A Dragon's Tale-Genesys

By Tyro619

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The year, 1999. Marine Johnathan Alexander Mason commands Class 2 Force Recon Team Strike Force Raven. With a... More

Part 1-John-The Story Begins
The Recovery Job
Tunnel Rats
The Prison
Ten Minutes Out
First Turn
Eastern Ally
The Jungle
Day Two
Home Base
To The Rescue
Final Moments
To New Beginings
Braking News
The Final Chapter
Athour's Note

Expect The Unexpected

121 7 0
By Tyro619

The flight into Iraq didn't take thirty minutes. We touched down at an American firebase where a few soldiers with a combat dog were waiting to meet us.

"Major Mason sir!",the man with the dog said standing at attention and saluting me.

"At ease solider",I told him,"whats the sit rep on this traveling circus attack?"

"We just completed a sweep of the outskirts",the man said,"my team and I just have to sweep this side and we should be set."

"What's your name soldier?",I asked.

"Private Jacob Hargreaves sir",he replied,"calsign Metal 4-4".

"Take your team and sweep your side",I told him,"my team and I will re sweep what's already been done just to be safe."

"Sir yes sir",Jacob replied handing me a map.

It had a route marked out in red marker. The route they had just gotten done sweeping by my guess.

"Fall out guys",he said turning to his team.

They quickly boarded a Humvee and left the firebase as my team and I commandeered an MRAP with a top mounted minigun. Issac was at the wheel,Hudson rode shot gun while Jackson Wyatt and Frank rode in the back with me on the minigun. Issac started the truck and soon we were rolling from the firebase and were on the Iraqi streets.

"Stay frosty guys",I said scanning the rooftops,"chances are they're watching our every move."

I scanned the rooftops with one hand on the mini's handle. I didn't know if,or where,the threats could pop up,as I'd been ambushed by terrorists hiding in holes in walls concealed by posters before. One such incident left a gash missing from my chest and arm and a slit throat. Had it not been for Jackson,I'da bought it that day.

"Raven 2-2 to Meatl 4-4",I called over my radio,"gimme the sit rep on your sweep."

"Were about a fourth of the way done sir",Jacob called back,"how's your going?"

"So far so good",I told him,"will call you if something comes up."

"Yes sir",Jacob replied,"Metal 4-4 out."

I shut off my radio to avoid tracing from insurgents and put my attention back on the roof tops. I could see men watching us from the rooftops. I was certain they were Al-Qadea,but they weren't armed,so I couldn't do anything without the risk of a court marshal.

"Guys on the roof",Hudson said.

"I see them",I replied.

"Probably advance scouts",Wyatt said snuffing,"we should just cap them and be done with it."

"Cmon' Wyatt",I said,"you know that's not how we work."

"Were Class two",Wyatt said,"we can do whatever the fuck we want."

"Doesn't mean we should brother",Hudson said,"just keep yourself cool,if they shot at us,your free to shoot back all you like."

Hudson could get sarcastic like that in times like these. It made him come on as kind of an ass when he did,but we'd all gotten used to it and could often strike back at him with something equally sarcastic. After a few minutes,I decided to check on on Jacob again.

"Raven 2-2 to Metal 4-4",I called into my coms,"Jacob,how ya doing on your sweep?"

No answer.

"Jacob",I called again,"this is Major Mason,please respond.

Again,there was no answer,just static.

"Fucking coms",I said trying to re tune my radio.

"Something wrong brother?",Frank asked.

"It's my damn coms",I said taking my radio from it's pouch,"either mine's bad,,Jacob's is,or something's happened to him."

"Lemme try",Hudson said opening his coms.

"Metal 4-4 this is Raven 2-2,come back."

Hudson only got static.

"Raven 2-2 to Metal 4-4",Hudson replied again,"Metal please respond."

There was only static. Now there were two possibilities,something had happened to Jacob or Al-Queda was jamming our coms in preparation for their attack,either way it was bad. Hudson kept trying for Jacob as I placed both hands on the minigun and began scanning the rooftops even more so than I was. That's when I spotted him. Two insurgents,one with a Barrett M82A1 and the other with an AT-4. The one with  the AT-4 had it pointed right at our MRAP.

"AMBUSH!",I shouted spooling up the mini.

I had maybe gotten four shots off when the rocket struck our MRAP. Next thing I know,everything is grey and all I can hear is ringing. I knew I had a temporary concussion. The rocket had hit the MRAP's front right tire. A mobility kill,these insurgents weren't only tiring to kill us,they were tiring to delay us. Our MRAP was completely surrounded,bullets bounced off the hardend steel hull of our truck and the fire was coming from everywhere.

"Were sitting ducks on here!",Hudson shouted,"we gotta move now!"

I glanced around,noticing a terrorist free building right next to us. I picked up my MK-48 and cocked it,bringing it into battery.

"Move to that store on the right!",I shouted,"we can use it to get to the alley ways!"

Hudson bashed open his door and practically rolled from the MRAP. He came to a crouch by the front of the MRAP and began firing his FAL at the Al-Queda soldiers.

"Move now",he shouted over the gunfire,"I'll keep you covered!"

I opened my door and Wyatt,

Frank and Jackson followed me out as Issac crawled from the driver's seat and out the passenger side door. I grabbed my brother by his collar and pulled from the MRAP into the store. Hudson stood from the side of the MRAP and back strafed into the store,dropping any misfortune enough to pass into the sight of his weapon. As my team traded fire with the terrorists,I pulled the map Jacob had given me from my vest and looked it over. From what I could see,we were about a quarter of a click down the road from the circus,if we followed the alley ways and avoided the street,we should be able to make it without too much trouble.

"Everyone fall in on me!",I shouted giving the motion to regroup,"pop smoke to cover our escape!"

Hudson and Issac tossed two smoke grenades out the window and into the street. They gave off loud pops before the smoke began to fill the streets,masking our escape. I led my team to a back door and kicked it open before side strafing into the alley way. I was looking straight ahead for any terrorists that might be using the alley way as a means of entering the combat,thankfully,there were none.

"Were half a click from the circus",I said turning to them,"let's haul some ass or people are gonna die."

"Were with you brother",Jackson said,"lead the way."

I nodded before turning and beginning a sprint down the alley way. As we ran,a man leaped from behind a blue dumpster and produced an AK-47. I was too close to raise my weapon and fire at him,so I yanked my knife from it's sheath and lunged at him,bringing my knife down and stabbing him in the shoulder. Blood spurted all over me,telling me I'd cut his artery in half. I twisted my knife as a means of ensuring my kill before yanking back out. I reseathed it and continued my sprint down the alley. As we were neared the end of the alley way,the large red and white circus tent began to come into view. As we cleared the alley way,a man with an RPD turned and saw us. We raised our weapons to fire,but I was quicker on the draw than he was. I had my trigger depressed and five rounds had left my barrel before he had even gotten off one.

"Metal 4-4!",I called,"this is Raven 2-2! Where are you!?"

There was no reply. I took up cover behind a destroyed car as Hudson and my team traded fire with the terrorists.

"Do not let the American's capture it!",One of the terrorists shouted,"set fire to the tent,the American's must not have it!".

"John are you hearing this shit!?",Hudson shouted.

"Yeah!",I replied breaking cover to fire on them,"force them back,if they want something in that tent,we can't let them have it!"

The bullets were falling like a rain from hell as Raven and Al-Qadea traded fire. Dust and sand were flying everywhere was the bullets from AK-47s and RPD's impacted the sand around me. I felt a sting in my shoulder and was knocked onto my back. I brought my hand to my shoulder to reveal a single,smashed AK round,another inch to the right,it would have gone right through my throat. I pulled myself up and began firing once again. I was about halfway through my clip when a crack rang from Hudson's FAL and everything went silent.

"Clear",Hudson called.

"Clear",Wyatt called.

"Nothing doing",Issac called.

"Negative contact for us",Frank called.

"Cl...",I was cut off as a white pick up sped around the coroner. I could see the bed of the thing was full of fifty five gallon gas barrels.

"Suicide bomber!",I yelled,"shoot the truck!"

I lifted my MK-48 and let a storm a of .30-06 fly at the truck. The rounds ripped right through the trucks engine and shredded the driver,causing him to veer into a building. I popped open the dust cover of my Sacco and pulled the empty box from the gun,letting it fall to the ground as I pulled a fresh box from my kit. I clicked it into place on the bottom of my weapon and pulled the belt of ammo from the box before setting it in the feed tray and closing the dust cover. I cocked back the handle and brought it back into battery.

"What could they have wanted so badly?",Hudson panted as he began inspecting the tent.

"Bout to find the fuck out",I growled as we entered.

It smelled horrible inside,like dead animals mixed with wet dog.

"Smells like dead shit",Jackson said holding his hand over his nose.

I didn't hear anything in the tent,after the firefight that just went on outside,and what the terrorist leader had said,my head was darting all around. There was something in here that AQ wanted very,very badly.

"Split off",I said,"scour this tent,find what they wanted and bring it to me,I wanna know what was so fucking important burn down half a damn city."

My team nodded their replies and disappeared. I stayed in the main performance area,the feeling something was wrong was getting worse and worse. I shouldered my Mk-48. I was scanning around the entire area,something was up,I could feel it. I heard a low growl,and next thing I know,I'm on my back with this...thing on top of me.

It had to be about 20 feet long and six feet tall. It had silvery blue scales and two attenee like things dangled from it's head. It had fiery orange eyes and a long purple scar that ran from it's eye down to it's cheek. Two long silver horns jutted from the back of it's head. It had red lips and it's fangs were bared. This thing was pissed at me. It reared back,growling before lunging at my throat,it's jaws wide open. I grabbed it's maw in both my hands,it aiming for my neck,my aiming to live. For a few seconds,I was able to hold it off,but it slowly began pushing towards my neck. I grunted as I tried to hold it back,but I was losing. There was suddenly a savage grunt and Hudson,who had appeared from nowhere,grabbed the thing by it's horns and slammed it's head to the ground. It struggled helplessly against his superhuman strength.

"Restrain the damn thing",I grunted wiping the blood from my lip as I pulled myself from the dust.

Wyatt and Issac zip tied the things leg's together while Hudson wound a thick layer of duck tape around it's snout. The thing struggled against them,but went nowhere. I picked my rifle up from the ground and began looking it over. It's length,blue scales,horns,teeth,all told me one thing.

"It's a fucking DRAGON!",I said angrily.

"It's female too",Hudson said inspecting the creature closely,"no wonder the bastards wanted it."

"If they wanted it",Issac said,"and it's a female,do you think maybe they have a male?"

"Possibly",I replied,"but it's also possible they wanted it to train it."

"Like as a combat solider?",Wyatt asked.

"It's quite poss...",there was a sound,like a solid piece of metal landing on the dirt.

"FLASHBANG!",Hudson shouted,"shel..."

The flashbang went off. A loud ring filled my ears and I was robbed of my vision just long enough to be taken to my back and knocked out.

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