By abbie_ms

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I have only ever had one meaning in life TO KILL, but that all changed when I turned 18. I met the love of my... More

Chapter 1- New Family
Chapter 2- The Vampire King
Chapter 3- Other Packs Arriving
Chapter 4- Rouges
Chapter 5- The Alpha King
Chapter 6- The Birthday
Chapter 7- The Ball
Chapter 8- MINE !!!!!!
Chapter 9- 'Brothers'
Chapter 10- The Truth
Chapter 11- Leaving Him
Chapter 12- The Vampire Queen
Chapter 13- Leaving
Chapter 14- Alpha Camp
Chapter 15- Finding Gamma
Chapter 16- 4 Years and I'm Back
Chapter 16- 4 years and I'm Back
Chapter 17- The Meeting
Chapter 18- The Unfinished Punishment
Chapter 19- Taking Back The Throne
Chapter 20- Mason Knows the Truth
Chapter 21- The Announcement and The Challenge
Chapter 23- I Can't Live Without Her
Chapter 24- The King and Queen
That's it

Chapter 22- Hell Is Where He Goes

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By abbie_ms

I woke up to the sun shining in on me, I was confused because I saw I closed the curtains in the bedroom before I went to the off- oh yeah now I remember my amazing night with that damn sexy ass mate of mine. I stretched my arms and attempted to roll my stiff neck, but I couldn't it hurt too much to move. Oh shit he didn't did he, I touched my neck and felt to puncher marks in my neck, he did. He fucking marked me without my permission it was the one thing I wanted to wait a little longer for. I am so fucking pissed right now, pulled out of Mason steel like grip, grabbed a blanket wrapped it around me and walked out of my office and into our bedroom. I dropped the blanket and walked into the closet and grabbed some black high waist shorts, a black tank and black undergarments. I walked into the bathroom ignoring the mirror I placed my clothes onto the bench and into the shower I went. I turned the faucets on to the temperature that I wanted, I got into the shower and just stood there for a minute before I did my things in the shower.

Once I was finished in the shower I got out and dried myself off I got dressed and pulled out my blow dryer I plugged it in, and turned it on I blowed dried side away from my mark. Once I was finished one half I turned off the blow dryer and brushed the dry side, I turned it back on and started I closed my eyes and dried my hair once I was finished I put the blow dryer away and brush all of my hair. I had completely forget about my mark until I brushed the hair away from my neck, when I saw it I let out a bloodcurdling scream. Within 2 seconds I had the royal guards, my mother, Landon, Octavia and Mason running into my room. I was crying because I didn't want it, I had tears pouring out of my eyes. Mason ran to my I turned around with tears streaming out of my eyes and running down my face and yelled "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS MASON!!" when he didn't answer I walked straight up to him and slapped him fair across the face "this" I pointed towards the mark "is worse than lying to me. So much fucking worse, I can't believe you did 'that' we hadn't even talked about it. Mason I wasn't fucking ready and you did it without MY FUCKING CONSENT" he dropped his head I walked out of the bathroom ignoring everyone I pull on some socks and my black ankle boots and walked out.

Mason's POV

When I heard my mate scream I chucked on some shorts and ran out of the office and into our room, I ran into the bathroom to see my mate crying. She pointed to her mark that I gave her last night when we made love, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS MASON!!" she yelled and before I could think of anything to say to her she then walked up to me and slapped me across the face. My wolf was whimpering because his mate didn't want to bare his mark. She then said, "this" she pointed towards her mark "is worse than lying to me. So much fucking worse, I can't believe you did 'that' we hadn't even talked about it. Mason I wasn't fucking ready and you did it without MY FUCKING CONSENT" I couldn't think of anything to say because if I'm being honest I don't regret it not one bit at all so I just dropped my head, even though I don't regret doing it I still felt ashamed because I did it without her consent. Marking is a sacred thing wolves do, and it is like having sex with someone when they don't want it. I took something very special away from her last night, and no I'm not just talking about her virginity because we usually aren't as protective over it as much as the humans are, but marking is a whole different story. I watched as my mate walked away from me and ignored all the people that came here to see if she was okay. SHIT!! They heard that all FUCK!! What am I going to do this is the second time that I have fucked up. I need her I lov- no. no I don't, maybe I do argh this is so hard. She doesn't realise the effect she has on me and I need her in my life for me to function properly. I can't lose her again not for a third time.

I turned to walk out of the bathroom I brought me head up to see Vanessa, Octavia and Landon looking well let's just say I think that I am a dead man. "I- I'm sorry I didn't even realize that I did it, but I do but I don't want to take it back. I wish I asked her first but I think my wolf took over and I know that it's not an excuse for what I did and I also know that I should've had better control over my wolf. I wish I didn't hurt her, she is my mate and I love her. Oh My God I love her." Vanessa than took a step forward and slapped me hard "that is my daughter that you have hurt, twice now Mason twice. You obviously don't love her because you wouldn't hurt her if you did" out of now where a man I haven't seen in a very long time stepped into the room and said "where is my sister?" Octavia, Landon and Vanessa turned and looked at him. Landon took a protective stance in front of Vanessa and Octavia and I just stood there wide eyed because I haven't seen him since we all thought his sister died. Vanessa growled and said "she is my daughter and you are no child of mine so she isn't your sister. So what do you want with my daughter" he growled, for as long as I have remembered he was always protective of her. Landon then said "she is my sister not yours, so like my mother asked what. Do. You. Want. With. Abbie." He growled and said "for one you are no her mother and you are not her brother because I am her BROTHER. You are no family of hers, and secondly her name is Abigail so use it. Not Abbie only I and my parents are allowed to call her that" Octavia then removed herself from behind Landon, she stuck her hand out and said, "hello my name is Octavia, this is Landon my mate and Abbie's I mean Abigail's adopted brother and Vanessa her adopted mother" he nodded his head and shook her hand but then said "and who are you to her?" "oh how rude I am Abbie's best friend. Look I can't call her Abigail she hates it" "whatever" "so may I ask who are you and what you are to Abbie" I piped up and said, "his name is Damien and he is Abbie's twin brother" "Mason? Is that you?" I stepped forward and said, "yeah man it is" we shook hands and I knew that once this is all cleared up we would catch up, I mean we were best friends before he disappeared. "so as I asked before where is my sister?" "we don't know she left after her and I had a fight" "what was it over" "um I uh I um I marked her last night while we were having um uh sex but bro I swear on my life that I didn't know till this morning I think Jace took over" "are you fucking serious you fucked my sister and marked her without her consent. You know how she was when she spoke about being marked. She always said how she only wanted to be marked when she was sure that she loved her mate. Fuck me. I still can't believe that you fucked my sister, are you guys even mates" "is that even a question, over course we are. I wouldn't have chased her for nearly 5 years if she wasn't" "what she made you chas-" Landon cut him off and said, "why don't we do catch after we find my sister" Damien growled at him and got in his face and said, "she is my sister not yours. Did she come out of the same vagina as you? No I didn't think so. So she is my sister, she is my blood not yours she is only related to you through papers. SO GET IT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING THICK ASS UGLY HEAD" "guys Damien is very protective over Abbie and even more so because they are twins, Both Damien and I had to protect Abbie when she lived with us and before all that um bad stuff happened because she was smaller and more vulnerable. Anyway let's go find her" we all nodded and went looking for my mate.

Abbie's POV

After I walked out of my bedroom I ran down to the cells, I had to take out my anger I had. So I decided to take it out on some of the rouges that I already had to put down. I walked into cell 2589 and grabbed the rogue that tried to kill a baby, gosh some rouges are just sick. When I grabbed him by the arm I dug my claws in, he screamed and thrashed around and I had, had enough of everyone's shit so I yelled "if you don't stop I will make your death even more fucking painful that it originally was. You the fuck face that tried and killed a baby after you raped it. You signed your own death sentence when you stepped foot onto my territory" he shook with fear and I could feel Silver Shadow wanting to come out and play so I let her. I closed my eyes and felt her come forth and take over my body and it felt amazing.

I opened my eyes and felt her change my eyes, I looked at the rouge I was going to kill. I dragged him into the red room of pain and threw him into a silver chair, I put on a pair of gloves that silver couldn't hurt me through and cuffed him to it. I turned to the tables of toys I had. I smirked and grabbed a knife that was made of silver but had wolfs bane imbedded into the blade, I turned around to face my new chew toy and showed him the rare blade. He then asked me "is-is that a silver blade imbedded with wolfs bane. The only blade of its kind to be made" I nodded my head and smiled at him sadistically he gulped and shook his head "please, please don't do this please" he cried and begged. I laughed at his pathetic attempt to stop me from killing him, I shook my head again and said, "and did the baby that you raped and tried to kill cry at you in a way to ask you to stop what you were doing?" he nodded his head "and you didn't so it's not going to work. But don't worry that head of yours because we are going to be having some fun. Guards get out I don't want you to see this" they didn't move so I used my Alpha voice and yelled "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!!" they nodded their heads at me and left alone with the rouge. "no. no please don't I have a family" I laughed and said "well maybe you should have thought of that instead of hurting that baby now shouldn't you" "yes, yes I should've but I'm sorry and I swear that I have changed. I'm a changed man now please I have a mate and triplets waiting for me please" I contemplated letting him go. He does have a family I know this because I did a background check on him, but he needs to pay the price. I then said, "okay. I will let you go" I saw the relief in his eyes "Oh My God thank you, thank you this means so much to me I swear-" I held my hand up signalling for him to shut up and said "hang on a minute you didn't let me finish, you have 5 minutes and if I catch you I will kill you on sight understand. Now I need to gather everyone so they can witness this new sports I have created. Mm this should be fun" I yelled for the guards. Once they entered and said "yes Alpha" "I want a silver collar for this man and I want everyone and I mean everyone outside immediately. I also want all the others on my put down list outside with silver collars tied to silver posts with them tied with rope bathed in wolfs bane and vervain. if you fail, you will be hunted next. Understood" they all nodded their heads and said "yes Alpha" "good" and with that I left and went back to my room to get changed because I will be staying in human form because it is more fun that way. Anyway once I got to my room I opened the door walked into my closet changed into a black Nike tank, shorts and sneakers. I walked into the bathroom and put my hair up into a ponytail and walked out to the front yard. When I got there everyone one was there I even saw Mason, mum, Landon and Octavia with a man that liked like a male version of me and he seemed so familiar but I couldn't focus on that now. I saw that they had spotted me and started walking over to me so I moved to the front of everyone and said "thank you all for coming, I am glad to tell you that I am trying out a new sports called HUNT, if the hunted get out of the territory before I catch them than they can leave and I won't hunt them any and they are free. I don't want anyone to interfere, because the hunted are obligated to fight back when caught. You will all stay out here until I am finished killing the people in the put down list is that clear. And if anyone leaves before I finish you will be hunted. Understood?" everyone then said "yes alpha" "good" I turned to face my first prey "looks like you're up. You have 5 minutes. GO!!" and he did, he ran like a shower of shit and didn't look back. I smirked and waited my turn because at the moment I am looking forward to this chase.

After his 5 minutes where up I looked Mason dead in the eye and winked at him, he growled at me and I took off into the forest. I stop at the entrance of the forest and sniffed the air once I caught his scent I ran as fast as I could. I ran and ran until I could eventually see him in front of me, I laughed loud enough so that he could hear me and he did. He stopped dead and turned his head to the side so that he could see me, when he saw me his faced dropped and I just smirked "no please don't do this" "oh and you were so close to the border but it's too bad" I saw a tear run down his face and instead of caring I just staked towards him.

Mason's POV

When I walked outside I saw the side of Abbie I thought that I would never have to see again, and I keep replaying that scene in my head. The first time she tried to kill me, when she rejected me and today she had the same look in her eyes that she had on all three occasions and it terrifies me it really does. I looked at Damien and he was as pale as a ghost, with his jaw tensed. I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Damien are you alright mate?" he shook his head and looked at me and said, "who is that, because that person isn't my sister" "have you ever heard of Silver Shadow?" "yeah but what- no it can't be Abbie she isn't Silver Shadow" "it is and I have only seen that look three times in my life. Just then, when she rejected me and when she tried to kill me" "she tried to kill you" "yep, but that's not the point it means something bad is gunna go down" out of nowhere we heard a howl and I could tell it was Abbie, then there was a scream that was full of pain and suffering was let out, suddenly it cut out and it was dead silent you could hear breathing and the nature that is how quiet it was.

Abbie then walks out of the covered in blood carrying a head in her hand, and it was the rouge that she was playing 'hunt' with. She was smiling for ear to ear and I knew that it was Silver Shadow but I also knew that Abbie was unpredictable and she was pissed at me and was waiting for me to crack, but it wasn't going to happen.

Abbie's POV

I walked out of the forest after I killed the rouge I enjoyed every part of it, digging my claws into his chest and dragged. The decapitation was the best part because I karate chopped it off. I laughed just at the thought, he begged and begged me not to do it but I still did it and he cried which made me laugh even more. I saw Mason staring at me with a blank face, but his eyes held anger, shame, pain and most of all regret. I couldn't let my emotions show so I dropped my smile and went back to holding the same blank face that he does, but on the inside I was feeling sad, pain, hurt and regret. I mean if he is regretting being mates with me again I don't know what I would do because I need him, I truly do I mean I love him. Oh My God I love him; I love him why has it taken me this long to figure it out.

After another 7 rouges I decided to call it quits because I was getting sick of the shameful looks my family and this guy that looks like me. Silver Shadow gave me control back. "Alright that is enough of the 'HUNT' for today, go home and have a good night" I turned to my guards and said, "now there are bodies spread out in the forest I want you to find them and bury them" they nodded their heads at me and left to do their orders I had given out. I turned back around to see Mason, Mum, Landon, Octavia and this other guy. "Okay I get why you four are pissed" I pointed to Mum, Mason, Landon and Octavia "but I don't get why you are, I have no fucking idea as to who you are" "MIND YOUR MOUTH SISTER" he gritted through his teeth "um look mate I understand you think we are siblings but I already have 2" "you were always slow weren't you" "excuse you" I turned my head to Mason waiting for him to say something but he didn't. "well nice to see my mate has my back, do you know what fuck you all because I am sick of it. I-I" I was trying to think of something hurtful and then boom it hit me "I WISH I WAS DEAD LIKE MY PARENTS BECAUSE THEN I WOULDN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH ALL YOU, I WOULDN'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT WHEN OR IF DIMITRI WILL KILL ME OR ANYTHING" I yelled, the guy who I have no idea he is yelled "DON'T FUCKING SAY THAT SHIT, I HAVE THOUGHT YOU MY TWIN SISTER WAS DEAD FOR FUCKING YEARS ALONG WITH OUR PARENTS" how does he know about that what if he- nope he's not I would have remembered having one. "who the fuck do you think you are" "I am you fucking brother Damien Blair and your Abigail Blair. Our parents' names Nate Blair and Spencer Blair" "no I don't have a brother to my real parents" I shook my head and started to push my way through them so I could leave. I started to mumble to myself "he can't, he just can't be my brother" I walked into the castle and to my office where I had paperwork waiting for me.

4 hours later I have finished my paperwork, and I was hungry so I walked down to the kitchen. I grabbed a couple small slices of lemon cake, I put them onto a plate, grabbed a fork and propped myself up onto the counter. I was sitting there eating my cake when Mason walked in and stood in between my legs. He opened his mouth waiting for some, and just ignored him because I was still pissed about the whole marking thing. "baby please stop ignoring me. I'm sorry I marked you without your permission please forgive" I thought about it before I answered. I then said "mm okay" "you're going to forgive me?" "no are you that fucking stupid Mason it's called sarcasm, just get out of my sight I can't fucking look at you right now." I flicked my wrist at him "here we go again putting your walls up, blocking me out and pushing me away. When will you stop Abbie I am your mate let me in for fuck sake" "now you can leave before I let sapphire out because I am not the only one fucking pissed at you" "whatever have it your way" he turned and walked away from me shaking his head. 10 minutes later the kitchen door opened and there stood Damien "look Abbie I just want to talk please" I nodded my head and said "talk" "I truly am your twin brother; please believe I can't lose you again you are the only family I have left. Please" I took a closer look at him and he did look a lot like me "okay I believe you, so you can tell me about our parents right" "yes from what I can remember" "okay, well we will continue this later I have to do something right now" "hang on a sec. why are you like this" "Like what?" "this evil non caring beast that enjoys to kill" "well dear brother I am like this because I was trained to be an assassin at the age of 12 for the vampire king my adopted father, I will tell you more later because right now I have to go and kill him" "can I help please" "NO!!! he is mine you will stay out of this fight or I will lock you in the cells twin brother or not. UNDERSTOOD?" "fine" "good now if you will excuse me" I nodded my head at him and jumped off the counter, I put my plate on the counter and walked out. I walked up to mine and Mason room closed the door and walked to the closet, little did I know that Mason was in there. I looked at him and turned away and ignored him and looked for a black shirt, black skinny jeans and Black ankle boots. Once I had my shirt and pants on I bent down to pull my boots on, I felt a pair of hands sit on my waist and I knew exactly who it was because the tingles that I felt, I turned my head so that I could see his face. I raised my eyebrows at him and said, "what do you think that you are doing?" "I am touching my mate, got a problem" I removed his hands, I turned to face him and said, "yeah I do because your mate is fucking pissed at you right now so let go" "NO!!!!! I will not let go of what is mine" "I am not a thing to be claimed, and I am not a possession so you can't collect me" "that's not what I am doing, and I know that you're not a possession that I can claim but you are MINE. You are MY mate so I will do what I want with you" "get out and leave me the fuck alone right NOW!!!" "NO!!! let me make it up to you so that you can forgive me. I need you in my life I struggle to do the things that I normal do without you. I don't want to lose you again" "you done?" "are you fucking serious right now, I just poured my heart out to you and you ask me if I'm done you have to be kidding me" "Mason we are like this because of you and your stupidity" "it was by accident my wolf took over and you know that" I shook my head. He should have had better control "you should have had better control over Jace, I just can't believe that you didn't even ask me" I turned and walked away from him, I walked into the bathroom to put my hair up.

As I was brushing my hair I saw my mother staring at me "yes mother?" "why are you pushing him away, he lo- I mean he is your mate and he needs you so much baby girl and you don't see it. He would kill and conquer other realms and kingdoms if you asked him to" "mum I love him and I am waiting for him to admit it to me. Why won't he admit it" she walked towards me and said, "baby he is scared that you won't love him back, you are doing all the things that make his worst fear come true" "what??" "what I'm trying to say is that you pushing him away and blocking him out again is making him believe that you don't love him and he doesn't want to look and feel stupid by saying it and you not say it back" my mouth dropped and my mother turned and walked away from me. He did and does love me and I am only pushing him away from me. What have I done, I finished putting up my hair and mind-linked Damien 'Damien?' 'yes little wolf' '?' 'it's the nickname I always gave you. Anyway what can I do for you' 'I need to talk with you' 'sure where are you' 'in my room' 'okay be there in 20 seconds okay' 'okay' and in 20 seconds there was a knock at my door, I walked towards my bedroom door and opened it. There stood Damien he had his black hair gelled up but to the side, he wore a black muscle shirt with black cargo pants and black steel cap boots on, his grey eyes were staring at me. He looked like home, it made me wonder what my parents looked like. What would have happened if we weren't out that day for my birthday, maybe our parents would be alive and would have been a happy family, maybe Mason and I would have found out and been happy and Damien and I would have had a better bond. My eyes filled with tears, thinking about all the possibilities that could have happened if we weren't out that day. His stone face turned soft and he said, "little wolf what is wrong" he stepped forward and pulled me into a hug "Dae it's my fault?" "okay first of all what did you just call me?" he pulled back enough so that he could see me. I then said, "I called you Dae, why is something wrong with it?" "nothing is wrong with it, it's just that you called me that all the time when we were little" "really?" "yeah little wolf, now what is your fault" I pulled out of our hug and walked over to my bed and sat down, I patted a spot next to me indicating to him that I wanted him to sit next to me. I then replied to him, "everything is Dae, Mason loves me and won't say it because he is worried I won't say it back, our parents they are dead because of me. If we don't go into the woods on for a birthday picnic for me than they would still be here and we would have been a happy family" I looked at him with blurry eyes because I was crying. I felt so horrible because it was my fault, it was me who killed our parents not the hunters it was me. It was my fault so I killed them I signed their death letter the second I wanted to go into the woods. I could feel the tears running down my face, and I didn't stop them because I was a murder before Dimitri even made me an assassin. "little wolf it's not your fault" I couldn't believe what he was saying, it was my fault. I shook my head furiously and said, "IT IS MY FAULT, DAE DON'T LIE TO ME AND SAY IT ISNT BECAUSE IT IS" "Abbie please relax" I nodded my head okay, I took a deep breath and "Dae?" "yes little wolf?" "where were you that day?" "I was at home with Mason, Madison, Granny and Papa setting up your surprise birthday party that you had wanted" "but we are twins shouldn't you have been with us?" "yes we are twins, but I wanted to give you the birthday party that you wanted. Because I am older by 6 minutes and 7 seconds it makes me older and I always wanted you to be happy. You were my little sister and I loved you so much and still do, I would do anything you wanted and on your birthday you wanted a princess party and you wanted to be the princess." I was still crying because my older twin brother did everything for me, and then I just left "what about a party for you?" "mum and dad tried to convince me to have one but I was determined to give you the party that you wanted, I didn't care about my party and what I wanted because it wasn't worth. But do you know what was worth it" "what" "seeing you smile" I was balling my eyes out my brother really did love me and he was the only blood family that I had left. "Abbie?" "yeah Dae?" "it was actual my fault that they are dead because-" Dae couldn't make his words, he was balling his eyes out and all I could do was hug him "Dae I love you" "I-I love you t-oo little w-wolf" "please tell me what you mean that it was your fault Dae" "because I told them to take you into the woods so that you wouldn't know about the party. At first you wouldn't go without me. You never liked being away from me, you and I had a very strong bond little wolf and it was hard to separate us and when people were looking for you they usually found you with me all the time. Anyway you ran back to me and said 'Dae please come with us, don't let me go with them. I want you to come Dae please' you were giving me the puppy eyes that I have always struggled to resist, but I said to you, 'I'm sorry little wolf but when you get back there will be an amazing surprise for you when you get back I promise little wolf. Go and have a nice picnic for your birthday little wolf' but you were always smart, and said 'but Dae it's your birthday to' 'okay little wolf you have to go and have fun for the both of us okay' 'okay Dae. I love you' 'I love you too little wolf' you gave me a hug and that was the last we saw each other until recently" Oh My God the last time I saw my twin brother was when I was 6 fucking years old, all because he wanted to throw me a party because he wanted to make me happy. It comes back to me, it's all my fault they are dead because of me. "Dae it is my fault don't tell me it isn't because it is, if you didn't want to have a party for me to be happy than they wouldn't be dead, Dae it always comes back to me" "no little wolf it doesn't, stop saying that please. Can we just move past it and say that it was an accident and whatever would have happened was meant to happen please little wolf" I nodded my head at him "now little wolf where are you going" "to kill my maker" "you are going to kill Dimitri aren't you" "yes I sure I am, please don't try and stop me because it has to be done" "it's okay I understand, I actually have been killing any hunter that I have come across because I thought that they could have kill my little wolf and my parents. Ever since I shifted" "Dae what age did you shift?" "I shifted at age 12. Why?" "because I shifted at the same age and I was just wondering if we shifted at the same age or not" "well I guess that we did" "yeah. I am sorry Dae but I have to go now" "it's okay we can talk later. Sound good?" "yeah it does" "good"

Dae and I walked out and out to the front garden, I walked to the front of the pack while Dae stayed in the crowd. "ALRIGHT EVERYBODY LISTEN UP, I AM ABOUT TO HAVE A FIGHT WITH DIMITRI. I DO NOT WANT ANYONE TO INTURPT THE FIGHT UNLESS WE ARE UNDER ATTACK, I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO INTERFER BECAUE THIS FIGHT IS TO DEATH. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD" everyone nodded their heads and I heard a chorus of "yes alpha" "good now guards bring him out NOW! I want everyone to move back thanks"

Mason came up to me and said "Baby, please do this it is suicide and I don't think that I would be able to live without you please!" "Mason you and I both know that I have to do this, I won't die I promise" "NO!! you can't promise that. Abbie I- I lo-" "no Mason you can tell me when after this because I will be here to listen and we will talk about the mark and everything else okay?" "okay" I kissed his cheek and walked back to the middle of the garden waiting for my opponent. 5 minutes later the guards brought Dimitri out with his hands bound behind his back "some on boys untie my Father" they untied him, he shook his hands out and looked at me. His eyes were red and they looked cold and murderous, I have never ever seen this look in his eyes ever. "so daughter you really think you can take me?" "I don't think I know that I can father so bring it on"

We started to circle each other, I was waiting for him to make the first move. I ran at him with his Vamp speed I almost missed him almost, when he hit me he pushed me with so much force that I had flung backwards but I was smart enough to do a mid-air shift. I shifted into my wolf and land on the ground. I growled at him, he laughed at me and started running at me again, so I ran at him. I put my head down and picked up my speed. I hit him at full speed and he hit a tree with that much force that he broke the tree in half. I smirked in my wolf form and stalked towards him, he coughed a bit but got up again. I stopped and stood still, he vamp speed into my back and wrapped his arms around my neck trying to snap it. I turned my head snapping at him, I could feel his grip get tighter and tighter and I knew that if I didn't do anything than I would die. So I did the only thing that I could, I shifted back into human form. Dimitri was still on my back so I spun around that fast that is grip had loosened, I pushed him off and while he was in the air I kicked him in the guts so that he hit his back against an oak tree, he hit the oak tree at such high speeds and with so much force that he had put a crack in it "you know what" "what?" "your mother and father would be so disappointed in the person that you are today" I snapped nobody brings my dead parents into anything without getting punished.

I decided to try and let silver shadow take over and take him as her kill but she wouldn't be able to help me because it was something that I had to do on my own, but sapphire said that she would lend me some wolf strength. I growled at him to let him know that he had crossed at line and that I wasn't going to be taking shit from anybody. Well he vamp sped at me and knocked me over, he sat on my waist and started punching me I put my hands to block them, he stopped for a second and that's when I pushed him off of me. I sat in his stomach and started to punch him back, out of nowhere he stabs me with the knife out of my boot. He stabbed me in my leg, arm and my stomach. He pushed me off, grabbed my hair and dragged me across the field and tied silver around my wrists, I screamed because I could feel the silver burning and eating away at my skin. "Ahhhhh, stop it, REMOVE THAT SHIT FROM MY SKIN BEFORE I TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!" I yelled, he laughed at me and said, "haha what the big scary Alpha can't take some pain? How fucking pathetic" I growled at him, he has stabbed me, tied silver around my wrist and he has the audacity to say that I am pathetic. I am getting sick of this shit, who the fuck does he think that he is dealing with. I AM THE FUCKING ALPHA AND HE WILL RESPECT ME! I grabbed the silver and ripped it off of my wrist, I pushed myself off of the ground. I lifted my head, and looked him in the eyes and gave the deepest growl that I have ever done. His eyes held fear and shock, but he quickly recovered and laughed, "what is that really all you've got" he was baiting me but I didn't care anymore, I wanted this over and I wanted it over now!

I pushed off of the ground at full speed and wrapped my arms around his waist and tackled him to the ground, he hit the ground with a thump. "get off of me you fat whore" I heard Mason growl, but he stayed where he was. I pushed myself off of him and grabbed him by the collar and brought him up with me, I growled and through him into the vervain flowers that I was growing, he screamed like a bitch. He looked at me with eyes that said 'I will kill you'. He ran a me full speed and somehow he stabbed me with something that burned my insides. I looked down and saw that I had a knife made out of silver and wolfs bane imbedded into my stomach. I looked back up at him, my mouth wide open and he was smirking because he knows that I will die shortly. "H-o-ow c-c-c could you d-do this t-t-o me" "because you meant absolutely nothing to me what so ever" I could feel the silver and wolfs bane coursing through my veins, getting closer and closer to my heart by the second. my eyes started to glass over. and yelled "I have nearly killed your Alpha Queen, with her final moments since I'm a nice guy I will let her family say goodbye" Mason ran to me, with Dae and my mother. I looked into the eyes of the person holding my hand, the eyes were green. The green that I had grown to love so much it was, Mason who was holding my hand "Baby you- you promised me that you would live for us" he had tears streaming down his face. It made me hurt so much more "Mason" I whispered "y-yeah baby" "I want you to do 2 things for me" "what are they baby" "one tell me that everything is going to be okay and that I will live" "baby your fine you're not dying on me you hear me because your fine and you WILL LIVE" " number 2 tell me what you were going to tell me earlier" he moved my head onto his lap while he stroked my hair "I love you. I have always loved you and I was just too scared to say it. You deserve a better mate than I am but I just can't share you or let another man love." I gulped by breathing becoming shallower each breath that I take. "Mase I love you too, I love you so much. I am so sorry for fighting with you. Please don't leave me, you are the best that I could have ever asked for" "I won't I never could" I turned my head to my mother and my brother, they both had tears but Dae and Mason had the most. "mum" "yeah baby girl" "I want you to move on and be happy don't let Dimitri control your life, if you have to live with Mason in the werewolf kingdom or live with Damien. Please just be happy. For me" "of course" "Dae" "little wolf" he sniffled "I'm sorry that I failed you, I was your only blood family and I am your twin. You need me and I can't be there for you. I want you to be happy Dae please" "little wolf, you haven't failed me at all I am so proud of you. I love you so much little wolf" "I love you so much more Dae make your mate happy and do everything that I didn't do with my mate. Don't put it off for years to try and please others o-o-o-okay" he nodded his head "ABBIEEEEEEEEE" I heard someone "NOOOOO!!!!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING" I looked and I saw Octavia, she was balling her eyes out. She pushed Mason out of the way, she grabbed my hand and started to stoke my head softly. "I'm sorry O" "NO! you have nothing to be sorry for. OKAY?" "Okay." "good, now tell me how did it feel fighting huh?" I laughed a little but the caused me to start coughing, I quickly recovered and said "O, I'm dying here and you're asking me how it felt to fight the person has signed my death wish" "you listen hear and you listen well, you're not fucking dying okay. YOU HEAR ME" "O, face facts I am" she whimpered and said "no you can't be though because you still have so much to live for. Please don't die Abbie Pleaseee" "I'm so sorry O"

I could feel myself getting cold, and I knew that my time on this earth was coming to an end, I had to say my goodbyes. "I love you all. I and I am so sorry that I couldn't do more for all of you." "Mason" he sniffled and said, "yes baby girl" "you are the best mate that anyone could ever have and I'm so sorry that I wasn't good to you at the start. I just hope that you could forgive be I go." "I don't have to forgive because there is nothing to forgive" he was always good to me. "please look after my family for me" "always baby" "I love you Mason" "and I love you too Abbie" next was mum. "Mummy.." "yes my beautiful girl" "I know that you aren't my real mum, but I am grateful that I got to call you mum, please look after Landon, Dae, Mason, Octavia, Madison and yourself" "of course, I love you sweetheart" "I love you too" now Dae. "Dae Dae" "yeah little wolf" "Im sorry that im leaving you this early, I feel like im disappointing you because im the only blood family you have left, I love you.." I saw his lips moving but I couldn't hear him. My body felt like ice, I could move anymore and my eyes started to close on their own. I tried to stay awake and to stay alive but I couldn't, my body was giving up. My time was here and I was going to join my parents. As my eyes closed the white consumed me and I was gone.

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