hunkered down like a bunch of rats.

  Luckily Anna had woken at the urgent knocking coming from the Swoon’s door and hurried toward its source, the knuckles of Herburto’s hands summing her to come forth.

 The door was unlocked with shaking hands by Anna with a few grunts of frustration intel a heartbeat later she opened the Swoon’s front door open all by herself for the first time.

 The door opened slowly with the same motion of a rusted creaking iron gate.

 “Hello?” Anna said shyly with her right hand in her mouth and her left hand clutching the door knob.

 She now had dark circle under her eyes that clearly singled what affects her nightmares had done to her slumber last night.

 Herburto stopped, froze and then turned to Anna and was about to ask why she hadn’t locked the doors and was alone but stopped himself, he decided the king would probably know what to with a girl her age.

 Plus the king was very caring towards his people and one of the rules he had passed was that no child will be left behind, ever. 

 Anna looked at Herburto with her mouth shut, letting him see that she needed help and was alone before she proposed her plan to her salvation that would impact her life for years to come.

 Herburto noticed Anna looked like an timid red young fox kit and missed his younger sister who’d he left behind when he was drafted into the army of Holivan two years ago.

 “Oh miss, where’s your family? They should be here with you-” Herburto started to explain with a kind voice.

 Anna looked him straight into the eyes before and while she said her plea of help to Herburto, she suddenly looked condiment alongside her face and eyes.

 She wasn’t afraid to interrupt and had too, it was vital. 

 “The Prince wants me to be brought to him, now.” 

 Herburto looked surprised and then angry, he had three more houses to go and was supposed to report back to Peturo before Colline attacked Holivan head on.

 Guess my plans will have to be delayed. 

 Anna repeated her face and words to Herburto who didn’t move an inch or say anything back to her; she needed to get to the prince, now. 

  Finally he motioned for her to climb onto his horse and had just enough room on his large saddle for her to squeeze into as he took her to see the prince like she had commanded him to do.

 Maybe I can use this to my advantage. 

 Between the time of her first realizing that she was alone in the house, and a few minutes before being woken up from her morning nap by a series of knocks; (and a young man’s voice asking if anyone was in the Swoon’s house) she went searching throughout the whole house to see if any piece of furniture or smells would explain why Veda was missing.

 Anna’s first clue was of the missing black hooded cloak; usually it hung silently on the middle metal hook like an old friend like it normally did during the mornings. 

 She remembered feeling its thick cloth, its die blacker than night its self and something precious still hung tightly onto the cloaks skin.

 It was her sister’s familiar comforting scent that reassured her that everything was going to be beautiful again.

 Just like it used to be. 

 Anna remembered this smell as long as she could remember, her mother had told her a year ago that the smell always lingered in her heart because her hands and nose first grasped the cloak on her fourteenth birthday; Veda reading a fairytale to her ears.

 The story included talking cats, a jumping frog, and a funny word named Fickle.

 She remembers Veda’s glowing face when she first received it at age fourteen and always wore it around the house in great pride. (But never in town because she didn’t want to get it dirty)

 The second clue for Anna to come across was an empty bed; Veda always sleeps in really late.

 Following this, Anna couldn’t hear or sense Veda’s presence; her absence felt as if a chunk of home had been tore from the Swoon’s house that Anna had always found un-touchable. 

 The messenger boy quickly decided to yell at the doors belonging to the last three houses as Holivan’s people became aware of the danger and fear consuming them.

 Following his last call of warning to a small family’s middle-class house he went straight up to the castles front gates and said to the angry guards, “The prince wishes to see Miss Anna Swoon right away.”

 Anna through she detected a look of recognition of the guard Herburto talked to but he a scowled through the whole conservation so it was hard to know for sure why knowing her was bad.

 The chief guard of the castle’s front gates gave a warning to Herburto that only Anna could pass into the castle and he must leave as soon as Anna steps onto the cobblestone entrance.

 Anna got off of Herburto’s horse, said a sincere thank you to him and his horse (with a nice rub on the forehead) before hearing Herburto gallop back off to the outside of Holivan’s walls behind her back that was turned against him.

 I really hope my plan is full-proof, this has to work. 

Chapter Nine

“The Everlasting Love” 


  “Veda, how couldn’t you not know this before now?!?” Peter said, getting off the bed hastily, he was angry at me; I could tell by the way his eyebrows narrowed right at me.

 “Peter, my mom told me this just hours ago; how could I know who I am if no one told me the right story about my birth?”  I pleased, realizing he could exclude me from his promised love forever.

 Peter looked away from my guilty body in shame, just like I did when my mom first un-earthed my true past. 

 Despite my great anger towards my mother, (Thea Swoon) I realized as I was forced away from her presence that the story she told me stirred a plan to change everything.

Hopefully for the better. 

The plan was their inside of me all along, I had to just let my guard and myself venerable to guilt for it to come rushing at me.

 My face lightened as a tiny flicker of hope fluttered in my chest at that most important moment where I sat in the prince’s presence. 

 “Veda, all I want is peace in this kingdom much like my father Blaxton but I still love you-“  Peter started again, not an emotion of sorrow saved for me; only a stern voice suited for a king  showed.

 The voice matched his older self-much like he will be in two years when’s he king of Holivan. 

 He’ll be the king without his true love and the queen of Colline will be missing someone too.

 I had to tell him my plans before the timing of my actions would diminish and blow into a wild fire, untouchable and smothering hot. 

 “I’m too valuable for Colline to let them leave me to just die in the hands of their enemy; regardless of what I’ve done. I’m escaping before tonight when I was originally supposed to be hung for my sins.” 

 I pause and let my eyes leave the blanket I sat on and stare at the back of Peter’s head. 

 “Veda, I’m only helping you save yourself  this time; as a prince I know by giving you up it will save Holivan from letting Colline do anymore damage to us but I also must warn you that if you do anything that harms Holivan I personally will end you. “

 I knew exactly what he was saying and I knew I most likely will never see him again after today.

 “Peter.” I saw is awe and pure gratefulness, the relief form this victory was touching me with warmth.

 Just as Peter comes over to the left side of the bed where I sit to give me one last lingering kiss and a promise to keep our child safe, a series of knocks stir the quietness of Peter’s bed chambers.

 I stiffed, encased in the fear that the excitation men had come for me.

 No, not yet.

 Peter mouth’s the urgent word of “Hide” with a nod.

 I obeyed and dived down to the wooden floor boards and heard me knees pop loudly right before Peter opened the door, I hoped the person facing Peter didn’t hear that.

 Just as my feet touched the floor and I hunched my back over, I heard Peter answer the man who knocked on his bed chambers door.


  “Anna Swoon is here to see you sir, and you should lock your doors; Colline has come for their lost princess.” 

 Underneath my adrenalin coursing through my body I had a striking feeling of dread lying on my throat.

 Oh no, Anna! Why aren’t you at home safe and inside the locked house? I can’t save you anymore, your right; the world has become ugly.

 The face fear came back once again, I knew Anna would hate and my parents after today.

 I promised myself no more lies would slip form my mouth and said a silent sorry to Anna with my eyes closed.

 “Yes, thank you. You also stay safe.” Peter replied, letting Anna slip under his arms.

 “Thank you Peter, good day.”  

  Peter closed the door, letting another look of surprise cross his face while Anna stood infrount of him, leaning up against his bed looking him straight in the eyes.

 Finley Peter spoke to Anna after he’d gather his courage to to ask why in the world my younger sister was here and not safe inside her home, locked up and hidden.

 “How did you know to come here miss?” Peter asked, now angry that my younger sister had randomly showed up.

 I could tell by her looking for me and trying to make sense of my absence earlier this morning that she had matured and became breave in spite of her world crashing down upon her.

 “Veda, it’s only your sister Anna; please explain to her.” Peter told Anna and me.

 Anna’s eyes lit up and she turned to me with her mouth open in amazement that she had found me.

 I let the wave of guilt pass over me like a cloud before standing up and looking at Anna with a look of pure ‘I’m Sorry’, even though I felt like collapsing in my own pool of guilt.

 My body rose up from the smooth floorboards and into Anna’s eyesight.

 “Hello Anna.” I said, standing straight with the bright warm sunshine propping me up.

 Anna had solemn eyes full of questions and pain that matched her dropping smile. 

 “Veda why? Please make everything beautiful again, please.” Anna begged me.

 I see her mouth quiver and shift again like a light; her voice also has a cry of fright in it as ample as the danger in Duracell.

 Feelings and imagines suddenly slapped my mind, recurring like there was an endless of amount of them finely set free of my birth; taunting me to do the right thing.

 The voice was above it all whispering, “Look what you’ve created!”

 “Anna I’m so sorry; the prince and I made a rotten decision and for you safety you must listen to me.” 

 Anna would have to find out about my birth relating to this war later.

 When the time is right.

 I moved out from the right side of the bed and sat beside Peter who’d moved onto his king sized bed, and then he kissed me on the forehead.

 Peter withdrew his lips from my forehead, leaving me with a sense of comfort in which I smiled and felt his strong hands hold mine.

 “So Veda, what shall we do?” Anna asked, looking at me while she walked over to sit beside me with determination in her eyes. 

 I turn to look back at her as she sits down right next to me before I reply, “I’m sorry Anna but for me to finly end this war that’s affected everyone, I have to return to Colline. Anna, mom and dad kept my brith secret so that they could keep me. That’s the only reason why Colline is attacking Holivan.” 

 “Veda, please don’t go; I’ll miss you.” Anna replied, barley managing the words with a tear flowing form her pained hazel speckled eyes that I’ll never forget.

 Anna hugged me so fiercely; I suddenly felt her fierce anguish like a knife had been stabbed in both of our hearts.

 I know I’m hurting Anna the most, she would have to grow up here in Holivan alone but not forgotten by me; I will always call her family.

 Even if she’s the only family I have left.

 The plan abruptly burst into my head as soon as my eyes closed shut to prevent more tears from appearing, Anna hugging me tightly like a clenched fist.

 I now had what I needed and was ready to let it play out exactly as my visions had shown me.

 I was returning to Colline.

The plan would be carried out as soon as I knew for sure if my father would be alive after Holivan’s heavy attack.

 I leaned back, letting Anna get the hint to let go of me and concentrate on my instructions.

 “Anna, if dad douse not come back alive from Holivan’s attack you will live with Peter intel I can return to you again; and after that everything will be beautiful again. I Promise. “

 I didn’t want to hurt her yet and tell her the truth about me actually not coming back, I felt that by her finding it out herself in the coming years she would be more forgiving toward me.

 That time apart would last Intel we are dead most likely innless Colline decides to leave Holivan alone; knowing that Colline’s army is coming here for me hinted that they would have nothing to do with Holivan for years.

 I can’t believe I’m doing this. 

 “I have one last task for you Anna, you must burn my journal sheets and don’t ever forget that your mother, father, and I will always love you.” 

 Anna nodded and let me move a piece of dark chocolate hair behind my ear before I told Peter my last wishes.

 I turned back to face him and let a breath of air go, letting him hold my hand again with both of his warm hands.

 “I know this is sudden but if my father has not returned for Anna than you must adopt her as your younger sister, I want you to see if the king will take her into the castle where she’d be safest and have her grow up as a princess like she should have.”

 If the king didn’t take her in as an orphaned child he’d have to make up a believable story that I knew he would be exceptional at.

 Peter sighs, nods, and is already forming a lie to tell the king (if he douse not take Anna into the castle as part of the royal family) as I get up from the bed and start to leave the home I’ve always known.

 “A thousand thank-you’s Peter, goodbye and May you become the king you were always meant to be with Anna growing up like she should have.” 

 I say, and let a smile appear on my lips once I’ve left his bedchambers for the last time.

 I have begun my long decent down the quiet stairs as I hear Peter’s bed chamber door’s close tightly and knock.

 He has locked it and left a wall between me and the problem, the sins of many are beyond the stronghold of love itself.

 Chapter Ten

“In The Inferno” 


 Peturo stood still, anxiety rolling throughout every muscle of Holivan’s people and all of Holivan’s army men’s eyes penetrated the horizon that hid Colline’s castle if you are looking straight from ground level.

 Hills stud between Holivan and Colline except in the center where the valley was and where it was most green. 

 Peturo peered so intently at the horizon that the low hanging sun bore its self into his forehead, almost making him squint since it was just above his eyes.

 Following his hand moved to his sweaty forehead to block out some of the sun’s rays, Charttle came up beside Peturo who also sat on a horse.

 Peturo didn’t dare let his eyes take a rest or blinked his eyes closed for just a heartbeat even when Charttle’s horse was standing beside him on his right side; he then had to multiple task so he could hear what his ears picked up from Charttle’s lips.

 “Are you sure Collines attacking today?” Charttle asked, since they’d been waiting out here over an hour but less than two.

 Than a single brown- almost black- blur appeared on the horizon, clearly not a mirage and deftly coming towards them.

 A faint but strong deep growl roared from deep in his throat before he let his eyes rest for a second and took the chance to reply to Charttle.

 “They’re here Charttle; go tell the rest of the men of Holivan.”

 Charttle gulped, straightened his back with confidence and nodded before making his way to the walls surrounding all of Holivan to inform all the men belong to Holivan’s army that Colline has arrived. 

 Peturo turned his horse a few inches to the left and announced loudly to the Holivan’s front gate guardsmen that Colline was approaching.

 The men nodded, got all their swords out in their hands and let Peturo become the leader of Holivan’s army.

 May Holivan live on for the lives of many.


 Thirty minutes later Colline was up to the towering walls of Holivan ready to fight if needed and a life changing question to ask Peturo.

 During these thirty minutes, the dot that Peturo had spotted had grown larger and its shape began to form; clearly outline all the body parts of an enemy soldier. 

 The men of Colline stood patiently behind the chief general in a square, eyeing Holivan’s head general with pure scorn.

 Despite the cold stares, rumors starting to fly about Colline’s army and the heat form the sun Peturo stared straight into Phillips, the chief general of Colline’s army. 

 Phillip was also on his horse and face Peturo with a devilish smile playing on his face and lips while his stare was even more precise, to Peturo it felt like he was digging into his sinful soul; clearly seeing his imperfections.

 Beneath Phillips sharp dark green eyes a very determined man arose (much greater than Peturo’s feelings) like the flames of a fire; ready to burn down the courage Peturo was showing. 

 “Phillip, I will not let you take anyone from Holivan, every single person in Holivan now deserves to be here; you don’t need anyone.”  Peturo said to Phillip’s smirking face, clenching his teeth.

 Suddenly Peturo grabbed his sword and brought it up to his face as a shield; symbolizing his true loyalty to Holivan.

 Peturo could feel of his hiding men and Colline army’s eyes staring straight at him, quietness was all you could feel and grip now. 

 Meanwhile I was running through the deserted uneven streets of Holivan with no sneaking around because now it didn’t matter and I had to get to Colline’s army pronto. 

 My legs stared to burn a tiny bit along with my feet; I knew my dad was now just yards away from me and my heart yearned for him.

 I’m coming for you father! 

 Too bad today was my last day here in Holivan.

 I ran so fast my heart felt like it was on fire, and I made sure to pump my arms and breathe. 

 After a few minutes of me being out in the open guards who roamed the streets noticed men and started running towards me, I doubt that they could catch me since I had long legs and that only made me run faster.

 “Keep running my love.”

 I was so close I smiled like I’d never done before even with guards hollering behind me, and when my mother’s voice encouraged me.

 I wanted to fly instead of run.

 Too bad I can’t.

 Suddenly two guards appeared infrount of me and made me trip and scream before they grabbed me in the torso, waist and arm.

  “No! Help! I’m the lost princess! Collines here for me!”

  Then while they wrestled me to the ground, erasing my energy level, (grabbing me almost everywhere to restrain me) I heard  my dad’s voice yell aloud to a large number of men (most likely hiding in the bush) a call I’d never  wanted to hear.

 My face was shoved down to the cobblestone street and my face went white as I heard the words.

 “Holivan! ATTACK!” 

 Following my dad’s call, the large uproar of charging men and clashing metal erupted from just beyond the walls of Holivan and made me feel like exploding in rage.

 No!!! I’m here!!!

  I finely let the two guards here my name, the other four gathered around me while I was forced up from the cobblestone streets to stand and face the guards. (Expect the one holding my hands behind me tightly.

  “I’m the one who their looking for, if you hand me over to Colline’s army I can stop this war once and for all.” I looked up at the guard’s faces, a strand of hair hanging on top of my right eye.

 I said while I looked up at the guard who stood nearest, the others eyed me coldly before returning to their jobs.

  Then he replied, “You rotten girl; why on earth would we let you go free?” to me as I began begging. 

 Furthermore instead of listening to my pleas that could save all of Holivan, he spit in my face.

 I ignored the spit that landing on my chin and replied feeling very annoyed, “Kill me now and Colline will burn Holivan down to the ground.” 

 I can tell my warning scares the guard because his eyes flicker for a heartbeat (he probably was going to give me back to Colline) but it was gone in a flash too and growls his words back to me.

 “Well then, you want to play hard? We’ll play hard aright; instead of killing you here in the deserted streets of Holivan, we will make Colline’s army see you fall to your knees and by yours truly, me.” 


 I shudder and tried to get up and muttered words of pleading, if he did that this whole town would be set aflame and all its people would be taken captive for forever.

 My heart sunk, my plan was just stabbed in the back and my horrified face expressed it as I was struggling again with the guard who held my hands behind my back.

 He finally let me to my feet and slapped me; I screamed and held my mouth shut to try to show to him you could not break me anymore than I already am.

 I could feel where his hand made contact with my face, it felt like a fire tattoo was branded onto my face and I wanted to hurt this guard so much now. 

 Don’t you ever touch me again! 

 The guards lead me up to the gates, order the men operating the gate to open it a few inches, and I had to crawl under the pointed bars before seeing the battle rage on infrount of me. 

 The battle was a few yards away from the moat and me, and it was like the grass painted itself red.


 Sure, I could give up and let Holivan go up in flames (Holivan ceasing to exists) but I wanted both kingdoms to live i9n harmony with each other; deftly not like this. 

 The swords belonging to numerous men flew, stabbed and sliced everywhere like arrows; the dead fell like trees and I closed my eyes for a minute to let my heartbeat steady and tell myself to keep fighting.

  For Anna, Peturo, Thea, and all of Holivan I had to keep fighting. 

 Then I start to silently cry; the tears of many Holivan’s fell from my cheeks, the hatred between Holivan and Colline feeling so deep and tangled that no one could stop this battle.

 I quickly said my mother’s and I apologies to the raging hatred exploding infrount of me. 

 I’m sorry, I’m sorry for all of Holivan. 

 No one notices me and my buried and broken down spirit because Holivan’s men were fighting for their lives and Colline was relentlessness at fighting them. 

 I know the guard brought me out here to die infrount of Holivan and Colline.

 I also knew that the guard wanted me to see every last lost soldier die because of what my mother and I caused.

 Finley after my tears have slowly fallen (and I feeling like wanting to never exist in this cruel world) my life took an unexpected twist.

 The twist began as soon as the guard pushes me onto my knees again, facing the battle of Holivan and Colline and whispers “Au Revoir” into my red ears before he raises his sword above my head.

 Next he raises his sword above my head so he’d get perfect cut down the middle of me, and lets the sword come flying straight down on top of my head. 

 But seconds before the sword touches me and ends my sinful life, I let my eyes lock on a man I’ve never been so relieved to see alive and still fighting for Holivan and me. 


 I smile and let my eyes close as I whisper, “Your Free” to myself and let the world go black before my hands.

 My black hair whispers in the breeze that blows across my face, the breeze is saying farewell and sending me off to my death while working alongside the cold air that flows between my smooth wavy hair. 

 Now I’m reassured that our family will stay together all throughout history as The Swoons generations strongly continue with the sun, moon and stars guiding them toward their destiny. 

  My destiny was to die for a greater good.

 My death is to end the hate, to bring forth peace between Holivan and Colline, and to justify the sinners.


 Chapter Eleven

“Goodbye Holivan” 


 My eyes snap open and I realize everyone is frozen In their position of fighting; wither it’s bringing a sword down to end someone’s life, helping a soldier of its own up to his feet, or running towards a particular spot in the middle of this inferno of spite. 

 What’s happening?

 Now all the men outside the walls of Holivan are staring directly at my father perplexed beyond their own comprehension to ask themselves why in the world he would stop this battle, its already began so why not just end it already? 

 I’m in awe that the guards hasn’t killed me yet, both armies have listened to my father’s ordered to freeze, (a simple man filling the shoes of a Holivan chief general) and are listening to every single word my father will continue to utter.

 This is all very usual because Holivan and Colline absolutely despise each other, Colline would be happy to kill any Holivan to get whatever they yearned for.

 My father spoke with courage even though he was anxious beyond comparison to me, he could feel the annoyance coming off of Holivan’s chief general (Phillips) in waves; Phillip could strike any moment now and kill my father.

 Blowing my plans and all off Holivan to smithereens.

 Please say the right words father, everyone’s futures and lives depend on it.

 I was holding my breath, looking at him also and hanging on each word that walked from his lips.

 My father’s voice is loud and breaks through all walls and spaces where silence has pooled.

 “Colline Armies, I know you want your princess back that was lost and well hidden so I have a proposition to give to you if you want her back.”

 Father, are you saying the words of deliverance from this war finally?

 “The Proposition is-“ My father paused, gulped and continued with Phillips scratching his chin behind him, (his sword back in it’s holster on his small waist) “that as soon as we hand you over your princess you will forever leave all of Holivan’s people, walls, and concerns behind you in the raging fire of change.”

 I couldn’t have said it any better myself. 

 The most common and unforgettable thing today is silence, danger, and deep grudges.

 Everyone was on their seats, Holivan was pleased with what my father said and where smiling and waiting for Colline's response which for a few moments was because Colline’s army was unsure of what to do.

 Should we take this proposition of Peturo’s and trust him or should we kill him now? (And not trust him)

 Then came the murmurs sweeping throughout both armies and Phillip tapped my father on the solder; my father turned to face him looking confused and still standing with his offer while Peturo and him murdered a conservation with each other.

 “What are they saying now?” Murmured the guard, loud enough for me to hear even if he didn't intend me too pick up.

 Their finally burying the hatchet smart one.

 It was a good thing that it was seconds so that the guard didn't have enough time to continue on with my life ending before my father’s worried eyes.

 He did spot me right as I was put into my place of redemption, (the battlefield of bloody and sinful souls) their was a flash of recognition as he avoided the swinging of Phillip’s sword before he looked at Phillips again.

 I remember thinking to myself a sentence; it was a very true and heartfelt one at that. Consequently it went like this; I’m sorry you have to see me out here, where I could die right before you eyes.

  I look back at the ground and hear the guard say to me loudly, “Peturo is the most Pathic war general I've ever seen.”

 I wanted to stab him with hid won sword right then and there for insulting my courage father behind his back, maybe this general needed to be exiled from Holivan.

 Silence yourself now foolish man. 

 Suddenly the guard forces me back up to my knees, swaps his long pointed sword for a shorter and light weight dagger with swift shifts of his hand and forces me to then walk up to where my father stood talking quietly with Peturo.

 Holivan’s army didn't notice me; they didn't realize who I was and just sent their eyes passing over me while Colline's men narrowed their eyebrows and started moving towards me and my pale face.

 Please don’t kill me now either just let me go and I assure you everything will be fine between Holivan and Colline.

 Colline didn't think it was a big deal that I had randomly showed up and begun realizing I was their lost princess, therefor they became hostile.

 One of the larger men even came up to me and tried to see oif the guard would let me go.

 “Let her go.” 

 We kept walking, and while the guard passed him after shoving him out of his way he replied with scorn, “No. I will kill her of you dare interfere.”

 That made Colline’s entire army freeze as the warning was passed all the way inside and out of Colline men’s mouth’s, it even warned the last soldier.

 Now I really was neck to neck with my demise.

 Don’t do this!

 The guard has the dagger inches away from my back and I felt once pinch after I looked pleadingly at the man from Colline who tried to save me.

 That pinch made me wince and walk faster than I began with. 

 The right hand of the guard is pushing me forward; it lay gripping on my tailbone, sending mini shots of pain up my back.

 Even when we reach my father and Phillip, I am silent with Phillip noticing me first in the corner of his dark green eyes.

 Phillip gulps (has a pale face exactly like mine) and abruptly stops talking; too scared to do anything.

 He knows I’m now the jewel that was missing from his crown; the distress put upon on his soldier and the girl of his kingdoms dreams.

 I’m here.

 Collines kingdom knew what I was to them, and what I had burning inside of me my whole life; they just didn’t know my real name.

 After today they would know all right, they would know it so well that my past might be freighting to them; along with that the king might change name just to put the reassurance back into his kingdom.

 This act would be exactly put forth if I was originally from any other kingdom by the king at the moment.

 This new life of mine will be unbelievably different through and through but I know what I have to keep in my mind in order for me to fully realize how it will be.

 This is what I mean; the meaning of war is simple, scorn between a party of people (etc.) that gets so out of human hands that the opposing sides (or forces) can’t just bury the hatchet.

 A king is true to its people, wither or not they will treat each citizen fairly; still the loyalty of a king is always carried on how he acts towards and with his people.

 A king loves it kingdom like children and will do whatever it takes to save each and every children, even if it means giving a better life to many than to just one.

 Peturo looks confused and horrified at the same time; he knows he will have to let me go with his enemies in order for peace to once again be reborn all through Duracell.

 Then Peturo finds me; it’s by following Phillips shaking pointing finger and looking at where it target stands.

The finger of destiny is pointing straight at me.


 Peturo is scared too; all of the man belonging to Holivan and Colline’s armies don’t know that I’m Peturo’s daughter. 

 My eyes are pleading for the cage of my sins to finally be unlocked so that I can be free for a few moments of my life. 

 Then comes my sweet deliverance; (that I’ve pleaded for since the night the prince and I kissed) it’s shown in face of the most enraged man ever.

 The man of my freedom for tonight is Phillip of Colline. 

But my relief was so unbelievably short lived; it was killed when the man I’d always drawn close to and adored fell to his knees, the face of his daughter so horrifically close to death now forever engraved in his memory.

 My heart lurched and was encased in pain, the body of my father lying still before me. 

 “NO!” I screamed with horror and pure digest.

 Phillip drew his sword from my dad’s side without saying a word and decided to take my future in his own bloody hands.

  “Father!” I screamed again, now crying with my heart broken.

  Then when I tried to lunge for my innocent father, the guard who was holding my hands behind my back turned me around so I faced him.

 I was turned toward death who laughed at my face as the guard shoves the dagger in my stomach.

 My mouth opened; shaking and feeling full as my lips trembled near his steady mouth when he shove me very close to him, sending pain everywhere.

 Help-p-p-p M-m-m-e-e-e!

 Amidst all of this stabbing, screaming and brokenness everyone watched in horror just like Phillip had started again.

 The grin on the guards face was unholy and sinned blood red.

 Holivan lost its chief general, my father perished before my eyes, and I was about to be lost forever. Quickly Phillip came between me and death to force us apart o that maybe I could be saved.

 My vision fluttered and I told myself that whatever happened next was not my control, and that sweet Anna and the rest of my family would be safe without me. 

 You can let go now Veda, everything will take care of itself.

 Then the face of death that so many have already seen infected my vision and I lost my consciousness.

 I’m here father.

 Chapter Twelve

“Defeat and Victory” 


 My stomach bleed heavily with the closet men to me (belonging to Colline’s army) treating my stomach wound and taking the guards knife away from him so that he can’t hurt me anymore.

 While the four men tried to stop the bleeding from my stomach with extra cloth, Phillip and the guard where sword fighting.

 Holivan and Colline started fighting again, this time with Holivan enraged by Phillips death and also because one of Holivan’s guard almost ended my life.

  I was brought back to the Colline’s hospital room in its castle to be healed while the war continued on not too far away.

 My father’s body was moved back into Holivan by four men of Holivan’s army to be taken care of before the men went back into the bloody battle to fight for Holivan and Peturo.

  “Why did you stab her?” Phillip shouted angrily, dodging a near stab of the guard’s fine tipped sword.

 “She deserves to die along with her father! They both lied and are getting what they deserve!” replied the guard, sending a spit on the dead grass beneath their feet.

 The guard was quick and got a swipe on Phillips arm, it was shallow but long.

 Still Phillip fought on like Veda had done moments before like a true warrior.

 “For Colline!” Phillip shouted and in a split second (after he’d ducked down) came shooting up in the guards face before stabbing him too in the stomach.

 The armies stopped fighting again and saw the guard lying on the ground with a scowl written across his face that read ‘Traitors’.

  The final words that the guard heard where from Phillips mouth and what the guard needed to hear all along.

  “This is what you deserve.” 

 The army of Colline erupted in cheers of victory as their chief war general faced them with a smile on his face, he’d found the lost princess of Colline. 

 Charttle came up to Phillip who was beaming and said, “I hope your happy.” Before taking his small defeated army back to Holivan.

 Charttle words didn’t mean anything to him; after all he didn’t lose anyone.  

 Phillip was too delighted not to announce to his army (before they returned to Colline) what they’d achieved, “On this day, I decree that Colline’s princess is found and that Colline will rise above all challenges! We will destroy whoever stands in our way and we will always be on top!”

 If anyone of Holivan dares enter Colline, I’ll just have to kill him or her myself. 

 Now it was Phillip who was grinning with his army happily walking behind him as the evening became Duracell’s day.

 The princess of Colline was found; with her being well cared for and recovering in a short period of time. 

 Today couldn't get any better. 

 Chapter Thirteen

“The Final Say” 


 Holivan’s army was now half as big as it was originally was at the beginning of the afternoon, not including all the men first lost up in the front lines of the battle.

 Charttle and the rest of Holivan mourned their lost but where joyed to see Charttle set as the new chief war general for Holivan.

 Peturo’s body was covered in a large tan sack so the smell wouldn't attract flies and is getting ready for his funeral that would began three days, it would start at sunset.

 The draft began once again within Holivan; this time more training was put forth so that these fresh healthy young men could all last all the way Intel the next time the army was lacking men.

 Holivan’s people went on with their daily lives like usual and where sad to see their sons, fathers, grandfather’s and nephews be put into battle on such a short notice; but they painfully let them go since it was for the greater good.

 Peturo’s body was given to the king Intel he was put in the ground near the other honored men and told Holivan how he died with few words and comfort to those who had drawn close to Peturo.

 The king was enraged at how Peturo died and the prince was deeply saddened, knowing that he would never see his true love again.

 I will take care of Anna, I promise Veda. I promise.

 Anna became depressed and was adopted by the prince’s family as their only daughter with graciousness.

 Luckily all Peter had to tell the king the following morning was that Anna’s parents died- one of a disease and the other in battle- of unpreventable causes before the king gave Anna the life of a princess. 

 Now Anna was a princess and clothed in fine slicks like she wished she would be one day and her last name had become Blaxton;.

Now Anna's name was Anna Blaxton, princess of Holivan.

 Even though she was in her destined place she still felt a longing (that tugged so hard at her heart she wanted to weep with sorrow) for her old life; her mother and father watching her grow up and Veda by her side standing up for her in the house she always called home.

 Veda knew what Anna was thinking as soon as she was torn from her; Veda, you lied! Everything’s not beautiful again.

 It was also true that Thea was killed, but not by disease; she was executed behind a tree the same moment by father died.

 The executioner hung her on a tree branch and said nothing, letting death settle upon her before taking her down and burying her without care in the ground below where she had died. 

 Therefore while I was being brought up as the soon to be queen of Colline, (and healing with only a scar on my stomach) Anna was being brought up as a princess of Holivan; without me of any other family member.

 I was wrong; The Swoon’s are forgotten and are burned out exactly as same as the brotherhood between Holivan and Colline. 

 I was never allowed of Colline’s kingdom, not even its back country side where its moat was also fed by a slow flowing river; their wall was thin but tall and since they had hills escaping form the ground in front of them they didn't need thick walls like Holivan.

 It broke my heart not to be able to see Anna grow up.

 I’m sorry Anna.



My older sister’s legacy of love was what she had left behind with Peter and me when Colline took her and got what they wanted all along.

 I was told of how my father died from Peter within an hour and like collapsing, I know my life from now on will never be the same and I can’t change it.

 No no no, not father too!

 The day that my father died with pure courage was April 17th, 400 AC; a day before my 16th birthday.

 I also realized that my mother had died too, maybe the same day or maybe earlier; I’m glad I didn't find out how through. 

 Even today, ten long and lonely years later I’m feeling the splinter of my family’s consequences and love walking along side of me every single day I live.

 Among the kingdom theirs crimes every day and I know that when the queen of Holivan dies, I will become that powerful and grown women; the day I’m decreed queen my past will fall from me like the cloak of Veda’s that I still have today.

 My home is abandoned and is collecting dust with no one living in it for years now, people just think the residents left Holivan; I guess it’s true. (For the most part)

 Except me, I stayed on Holivan and in another life I never thought I could have. 

 The words of my sister that where written on parchment are now ashes blowing in the wind; disintegrated into nothing and forever lost.

 But beyond all of those marks of my and my family’s past, I have one line that is flourishing beneath my skin; it’s so deep it’s become part of me.

 The mark is Veda’s sweet ever-lasting promise that I live for in every second that I’m caged inside of Holivan’s kingdom with Peter, the prince of my people. 

 I can still hear her words tickling my ears that where said ten years ago that where, “Keep your eyes open Anna, and your heart protected.”

 Yet my hearts telling me Colline’s not quite finished with Holivan. 

 Maybe I should keep my mind unlocked too because as the old saying goes, “The mind is like a battlefield.” 

 As for me, I’m not one to forget. 

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