Icy Hearts Thaw As We Fall In...

By jelsafan101

7K 266 106

He was my best friend. I told him everything. He was the only one who new my secret. He had always been there... More

Icy Hearts Thaw As We Fall In Love
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
hey guys
chapter five
Chapter six

Chapter Two

682 32 10
By jelsafan101

Jacks P.o.v

After Elsa got off the bus I saw that she left her purse in her seat. I picked it up and got off the bus. As I entered the main hall I saw alot of girls squeal and put makeup on their faces. They looked like total clowns. I was popular at this school in fact, I was in the most popular group in school 'The big six'. It consists of Me, Punzie, Merida, Hiccup, and Anna, and Elsa. I was headed to Elsas locker but I bumped into someone. It was hiccup. He didn't even look up from his book. "Hiccup?" No answer "Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup" I said really getting annoyed 'is this how elsa felt on the bus?' i thought. "HICCUP!" I yelled. The whole hallway stared at me and hiccup looked up from his book surprised. I looked around me and everyone was staring wide eyed. They kept staring at us and I was starting to get really annoyed. "What are all you guys looking at! Don't you have somewhere else to be?!?!" I yelled. As if on cue the bell rang and in an instant the hallway was clear. I started to turn my head towards hiccup saying "Anyway hic, can you-" I stopped when I realised hic wasn't standing there anymore. I grunted in frustration as I headed to my home room class. 'Ill just give it to her during lunch' I thought to myself. Just as I was about to turn the corner I heard a slam. I peaked around the corner and saw a sight that made my blood boil. Aster was holding Elsa up on the lockers choking her and it didn't look like he was going to stop.

Without thinking, I ran towards them and punched aster in the nose. He let elsa go and fell backward. He touched his nose and blood was on his finger. "You broke my nose" He said. He charged towards me like a bull. He slammed me head first in the stomach and pushed me all the way back into the corner wall. I threw his arms off me and he fell back. I walked toward him as he got up and got into a fighting position. His first punch glanced my chin. We continued until he sucker-punched me right in the Jaw. I spat blood from my mouth. “You…little…” I took a lurching step forward with each word. On the third, I swung knocking him to the ground: “Punk!”.

I turned my head a little and saw elsa lying on the floor moaning while holding her head. "Elsa!" I said rushing over to her. I shook her pleading "elsa! stay with me!"Her eyes were drooping closed but she tried to keep them open until she closed them. I picked Her up and ran to the Nurses' office. I busted in and the Nurse came over to me from her desk. She checked Elsas pulse and touched Her forehead. When she did she flinched and that was a good sign. The Nurse told me to lay her down on the bed and I did as told. She called 911 and told me that ambulances were on their way. I went to the little sink in the room and rinsed out my mouth. After I was done I sat in the little chair next to the bed. The Nurse came over to me and bandaged my hands and face. I didn't realize I had a cut on my forehead. a busted lip and some of my knuckles were raw and bleeding.

After she was done I could hear the ambulances outside. I helped the nurse carry elsa out to the ambulance. We got there and they put her on the stretcher and Put her into the ambulance. I walked up an emt. "can I come with her?" I asked."yes, is their anyone else that needs to come with her?" he replied. I thought and then it hit me.... Anna! How could I forget? " Uh yea could you guys stay here until I come back?" "you got five minutes other wise were leaving without you." he said. I nodded and ran back into the school. I ran all the way back to the ninth grade hall to Mr. Henderson's classroom. once i was in the room I heard someone say "Jack what happened to your face?!?!" I just ignored it. "ahh Mr. Overland, glad you joined us. Take a seat." He said about to continue his lecture. "No, I need Anna." I said trying to catch my breath. Anna stood up "Jack, what is it and what happened to your face?" she asked. " Its Elsa." I said looking her in the eye. Without hesitation She stood up and followed me out of the classroom while Mr. Henderson was yelling at us to stay in the room. When it comes to the Aren sisters their very over protective over each other. I remember this one time when They where in 3rd grade and Anna punched a guy just because he said 'Elsa' and 'stupid' in the same sentence. 

I led her back to the front of the school and I could tell she could hear the sirens. "Jack is that an ambulance out there?" she asked with worry in her voice. I didn't answer, I just kept running. Just as they were about to shut the other door I screamed "Wait!" and he waved us to hurry up. I climbed into the ambulance and helped Anna in. I took a seat on the small bench and she sat next to me.

Annas P.o.v

 I sat next Jack in the ambulance. They closed the door and we started to drive. I kinda reached my head up high and sat up as straight as I could to try and see who was lying on the stretcher. My eyes widened and I gasped. Elsa had a breathing mask on and was breathing rigidly. I shed a tear but I whipped it away so no one saw me. I turned and faced to jack and stuttered to say "what happened to elsa... and your face" she said pointing to my busted lip"Well its a long story but ill tell you. So it all started when we got off the bus and she forgot her purse on the seat. I was going to give it back to her when I saw it. She was being strangled by aster. I was REALLY mad and angry at that point and without thinking I ran up and punched him. We fought until I won and then I remembered elsa was still there. She was unconius on the floor by the time I got to her so I took her to the clinic. There the nurse called 911 and bandaged me up.That explains pretty much everything." He explained. I don't know what I am right now. I'm sad, furious, confused all at the same time. I texted my mom and our friends to meet us at the hospital ASAP.

Hi eveyone! I hope you like this update, I worked really hard on it and enjoy! I will update one more chapter after this one and then I have to work on my other book for a few days. Bye!!!!!


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