Don't Open The Door For Anyone

By Alliep03

361 26 17

When a certain clutz makes a fool of herself in front a certain blonde model, let's just say a certain cat sh... More

Don't Open the Door for Anyone Ch 2

Don't Open the Door for Anyone

198 12 4
By Alliep03

Don't Open the Door for Anyone

"Don't be too loud!"

"Don't stay up all night!"

"Don't use the oven. We all know how clumsy you are!"

"Don't open the door to anyone!" My parents explained the rules for the millionth time this evening. They were going out for the night and wouldn't be back till morning. Which meant I was technically under house arrest for the night. My parents were always so protective when it came to me staying home alone past 9 o'clock at night.

"Okay, okay! I understand! Just go! Enjoy yourselves!" I rolled my eyes, and ushered them hurriedly out the door. I stayed there staring out the window as they walked off laughing. As soon as they were out of sight, I bolted upstairs at a speed that would second-best Flash. Once in my room I began the rambling I had been holding in since school this morning.

"Did I really do that? Was I actually that clumsy? What was I thinking? What the actual hell was I thinking?! Sniffing his hair! I think I just entered Stalker Town! No wait- scratch that- I'm the mayor of Stalker Town and I'm also the prime minister of Idiotville!"

"Marinette calm down! It'll be okay!" Came the calming voice of my kwami. "It wasn't that bad..." Tikki looked up at me apologetically, whilst nibbling slightly on her cookie.

"Tikki, it was chocolate milk," I groaned at the memory, with a crucial face plant into the sheets of my bed. Tikki just giggled at me.

"Ok, maybe it was that bad."


I was counting down the seconds until class would be over and I could leave the room, away from the blonde locks that were currently keeping me immobile. Four. Three. Two. One. The bell (finally) went and I practically jumped out of my chair. As I looked around, so did almost everyone else and the classroom was nearly empty before I'd taken two steps. I made my way down to the front of the room where Alya was taking to Nino and Adrien. I slowly approached the trio, but barely received any recognition of my presence. Alya gave an almost unnoticeable wave and Nino simply nodded as they both continued taking (or arguing) to Adrien who had his back to me. I decided to wait until their conversation was over, but that took longer than expected. To pass time, without interrupting them, I reached into my backpack and pulled out the chocolate milk bottle I had packed before school. I took one sip, trying to remain as quiet as possible. They just kept talking and talking and talking! I swore they were going to talk forever! The next thing I knew I was standing on my tip toes, eyes closed, inching closer and closer to the blonde locks that had me so captivated earlier.

What am I doing?

I moved less than a centimetre closer, until his hair was tickling my face.

What the actual hell am I doing?

I took a slow, deep breath through my nose, savouring the sweet smells of Adrien's shampoo.

Truth is; I had no idea what the hell I was doing.

I blew it. I had fumbled over my own feet trying to back away from the model standing before me. I tripped and fell forward. Adrien stumbled forward at the newfound weight on him but stopped instantly when he felt the cold liquid running down his face. Alya and Nino were both silenced as they took in the scene before them. Of course Alya's phone was at the scene instantly to take a photo. She had a hand held to her mouth, trying to hide the loud snorts and Nino just stood there, gaping like a goldfish. When I fell forward, I had spilt my chocolate milk. All over Adrien. The milk splashed all across his back, staining the white with a pale brown colour. Chocolate milk drizzled all through his hair, probably washing out all traces of that strawberry scent. He slowly turned to face my, eyes wide and confused. My jaw dropped low and my eyes bulged out of my head. Milk dripped from his hair onto his face and down the front of his shirt. At this point, Nino had stopped looking shocked and Alya stopped trying to hold it in. They both burst into laughter.

"I'm- I'm- I'm- I'm- I'm- I'm-" I was speechless. I couldn't get out a full sentence.

"I think the word your looking for is 'sorry'! Marinette, you're sorry!" Came Alya's attempt to help while she was still consumed in laughter. Meanwhile I was just standing there like a blubbering mess. I let out a noise that sounded like a strangled cat meow.

"I'm- I'm sooooooo s-sorry!" I managed to squeak out before I collapsed to the ground in embarrassment. Adrien tried to comfort me and tell me that it was ok, but that was it. My legs just refused to operate. Good thing my first class after break was in this same classroom, right?

End flashback.

"Yep, it was definitely bad," Tikki added once, she had replayed the memory over in her mind. She let out a small innocent giggle and I just groaned into my sheets again.

"Maybe some milk and cookies would make you feel better?" Tikki suggested pointing her tiny arms downstairs.

"NO MILK! I'll take the cookies but no milk..." I crossed my arms over my chest and she giggled. Tikki grabbed onto my finger and started leading my downstairs. I laughed at the tiny red kwami tugging on my finger. Once downstairs, I sneakily and very stealthily, grabbed a few cookies from the bakery. Translation: I clumsily and very loudly, grabbed more cookies than I could carry, let alone, eat. I handed Tikki a choc chip one and she munched on it happily, while I leant on the counter licking the contents of my sugar cookie. I thought maybe we could take the snacks upstairs again and watch a movie or something, when there was a small thump outside. I looked out to see the silhouette of a man walking towards the bakery. Upon seeing the figure, Tikki instantly flies behind me and I fumble with the light switch in an attempt to turn them off. I let out a small eep as the bakery was cast in a sea of darkness. As my eyes adjusted to the blackness, and the street lights poured in from outside, I noticed that the man was still standing there. His whole body was cast in darkness. All except for his eyes, which glowed a cat like green and his teeth, which were spread into a Cheshire grin. Then suddenly, I felt stupid as to not knowing who it was before.

"Uhh... Princess? I can see in the dark? That didn't do anything..." His words rolled off his tongue in that smooth voice he always does, smirk never leaving his face. I switched the lights back on and rolled my eyes. I walked over to the door with the keys. I opened it for him and he let himself in.

"I'm really shouldn't be doing this because my parents told me before they left 'Don't open the door for anyone.'" I explained and Chat's grin widened even more. "But, I feel as though I can trust you." Chat moved in closer so his face was inches away from mine.

"But why should you trust me? We haven't met many times before..." I could almost hear the smirk in his words.

"I- uh- you- uh-" I started before Chat interrupted.

"Nah! I'm just kidding. Who wouldn't want to let this paw-some cat in?" He flirted, as usual. "So I hear there was a little mishap at your school today... but then again, I don't want to milk it..." I felt my cheeks heat up and I glared at Chat.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no and NO! You are not making puns about this!!" I pointed a finger in his face and he held his hands up in mock defence, smile faltering.

"Woah now, Princess! Don't cry over spilt milk!" His smile wickedly returned. I gripped his collar and softly pushed him into the door.

"What did I just say?" I released my grip on him and leant away. " did you know?" I tried to ask normally but it came out more like a whine.

"Well, I may be personally close the 'victim'..." I groaned again.

"Adrien blabbed on me?! Ugghh! Is he mad?" I felt like crawling into a hole and staying there forever.

"Oh no! Not mad... just udder-ly a-moo-sed..." And just like that, I was pressing him against the door by his collar. I was about to start lecturing him again when I noticed something. Chat's hair was sticky and a sort of light brown colour stained through it.

"Chat... what happened to your hair?" Being this close to him, I suddenly got a real good whiff of him. "And why do you smell like chocolate milk?" Next thing I knew; Chat was fumbling for the door handle in a panic.

"What was t-that your parents s-said? Don't open the door to anyone? Y-yeah, you should probably listen to t-them!"

And just like that. He was gone.

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