A Heart to Give | XiuChen

By _Littlestarlight_

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Jongdae works at a flower shop. Minseok wants to buy a flower for his apartment, but the young man with the d... More

Author's note at the beginning, please read
Chapter 1 - Pansies and a Lavender Rose
Chapter 2 - A sold usambara violet
Chapter 3 - Dyed hair and hearts in love
'Ello people of the world
Chapter 4 - Sweet dessert
Chapter 5 - Texts and friends
Chapter 6 - Butterflies not only in the air
Chapter 7 - The universe for you
Chapter 8 - A Makeover and a First Step
Chapter 9 - One kiss, two kisses, ...
I'm sorry, no update
Chapter 11 - Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend
Chapter 12 - White Roses
Chapter 13 - A true stress-situation
Chapter 14 - The roses are dying
Chapter 15 - I'm okay
Chapter 16 - Bring back the light
Chapter 17 - Healing
Chapter 18 - Breakfast and lots of cuddles
Chapter 19 - Bring out the food
Chapter 20 - Sunflowers and Sunsets
A/N - Thank you, everyone
Just an info, but you can still read it

Chapter 10 - Fuchsia and chrysanthemum

129 11 19
By _Littlestarlight_

The bright ringing of the little bell resounded through the shop, announcing a new customer. The sun was shining, making the day as beautiful as it could be. The smell of flowers and gardening mud hung in the air, and Jongdae had been taking care of a new flower he had got for himself. Upon hearing someone enter, the brunet got up, and as usual, a wide smile displayed on his face.

«Hi, and welcome to our lovely flower shop!» he beamed, walking up to the front. «Oh, it's you! Nice to see you again. Felix, am I right?» He recognized one of the two boys standing in the entrance. 

«Yeah!» the boy replied, showing a toothy grin. «This is Changbin, my friend.» He nudged the dark-haired boy standing next to him in the side.

«Hi,» the boy called Changbin just said, giving Jongdae a shy smile.

«Is he the boy you got the flowers for?» the older asked curiously, walking over to the counter with the two boys trailing behind. 

Felix blushed slightly at the question, scratching his neck nervously. «Yes, he is,» he admitted sheepishly. The other boy laughed quietly, letting his gaze wander over to the shelves with the flowers.

Jongdae cooed at the sight, the to boys made him feel all uwu. «You two are so cute, I can't—» The poor boys didn't know where to look, noticeably embarrassed. «But anyway, what do you need today?» 

Felix started stuttering around, seemingly lost and very nervous, until Changbin interrupted him by swatting a hand over the boy's mouth. «We're kind of on a date,» he explained with a little sigh. «And he wanted to buy me something sweet and dragged me in here, that's why we're here. But we can also leave—»

He was interrupted by Jongdae who let out a high-pitched squeal. «Oh my god, no, don't leave!» he exclaimed, grinning widely from on ear to the other. «Wait for a second, admire the flowers and kiss or something, I'll be right back.» The brunet turned around to race to the back, knowing exactly what he'll get the two cute boys. After rummaging around in the storage room, he found what he had been looking for. Storming back to the front of the shop he presented the two items to the awkwardly waiting boys. Jongdae noticed how close they were standing to each other, yet not close enough that the would touch each other. So cute.

«Here!» he gave each boy a colourful flower crown he had just made the day before. They were made of various dried flowers, sprayed over with blue and white. «You can have them for free if I get to take a picture of you two wearing them,» he said, a mischievous grin on his face. 

Felix was staring in awe at the flower crown, turning it around in his hands. «Did you make them?» he asked Jongdae with shining eyes. Changbin, on the other hand, didn't really know what to do with the thing in his hand. He had to admit that it was very pretty, but he seemed unsure whether he really wanted it on top of his head. Jongdae nodded at Felix question, explaining how the dried flowers would last longer with the paint sprayed on, making them a unique gift. Not really interested in their conversation, Changbin decided to take action and placed his flower crown on top of Felix' blond hair. He stared at his work, undoubtedly pleased. 

«Cute,» he muttered, not able to bite back the smile creeping up his face. 

Jongdae enjoyed the scene playing out before him excitedly. This was better than any K-Drama he'd ever watched. Clasping his hands together he continued to grin stupidly at the adorable couple. 

Just then the door opened and the bell rung anew. Jongdae looked up, only to be greeted by an unexpected but heart-stopping view. Minseok had just entered, looking absolutely stunning. He wore a black leather jacket over a tight white shirt, combined with dark blue pants. But the most fascinating part was his hair: they were now dyed pastel pink, styled up and making him look hotter than ever. He spotted his boyfriend standing with the two boys, strolling over to them.

«Hello Flower Boy,» he greeted, a smug smile displaying. «You might want to close your mouth, I know I'm hot, but you wouldn't want to be drooling in front of your customers, would you?» he laughed, placing a hand under the brunet's chin, gently pushing up his lower jaw. 

Jongdae felt his heartbeat trip at Minseok's words, looking away in embarrassment. He cleared his throat, guiding away the hand on his chin, but not letting it go again. Minseok lifted an eyebrow at that but didn't say anything. 

«Hi to you too,» Jongdae answered. «As you can see, I'm kinda busy... Mind waiting for a moment?» 

Minseok grinned and shook his head. «Not at all.» Since Jongdae didn't seem to let go of his hand he simply stayed next to him. Changbin and Felix were silent through the whole conversation, not entirely sure how to react. But now Jongdae's attention was on them once again. 

«So, can I have that photo?» he asked the two boys with sparkling eyes, his free hand already grabbing his phone.

«I guess?» Felix agreed, hesitantly reaching for Changbin to pull him closer. He put the other flower crown he still held in his hands on top of Changbin's head, smiling timidly. Then the two looked at Jongdae, signalling that they were ready.

«Oh my, you two look so adorable!» Jongdae cooed, smiling happily at the picture he had taken. «Can you two do something cute?» When he requested this, he certainly didn't expect Changbin to lean over and press a soft kiss on Felix' cheek. And neither did Felix. The boy froze on the spot, eyes wide and mouth agape. After a good three seconds, Changbin broke away his lips from the other boy's cheek, clearly flustered.

Next to Jongdae Minseok was cackling at the sight of the couple in front of them. «You— ohmygod— please— please tell me you two are dating!» he laughed in delight.

«He's too shy to ask me,» Changbin murmured, chuckling lightly at the now darkly blushing boy next to him. 

«How about you ask him here and now then?» Minseok suggested.

«Wanna be my boyfriend?» Changbin asked not missing a beat. Felix, who was getting more and more embarrassed with every second, just nodded, his face hiding in his hands by now. Changbin smiled happily and removed Felix' hands from his face, only to pull him closer. He pressed a chaste kiss on the blond's lips, making Jongdae and Minseok cheer loudly at them.

«Such an innocent kiss,» Minseok grinned, having something in his mind. He reached for Jongdae's neck, suddenly pulling him closer and pressing his lips onto the other's, indicating a not so innocent kiss. Jongdae was taken by surprise but just smiled into the kiss, tilting his head a bit to prevent their noses from bumping into each other. They heard a loud gasp, and as they broke apart they saw how Changbin had put his hand over Felix' eyes, staring at them wide-eyed. 

«I have to protect his innocence,» he explained, swallowing dryly. «Because dang, that was hot.»

Minseok chuckled at that remark, while Jongdae hit his shoulder. «They are children!» he scolded his boyfriend, not really mad though as he too was smiling. 

Felix and Changbin bid their goodbyes and left the shop shortly after. They had a date to continue on after all. And thus, Jongdae was left alone with Minseok. 

«Sooo... why are you here? I thought you had lectures to attend?» he asked curiously, absentmindedly combing with his fingers through Minseok's hair. «Nice hair colour by the way. It suits you.»

«The lecture got cancelled, so I thought I'd drop by. And I know, your reaction when I came in told me enough.» He smirked, giving the other a wink.

«Yeah whatever,» Jongade mumbled, not wanting to recall that rather awkward moment. 

«I might want to invite you for dinner as well, so if you don't have anything planned...?» Minseok added,  now completely serious. A bit surprised at the change of mood the brunet stopped stroking his boyfriend's hair.

«Yes, I'm free. Where are we going?» 

«I don't know yet.» Minseok shrugged his shoulders, stepping away. «I'll think of something until later, okay?» He gave the other a reassuring smile. «But it surely won't be something fancy, I'm still a university student.» 

Jongdae could only laugh at that, knowing fully about the financial situation Minseok was in. «You know, you could just let me invite you for once, then we could save up for something a bit more expensive,» he teased, earning a grumble from his boyfriend who didn't seem so pleased with that idea.

«I like to spoil you though,» he pouted. «So just let me do so.»

«Aw, such a cute little boyfriend I have,» Jongdae uttered, squishing the older's cheeks. 

«I have to go back soon, you know,» his boyfriend spoke up. «So could you please stop abusing my cheeks?»

«Why would I?» Jongdae didn't want to let go of the soft cheeks yet.

Grabbing his wrists to detach his hands from his face, Minseok pulled Jongdae forward. Their chests collided and Minseok leaned in closer, pressing a little peck on the tip of the other's nose. «So I can kiss you a bit more.»

And he did exactly that. It started out all sweet and soft but grew more and more heated as the kiss went on. Somehow Jongdae's hands found their way down to Minseok's ass, squeezing it gently. 

«Hey!» Minseok gasped in surprise, breaking the kiss to stare at his boyfriend in disbelief. «Did you just grab my butt?»

«What if I did?» Jongdae asked innocently, blinking rapidly.

«I can't believe you—» Shaking his head he poked the other's nose. «I thought you were pure!»

His boyfriend just laughed, wriggling out of his boyfriend's arms. «You should go now before Luhan walks in on us making out when I'm supposed to work.»

«Yeah, I guess,» Minseok agreed, holding him back to press one last kiss onto Jongdae's cheek. «See you later!»


My first exam is over whoop whoop. And I'm back with another little update. It's more of a filler with a bit of Changlix, I hope you enjoyed it anyway. I should have studied math, considering that I have my math exam tomorrow. But I wasn't feeling very well, so I slept the whole afternoon and wrote this chapter in the evening. Because writing helps me to calm down and feel better. And math... eeeh... not really.

I'll just wing that tomorrow fml

Also I'm so stupid. I forgot my phone in the exam building and couldn't go in there anymore because the doors are locked in between the exams. And the teacher with the keys disappeared. Now I have to wait until tomorrow to get it back. I just hope it's still there.

I looked up synonyms for 'smug' and one of them was 'holier-than-thou'. Now I really want to use that, I just don't know in what context. Please help me out. It's my word of the day :')

Also, just look at this cutie, he's so squishy I can't

I'm always in for soft Minseok

He kind of looks like an adorable hamster 

Plus here's some Changlix cus everyone needs these cuties in their life

I might write a Changlix Fanfiction, would anyone read it?

Meaning of the flowers in the title: Fuchsia means confiding love, chrysanthemum means loveliness and cheerfulness. ^-^

Have a nice day/night! Everyone who has exams coming up or is like me in the midst of them, sleep a lot, don't forget to eat and relax from time to time. This might helps ^w^

I sent this to my friend yesterday and she deadass fell asleep listening to it XD

This author's note is getting way too long, sorry.

Byebye ^-^/


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