Eleven Dates [COMPLETE]

By ALPecka

566 32 0

[Complete] Dakota was never interested in dating. She had always thought that it was a waste of time and mone... More

Chapter I: in which she goes to jail
Chapter II: in which she gets a proposal
Chapter III: in which she's the water girl
Chapter IV: in which she strips (almost)
Chapter V: in which someone cries
Chapter VI: in which there's a strange painting
Chapter VII: in which she goes carpool karaoke
Chapter IX: in which she goes atomic
Chapter X: in which he gets a concussion
Chapter XI: in which it rains
Chapter XII: in which they shower
Chapter XIII: in which she chills with a rodent
Chapter XIV: in which she visits the parents
Chapter XV: in which she goes to the hospital
Chapter XVI: in which they snuggle
Chapter XVII: in which he goes to the hospital
Chapter XVIII: in which she meets the family
Chapter XIX: in which he comes to the rescue
Chapter XX: in which she goes speechless
Chapter XXI: in which she runs away
Chapter twenty-two: in which she visits the best friend
Chapter twenty-three: in which she goes back
Chapter twenty-four: in which they talk
Chapter twenty-five: in which they go on a date

Chapter VIII: in which she is annoying

22 1 0
By ALPecka

"Hollywood? How cliche can you be?"

"Oh, come on. It will be fun!" I kept quiet. "It is unacceptable that we've been two years here and you've never walked on Hollywood Boulevard."

"It's just a street." We were ten miutes away from our destination. Trevor did't want to tell me where we were going. I suceeded on getting it out of him after 20 minutes of pestering.

"I'l buy you food." He bargained.

"I'm listening."

"I'll photograph you at every cliche setting you want, for your instagram."

"You won't complain about the amount of pictures." I negotiated.

"Okay, deal." We fist bumped. "Extra points for attitude can get you and ice cream."

"And I get to use your camera." I added and he groaned.

"We're here." We left the car on a side street. I took out my sunglasses to shield my eyes against the 3-o'clock sun. I applied sunscreen on my arms and neck and dropped the bottle back in my bag. I was glad I decided to go with a sundress today. The photos I'll make Trevor take will be perfect.

The street was crowded. One would've expected more tourist, but almost everyone walked with purpose. As if they have somewhere important to be. It was almost as seeing myself on finals.

"We're are we going first?"

"Hollywood Boulevard."

"Do you have you camera ready?" I grinned with mischief.

"You're imposible." He shook his head.

Ten minutes later I was laying on the floor next to Jonny Depp's star. An hour later and I had countless pictures with almost every name. Except Trump's, of course. Why would I want one with him?

"This is the last one, I promise."

"I've heard that before."

"There are no stars left. This is the last one." I repeated.

"Yes, but I've already taken three photos. I'm starting to think that I'm the one who deserves food." Trevor complained.

"I'll get you ice cream. Forget points for good attitude." I negotiated.

"Okay..." He wrinkled his nose. "How do you want it now?"

I showed him my polaroids camera. Which I only used on special occasions because the instant films are crazy expensive. "Selfie?"

"I see." He narrowed his eyes. "You came prepared."

"What are you talking about?" I faked confusion wide eyed. He shook his head with a grin.

"Come here." He pulled me by his side, with his arm over my shoulders.

"Smile!" I snapped the picture. I took out the box where I store all my films  and placed it inside. "We can look at it later. Were to now?"

"Were do you want to go?"

"We can walk aroung for a bit." I suggested.

"We can walk to the Wax Museum." He countered.

"I get pictures at the Chinsese Theater." I informed.

We walked for a while, looking at all the stores but not stoping at one in particular. Trevor kept snaping picture everytime I asked him. He was so comited to it that I was beginning to feel guilt. I would be lying if I said I wasn't exited to be here. The first time I was here - yes, I've been here before - I came alone. I was curious, so I came and walked around, shoped at MAC and then got bored and went back. Trevor still thinks I've never been here before, and for the small amount of time I was here it is almost the same.

At some point we ended up holding hands. I was glad because there were people everywhere and it would be awkward to get lost in the crowd. I took more polaroids as we go. I had 20 films and now I was down to eight. We arrived to the Chinese Theater. The first time I saw it I thought it was not that impresive. The day was dark, it was about to rain, and I felt like the lonely ice cube when you finish your drink. I had had a fight with my mom and I needed to clear my head. But now, it was impressive. The sky was clear an blue. It was almost five and the sun was more berable and nice. It casted an alluring brightness to the building. I needed without question a picture of this.

Trevor was in my frame. His short hair waved to the breeze as much as it can. He gazed with a dumbfound expresion. He turned to me - probably to make a coment about it - smilling and I snapped the picture. I half wished I had done it with my cellphone. That way he could have had it digital, but polaroids have something romantic about them.

"I bet this looks amazing at night." Trevor remarked.

"It looks amazing now."

"It's better at night, with the lights and everything."

"How would you know?" I mumbled.

"I've been here before?"

"Then why did you say 'I bet this looks amazing at night' " I air quoted.

"It's just an expression." He shrugged.

"Are you sure about that?" I moved my eyes into a slit, scrunching up my nose.

"You are so annoying." He rubbed his face.

"You love me." I gave him a dissmisive gesture.

"Yeah... " He mumbled.

"Next stop!" I pulled his arm.

The wax musum was boring. Just a bunch of wax that looks like siniester versons of famous people. The artistic effort was appreciated, though. I did pose for some pictures. It was funny to see Trevor all worked up over it. I for sure owed him ice cream. My stomach made the sound of screeching tires. I checked the time in my phone, six thirty. No wonder I was so hungry.

"Where can we eat around here?" We headed outside.

"There is a Mexican restauran across the street." He pointed.

"Works for me."

I was ready to barge in and eat the whole place. Unfortunatly, there was a waiting list. Trevor came back disappointed.

"I asked and the lady at the front said it will be at least 40 minutes." I groaned. "I know."

"Is there somewhere else we can eat?" I was desperate by now. I had breakfast, AKA cereal, at eight in the morning, and a granola bar by noon. If I were a celphone I'd be at 5%.

"Well, there's another restaurant." Trevor looked uncomfortable. "There's Hooters."

"Oh." I was confused. "That's good, right? Let's go check it out."

Hooters was officially the worst restaurant in the world. They all should burn. And if it's not possible, our waitress should burn. She belonged with the Cowboys' cheerleaders squad and I hate her. That smile was fooling no one, I could see the devil in her eyes and we've been here five minutes. Hilary came back with our drinks. She placed mine on the table an proceeded to run her fingers from shoulder to wrist while delivering Trevor's. I saw red. No, that was not quite it. I saw black, because that was what she'd be seeing when I punched her face. We ordered hamburgers and she swayed away with a wink. Trevor was amused by my glare. There was a spark in his eye and an odd aura of satisfaction. I hated it to.

"What's got you so worked up?"

"Nothing." I mumbled. Hilary-Open-Legs delivered our food. I didn't know if I was more pissed at her or at my reaction to the whole situation. I attacked my food to relieve some stress. On the sixth rubbing-Trevor's-something and boobs-to-his-face gesture, and after finishing my hamburger, I took a deep breath.

It was her job. Hilary-Open-Legs had no interest in Trevor. You agreed to come to Hooters and this is what happens here. The food was great. You don't need to kill anybody. I shook it off and offered Trevor a small smile. I added more ketchup to my fries and drank of my coke. Hilary, the nice waitress who was only doing her job, came back asking if we need anything else. Trevor asked for the check.

"What do you want to do now?"

"I get you that ice cream I promised." I suggested.

"Perfect." He grinned.

Trevor paid for our food when Hilary-Open-Legs brings the ticket with what I assume was her phone number written on the back. I tried not to fume over it because... why were you so worked up about it Dakota?

We left the restaurant and made our long way back to the car. I hoped all this walking made the job with my calfs. We drove to the nearest Dairy Queen, because that's the only ice cream you need.

I ordered a cup of ice cream with chocolate on top and Trevor got a blizzard. I roamed through my bag searching for money. I took out the cash but Trevor intercepted me just in time.

"I'm supposed to buy!" I stumped my foot.

"You're too slow." He flicked my nose. "Next time."

I sighed. "You always say that."

"I also got you a cookie."

"You are the greatest friend anyone could ask for. Thanks for today." I bit off the top of my ice cream. There was a trace of annoyance in his face, with his jaw clenched tight. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, whatever." He stormed away.

"Hey." I grabbed his arm turning him around. "I'm serious. Thank you. Not just the ice cream and cookie. I had an amazing day today."

"You're welcome." He shook his head.

"Seriously, what's wrong?" I frowned.

"I'm just nervous about the game tomorrow." He explained.

"You are going to do great. You always win." I reassured him.

"Not always."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hope you liked the Koda-Trev quality time.

Until next chapter :)

A. L. Pecka

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