Live Like Us

By christiancashelle

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Life for the Adams' sisters was far from perfect. Living on their own at an early age, Cash and Yani created... More

1. House of Misfits
2. Once there was a Prince
4. So Real
5. Big Girls Don't Cry
6. Do or Die
7. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Part 1
7. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Part 2
8. Seasons Change Part 1
8. Seasons Change Part 2
9. Damage
10. Old Enemies
11. Nightmares are Real
12. Look at you the Same
13. Memories Back Then
14. Pointing Fingers
15. Escape Plan
16. The Heart Changes
17. Mina's Girls
18. New Plan

3. Blackberry Molasses

19 1 1
By christiancashelle

"I know I got to be strong, gotta hold on. Sometimes I'd rather give up instead. Seems like I'm better off dead." – Mista

It was a Saturday morning and the shop was filled. Breezey laughed as she put a perm in her client's hair because in the middle of the shop Yani, Bria, and AD were listening to Crack that Soulja Boy and doing the dance while Ty was recording them. AD was in the middle of Bria and Yani and although they were acting goofy, they were getting it.

Yani and Bria had been hyper all week because they were nearing their last week of high school. They were scheduled to take finals next week and graduation was in a week and a half. Their prom was last night and they hadn't been sleep yet.

"Turn that mess down!" Shay yelled coming from her office. A few of their customers cheered as the three stopped dancing and put it back on the radio.

"We're putting this on Myspace." Yani said causing Bria to laugh. "How it look?" She asked Ty taking her new Upstage back from him.

"It's straight." He said with a smirk as he looked at Breezey. "You want to line me up?" He asked and she smirked.

"I might."

It had been a couple months since Ty had been there and he had won the affection of all the girls. They liked him because he was laid back, although they had seen his crazy side which was nothing nice. That only showed that he could hold his own. He was a big sweetheart though; he even took Yani to her prom. Bria went with Corey, of course. Breezey thought Yani was feeling him, but knew she would never try anything. Especially with Chris all up in Yani's business all day everyday.

"I don't think I want to go to Six Flags anymore," Bria said leaning against the wall. "I'm tired as hell."

"I didn't even plan on going period," Yani said and they both laughed.

"Don't be lying around here taking up space, go lay down in the back," Shay said. Yani and Bria walked back into the room just as Davon was walking out.

"B, you hungry?" He asked walking up on Breezey. She turned her head to the side just as he licked his lips.

"No, I'm fine." She said as she went over the perm to make sure it was in good. Davon leaned closer to her.

"Have you eaten today?" He whispered and Breezey nodded. She decided to be nice since all her man was doing was looking out for her. She still felt a little disappointed in herself though. She knew how much Davon wanted a son.

"I ate some chicken earlier." Breezey said honestly as Davon planted a quick kiss on her neck.

"I'm about to dip, call me when you ready for me to come scoop you," He said.

"Okay." Breezey said turning to kiss Davon on his lips. Breezey eyed her man as he smoothly walked out of the shop. There was no doubt she was stuck on him and she dared a female to test her. Breezey wasn't the type to fall easily, so when she found something to trip over she made sure no other chick did.

Tyron watched Yani as she rearranged things in the back room.

"What are you doing shorty?" He asked looking at her crazy. She looked up at him before stopping.

"It's a habit" she said sitting down next to him.

"Care to explain?"

"Part of anger management, when I feel my temper rising they told me to keep busy." Yani said which caused Ty to frown.

"What you upset for?"

"Stupid memories," Yani mumbled as she re-stacked the magazines that sat on top of the coffee table in front of the large couch.

"Ay, where your people at?" Ty asked as Yani finally sat down on the couch.

"What?" Yani asked cutting her eyes at him.

"Why you live with your sister and not your people?" Ty asked like he had wanted to for a while now. Yani folded her arms across her chest before staring at the television.

"They left us," She said as her left knee began to shake.

"What you mean they left?" He asked and Yani smacked her lips.

"What's with all the questions?"

"Ay, chill out. I was just making conversation."

Yani sighed as she told Ty the story of how her and Cash were the ones left behind. She figure she might as well tell him now before somebody around the way did.

"I can't believe I'm sitting here and talking to you about this," Yani said gently pulling on her ponytail causing Ty to smirk.

"What about Cash's pops?"

"He got killed before I was born," he said shaking her head to get rid of future tears. "What about you? Why are you here and not in Miami?" Yani asked wanting to get off of the subject of her no good ass parents.

"That's another story for another day, shorty." Ty said and Yani smacked her lips.


Ty continued to watch Yani as she became consumed in her own little world. He wondered what made her and her so strong to go through all of that. Tyron felt that he had it hard being on his own at the age of 17 but Yani and Cash had done it way before he had to. Something was missing to the story but Ty wouldn't push the subject because it wasn't his business.

"Oh, thanks again for taking me to my prom." Yani said smiling at Ty which caused him to smile back.

"With that dress you had on, it was my pleasure," he said. Yani blushed and they both laughed.

"Ay let me get a dime." Davon's current customer whispered and Davon turned his lip up.

"Broke ass niggas always want dime bags," he said causing Corey to laugh as he slid him one while Davon took the money.

"That's all I got." The customer whined but that bought him no sympathy.

"You get dimes every damn day. Why don't you save your money and holla at us at the end of the week?" Corey said causing a few people around to laugh. Davon threw two fingers up as they rode off.

"Ay, ride past my old lady's house for me." Davon told Corey as he remembered he hadn't been there since last week. He usually just went to drop off some money and say hi to his mom. Davon didn't care for anybody else in that house but his mom.

Corey slowed down before pulling up in front of a small brick house.

"You staying here?" He asked but Davon shook his head no.

"Just dropping something off." Davon said getting out the car.

20 minutes later, the two were on their way back to the house. When they got there Davon smirked seeing his car in the driveway. Breezey had driven it to work that day so that let him know that she was waiting for him. When they walked in the house AD was on the couch eating some Popeye's.

"B is in your room." He told Davon who only nodded before heading upstairs. He opened his door to see his woman laid out on her stomach in his bed. He smirked as he slid his chain and shoes off before crawling on top of her.

"You are not light." Breezey whispered as he kissed the back of her neck.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" He asked as his hands began to massage her sides. He licked his lips as he tried to think of something else besides getting in his girl. He had been trying to be considerate because she hadn't been up to sex since the miscarriage and it was getting to him.

"My last three clients cancelled." She said rolling over so that she was on her back. She bent her knees and wrapped one of her legs around Davon before licking her lips.

"Don't do that mami." Davon said feeling himself growing hard.

Breezey smirked as she ran her hands down his back.

"Baby I just wanted to thank you for being so patient with me. I know I've been acting out but you know that's how I deal with shit." She said.

"You straight." Davon said.

"No seriously, you know you're the best and I don't want you to think that I don't know you're hurting about it, too." She said as she wrapped her other leg around him and locked her feet together. Davon's eyes closed a little as he felt her legs squeezing him. He knew what she was trying to do.

"And since our usual schedule got thrown off quite a bit, I figured we could make up for it a little today." She smirked as Davon quickly slid out of his shirt and went for hers.

Cash sighed as she closed her eyes, remembering him as if he wasn't gone. Sometimes she could still feel his smooth hands touching her. She missed him too much.

Although it had been four years since his death, Cash thought of Brian often. He had been something she always looked forward to in life. He was respected everywhere, even Chris couldn't talk bad about him. He wasn't a hustler but he had street smarts and Cash's heart.

Cash slid her finger over the picture before kissing it softly. She then carefully put it back into the shoebox and returned it to its hiding place in the top of her closet. Cash had convinced everyone that she was fine, but at times she wished he was there. He had been part of her sanity and she often felt like it was her fault that he was shot.

Brian flipped when he found out that Cash was pushing for Chris. He ended up getting Chris to give Cash's jobs to him so she wouldn't have to. Brian got caught up in a drug deal gone wrong and lost his life.

Cash slid her nails over the small gray remote that controlled her radio. After hitting play and finding the song she wanted, she put it on repeat. Until the End of Time by Justin Timberlake flowed through her speakers as she bobbed her head.

Cash wasn't Brian's girlfriend, but that was only the title. They did everything together and everyone that knew the two knew what the deal was. Cash had been messing with Brian off and on for about three years before he was shot. She wasn't sure she was ready to let anyone take his place. She had been through so much with him from the time she lost her virginity at the age of sixteen up until his death that she couldn't see being with anybody else. Cash had a few friends, but none of them were held close.

That was one of the reasons Cash was afraid to have feelings for Andreas. Besides all of the hoes he ran with, she knew she was attracted to him. His swagger did something to her that no other man's could. She knew there was sexual tension between them and she just refused to be another chick to him.

Alana had come up to the shop chopping about how Andreas was hers and he kept her fly. Cash wasn't jealous or angry but a little disappointed. She tried to block out how long it had been since she had been sexually active whenever Andreas was around because he got to her. Alana was a pretty girl but her hoodrat tendencies threw her off. She knew Andreas liked to flash those types of girls around. She could never be one. Her guards were always up and whenever she let them down a little, she expected pain.

"I don't need anymore." She said to herself as she closed her eyes and prepared to take a quick nap. Losing Brian was hard enough.

Bria squealed as she pulled Corey's car into a parking space at the train station. Angel's train was scheduled to pull up in the next five minutes and Bria couldn't wait. She hadn't seen Angel in months since their family reunion and she missed her.

Bria knew this week was going to be hectic. Graduation was in six days and Shay's birthday was a few days after that. They always threw a big party for Shay's birthday. Chris made sure it was the hottest in the city for his lady.

Bria sat back in her seat and turned the radio up. She rocked a little as Ludy's 'Thang Right Thurr' played but quickly sat up as she heard the train coming. She waited until people began to give off before getting out of the car so she could look for Angel.

Bria smirked as she saw Angel's tall frame stepping off the train. Her golden brown bangs lay straight as always as the rest of her jet black hair was pulled up into a ponytail. She tugged on the red shorts she had on before tossing her duffel bag over her left shoulder. She slid her red Gucci shades off of her face as her eyes landed on her younger cousin.

"There's my peanut!" Angel yelled as Bria ran towards her. They hugged each other before Bria took one of Angel's bags from her. "Your ass is getting fat," Angel said as Bria smirked putting her bag into the back seat of Corey's car. 'That nigga is doing something right."

"Shut up." Bria said smiling as they got into the car.

"I can't believe peanut is about to graduate." Angel said shaking her head. She was very proud of Bria seeing as a lot of people on Bria's dad's side of the family didn't make it through high school.

"Class of '07 bitch!" Bria yelled before pulling out of Amtrak's parking lot.

Angel laughed before pulling the mirror down to make sure she was straight. She leaned back to make sure nothing was on her short sleeve black shirt that had Angel airbrushed in red letters on it before pushing the mirror back up.

"Where are we headed?" Angel said ready to get out. There wasn't much to do in this small city but Angel knew how to kick it anywhere she went.

"To the house to drop your stuff off then I have to go give Corey his car before he has a damn fit." Bria said and Angel nodded.

"Is that little problem solved?" Angel asked and Bria smirked as she played back in her mind the bottle hitting Shana in her face. Some girl at school had told Bria and Yani that Shana has to get jaw surgery and a fake tooth after Bria had gotten through with her that day.

"Yeah, I fixed that bitch."

"Corey shut the fuck up!" Davon said causing Chris and AD to laugh. Corey kept talking about how if Bria didn't bring his car back soon that he was going to snap and they all knew that he wasn't going to do anything.

"Dude, fuck you." Corey said getting more upset by the second. Bria knew how paranoid Corey was about his girl and even more so on her driving it. He knew people around here weren't stupid, but he didn't want to take a chance with one of his enemies thinking he was in the car and trying something stupid.

"You going to the landing tomorrow right?" Chris asked Davon who nodded before sliding his current blunt back to his lips. "Take Ty with you."

"Already on it." Davon said and Chris smiled. Davon was Chris' right hand man. He knew that no matter what Davon had his back and he loved and respected him for it. The same went for Corey and AD, Davon had just been down with him longer.

"So what you doing for your girl's birthday?" AD asked and Chris smiled.

"Kicking it like always, I might have something up my sleeve though." He said nodding his head. He was going to make Shay's twenty-sixth birthday one to remember.

They all looked towards the dark red door as someone knocked on it.

"Let me in, it's hot!" Bria yelled from the other side causing Corey to get up and open the door.

"Took your ass long enough." Corey stated before moving to let her in. She just smacked her lips before walking past him but Angel stopped in front of her.

"Watch your mouth." She said pointing one of her long nails in his face. Corey sighed as he shut the front door. He didn't want to let that much cool air out seeing as it was hot as hell outside.

"It's nice to see you too Angel." He said sarcastically causing Bria to laugh.

"I know y'all missed a bitch, can't even fake it." Angel said before hugging everyone else.

Just as Bria and Angel got comfortable on the couch, Ty walked downstairs catching Angel's attention.

"I don't believe I know you." She said looking at him through her glasses.

"I don't believe I know you either, shawty." Ty said causing everyone except Angel to laugh.

"Ty this is my cousin Angel, that's Chris' cousin Tyron." Bria said being polite. Ty nodded as Angel smiled.

"Where you headed?" Chris asked seeing Ty pick his car keys up from the table.

"Over to Cash's." Ty said.

"Oh, can you give us a ride?" Bria asked not even wanting to ask Corey to get his car again.

"Come on." Ty said heading for the door.

"I'm coming too." AD said causing Chris to shake his head.

"That nigga just won't let it die." Chris said causing Davon to laugh a little.

"You better stop calling me before your girl gets her ass whooped again." Yani smirked as she answered Javen's call.

"I think she learned from the last time, pretty girl." He said.

"Obviously you haven't." Yani mumbled.

"Why haven't you been answering your phone? You scared of a little competition?" He asked causing Yani to laugh even more.

"There's no competition Javen, because if I wanted you she wouldn't have a chance." Yani said confident in herself. As much as Javen still held on to her she knew that if she even hinted that she still wanted him, May would be a distant memory. Yani felt like May should be thanking her because if she hadn't have given Javen up, May would still be drooling over him wishing she had him.

"That bitch should send me a thank you card." Yani thought to herself as she ignored whatever Javen was saying. The only reason she answered the phone was because she was bored. She laughed at herself which caught Javen's attention.

"What's so funny?" He asked and Yani sighed.

"Nothing let me call you back." She said getting annoyed with him already. Without waiting for a reply, Yani pressed end on her Upstage and hooked it back up to its charger.

"Yani come get your food!" She heard Chris yell from downstairs causing her to jump out of bed. When she got downstairs there was two Popeye's bags sitting on the coffee table in front of Andreas, who was sitting between Cash's legs getting his hair braided.

Yani smiled as she grabbed her three piece meal and strawberry soda before sitting next to her sister on the couch.

"Did you get your dress?" Cash asked and Yani nodded and she squirted strawberry jelly on her biscuit.

"I just need my shoes. Did Bria call yet?"

"She said her and Angel would be over later." Cash said and Yani nodded. So far it was good with Cash and Angel. They hadn't argued yesterday when Angel first got here so Yani saw that as a sign of improvement.

Ty walking into the living room from the kitchen caused Yani to smile. She didn't know he was there but she wasn't mad about it. He had on a black and yellow short sleeve polo and some jeans.

"When did you get here?" Yani asked as he sat down next to her.

"50 hours ago." He said causing Chris to laugh and Yani to smack her lips.

"Whatever." Yani said rolling her eyes but trying not to smile. Cash shook her head at her younger sister. She didn't know if it was obvious to anybody else, but she knew Yani was on Ty.

"Get up." Cash said tapping Andreas on his shoulder. The house phone rang and since Yani was close to the cordless, she picked it up.


"This call is from a correctional facility. You will not be charged for this call. This call is from, Rob. To accept, press five now."

Yani quickly pressed five and looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to her. She got up from the couch and went back upstairs to her room.

"What's up?" His deep voice came through the phone causing Yani to close her eyes.

"Why are you calling here?" Yani asked getting straight to the point.

"I can't call my woman?"

"I'm not your woman and you're lucky Chris didn't pick up the phone." Yani said closing her door.

"Fuck Chris, why haven't you been writing me?" Rob asked anger written all over his voice. Yani shook her head trying to get rid of the scared little girl that was coming out.

"Rob, don't call here anymore okay. I almost died because of you and I'd rather keep what happened in the past in the past." Yani said getting ready to hang up.

'Yeah, we'll see."

Quickly pressing end, Yani threw the phone down on her bed and wondered what Rob meant by that. She laughed at herself knowing that he couldn't do anything to her. He was on the other side of the country in a maximum security prison. She wiped her eyes and went back downstairs as if nothing happened.

"I heard it's the bomb, and you got it going on. Give me some of your thug passion baby. You got me dripping wet, from the way you make me sweat. Give me some of your thug passion baby, oh!"

Angel bobbed her head to the old 2pac track as she sipped on a bottle of Absolut. The bottle was half gone and Angel was feeling good. She tapped her long acrylic nails on the bottle as she sat back on Bria's bed trying to figure out something to get into. Angel could never sit still for too long, it made her depressed.

"Bitch, what are you doing?" Bria yelled walking into the room.

"Chill out." Angel said frowning at Bria's loud voice.

"Ma is on her way home." Bria said turning down her radio a little and Angel shrugged. "You better not let her see you drinking." Bria said and Angel laughed.

"Peanut, I am 22, I'll drink whenever I please." Angel said and Bria shook her head. It was true that she was 22, but Bria knew her mom would be pissed anyway. "Where you been, anyway?" Angel asked wondering why her cousin wasn't in the house when she woke up this morning.

"I was at work," Bria said slipping out of her shoes, "I left you a note in the kitchen."

"I ain't see that shit." Angel said causing Bria to laugh at how she was talking. It was apparent that Angel was drunk which was a shame seeing as it was only two in the afternoon.

"You need a hobby." Bria said trying to find something comfortable to change into. She was tired and wanted to get in the shower before Corey started calling her.

"I'm on vacation." Angel said and they both laughed. Bria shook her head as she pulled out a pair of short red shorts and a black beater. "Ay, what's up with that new dude?" Angel asked and Bria frowned.

"Who Ty? That's Chris's cousin." Bria said and Angel nodded.

"I see being fine runs all up in their damn family." Angel said causing Bria to look at her. Last time Angel had visited, she had been flirting with Chris and Shay almost lost her mind. Bria knew Angel wouldn't mess with any of them, but she liked to start shit for no reason.

"Don't you even start that mess, Angel." Bria said grabbing her towel from her hamper.

"What?" Angel asked innocently and Bria just eyed her.

"You know what." Bria said before walking out. Angel just smiled.

Andreas walked slowly behind Cash as she made her way upstairs. He licked his lips as he watched her hips sway, his hunger for her growing by the step.

It was more than just physical to him now. He wanted to get into her head to see why she acted the way she did. He rarely saw her talk to guys and those who did turn her head only had her attention for so long. He wanted to be the one to hold it for a while. He knew he had other chicks and he probably would, but he wanted her attention.

"Why are you following me?" Cash asked turning around and stopping in her tracks. Andreas licked his lips before stepping a little closer. Cash's eyebrow rose as she wondered what he wanted.

"I just want to chill with you." He said honestly and Cash sighed.

"Well, you can wait until I get back downstairs." She said crossing her arms and Andreas shook his head.

"I want to chill with you." He said putting emphasize on only wanting to chill with her and nobody else. He slid her hand in between both of his as he pulled her close to him. "That's all I want, Cash." He whispered in her ear half lying. He wanted to chill with her, but he also couldn't help how sexually attracted he was to her. He often thought of things he wanted to do to her whenever he saw her.

"You're lying." Cash whispered obviously being bothered by being so close to him. Andreas moved a little closer to her by wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. "That's not all you want."

"Give me something." He said looking straight into her eyes.

"You haven't shown me that you deserve anything." Cash said looking right back at him and he sighed. He knew that even though she didn't seem phased by Alana, she wouldn't mess with him until he stopped fucking with her. That wasn't a problem for him, he just didn't want to give up anything to get nothing. That wasn't a fair trade.

"If you want me to be done with her, she's done." He said and Cash smirked.

"I'm not your woman, I can't tell you shit." She said full of attitude.

"That's because you won't let me make you my woman." Andreas said but Cash wasn't buying it and he knew it. "Okay just let me take you out tonight. I promise I won't try anything." He said knowing that would be one of the hardest things he would have to do.

"Um hum."

The house was silent as everyone went to their own rooms. The job that had just gone down was a dangerous one and everyone in the house had battle wounds. Ty's head pounded as he closed his eyes and tried to blink the pain away. Most people didn't realize that their occupation wasn't always glamorous. The dirty jobs had to get done as well.

As he lay there he began to think about his old life in Miami. Ty frowned as more bad times filled his mind than the good ones. He had been through a lot in his 21 years of living and he was beginning to feel like he was older than he actually was. He turned his head towards his door as a soft knock came from the other side.

"Ty, can I come in? It's Yani."

He smiled before telling her she could come in. Yani slowly opened the door and crept inside of Ty's room. He looked her up and down and silently approved of the black cotton shorts and red beater she was wearing.

"Davon told us what went down and I rode over here with B to see if you wanted company." She said just above a whisper as she looked down at her feet which were in red flip flops. Ty smirked as Yani revealed her shyness before opening his arms and accepting her invitation. Yani smiled as she got comfortable next to him in his bed.

"Are you hurt?" She asked looking over his naked chest to see if he had any wounds.

"Naw, not really, I have a headache." Ty said closing his eyes.

"Oh, I'll stop talking then." Yani said causing a smile to spread across Ty's face.

"You're straight, shawty." He said pulling her closer to him.

Silence fell over the two as Ty tried to relax and Yani tried to think of something to say. She got nervous around Ty because he was different from previous guys she had feelings for. She knew that he was attracted to her but he was real smooth about the way he went about it. Yani loved his style.

She bit her lip as she looked up at him with his eyes closed. Yani slowly straddled his waist in a moment of boldness and began to rub his temples. Ty licked his lips before rubbing his eyes.

"That's not what chicks usually do when they on me like this."

"Oh really, well I'm not your average chick." Yani said as her hands fell from his head. Ty frowned a little before running his hands down her arms and lifting her hands back up to his temples.

Yani watched him closely as his eyes closed again and he relaxed more. Yani tensed up a little as she felt him lifting her beater up a little.

"Calm down." Ty whispered as he began to rub Yani's sides with his thumbs.

"Um," Yani began as her eyes rolled a little. "You should stop doing that."

"You're the one sitting on my lap." Ty said. Yani opened her eyes to see Ty looking at her and smirked. Her right hand fell down to his exposed chest where the name Silvia was written in cursive across his heart.

"Momma?" Yani asked but Ty shook his head.

"Grandma." He corrected her and she nodded. "She passed a few years back."

"Is that why you moved?"

"That's what started it."

Ty ended up telling Yani a little about his past. Having a mother and father who were always in the street made Ty smarter than most his age. His grandmother practically raised him and tried her hardest to keep his head in the books but hustling was in his blood. As he got older he made a name for himself when he father couldn't. People began to choose him over his father and that was when the drama started. Ty knew it was because he had become smarter than the man who helped make him. The needle had been his mom's downfall when he was only fourteen. He knew that pretty soon, the money would be his dad's.

"Wow." Yani said not knowing what to say.

"After my mom died, I wanted to leave but I was too young. I stacked up my money to leave when I hit 18 but my dad got me caught up in some mess of his." Ty said believing that his own father tried to get him caught up out of jealousy. "I took care of all that and bounced. Now he has to deal with his own shit." Ty said looking off to the side, feeling no remorse for the one he left behind.

"You did all you could do." Yani said making Ty face her. If anyone else would have said that it wouldn't have meant shit to Ty. Knowing what he little he did know about Yani and her past made that statement mean something. Yani didn't feel bad for Ty because he was strong. It was more of empathy between the two. Yani felt some sort of comfort in knowing she wasn't the only person who felt unwanted by a parent.

"We're kind of the same huh?" Yani asked and Ty nodded. He didn't know all he wanted to know about the girl sitting on his lap but he knew through whatever she could hold her own. That was what really attracted him to her.

Ty acted on an impulse and sat up bringing his lips to Yani's. She didn't hesitate to kiss him because she had wanted to do so for a while. Her body went numb in Ty's arms as he slid his tongue into her mouth.

"Thanks for getting rid of my headache." He said pulling back several minutes later causing Yani to smirk.

"You're welcome."

Cash shook her head as Shay and B teased her about AD. He had called the shop to inform Cash that he was on his way to get her.

"Dude made sure I didn't let anybody get Cash after one o'clock. He says he wants to spend the whole day with his boo." Shay said causing Breezey to laugh.

"Stop it." Cash said trying not to smile. She didn't want to admit that she was actually a little excited about today.

"It's okay, you can have fun. It won't hurt you to like the boy." Shay said but Cash just smacked her lips.

"Who y'all talking about?" A random client asked causing Shay to cut her eyes at her.

"You know I do not like nosey people in my shop." Shay said causing Breezey and Cash to laugh. Cash licked her lips as the glass door of the shop swung open and Andreas stepped in. The braids Cash put in his hair the other day moved a little as he walked over to her. The black Dickie's short sleeve button down that matched his shorts lay open to expose his white beater. Cash had to admit that the black and white low top Air Force One's on his feet pulled his outfit together quite nicely.

"What's up ladies?" AD greeted the entire shop with a smile right before embracing Cash in a hug. "You ready?" He asked ready to get what he thought was some much deserved time alone with her. Cash grabbed her red Nine West handbag and nodded her head, causing her ponytail to sway.

A few women mumbled as the two walked out of the shop together and Cash knew there would be some type of drama because news spread like forest fires from the shop. She didn't care about it though; she just wanted to enjoy herself.

"You're killing me with this skirt." Andreas commented opening his passenger door for Cash who just smirked. She had on a red short sleeve polo, a light denim skirt and some red and white Jordan's. Her hair was contained in a parrot hump in the middle and a high ponytail in the back.

"That wasn't my intention." She lied before getting in. Cash wanted to see how well Andreas could restrain himself as promised. She intended on making it real hard to see where his head was at. She had to be smart about it though and she knew this. After all, she never said she wasn't attracted to him.

"You know I'm keeping you all day right?" Andreas said in more of a statement form than a question. His foot slid onto his brake as he took a left turn onto the 367 exit going towards the bridge to get to St. Louis.

"So I heard."

Andreas ended up taking Cash to Longhorn, a steak restaurant off of the highway. Cash hadn't been to Longhorn in a while so Andreas had already scored points in her book. Throughout dinner, he kept his promise. Although he might have slipped up a few times, he stayed true to his word to be a gentleman. That alone turned Cash on even more. She felt as if he was truly serious about spending real time with her instead of just fucking her. She knew better than to let her guard down so soon though because the simple fact was that she knew she wasn't the only one getting his attention. When she felt that she was, he could get what he has been begging her to have for some months now.

"So how is the search for Gia going?" Andreas asked causing Cash to quickly look up at him in confusion.

"How did you know about that?" She asked wondering who all knew.

"I overheard you and Chris talking one day. You know our walls are thin. I didn't tell anyone though. I know you don't want Yani to know." He said and she sighed in relief. For a few months now, Cash had been trying to locate her younger sister Gia. She was sure that her mom and Jonathan had taken Gia with them, but she wanted to know where. Cash, unlike Yani, was old enough to remember some of the things they went through when they had parents. It wasn't as hard as they had it alone, but it wasn't the best either. Cash felt that she and Yani had a right to be in Gia's life.

Chris helped Cash hire a private investigator but it was difficult because they didn't have much to go on. Cash had a few of her relatives' names that their mother may have been in contact with but that was it. She didn't want to tell Yani because she didn't want to get her hopes up.

"Um, I'm not sure. The guy said he would call me if he got any leads but I haven't heard from him." Cash said in despair which almost made Andreas regret bringing it up. Andreas nodded as he slid a crisp 50 dollar bill into the black bill holder and got out of the booth. He held his hand out for Cash and helped her out of her side of the booth. "Where are we going now?" She asked as they walked out of the restaurant.

"You'll see."

As 11:30 neared, Cash sighed in content as Andreas pulled up in front of her home. She had to admit that she had been exposed to another side of Andreas that she was infatuated with. After their lunch, Andreas had taken Cash to Gateway Fun Park where they played miniature golf and other little games. At first Cash thought it was a little lame but as the day progressed, she hadn't smiled so much in her life.

"Now don't tell anyone where I took you." Andreas said as he walked her to the door causing her to laugh.

"I won't." Cash said turning her back towards her door so that she could give Andreas a proper goodnight. "I appreciate you being hands-off today." She said stepping a little closer to him. Andreas licked his lips as her scent filled his nose. He knew if she didn't back away soon, her appreciation would be shot to hell.

Before he could respond, Cash softly pressed her lips to his causing his arms to wrap around her waist. Andreas slightly turned his head to the right so that he could kiss her like he really wanted to, sending a bolt of energy from her lips down to in between her thighs. Cash slowly pulled away and smirked.

"What was that for?" Andreas asked moving in for another kiss. Cash pushed her hand into his chest and stopped him before he got to his destination.

"Just showing my appreciation." She said with a smile before entering her house. Andreas smirked before jogging back to his car.

"Bria, keep your ass still." Shay said getting frustrated. It was the morning on Yani and Bria's graduation and they were at the shop getting their hair done. Shay was doing Bria's and Breezey was doing Yani's.

"I can feel the heat on my neck." Bria whined and Shay just shook her head.

"Child, I am not going to burn you." Shay said as she flat ironed another piece of Bria's hair. They wanted something simple but cute since they would have on their graduation caps later on. Both of the girls would be rocking the wrap look.

"What happened with you and Ty?" Breezey asked Yani trying not to catch anyone else's attention. Yani smiled as she picked at her nail.

"Nothing." She said but B smacked her lips obvious to the lie Yani just tried to feed her.

"Bullshit, what's up?"

"Okay, we kissed." Yani said as she pressed her finger to her lips, still feeling Ty's soft but rough kiss.

"That's it?" B asked a little disappointed. Shay, who had been listening, smacked her lips.

"Damn B, did you want her to sleep with him?" Shay asked causing B and Yani to look up at her. There was no one in the shop but the four so they had no problems talking openly.

"Hell something besides a kiss, the way this bitch has been drooling over him." B said causing Bria to laugh hard. Yani cut her eyes at Bria before rolling them which only made Bria laugh more.

"Yani be smart, don't give it up until you got him." Shay said and Yani smiled at the advice.

"Chris isn't going to let that shit go down even if they get married." Bria said laughing at her own joke. Shay shook her head as Yani smacked her lips.

"He won't care will he? I mean it is his cousin." She said looking at Shay with pleading eyes. Shay sighed as she placed her flat iron back in its holder.

"I'm not even going to lie to you." Shay said causing Yani to fall back in the chair. Breezey clipped the roller down before moving to the last piece of Yani's wet hair. She hadn't even thought about what Chris would say about her trying to get with Ty.

"Let me go turn this dryer on." B said walking back towards the closed off area where the dryers were. The shop's phone rang and Shay told Yani to answer it.

"Crowning Glory, how can I help you?" Yani asked as she sat down in the receptionist desk. Bria teased her about how she answered the phone and Yani threw her middle finger up before turning around.

"May I speak to Cashelle Adams?" A man's voice asked causing Yani to frown at how he addressed his call.

"She's not here, can I take a message?" Yani asked grabbing a black ball point pen from the cup in front of her.

"Yes could you tell her this is the P.I. she hired and that I might have a led on our subject. Tell her to call me as soon as she can. She has my number." He said.

"I sure will." Yani said wondering what the hell was going. She hung up quickly as B came back and told her she could go sit under the dryer.

"Who was that?" Shay asked. "Why is your face all screwed up?"

"Nothing." Yani said waving it off before walking in the back.

"Would you all please stand and join me in welcoming Riverdale High's newest alumni class of 2007!" The stadium filled with cheers as Riverdale's class of 07 threw up their caps in victory. Bria smiled being very proud of herself for getting through the last four years.

Before she could move, she felt someone jump on her back and she knew that it was Yani.

"We did it bitch!" Bria yelled causing Yani to laugh. People began to come up to them snapping pictures and other things. "I'll be back let me go talk to my mom." Bria said and Yani nodded. As she walked towards the bleachers she saw her mom walking towards her with watery eyes and Angel next to her throwing up her hands. She shook her head and smiled as she made her way over. Although her and her mom went through hell, Bria had to admit that she appreciated the things her mom did for her. Especially after seeing her best friend deal without having a mom for so long, it made Bria grateful.

"I'm so proud of you!" Her mom said as they embraced in a hug for the first time in weeks.

"Thanks ma." Bria said before wiping a tear that her mother had allowed to fall.

"You did it, peanut!" Angel yelled causing Bria and her mom to laugh. Bria hugged her older cousin as her mom took pictures of them. Bria told them that she had to go back into the building to get her real diploma so they all headed into the school.

After she collected her things, they rode home so that Bria could change her clothes and get ready for the long night ahead. Bria changed into the green short sleeve Dickie's dress that had '07 airbrushed on the back in yellow. She applied some lotion to her legs before putting on her yellow, green and white one's. Bria knew her and Yani were going to kill it because she would be rocking the same thing only in red and black. Yani would probably wear some heels though as usual. Angel walked in as she was brushing her hair.

"Hurry up, we need to stop at the store." Angel said leaning against her door frame. Bria shook her head as she put on the rest of her jewelry.

"Your alcoholic ass needs to calm down." Bria said grabbing her purse and walked out of her room after Angel.

"Whatever we'll see who's the alcoholic."

As they drove to the gas station so Angel could get some drinks, Bria's phone rang a tone that let her know that her man was calling her.

"Baby where you at?" He asked not giving her time to say hello.

"At BP with Angel, we're on our way." Bria said as she heard music being blasted. She smirked ready to celebrate her graduation the right way.

"Well hurry up, I got something for you." Corey said causing Bria to smirk knowing what he was on.

"I'll be there in ten."

"You don't ever let people in your spot like this, Cash." Corey joked before Cash smacked her lips. She really didn't like people all in her house but Yani had begged her to let her have an after graduation party.

"Don't worry, if these bitches get out of line I'm cutting everything off." Corey shook his head at Cash's reply before tipping his bottle of Envy up. It was a light drink because he wanted to be in his right mind when his girl arrived.

"What's up Lil C." A short caramel girl asked as she placed her small hand on his chest. He looked her up and down before shaking his head. She had everything hanging out, which wasn't much at all. For some reason, that turned him off.

"Nothing little momma." He said removing her hand from his chest. The young girl, taken back by his act of rejection, immediately caught an attitude.

"Oh, your girl got you scared now?" She asked. Corey wondered how much this young girl thought she knew about him. He figured she was probably still in high school by her looks. Corey looked behind her as someone caught his eye and smirked.

"No, but you should be." Bria spoke into the girl's ear causing her to jump. Corey pulled Bria to him before she could do anything and the young girl made a quick exit from the couple.

"Don't make me fight tonight okay?" Bria said. Corey buried his face into her neck before nodding. Bria smirked as she felt Corey sucking on her neck.

"I hope this isn't a preview of what you got for me." Bria said but Corey shook his head.

"I got a few tricks up my sleeve. You know daddy's going to do you right for graduating." He said resting his hands at the end of Bria's dress. She licked her lips as the effects of the Black Gin shots her and Angel took in the car began to set in.

"How about you give me a sample right now?"

Shocked that she had responded in that way, Corey asked her to repeat herself. After hearing it again, he quickly pulled her into the downstairs bathroom and locked the door behind them. Bria laughed as Corey gripped her hips, lifting her onto the marble counter next to the sink.

"Cash is going to kill us." Bria shook her head as Corey slid her underwear over her hips and down her legs. He struggled to get them over her sneakers but they soon lay on the floor next to the bathtub.

Bria gripped the edges of the counter until her knuckles turned red as Corey slid into her, rocking his hips back and forth to get her open. He gently bit her chin as her head hit the medicine cabinet when he placed her left foot on the counter so that her knee was bent. Corey leaned forward to whisper in Bria's ear causing a smirk to play out on her face.

"You are so nasty." She implied, dragging the last word out as Corey picked up a little speed.

"You love it." He groaned as he pulled her closer to the edge of the counter. A loud bang on the door caused them both to stop. Bria decided to remain quiet to see if the intruder would go away, plus she didn't know if they had been caught by Cash.

"Bria I know y'all in there!" Yani yelled causing Bria to sigh and Corey to cuss as he pulled out of his girl. "You better come get your cousin before Breezey kills her for messing with Davon!"

Hearing this causing Bria to quickly slide her underwear back on and fix her dress. When she swung the bathroom door open she was face to face with Yani but could hear yelling coming from the living room.

"What happened?" Bria asked before looking back at Corey to make sure his pants were up.

"I don't know but you better go see." Yani said. Bria flew past her into the living room.

"What the hell?" Bria yelled as she saw Davon holding Breezey back as she pointed a knife towards Angel, who was talking shit as well. Chris also stood in between them.

"Angel what the fuck are you doing!" Bria yelled causing Angel to glare at her.

"What the fuck am I doing? You ask me that while this bitch has a knife pointed at me!" Angel said furious at her cousin for not taking up for her.

This shit was truly killing Angel's buzz as she slid her arm around her purse. All she had been doing was dancing with Davon and here was his girl ready to get into some heavy shit. Angel wasn't scared because she had razors in her purse, but she knew Bria would be pissed if she took it there.

"Bria, you need to get your cousin out of my damn house right now!" Breezey yelled as Angel crossed her arms under her chest.

"What happened?" Bria questioned as Cash began to make everyone else clear out. People groaned about Angel and Breezey messing up the party but they weren't paying attention. Angel's eyes were on the long steak knife Breezey held tightly in her hand.

"I came in here to see her all on Davon like I was fucking invisible. Y'all know I don't play about bitches disrespecting me." Breezey said as Davon tried to get the knife from her.

"All I did was dance with him. You need to quit tripping with your insecure ass. And call me a bitch again!" Angel yelled.

"Bria I told you to make sure no shit like this happened." Cash said causing Angel to look at Bria.

"What? You got me up in a house where bitches are watching me and shit. You're choosing them over blood!" Angel said with her focus now on the betrayal she felt from her younger cousin.

"Angel stop it!" Bria said grabbing her arm. "I'm sorry y'all."

Angel snatched her arm out of Bria's grasp as they got out to the car. Bria was upset because this was Angel's last night in town and she thought everything had gone okay.

"Davon, Angel? Out of all the dudes in the house, why Davon?" Bria asked as se slammed the door to her mom's Impala. Angel sat back with a frown on her face.

"Man, kill all that noise. Like I told you, we just danced."

"I know you Angel. You don't just dance!" Bria retorted. Knowing that Bria's comment was true put a smirk on Angel's face.

"Whatever, you acting like you forgot who took your hot ass in when Auntie kicked you out." Angel said as Bria drove without responding. "Is that what it is? You forgot who your blood is?"

"No, I haven't but you just disrespect anybody for no fucking reason and that is real ignorant!" Bria yelled as she pulled up in front of her house. "Why do you always have to pull shit like this?"

Angel hadn't heard Bria's last question because her mind was stuck on the fact that her cousin just called her ignorant. She hadn't even realized they were home until Bria got out of the car.

Angel knew she was a little extreme with her flirting but she didn't get why Bria was so upset about something so petty. It was a party; you were suppose to dance at parties. If anything, Angel felt that Bria should have been pissed off at Breezey for pulling a knife out on her.

"Damn," Angel said to herself aloud as she finally got out of the car, "What a way to end a vacation."

"The one time I get to have a party some mess happens." Yani complained causing Ty and Corey to laugh. She grabbed the remote and turned the television up because Breezey and Davon's heated argument could be heard throughout the house. Ty watched Yani as her apparent attitude showed while Corey was on the phone with Bria trying to convince her to come back.

"Ay, shawty come here." Ty spoke causing Yani to look his way.

"What you want?" Yani asked trying to hide the smile that was forming on her face. Ty smirked as Yani's dimples became visible, showing him that he was having some type of affect on her.

"Come see." He said causing her to smack her lips. Ty licked his own as Yani walked over to him and sat next to him on the love seat.

"I have to run out to Northwest tomorrow, you want to ride?" Ty asked.

"I can't spend my money because I get my car next week." Yani replied.

"Consider it a graduation present." Ty whispered in her ear causing her to blush. Ty shook his head as images of an ex that Yani reminded him of came into his head. They didn't look a like but their personalities were very similar. He didn't want his past interfering with his present life because he was ignorant back then. He trusted too easily and that was his downfall in Miami. This caused Ty to have little trust in anyone. He knew that if his own father could sell him out that someone else would for the right price.

"Chris is going to beat your ass." Corey commented after hanging up his phone.

"Shut up and mind your business." Yani retorted as Andreas walked through the screen door with several Taco Bell bags in each hand.

"Why the hell we just spend 30 dollars on tacos?" He asked causing everyone to laugh. He yelled for Cash to come get her food.

"Give me some of your mild sauce." Ty said trying to reach into Yani's open bag. She quickly pulled her bag to her body and turned away from Ty.

"You haven't even used yours." Yani whined as Ty took one of her sauce packages anyway.

"I only have two. Appreciate it baby." He said with a smile causing Yani to roll her eyes.

Cash came in the living room and sat next to Corey as Andreas took a seat on the floor between Cash's legs.

"Give me my spicy chicken burrito, punk!" Cash said snatching it out of Corey's bag. Andreas laughed as Corey complained about her having two. "So, they're mine."

Ty glanced at Yani and noticed that she had gotten quiet as soon as Cash came in the room and wondered what was up. He noticed a lot of things that others didn't because he kept his mouth closed and his eyes open. Going through all of the things he did, you learned to know everything that was going on around you.

"You think they're sleep?" AD asked referring to Breezey and Davon. It had been quiet for a while but neither of them had come out of Breezey's room.

"Hell no, they aren't sleep." Corey answered and Cash shook her head. Looking down at AD, she contemplated his current question. Before the party was disrupted, Andreas had Cash in a compromising situation. Cash gently bit down on her tongue as she replayed their close encounter in her head where AD had convinced her to let him stay the night. She had to admit that she was anxious to see how the night would play out.

"Why do people hire private investigators?"

The question that came out of Yani's mouth made Cash snap out of her thoughts. She looked at Yani who was looking straight a head at the television.

"To find out shit." Corey said as he stretched out on the couch.

"Why you ask that, shawty?" Ty asked as Cash kept her eyes glued to her baby sister. AD looked up at her and shook his head no, hoping that she didn't think that he told.

"I think the main reason people hire investigators is to find people, don't you Cash?" Yani asked finally making eye contact with her older sister. "Isn't that why you did?"

"Yani, you don't know everything for a reason." Cash spoke which put a frown on Yani's face.

"I know you've been looking for them and didn't tell me!" Yani said raising her voice.

"Why would I tell you unless I found her?" Cash said upset that Yani called herself getting loud.

"That's some bullshit!" Yani said standing up. Cash raised her eyebrow as the guys looked on knowing better than to interrupt.

"Yani, you better sit down and lower your tone." Cash spoke calmly as she moved so that she wasn't behind AD.

"Fuck that!"

Before Yani could say anything else, Cash had her pent up against the wall. Coming out of her initial shock, Yani pushed her back and the fight began. Andreas and Corey struggled to get off the couch to break it up.

"You are a little ungrateful bitch!" Cash yelled as she held Yani by her neck to the ground. "All the stuff I do for you and you want to talk to me like I'm not shit?"

"Get off of me!" Yani screamed as she swung at Cash's face. AD finally pulled Cash off of Yani who jumped up on her feet but was held back by Ty and Corey.

"I'm not these bitches in the street that you can talk to any type of way!" Cash yelled as Andreas carried her to her room. The door slammed as Yani touched her lip which had a small cut on it.

"What the hell?" Bria asked as she walked in and closed the door behind her. Yani couldn't even speak. She was shocked that her and her sister had just had a fight.

"All y'all get the hell out!" Cash yelled from her room.

"I just got here." Bria complained causing Corey and Ty to laugh. Ty pulled Yani to him and pushed her hair out of her face.

"Come on, you can chill with me tonight."

Andreas firmly pushed his thumbs into Cash's lower back and licked his lips. It had been about an hour since the fight and he had just gotten her to calm down.

"I shouldn't have hit her." Cash mumbled into her red body pillow. "She just pissed me off. She doesn't realize how much I've sacrificed for her. I didn't have shit because I always gave it to her. I made sure she went to her prom and took senior pictures because I didn't get to do that shit. I was too busy raising her."

Andreas listened as Cash vented and realized just how much she did for Yani.

"Baby, you can't expect her to know all of what you do for her because you don't let her know." Andreas spoke wisdom as he continued the massage.

"I didn't think that I had to." Cash said as she turned to lie on her back. AD slid next to her and buried his face into the left side of her neck. Cash watched his left hand as it rested on her thigh and he slowly caressed it.

"So what are you going to do?" AD asked trying to take her focus away from what he was doing. He slid a little closer to her hoping that she wouldn't push him away.

"I don't even want to think about it right now." Cash said as her body became fully aware of his touch. She gently poked at the sore spot on her cheek and knew that a bruise would probably be visible in the morning. If she hadn't done anything else right, she knew that she had taught Yani to defend herself.

Cash smirked as Andreas began to hum the current Ne-Yo joint that flowed through the speakers of her small silver CD player that hung on her wall. It was one of Cash's favorites because she was slightly attracted to the cockiness of the song. Not that she wanted a guy who talked more than he performed, but knowing what he could and would do wasn't harming anything.

"I think that you are addicted to sex." Cash joked as Andreas smiled a little.

"I haven't had sex in almost two months." He replied causing Cash to laugh. "I'm serious, shorty. I got some head a few times but none of that good." He confessed while licking his lips just thinking about one of his favorite places on a woman. This confession shocked the hell out of Cash. Being around the guys a lot, she knew their habits and lifestyles to a tee. With Andreas use to having sex a lot, Cash was impressed. She did wonder, however, if this two month hiatus was for her.

"Two months is nothing," She said with a smile lingering on her lips. "Try a year and five months."

"Damn." AD said knowing that he would probably die if he had to go that long without sex. Cash laughed at his reaction but she wasn't surprised by it.

"You need to let me work that out for you." He commented pulling her even closer to him. "Matter-of-fact, I need to work that out for you."

"Andreas, I'm not sure about this. If I go there with you I want to stay there. But, I'm not about to deal with the drama that comes with you." Cash stated as she looked at him. Andreas shook his head and wondered what he had to do to get this woman to believe that he was serious about her. He knew that his addiction to females might be a problem but he wanted her, plain and simple. Andreas wasn't stupid though, he knew that it was more to Cash's reasoning than she was letting on.

"Cash, what's the real reason you ain't letting me in?" Andreas asked out of frustration. Cash's eyebrow rose as she wondered where his question came from. Cash closed her eyes as she realized that he was right. Something else was holding her back and that something was Brian. Years had passed and every time she was intimate with someone else, Cash felt as if she was cheating on him.

"You wouldn't understand." She mumbled when she realized that Andreas was waiting on an honest answer.

"Well, you know what?" Andreas said. "Call me when you think I'll understand." He said as he moved to leave the comfort of her bed. Cash quickly sat up and grabbed his arm causing him to stop.

"AD, don't leave." She spoke not wanting to be alone. Andreas sighed as he turned to look at her pleading expression.

"Are you going to stop frontin' on me?" He asked as a victorious smile spread across Cash's lips.


Andreas slid back into Cash's full bed and wrapped his muscular arms around her midsection. She sighed in relief as she moved even closer to him, already loving the warmth of his body next to hers. Andreas smirked at the fact that for the first time in his life, he was laying with a female, just laying.

Breezey gently bit her bottom lip as she looked at the man lying next to her with his eyes closed. Her long thick hair slightly moved against her exposed upper back as moved to get a better view of him. She didn't know what it was about Davon that made her crazy, but she knew it didn't matter.

After Cash had ended the party, Breezey was determined to get her way and find out the truth. She knew that Angel was a flirt, but she also knew that Davon didn't turn down female attention like he should. She smirked at the fact that everyone was scared when she pulled out the knife. If this incident had been a mere two years ago, Angel would have been in the emergency room right about now.

After a few hours of strenuous make-up sex, B wished that she was sleep already. For the past couple of nights she had been having nightmares of her hospital stay and her deceased child. She didn't know why it bothered her so much. She was hardly a month pregnant which is why she felt it shouldn't have been so hard to deal with. What stuck in her mind the most was seeing Davon's face. She knew he wanted a son more than anything in the world and she was determined to be the one to birth his child.

"Davon," Breezey spoke after clearing her throat to see if he was up. His eyes fluttered before he glanced at her. "Just trying to see if you were sleep." She whispered.

"B, what's up? Why are you still up?" He asked pulling her to his side. Breezey looked up at him and shook her head.

"No reason." She lied. Breezey knew that anything that bothered her actually bothered him more. Their connection was so deep that it often overwhelmed her. Davon called it real hood love, but Breezey knew that it was real love period, no matter where the location. She studied his facial expressions and discovered that he was deep in thought. The way his eyebrows moved closer together when he frowned and how he wiggled his noses when something was bothering him caught her attention quickly.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked in result of his non-verbal distress.

Davon ran his large hand down the smooth skin of his face before licking his lips.

"We have a trip coming up." He replied. Breezey knew that the 'we' that he was referring to was usually Chris, Andreas and Corey. She wasn't sure if Ty would be going but Davon usually stayed behind to make sure things were running smoothly while Chris was gone.

"When are they leaving?" She asked causing Davon to glance at her from the corner of his eyes.

"I'm going instead of AD." He spoke just above a whisper causing Breezey's heart to skip a beat. If he was going that meant something wasn't right and Chris needed him.

"Why are you going?" She asked getting worried. Davon pulled her close and assured her that it wasn't as serious as she was thinking. Breezey tried to take heed to what he was saying but for some reason it didn't sit well with her at all. Deciding to save her interrogation for another day, she sighed.

"When are you leaving?" She asked again.

"We're waiting for the call." Davon said turning to face his woman. "Everything is straight, B." He reassured her but he got no response.

Yani picked at her nails as Ty looked at her waiting for an honest answer.

"I just wanted to know why she didn't tell me." Yani replied looking down at Ty's bed.

"Then you should have pulled her to the side instead of trying to put her on blast." Ty said raising the zip lock bag filled with crushed ice back up to her eye. "Keep that there." He demanded.

"But it's cold." Yani whined causing Ty to laugh a little.

"Either that or wake up with a fat ass eye." He said causing Yani to smack her lips.

"Fine." She said pulling his black comforter from under her body and wrapping herself up in it. She slowly slid her free hand over her sore neck and sighed. Growing tired from the events of the night, Ty slid his polo over his head revealing a black beater. He tossed it near his dresser into a green basket ad picked up a pair of blue basketball shorts. Once he retreated to the bathroom, Yani sighed in disappointment. She was hoping that Ty would finish changing in front of her. Yani's attention then went to her beeping phone that was letting her know she had missed calls, all of which were from Bria.

"What the hell happened?" Bria asked picking up on the first ring when Yani called her back.

"This private investigator called the salon and I figured out she was looking for them and didn't tell me." Yani said still a little upset at that fact.

"So, that doesn't explain the fight." Bria said knowing that wasn't the whole story.

"I said some shit and she jumped on me." Yani said shamefully. Yani had never lost a fight in her life, but that was due to Cash teaching her how to defend herself.

"Damn, what did you say?" Bria asked as her voice went an octave higher as it usually did when she got anxious or excited.

"I basically cussed her out." Yani said as she looked up to see Ty walking back into the room.

"Y'all are some violent bitches." Bria commented causing Yani to laugh hard. Ty glanced at her wondering what was so funny.

"This is coming from a chick whose weapon of choice is a black gin bottle?" Yani asked and Bria smacked her lips.

"Whatever hoe, where are you now?"

"I'm staying with Ty tonight." Yani said trying to contain her smile since he was back in the room.

"Oh, you slut!" Bria yelled causing Yani to laugh again. She had to admit she was grateful for someone like Bria. She could make her laugh in the worse situation.

"Whatever, I'll call you tomorrow." Yani said hanging up before Bria could respond. She slid over to the right side of Ty's bed so that he could get in. She watched him as he turned the TV on then flicked the light switch causing darkness to fill the room.

Yani felt her temperature rising as soon as Ty's body hit his mattress. He hadn't even touched her yet and she was ready.

Sensing her attraction, Ty licked his lips as he placed his hand on her stomach.

"Come here." He said just above a whisper. Yani slid closer to him without hesitation and was met halfway by his pink lips. Yani tensed up when she felt his hand slip underneath her shorts.

"You straight?" He asked against her neck as he slid his other hand across her lower back.

"I'm good."

In a matter of minutes, Yani forgot all about the fight.

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重生六零纪事 The first half of Jiang Laidi's life can only be described as miserable. Born in a backward and ignorant mountain village, with an honest fath...
62.3K 1.5K 40
After a tragic accident that left two young girls as a orphan, Kyla, which is the oldest sister, decided to take on the role of a professional dancer...