Magi: Lost in Time

By AthanasiaKashimashi

58.3K 1.7K 111

Previously known as Magi: Cinderella's Spell Escapade 1: The Adventures of Sinbad Yrif Kingdom was a prospero... More

Prologue - They Met
Escapade 1
Scroll 1: Tison Village
Scroll 2: Napolia, Reim
Scroll 3: Truth, Stars
Scroll 4: Sinbad and Thais
Scroll 5: Sasan and Artemyra
Scroll 6: Pervert and Her Conviction
Scroll 7: Impending Doom
Scroll 8: Sinbad's Mistake
Scroll 9: Epiphany
Scroll 10: Strange
Scroll 11: Heliophat
Scroll 12: Unnerved
Scroll 13: Resolution
Scroll 14: Showdown
Scroll 15: Toran and Judal
Scroll 16: Parthevia
Scroll 17: Shadows Within
Scroll 18: Selendine's Will
Scroll 19: Captive
Scroll 20: Dirtied
Scroll 21: Farewell
Escapade 2
Scroll 1: Alibaba
Scroll 2: Niel
Scroll 3: Gamori
Scroll 4: In the Meantime
Scroll 5: Marbas
Scroll 6: Kouen and Thais
Scroll 7: Balbadd
Scroll 8: She
Scroll 9: End
Scroll 10: Arjwani
Scroll 11: Peril in Paradise
Scroll 12: Progress
Scroll 13: Explanation
Scroll 14: Light in the Darkness
Scroll 15: Precious
Scroll 16: Towards Sindria
Scroll 17: Darkness
Scroll 18: Pain
Scroll 19: Real
Scroll 20: In order
Escapade 3
Scroll 1: Battle of Destiny
Scroll 2: Magic Academy
Scroll 3: Reim
Scroll 4: Morgiana and Kaein
Scroll 5: Luna and Al-Thamen
Scroll 6: In Between
Scroll 7: Sky
Scroll 8: Countdown
Scroll 9: Resound
Scroll 10: Reim versus Magnostadt
Scroll 11: She Comes
Scroll 12: Vessels
Scroll 13: Warriors
Scroll 14: He comes
Scroll 15: Wish
Scroll 16: Invitation and Feud
Scroll 17: Play Your Cards Right
Scroll 18: Signs and Past
Scroll 19: Solomon and Demeus
Scroll 20: Broken Time
Scroll 21: Broken Mirror
Scroll 22: Future that Awaits Us
Scroll 23: Comfort
Scroll 24: Internal
Scroll 25: Hope
Scroll 26: Akil
Escapade 4
Scroll 1: According to Plan
Scroll 2: Sun and Rain
Scroll 3: New Light
Scroll 4: Responsibility
Scroll 6: Tower of Feelings
Scroll 7: Ray
Scroll 8: Forgiven
Scroll 9: Rose Garden
Scroll 10: Losing It
Scroll 11: Dungeons and Akil
Scroll 12: Solution
Scroll 13: That Hope
Scroll 14: Shards
Scroll 15: Wishes
Character Profile
Bonus Scroll: Maharagan

Scroll 5: Irony

243 9 0
By AthanasiaKashimashi

Italic - Thais Demeus
Underline - Kouha Ren
Italic and Underline - Thais and Kouha

Irony by LeeandLie

I feel that walking has become another chore
I don't think I can go on walking anymore
Forgive me for those words, I know they're but a cliche to you
But life is tiring, my feet are feeling sore
I wish that I could have a bit of time
To heal the ache that is growing stronger all the time
But I know time stops for nobody, let alone me
And so I go inevitably

Whenever things are going rather happily
It turns out life is just playing a trick on me
It's slightly shameful to admit the truth, I end up in tears
And so returns the same old melancholy

I miss when life was just simplicity
And misery wasn't always chasing after me
It's pretty obvious now, I should have left my regret
But I held onto it so foolishly

Maybe I overreact a bit, it hasn't destroyed me yet,
Has it? But everything I desire is always just too far to get
Honestly it's just me, brainlessly, so silly,
Always hoping for good to be
If that's the case
Then just hear my plea
Pick me up and drop me
Into unfaltering sleep

You say to look hard for a solution
But wouldn't that depend on the person?
So I could never. No, I could never
Believe a word anyone says
I know that everyone has their hardships
It's fairly clear to me that I'm not alone
But how is it that they can just leave them,
I just don't know at all

Step back from me

Please leave me be

This so deceitful road that I stumble on
Is never going to end

It's getting difficult to manuever
And it's just worthless to try and run away
So I'll just hold my hands over my ears
And block out all this noise
How can I live not knowing what life is?
Sometimes my dreams seem to be more realistic
Obviously I can't be called happy,
Then what am I after all?

The sound of the guitar and thundering voices ended with a round of applause. The bystanders clapped their hands after the stunning performance of two strangers on the street. It had been a week ever since the rumor about the Kou Empire invading the other countries died down. Instead, they were promoted by these two strangers who sang on streets while showcasing Kou's and Yrif's products. It went all according to their plan.

"Thank you, everyone! I hope our performance made your day. For our last song, we will present to you 'Pray'." The guitar started playing again and everybody brightened at the encore.

Kou Empire
Alibaba, Kogyouku and Leonhart

"Thais really erased the horrible rumors about Kou. Now, we can focus on everything. How are you holding up, Kogyouku?" Alibaba asked in joy. The empress grinned at him before continuing her work. The three of them were in the library, reading and writing further revisions on their plan. Their mysterious advisor, Ren Koumei, would occasionally drop by to talk to Leonhart. The said king was in awe at how fast Thais could initiate her plan. At first, there were people who were hesitant on buying their products, but as days go by, they were able to sell more than they expected.

"Father! Mother and I came to visit. How are you?" Sivan asked as he entered the library. The queen watched her husband work himself. She smiled at that, but she was more than happy to know that Thais was not really dead but alive.

"I'm fine, Sivan. Glad that you arrived safely." He stood up and kissed his wife. Hotaru blushed at the sudden contact but gave him a warm smile nonetheless. She sat beside him and asked what their next project was. They discussed it with her openly and hoped for a bit of advice. The queen was able to present important facts and revisions they could use on some of their products. She was a well-known intellect in their country and she was glad to share her knowledge with everybody in the kingdom.

"Thank you, Hotaru. Let's have dinner as family." Leonhart offered. She grinned at that.

"We should. I'm pretty sure that Kou has some extraordinary dishes they would love to promote and serve. Sivan and I will be by the garden if you need us." She said. Leonhart nodded and they all focused back to their work.

"I'll have to ask though. Who was the hooded guy with Thais?" Alibaba asked. The two looked at each other and told him that it was Kouha. His eyes widened at the revelation. It actually made sense because the said red head was not in the prisoner island.

"Since when was he accompanying Thais? And why was I the only one who did not know about this!?" He retorted. Kogyouku shook her head. She told him that it was actually only a couple of people who knew about Kouha's whereabouts. Leonhart added that the red head was taken immediately after the war. It was the best decision at that time considering that Thais had plans for him.

"Not only that, Thais really needed somebody with her during her pregnancy. She could barely stand after the war and was always depressed. It was a year after that that she disappeared without a trace." Leonhart finished. The blonde nodded in understanding. Not long after, three figures burst into the room. It was Ka Koubun who encouraged Alibaba to start doing an advertisement worldwide. They all agreed to the idea and soon, a ridiculous ad was sent all over the world.

"Hahaha! It's really Alibaba." A melodic voice laughed as they watched the television. A kid with purple hair and blue eyes went closer to see who they were talking about.

"Uncle Aladdin? Is that blonde, the Alibaba you are talking about?" He asked. The said magi nodded his head. His other companion also noticed a familiar person beside him in the ad.

"Is that Ka Koubun? They're really ridiculous." He mused.

"Yeah but I'm sure that you are happy to see them, Hakuryuu. Am I right, Morg?" Aladdin teased. The Fanalis nodded her head without any restraint which made the people around them laugh at the embarrassed conqueror.

"Geez, way to make me feel shy now. When are we going to return back to the new world anyway?" Hakuryuu asked. The magi told him that it will be in two or three days time. The conqueror nodded. Just then, one of Kina warriors, Nanaumi, asked what they would do if ever Arba comes in their way. She feared that they could be eliminated in an instant. Aladdin assured her that right now, they were unbeatable.

"Yeah! Mama is also stronger now! She told me." The kid chimed.

"She sure has, Akil. How about we visit the Origin Dragon today? I'm sure that she will be happy to see you." Aladdin suggested. Akil jumped in excitement until Morgiana warned him that he still needed to take precautions.

"Okay, Aunt Morg. I'm sure Mama will not mind me visiting the Mother Dragon." He beamed. Nanaumi sighed at their stubbornness. It was true that throughout those three years, they spent the time training. Hakuryuu and King Takeruhiko were always at each other's throat. Morgiana was sparring with the Fanalis in the area from time to time. Aladdin would practice with the Origin Dragon, Thais or Yunan. Lastly, Thais and Akil would train each other. They were stronger now and she was sure that they could kick anybody's ass in time.

Soon, they reached the cave where the Origin Dragon lived. She watched them enter the area and brightened up at the sight of the purple head kid.

"Akil, how nice of you to visit me again." She uttered. Her voice enveloped them and gave them a sense of security in her wake.

"Mother Dragon! I'm back!" Akil hugged the huge dragon to which he felt her return by nuzzling her face in his chubby cheeks. Aladdin and the other chuckled at the sight. Even as a kid, Akil was really simple but still held respect towards others. He was also blunt but not too much that it already hurt the person he referred to.

"Hey, Sis. We're going to head back to the other side of the rift." The magi announced. The Origin Dragon was saddened by their decision. Instantly, she felt lonely but the bundle of joy below assured her that they will visit her from time to time.

"You will not be lonely!" He said. She smiled at the boy before turning her attention back to the trio. She knew of their actions and immediately asked if they were going to kill Sinbad. Akil stopped in his tracks. It was his father's name that she just mentioned and he feared of the decision his companions were about to make. However, he sighed in relief when Aladdin told him that they will not.

"Sinbad isn't the villain. The world he created was not bad after all. However, I don't think that anyone should rule the world for all eternity by himself. That is what Sinbad was trying to do. No, perhaps he wanted something beyond that. I think we'll have to fight him again for that but...." Aladdin trailed. He glanced at Akil who looked at him sadly. He smiled a little before shifting his foot awkwardly. The kid had not really seen his father, but his mother would always describe him as somebody who was amazing, strong, sly and a womanizer. Her mother consoled him that despite those things, he loved them.

"I'm fine, Uncle Aladdin. I... I'll just get some air outside." He left the cave. Morgiana and Hakuryuu felt sorry for the kid. They knew that it hurt him. Knowing that their father is the enemy was not something a child should even hear.

Days later, Aladdin and the others were ready to depart. The magi told them that it will take several magic circle before they could reach Alibaba's current location. Akil was just happy that he could see his mother soon. Kaein and Luna were not with him because they had some things they had to accomplish in the Dark Continent and in Yrif. He was a little lonely to be honest.

Before they departed, Takeruhiko asked them what was so amazing about this Alibaba person they kept praising. The magi replied that he was just an ordinary person.

"If Sinbad is a king who is respected and pulls you in his wake, then Alibaba is a king who respects you and moves forward together with you. Don't you think that everyone will be able to move forward if such king stands equally with them?" He dared asked.

"Beats me. We just want to live freely." The king replied. Aladdin smiled and looked forward. It was for that reason that he wanted to see Alibaba once more.

Thais and Kouha

"And that wraps it up! Man, I'm tired! I wonder how's my little prince." Thais whined as she dropped down in exhaustion. Her voice was a little rough after singing and advertising around the capital. Kouha fetched a lukewarm tea to help with her throat. She glanced at the red head and grinned in gratitude. The red head cleaned his guitar and put it away carefully before taking a sip of his own tea.

"So this was your plan huh? And here I thought that you will be doing business directly." He commented. Thais looked at him dryly before telling him that it was not for her. Plus, she already contributed enough with her plans and ideas.

"Right. I have to ask you though. What are your plans with this world, your husband and that old hag? I'm sure that like Aladdin, you also have your own agenda."

"Yeah, I have, but I think it's enough that I keep it to myself. Right now, I want to help them as much as I can. Also, I am not sure if I can face Sinbad. Call me a coward, scaredy cat, whatever you can think of but I just can't. I'm not even sure if he still loves me. Yes, I'm that anxious. Arba, in Hakuei's body, also doesn't help with my anxiety. Pretty silly, right? I know. However, Akil wants to meet him. Who am I to deprive him of his wishes? I want to give my child what's best for him, and I also think that it's time. Kouha, thank you for everything. Even though I pulled you out of that war and let your siblings suffer, you still helped after I explained everything to you. You really are a strange companion but I love you nonetheless. You were there as Akil's father figure along with the others. You were there, along with Yunan, helping me out of my own pity party. Right now, I want to be your strength and I think it's also time for you to return to Kou. I hope they can recognize you as a man though." She teased. The red head glared at her. Despite the short hair Kouha now had, he was still a beauty. Thais smirked at him before she stood up to perform her magic.

'Thais, are you really sure about your plan?' Marbas asked. Seethe also waited for her reply. Her hands trembled and her throat felt constructed but she put up a front.

'Yes. It's now or never. I still have time. I will not lose to it. Thank you for worrying you two.' She smiled internally. Her djinns glowed in response.

'Azami. If you are there, hear my plea.'

'Now, won't you look at that.'


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