Snippets and Scenelets

By Fantasies_Escape

409 30 16

"We've seen things people only see in movies, or in their nightmares..." "And slaughtered more than in both... More

The Monster You Didn't Know You Knew
Melodi and Grayson In The Audition
Loristhan War
Down in the Pit.
The Day Death Played for Me (Piano in the Garden)
The Day Death Smiled
Segador's Lament
The Last Giant
The Crypt Callers
The Naga, Kelemira
The Troll (D&D)
Beauty and the Thief
Candy Skies
The Truth
The Ballad of Blue, Aqua and Black
One Night.
The Gift
Truth in Music
Welcome To Lisal's!


9 1 0
By Fantasies_Escape

I got this idea driving home one afternoon. My town is very small, and it is not unusual to see someone walking around in town because they don't have a car. Its also not unusual to see drug addicts stumbling about high off their vice. While driving home, I decided to take a quick route as I had hot food. I turned onto a small road that had buildings on either side and was just big enough for two cars. I noticed a man that I had seen walking on my way through, he had been near apartments so I assumed he was heading there or lived there. As I came to a stop sign at the end of the road, to turn onto the main street, he reached out with his free hand to take the handle of my passenger door, which of course caused me to panic. 

I sped up and left him standing on the corner as he yelled in unintelligible grunts and flipped me off, waving his bag at me. This man wasn't much older than I was I don't believe but it was hard to tell. The man looked as if he hadn't been to a shower in at least a week and his clothes looked like he'd worn them for two. Anyway, as I drove the rest of the way home, I had an inspiration for a scene concerning Saya from The Pit. 


Bau looked over from the driver's seat to where Saya was sitting with a magazine in her hand, flipping through it idly and scanning the pages lazily when she found something that interested her. It had been a long day of supply gathering and she was more than a little irritable, Sai and Ben sat quietly in the back seat. 

The old black Chevy pulled to a stop at the corner and there was a tap on the window. Saya lazily looked up and saw the barrel of a gun pointing at her through the glass, it was in the hands of a young man, dressed in black with a bandana wrapped around the lower half of his face. Saya lifted her brows at him, shaking her head as if to ask what he wanted when he smacked the door with his gloved palm. 

"Open the door! Get out now!" He barked, smacking the car again, repositioning the gun so it would aim between her eyes.  She looked over to Bau who groaned as a second car pulled up behind them and honked their horn. 

"Want me to deal with him?" Ben asked, putting his hands on the shoulders of Saya's seat and his head appearing beside her. 

"Nah," She sighed and closed her magazine, "I got it. Sit back and put your seatbelt on, the last thing we need is a ticket." Saya rolled down the window and scowled as the man put the gun in her face and shouted again his demands. "Boi." She said flatly, "You have no idea who you're fuckin' with right now. Get that damn toy out of my face." She smacked the gun away from her and adjusted herself int he seat.  

"You think I'm playin' bitch!" The man shouted hysterically, putting the gun to her head, she could feel his arm shaking by the way the gun moved against her temple. She held out her hand and Bau handed her the pistol from the center console. She put the gun through the window and pressed it into his stomach. He looked down and realized that she was ready to shoot, safety off and that her gun nearly doubled his in size and looked to be well cared for.

"You think I am, tough guy?" She took her free hand and took the gun from him, handing it to Ben behind her who laughed gleefully. 

"Oh my god, it IS a toy! He's painted it to look real!" Ben pulled the trigger and caused it to snap, a pop sounding as the cap inside exploded making the men laugh. 

"Out here tryin' to jack cars with a painted toy gun," Saya scoffed, she grabbed a handful of the boy's hoodie and pulled him down to her level so his head stuck through the window. She handed Bau the gun as he chuckled and replaced it in the console. Saya slapped the boy across the face. "Good way to get fuckin' killed, ya dumbass. Go to McDonald's and get you a proper job, one where you can start to make somethin' of yourself." She shoved him out of the window and pointed at him. "And don't let me catch you doin' this shit again, hear me?" She pulled her arm back in the car, starting to roll the window up. "Idiot." 

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