Everything is Wrong

By ThetaPotter

119K 2.5K 311

Why does family always seem to come back and haunt you. Will Harry make it out alive or will he continue to s... More

The Start of Everything
When we were Younger
Past Time Fun
Back to the present
Starting School
Christmas Vacation
Still Summer
Seriously Sirius

Who are you?

6.8K 154 6
By ThetaPotter

AN: Sorry I'm not really good with conversations so.. I'm just going to skip it.

Hariett pov...

I had finally been reunited with someone I loved. I had thought that he had hated me, but it turns out that that was just me being me. I couldn't believe I finally had someone other than the founders and merlin. "Do you want to go to Diagon Ally with me Har/pronounced hair/" Sirius asked. I couldn't believe I wouldn't have to go alone. "Sure I would love to."

/Time Skip/

When we got there we went and bought all my school supplies and he also bought me an owl so that I could talk to him during school. Although I had tried to say no he said the ones at the school might not get the letters to him. It was a beautiful horned owl that had been overlooked by the shop owners and was about to be put down because it was slightly violent towards others.

"Thank you so much Sirius" "No problem little one and great job hiding the marks" While you were slightly scared that what you said next would hurt him it was honestly the only response you could give "Yeah, I've had a lot of experience in this category."

/Time Skip/

It had been two weeks since I had last seen Sirius, but he said he would come visit when he could, but he had a pretty hectic job at the ministry so I didn't mind.  I was walking down the stairs to grab a bite to eat when I heard the familiar sound of Merlin popping in. When I turned around I expected to see Merlin standing there not what I ended up seeing. "Hello" said the cute guy that looked to be a year or so older than me. "Uh.. hello who are you" "Oh i'm"

AN/ sorry I know you probably allready know who this is but I don't know how to continue. Sorry for not updating I got addicted to reading xmen fanfics. oooooppppps

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