"Neetud Mehe Teine Külg" (R6S...

By Voba_Stan

16.1K 89 18

Randar. An Estonian Boy who would of lived a normal life, if it wasn't for the murder of his parents at the A... More

Record Breaker
New Place, New Faces, New Life.
"Nothing Ever Goes According To Plan. "
A Different Look
"I've Got Your Back. Always."
Something More Than Just Friends
An Experience To Remember Forever (Lemon)
Well.. This Is Awkward..
"Trust Is Earned."
"He Is On Our Side Now. "
"End This Night A Different Way." (Lemon)
A Pleasant Surprise
"Hello Again"
End Of The Line (Finale)
Epilogue: "Awakening"
(Bonus Lemon) A Special Gift, For A Special Birthday Boy

So It Begins

1.6K 8 2
By Voba_Stan

It was a Cold And Rainy day in Estonia,But Randar didn't care. He had packed a Duffel bag full of his weapons and some clothes and was now boarding a Plane to Fly over to The Hereford Base in England for an introduction and some Training. At least that's how he understood it. He got on the plane and waited for it to take off into the skies. He was wearing his casual clothes that he rarely wears, cause usually, he's in his own uniform for ESTSOF. But right now, He was wearing a White and Blue Baseball Tee with its Left sleeve rolled up revealing a Black watch on his hand and The Large Tattoo of 2 Skeletons crawling on each other and a Skull above it which wasn't visible due to it being too high up on his arm. His neck was covered by a Sand Colored Desert Scarf. He had a Light but still visible Trimmed Beard and His Eyes Were Bright Blue. He was wearing Blue Jeans and Blue Sneakers. Once the Plane took off after about 7 minutes, Randar tried to get some shut-eye cause he barely gets any cause of his constant Nightmares. Max amount of sleep he gets is just Barely 5 hours. He fell asleep fast and yet again, started having a nightmare of his parents death. After that he jumped back awake and sighed, knowing that the flight would still take a long time. So he started thinking of things to say to the people over at the Hereford base that will be meeting him. He wasn't really use to talking, as he was a very quiet person who rarely spoke in a normal conversation. The only times he spoke were when it was necessary, like in battle. Because of that fact and a few other reasons, Randar hasn't been in a relationship ever. And cause he thinks that even if he was in 1,he'd end up getting them killed cause of his lifestyle, which is 'On the edge'. He pulls so many risks and makes it through it because of his Speed, Aggression, Confidence and Luck. He's a death bringer for anyone in his way who aren't paying enough attention. On the Outside, He may look like a normal person with dyed hair and a scar but not on the inside. Inside, lies a beast, ready to be awakened. But thankfully, Randar doesn't usually wake him up. But maybe somewhere deep down, lies a different side of the coin. Maybe a much Softer Randar. But only time will tell as he passes his way through life. Randar then decided to stop thinking about what to say and pulled his phone and his ear buds out and started listening to some music.

*Time Skip by 7 hours*

The Plane had now landed and Randar took his Earbuds out and put them away. Once the plane came to a stop, Randar grabbed his bag and got off. It felt so weird being somewhere that isn't his home country. He looked around and saw a truck with a driver, waiting for him. He walked over to it and got into the truck. They then started to drive away from the airfield they were at. It was very early in the morning and the sun was just starting to rise. Randar looked out the window of the truck and saw Regular Civilians walking around the airport and other people trying to park their cars. It was a sight to see for Randar cause, Back home, He would never see this many people walking and driving around. And well, he wasn't uncomfortable with the Stranger driving the truck, cause he was being quiet. If Randar was near people, he wanted some quiet or he'd be a little uncomfortable. But usually, he was Alone, Working, Training etc. It was about a 3 hour drive to the base and the driver stopped the truck in the parking lot. "Now just wait over there." The Driver said whilst pointing over at a Open fence gate, that led into another area. Randar simply nodded and got out. The truck drove away And Randar Slung The Duffel Bag onto his back so he didn't have to hold it all the time. He walked over to the fence gate and leaned against the fence. He cracked his knuckles before looking to the left and Seeing a Man with An All Black Outfit and a Gas Mask On, to hide his face, walking towards him

Randar turned towards the man "So you must be 'Loco', Correct?" Randar remembered that nickname. It was his Nickname and Codename Back in ESTSOF. Randar nodded slowly. "Nice to meet you. Alright. You can call me Thatcher. I'll be your commanding officer for the time that you are here. I'll also be taking Reports on your progress. Here, we'll show you how some missions would play out, Train you a little bit, Test You and Your gear and introduce you to a few other operators who are here with us." Thatcher was walking around Randar as he told him all that. He then extended his hand to Randar And Randar shook it." How long Should this Take?" Randar asked Thatcher." About a week or so. Oh and i forgot to mention, You have a small house where you will be sleeping for your time here. Take it as a 'Welcome Gift' For joining Team Rainbow." Randar nodded And Thatcher Walked off with Randar following closely behind. The rest of the day wasn't very exciting as all they did was explore the area and Ask Randar a lot of questions. They looked through his files and read more about who he is. But Randar was calm and emotionless the entire time he was there. The only time he showed some emotion was when they mentioned his dead parents. He always Flinched when it was mentioned and started breathing slightly faster. He also Met 3 Other operators from Team Rainbow, who were originally From the S.A.S. He didn't have a grudge against any of them but he didn't exactly like any of them either. They were mutual, but a little interesting. The first one Randar met was :

The second one he liked a little bit more cause he was A lot more quiet :

Then The Third operator, Randar Is a little Concerned about What he has in those bombs but decided to not ask him about it :

After that day, Randar went to the house that he was provided. It was small yes, but it didn't bother Randar. Randar took a quick shower, grabbed a bite to eat and went to bed afterwards. That was the end of Day one. But there is a lot more days to come....

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