By abbie_ms

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I have only ever had one meaning in life TO KILL, but that all changed when I turned 18. I met the love of my... More

Chapter 1- New Family
Chapter 2- The Vampire King
Chapter 3- Other Packs Arriving
Chapter 4- Rouges
Chapter 5- The Alpha King
Chapter 6- The Birthday
Chapter 7- The Ball
Chapter 8- MINE !!!!!!
Chapter 9- 'Brothers'
Chapter 10- The Truth
Chapter 11- Leaving Him
Chapter 12- The Vampire Queen
Chapter 13- Leaving
Chapter 14- Alpha Camp
Chapter 15- Finding Gamma
Chapter 16- 4 Years and I'm Back
Chapter 16- 4 years and I'm Back
Chapter 17- The Meeting
Chapter 18- The Unfinished Punishment
Chapter 19- Taking Back The Throne
Chapter 21- The Announcement and The Challenge
Chapter 22- Hell Is Where He Goes
Chapter 23- I Can't Live Without Her
Chapter 24- The King and Queen
That's it

Chapter 20- Mason Knows the Truth

53 1 0
By abbie_ms

After everyone retired, back to his or her rooms from the party I decided that I would go into the garden, I now 4 am its stupid and I should be going to bed to sleep, but I just do not want to sleep. Every time that I do sleep I always dream about Mason and I living happily in a castle with us ruling the werewolves and vampires. Mason is all that I think about whether I am awake or asleep. Anyway, as I am walking through the garden I heard a noise. It was a twig snapping in half I froze mid step and stood there for a second debating on what to do. I then heard sapphire say to me 'Abbie you are the Alpha do not be afraid I am here with you every step of the way okay?' 'okay Saph thanks for the reassurance' 'all good it's what I'm here for' I turned around and said; "who is there" I got no reply. I then said, "Don't be a coward show yourself" unexpectedly I heard a familiar voice say, "what are you scared" I shook my head. "I'm scared of nothing; I think that it is you who is scared because you didn't show your face at the start your pathetic just like I always thought you were" he was always hiding behind the shadows. "Is that right now darling, because the way that I remember it you where the one begging me to save your life so I guess that makes you the pathetic one" oh this guy has fucking balls to bring that shit up again. "That was because I was six fucking years old" why is he such an ass. "Oh but don't you remember all the times you hid behind me because you were too scared to be the king that you were supposed to be. Instead you hid like a pathetic coward that you are behind a 12-year-old assassin and to this today still regret saving your life all those years ago" "You were always an ungrateful fucking brat weren't you" I shook my head at him how could he say that to me I had nothing to be ungrateful for. "Father you always seem to forget I'm not scared of you, never have never will be. You are a waste of space and how could I be ungrateful, I mean I had nothing to be grateful for" "if I'm a waste of space than what are you darling daughter. Are you forgetting the deal we made about your precious mate?" "How could I forget? It was the day I realized the pathetic insecure dick face you are." "Mm that day was the best day of my life, and it should be yours too" "how could it be the best day of my life, you made me breakup and reject my mate. You made me fake hate him, I hurt him so badly because I did not want you to hurt him. I would give up my life for his, I would give up my happiness for his and you don't get that because you used me for all those years that I thought that we were a family for, you lied to me and now I will get my revenge and it will be sweeter than ever" he shook his head and laughed at me. "Oh but princess aren't you forgetting that Mason hates you not me and I will make him do what I want. He thinks that you hate him because of his past" "get out of my sight you make me sick. You are twisted and I wish I never met you" he turned and ran off.

I stood there for 5 seconds when a figure appeared out of the woods next to me, I wasn't fazed I just said "look father JUST LEAVE ME ALONE YOU HAVE ALREADY GOT WHAT YOU WANTED. I REJECTED AND BROKE UP WITH MASON FOR YOU. I DID IT TO SAVE HIM YOU SELFISH ARSE, SO LEAVE ME ALONE YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED" I just dropped down onto my knees and started crying. My body was shaking and within seconds, I heard the voice that I had grown to love so much "baby why are you crying?" "Oh Momma my life is a mess" "I know baby I know" "can you please help me momma" "I sure can baby" "what do I have to do first momma?" "You need to tell mason the truth" "but momma I can't" "baby you have to" I nodded my head and said, "okay, then what" "baby you then need to follow through with your plan on your father" I nodded my head at her. Then I said, "yes momma" "good girl, now stop this nonsense and crying and get to bed because you are going to be having a very big day tomorrow" "yes momma" I got up with my mum and we walked back to the castle together. When I got to my room, I changed into one of Mason shirts I stole ages ago and went to be and fell into the darkness dreaming of tomorrow's outcome.

I awoke with the sun shining on my face, and it was 11 am. I sighed when I remembered that today was the day that I had to tell Mason the truth, I was so nervous so after lying in bed for 5 minutes I decided that it was time I got out of bed and showered. Once I finished showering I walking onto my walk in robe and picked out a deep royal blue tight dress that came just about my knees and I paired it with dark blue heels that have straps. Once I was dressed I walked back into the bathroom and blow dried my hair, I then left my hair down and I didn't put any make up on today since I would probably be crying most of the time that I am talking to Mason. If I am going to be honest, I am shitting myself because I have no idea how he is going to react to the whole situation.

Once I was dressed I walked out of my room and I went to the kitchen since I missed out on breakfast, when I walked into the kitchen I saw Mason walking out so I dropped my head and kept walking. I heard Mason stop and say "Abbie" I stopped and said "um yeah?" "Are you okay" "oh yeah of course I am" "Abbie your lying to me please talk to me" "okay I will, come to my office at 1pm and we will talk okay" "okay sounds good" "see you than" "okay bye" "bye" I can't believe that I am going to tell him. Sapphire than said to me 'Abbie you are and Alpha, snap out of it you're not supposed to be like this. Be confident he will understand why we did what we did' 'but saph what if he gets angry at us?' 'Abbie he will only be angry at Dimitri okay, because I know Mason and his wolf and if they were put in the same position then he would have done the same thing. If he does happen to be angry at us say to him that he would have done the same' 'yeah your right thanks saph you are always there for me even when other aren't' 'Abbie it's okay I don't mind now go and eat breakfast because I am hungry' 'yes boss ha-ha' after my talk with Mason and Saph I decided that I was just going to have a coffee and a bowl of strawberries and kiwi fruit.

Once I grabbed my breakfast I walked to my office and eat while doing paper work, it was 5 minutes too 1pm and I was starting to get nervous again. I then remembered my manta "I am the Alpha," I repeated 10 times before I calmed myself down. Suddenly there was a knock at my office door. I picked up my pen and started to sign things again, I then said, "come in" I did not look up I just get doing paperwork and sipping my coffee. I heard the door open and close, I heard someone sit in front of my desk. I then said, "How can I help you" "you said to come here at one so here I am" "Oh yes sorry I have just been preoccupied doing paper work and other stuff, you know how it is being an Alpha" "yeah it um gets pretty hectic hey" "yep you got that right" there was an awkward silence between us for a little bit. "So Mase, I called you here because I have something ever important to talk to you about" "Okay... what is it" "so its um about US" "okay what about US" "would you believe me if I told you that I was being black mailed into the whole thing?" "Yes I would, Abbie just spit it out please. Just tell me what is going on" I took a deep breath and then released it after 5 seconds. I then continued with "okay so remember the day you asked me to go on a picnic with you?" "Yeah I do" "okay so prior to you asking me to go on a picnic with you my father wanted to talk to me. When I got into his office he told me that you cheated on me and at first I believe him because of your past-" "hang on a minute" "what?" "Do you still believe him?" "No Mase I don't because like 10 seconds of believing him I realized that you wouldn't do that" "okay, no continue please" "he then said that he caught you in the act and that if he told me you would do something if he told me. He then said that he doesn't like the way you changed me and that he wish he never invited you to my birthday ball because then we wouldn't of met and you wouldn't be in the way of me and his goal for me. He then said that if I didn't break up and reject up that he would say that you and I threatened to kill him, my mum, Octavia, Landon and Joshual and that means that he would kill both of us or he would take away everything that we have worked to have, Mason he would have made me watch you die and it wouldn't have been quick. So he said to me that if I do it your life and everything you have will spared and I wasn't allowed to tell anyone what was said, I was so scared that you were going to die so decided that I would do what he wanted me to do. This meant that you could be happy even find a love and you could live happily ever after. So I did and every time that you told me you loved me I wanted to say it back but my dad had people watching my every move. Just after my dad threatened me I ran to our room and I cried, Octavia must have heard me because she came in and comforted me and I told her what happened. We made a plan; we are going to kill my dad for everything that he has done to us and everyone else. Mason I am so, so, so sorry for making you believe that I didn't love you, because I did and I still do." "I don't even know what to say," "well I'm not finished" "well please continue" "so while I was away I had to learn how to push you away from my mind, and I was also talking to a councillor because I was unsure of so many things. I never fully told Lunar what happened but she got the jist of it, she told me that I shouldn't push my thoughts of you away but it was the only way that I could try and get over you because you were always on my mind whether it be because of the simple the simple things that remind me of you, or us or it be because you in my dreams. Therefore, I shut off my emotions to you so that I would feel anything about or for you; they would only come back when I saw you again. So that is exactly what I did and Lunar called me stupid because I was doing it she tried so hard to guide me down the right paths but it didn't always work. After that happened I found out the Madi was my Gamma and trust me I had no idea that she was your sister but she did talk about a lot but she just never mentioned your name. she spoke so fondly of you and your parents and it always made me wonder where my real parent are and what happened to them because I can only remember little parts of that night and I hate that I cant. Mason I cannot even remember their faces or their voices anymore, that was the one thing that I said that I would always hold onto but I did not hold onto it. I have no photos of them nothing, Dimitri said he had some but he never let me see them because he said that they were not my family anymore he said that the only family that I need was him. Was always got upset when I asked about them. Mason I am so sorry for what I did to you, I understand that I can never take it back but I hope that you can forgive. I know that you probably will not ever accept me back as a mate and to be honest I would not either. I just need to know if you will forgive me or not because I can live with not being your mate even though it would be tough but I will try my hardest I just don't think that I can live knowing that you don't forgive me." I was crying so hard at this point. He got out of his chair and walked over to me he knelt down in front of me, he grabbed my hands and said "Abbie, I already forgave you the moment you decided to tell me, I understand that you did it for my safety and do you know what?" I shook my head no, he let go of my hands and cupped my face and with both thumbs and he wiped away my tears. He then said, "You were doing what any normal mate would do, it is a natural instinct to protect your mate, you were going to throw away your happiness for me and my life, I would have done the same because I wouldn't want you to die so I understand. Baby I would and always accept you as my mate because you are the best mate anyone could ever ask for. Do you know why?" I shook my head no again. He then said, "because of what you did you follow your instincts and that was to protect me and you weren't selfish about, you did it out of love and Baby I LOVE YOU so much it hurts you have no idea so I Mason Knight accept Abigail Drankov as my mate, again ha-ha" we laughed at the last part he said. I then put my arms around him and hugged him tight and I said, "I have missed this and I have missed you I love you Mason" "I love you too baby girl" as we were hugging my office door swung open and my mum walked in. She then she closed it and said, "so are you guys back together please be back to together because I want grand pups soon I'm not getting any younger you know" "Oh My God mum stop please" I said while laughing. "Mason please take care of my baby girl even though she may not be my actual daughter I still think of her as my own" "yes ma'am I will take care of her" I rested my head on his shoulder. I then said to my mum "mum you have been more of a mother than I have ever had, you have stuck by me even when I hurt you and the boys and I love you" when I was finished my mum was crying and she said, "oh baby you make me a proud momma and you made me cry. I have to go and fix it now, bye guys no baby making in the office please" "Oh My God my just go please hahaha"

After she walked, out and closed the door behind her I looked into Mason's green eyes, I then grabbed his face and smashed my lips onto his, he responded immediately I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. He stood up and brought me up with him, he then brought then down to my ass he double tapped it telling me to jump and that is exactly what I did he caught he with his hands just under my ass so that he is holding me up I wrapped my legs around him waist and he sat down on my chair. We pulled away from each other I rested my forehead against his and I said, "Wow that was-" "AMAZING" "yeah it was"

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