By honeeylovee

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"My heart is torn between two. I love them both. I have to let one go" . . Jazmin thought she found everyth... More

Chapter One Intro: Sunset Views (Diary)
Chapter Two: Jacksonville (Diary)
Chapter Three: First Night In Redwood-Ville
Chapter Four: The Next Door Neighbor
Chapter Five: Senior Year
Chapter Six: Bright Stars
Chapter Seven: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter Eight: Letting Demons Out
Chapter Nine: A New Vibe
Chapter Ten: Mixed Emotions
Chapter Eleven: The Heartbreak
Chapter Twelve: Me Myself & I
Chapter Thirteen: School Project
Chapter Fourteen: War Declared
Chapter Fifteen: School Field Trip
Chapter Sixteen: The Healer
Chapter Seventeen: Take Me To Paradise
Chapter Eighteen: Facing Reality
Chapter Nineteen: Troubling Young Love
Chapter Twenty: Mending A Shattered Heart
Chapter Twenty-One: A Chance On Bad
Chapter Twenty-Two: Rumors
Chapter Twenty-Three: Rage
Chapter Twenty-Four: Burning Passion
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Dangerous Ex
Chapter Twenty-Six: Faded Memories
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Vivid Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Aching Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Singing The Blues
Chapter Thirty: Singing The Blues (pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-One: Letting Go
Chapter Thirty-Two: An Old Friend
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Ghost From The Past
Chapter Thirty-Four: Secrets (Pt.1)
Chapter Thirty-Five: Secrets (Pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Offer
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Open Wound
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Time Heals
Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Night Of Romance
Chapter Forty: Unfortunate Event
Chapter Forty-One: A Lustful Kiss?
Chapter Forty-Three: The Call
Chapter Forty-Four: Deception
Chapter Forty-Five: The Proposal
Chapter Forty-Six: The Hide Out (Pt.1)
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Hide Out (Pt.2)
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Decision
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Capture
Chapter Fifty: A Dreadful Death
Chapter Fifty-One: Ticking Bomb
Chapter Fifty-Two: Life Goes On
Chapter Fifty-Three: Birth To A New Beginning
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Agreement
Chapter Fifty-Five: Back To A Loving Home
Chapter Fifty-Six: Birthday Surprise
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Confession
Chapter Fifty-Eight: A Passionate Night
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Halloween Party
Chapter Sixty: Calling It Quits?
Chapter Sixty-One: The Reason Comes Out
Chapter Sixty-Two: The Return
Chapter Sixty-Three: Out For Blood
Chapter Sixty-Four: The Choice
Chapter Sixty-Five: Closing Two Chapters
Chapter Sixty-Six: A New Home
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Fateful Accident
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Farewell My Love
Chapter Sixty-Nine: A Life Changing Decision
Chapter Seventy: Sunset Views In Jacksonville

Chapter Forty-Two: Bad Lies

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By honeeylovee

Weeks had passed since the small incident that took place in the shower rooms and the kiss Jake had with Lina. Even though I wasn't sure that kiss really meant nothing to him like he said countless of times. I still decided to put everything behind us and move forward. I wasn't willing to let Lina or Becca win and see me fall. Plus I knew well I didn't want to lose Jake either.

Every single day that passed by I found myself wondering about Jake. My body yearned for his touch while my lips claimed his every chance I got. We began to double date with Ashanti and his best friend Danny. He was a new transfer to our school but his friendship with Jake went years back. According to them they grew up together and had always maintained a solid friendship.

Danny and I quickly became good friends and got along really well. Ashanti drooled over him the first day they met. Danny secretly had a thing for her too. So Jake and I played Cupid and helped both of them hook up. They were the most weirdly awkward yet cute couple I had seen. Even though Ashanti was wild and super energetic, Danny handled her unique characteristic's just fine. He was gentle to her and very patient. He was the total opposite of how Ashanti was which is why they balanced each other just fine. Amy in the other hand didn't hangout with us quite much. One night so unexpectedly she confessed to me she didn't agree with my relationship with Jake. She thought I should give James another chance. I told her he had moved on and was going to be a daddy yet she refused to believe it.

She also confessed she had seen James multiple times. She had taken a trip over a weekend to her sisters home in Maple City. According to Amy he was single and was rarely seen with any other female. He lived with his mom in a two story house. He was living well. I tried to minimize the conversation that day but she kept on going. She insisted that James never forgot about me. He still felt the same way for me since the first time we met. I called bullshit on everything she told me which only pissed her off. Amy had suddenly taken James side and did not like Jake. She always avoided to give me a solid reason as to her sudden change of heart towards Jake.

Her sudden actions only raised suspicion that she was hiding something. Her friendship with Miles grew while dating his best-friend Jean. Her distance towards Ashanti and I only made us upset and also had us question her loyalty to us. Even though the sudden change of attitude and coldness was towards me she also didn't like Ashanti dating Danny. Of course all because he was best friends with Jake. We still kept in touch here and there. She always managed to try and bring James into our conversations. Which only led to more distance between us.

One thing Amy had mentioned about James that quietly lingered in my mind was that he seemed financially changed. He drove a nice car and dressed better. He also seemed more serious and mature. I wondered what made him change so much. Maple City was the place where he had run off too. After so long I had finally heard of his whereabouts. Still it didn't change how I felt about him. I wanted nothing to do with him. Just hearing his name would make my stomach turn. I had hated him for so long that I thought that dark hatred feeling would never change. Until I fell in love with Jake. From that point on all I felt for James was nothing. An empty feeling. Still I was curious as to what my reaction would be if I ever saw him again. I always thought 'Would the strong feelings I felt for him once rise again?..Or are those feelings forever vanished'.

Aside from our disagreements and differences. Amy and I still tried to maintain a somewhat good friendship. Although when we would go out double dating her and Jean would not tag along. Jake never once asked me why was Amy so distanced with me. I never brought it up either. On some weekends us four would go to the movies together or to fairs nearby. We would always have a blast with Ashanti's bad jokes and goofy randomness. Whenever I had a chance to be alone with Danny I would try to ask him about Jakes family. Though as expected being a solid friend to Jake not once did he break the bro-code. I learned to finally accept it. If Jake ever decided to finally open up about himself I would be ready to listen. For the meanwhile his life would maintain a mystery to me.

With prom just a couple days away Ashanti and I went dress shopping. Amy would meet us up although I didn't know if it was such a good idea. I wanted us three to hangout like we use to. So as soon as we met with her I welcomed her with a huge warm hug. I noticed she didn't hug me as tight as I was hugging her. I decided to let her go as I watched her excitedly jump into Ashanti's arms I couldn't help but feel left out and somewhat hurt. We all went into several stores and tried on many beautiful dresses. After so many options I had finally chosen my dress.

It was the most beautiful elegant dress I had seen. The gold shimmers surrounding the dress gave it a unique touch. The long V opening made the dress look sexy. The pastel pink color was perfect for my skin tone. Without hesitating I bought the dress. I couldn't wait to show it to you Jake. The excitement was beyond uncontrollable. Although it seemed like I was sharing my joyful excitement with only Ashanti. Even though it was an extraordinary dress, Amy did not seemed pleased.

Jazmin- Amy you don't like the dress?

Amy- It's gorgeous but I just don't think Jake deserves to see you in it..

Ashanti- Amy don't say that..

Jazmin- It's okay Ash..I'm getting use to her snotty attitude and unwanted comments..

Amy- Well maybe if you would listen to my advice about staying away from Jake you-

Jazmin- Enough Amy!..What the hell is your problem with Jake!? Not to long ago you were friends with him and all of a sudden you have this huge hate towards him!

Ashanti- Okay girls let's calm down last thing we want is an unnecessary fight between you two..You are both friends remember?

Jazmin- Tell her that!...Seems like she forgot how to be one!

Amy- Oh trust me! That's all I'm trying to be!...A good friend to you Jazmin!

Jazmin- HA!...Well how about trying harder?

Ashanti- Oh look pretzals! Lets go buy some!

Amy- When you find out you'll regret ever telling me all this!

Jazmin- Find out what!? Geez Amy spit it out already!

Amy- I can't because I promised a certain someone I wouldn't say anything but if you were really my friend you would know I wouldn't be making a big deal over just anything! I'm just trying to look out for you Jaz!

Jazmin- Well if looking out for me means throwing shade at Jake for no apparent reason then maybe you shouldn't be my friend!

Ashanti- Okay let's PLEASE calm down things that are not meant are being said girls..

Amy- You're right..Maybe we shouldn't be friends..Because I can't be friends with a girl that is being so naive about the person she's dating! When there are red flags everywhere!

Jazmin- How exactly are you doing that?! When all you are saying is to stay away from Jake but you don't tell me why!

Amy- Because he is hiding something from you!! and when you find out I don't want you to end up hurt Jazmin! I'm done trying to make you listen..Giving up on James was probably not such a good idea because he actually loves you! Unlike Jake that is just feeding you lies!

I couldn't hold back the rage that was running in full velocity inside me..I raised my hand and slapped her across the face.

Jazmin- How dare you say that! You and Ash saw me on my darkest days after James left me! He wrecked me and now you are too! You call yourself a friend!? I was torn inside over his sudden disappearance and you know that! If it wasn't because of Jake..I probably would be suffering of depression! He helped me forget James...I learned to love again because of him...Jake picked up the shattered pieces James left and he put them back together! You are definitely no friend of mine!

Amy- Yes he did but is he being totally honest with you??....Why haven't you asked him that?..Are you afraid I might be right?!

Jazmin- You've changed so much!..Ever since you started dating Jean..This attraction into bad boys grew on you.. I've been there and I know how it ends!...Maybe you should put all your focus on your relationship with Jean instead of mine! Who knows you might end up with a shattered heart like I did!

Amy- I know Jean and I trust him to the fullest..Something you know deep down you can't do with Jake..You are just with him because he makes you feel safe! but he doesn't wake up those hidden feelings that only James did! You are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Jazmin- I'm done here..I want you far-away from me! Our so called friendship is done!! (I furiously turned away from both of them and left)

Ashanti- Jazmin wait!!!.....*Sighs...Are you okay Amy?

Amy- Trust me when I tell you Jake is no good for Jazmin...Protect her Ash..I did my best to warn her.

I held my tears back as I felt my heart aching after everything that was said between us. 'How could she say all those things to me?' I thought. She might have been right about two things. I did feel safe around Jake but I was missing that thrill that had me on the edge. That excitement I only felt with James. 'Was I really being so naive?' if so then why do I feel like I could trust him? Jake would never hurt me but seeing how Amy stood her ground the way she did so certain about what she was saying, only made me doubt Jake. 'Was he really being honest about everything?..What could he possibly be hiding from me?'.

Rose- Jazmin?

Jazmin- (As I walked with my mind full of questions..I passed by a movie theater..Where I heard a familiar voice call my name)...Mom?..What are you doing here?

Rose- I um...

John- Hi princess..

Jazmin- *Rolls Eyes...I've told you not to call me that..

Rose- Honey it would be delightful if you would join us.

Jazmin- I gotta go mom..

John- Please Jazmin..Come with us

Jazmin- (I saw the hopeful look in my moms eyes)..Fine but this means nothing John..

John- *Smiles..Alright it won't mean anything my little Jaz.


Richard- Nana where is Jake?

Nana- In his room getting ready..

Richard- Where is he heading too?

Nana- He is going out for a game of tennis with his friend Daniel..Was there something you needed?

Richard- Yes send him to my office I need a word with him.

*Couple Minutes Later

*Knock Knock

Richard- Come in

Jake- You wanted to see me?

Richard- Come take a seat.

Jake- I'm actually in a hurry so I rather stand..

Richard- It wasn't a question.

Jake- *Sighs....Okay. So What is it?

Richard- How is school going?

Jake- (Hhmm..Weird way to start a convo)...Um good I guess..

Richard- You know I need you to graduate with outstanding grades. You'll be the head of the legacy your great grandfather created and that I have continued to build someday in the future. I expect you to be well prepared.

Jake- Dad we've been through this before..I want to major in the medical field..I want to help those in need..I want to become the best doctor for this entire town..I can't do that if I'm working for you..

Richard- Nonsense those are petty dreams. Leave that for the small minded people. I have Big plans for you my son.

Jake- *Rolls Eyes...Was this all?..Can I be dismissed?

Richard- One last question. How is that relationship going...Uh Lina was it?

Jake- (Here he goes)...Yeah that's her name and it's going alright..

Richard- Nothing you want to tell me?

Jake- Like What?

Richard- Son do you really take me for a fool?

Jake-..I don't know what you mean..

Richard- I found out you are no longer in a relationship with that girl. So what have you been up too?

Jake- Well if you have me checked out so damn good then you should already know what I have been up too Dad!

Richard- Don't raise your voice at me Jake.

Jake- Why do you hate me so much!?

Richard- What are you talking about.

Jake- If you loved me you would want my happiness even if that means accepting Jazmin as my girlfriend and future wife!

Richard- You don't know what you're saying son. Marriage is something serious nothing to be played with. You are just having fun with that easy girl to waste time and that is fine with me. But do not mistake a simple fling with something real. That girl is not wife material and she certainly does not fit in our social circle. She is a nobody. She has had a numerous amount of boys in her life and I will not allow you to socialize her with our family. Not now not ever. After all she must be with you just for the money. Girls like her don't know the meaning of love Jake.

Jake- Oh and Lina is perfect for our social circle?..I'm not in love with her Dad!..and I won't allow you to scare me off from what I feel for Jazmin! You will not get in between us! And just so you know..Jazmin doesn't even know my background! So you're wrong about her! She's not with me for our money! She isn't that type of girl that is into material objects! She loves me for who I am! Not for what my last name stands for! Unlike the woman you married!

Richard- YOU ARE A KINGSLEY! and you should be honored to be part of this family. I have great plans for you and whether you like it or not. You will do as I say. Oh and Jake as long as I'm living that absurd idea of getting married to her is forbidden. I suggest you wake up from that silly dream.

Jake- I don't care about your plans! I don't want any part of it! I'm going to study in the medical field! I'm not gonna work for you dad! Get that in your head! I am not like you! I will never be like you! (I stood up and immediately left his office).

Richard- *Sighs...And that is exactly what will ruin you Jake.

*Dials Number

Franco- Yes Sir?

Richard- I need you to pay a special visit to a young lady named Lina.

Franco- Of course Sir.

Richard- I will give you a letter and you will make sure she receives it.

Franco- I will be there right away Sir.

Richard- Oh and Franco. Pause the plans I have for Ms. Rose Smith for now. If all falls into place like I am assuming then sending a special message to her daughter Jazmin will no longer be needed.


Danny- So what are you planning on doing?

Jake- What else? I am going to continue with my relationship..I won't let him scare me off this time Danny..I'm not that little boy anymore..

Danny- You are talking about that time he threatened to have your mother switched from graves so you wouldn't be able to go visit her anymore?

Jake- Yeah..Remember how hurt I was because that asshole threatened to take my mothers coffin away if I told a single soul about his dirty business!

Danny- I know man..He was wrong for doing that..We were just kids at that time and I had mistakenly kicked the ball into his office that night..If it wasn't because you went in to get it and heard his conversations about illegal businesses..He wouldn't have anything against you..

Jake- I can't take his shit anymore Danny! I feel like I'm suffocating in that mansion with that crazy family!

Danny- Just think it's only a matter of time till you're able to leave for good..You're almost turning 18!

Jake- *Smiles...I know..I will be leaving this town and taking my girl with me..That's the only thing I got to look forward too..Jazmin is who makes me want to keep on living and not give up. She's my motor..A long happy life by her side is all I want.

Danny- Then do it for her! Keep up this whole fake act you got going on with your dad..Last thing you want to do is piss him off..We all know how bad things can get if that happens man..

Jake- Yeah I know..He could be capable of ANYTHING to get me to leave Jazmin..He already attempted towards her life..

Danny- Does Jazmin know?

Jake- No!..She doesn't know about my family..Because of the hospital incident I had she found out about my surname but that's all she knows. She's not aware of how much power it carries..

Danny- Jake this is going to backfire if you don't tell her soon..

Jake- I know I know...I hate lying to her..But I'm afraid of her reaction..You know no one in this town knows our family secret and I'd like to keep it that way as long as possible..If she were to find out that my family is the richest this entire town has and not only that but that we basically own the land each person sleeps and works in..She'd maybe act different around me..She might not even accept me..

Danny- You know your secret is safe with me Bud..Just remember she already loves you..I'm sure she'll accept who you truly are.

Jake- I doubt she'll accept my background..The monster type of father that I have and a money sniffing old rag of a step mother.

Danny- Don't forget that evil step sister of yours too..Geez Jake..Whatcha do to end up with such a diabolical family...Haha

Jake- *Shrugs...I don't know..Life is punishing me for being handsome..

Danny- Ha cocky muther-

Lina- Hey Jake!

Danny- What the hell?..Is she stalking you?

Jake- Shit..All I needed..

Danny- Shh she's coming..

Jake- Let's just act like we finished playing and we are leaving alright? I don't want to put up with her right now..

Danny- Fine by me man..

Lina- Hey weird to bump into you here huh?

Danny- I would say creepy but sure weird sounds about right also..

Lina- *Annoyed...Anyways...Mind playing a game with me Jakey?

Jake-...Aren't you playing with Alison?

Lina- Oh she's warming up..but she isn't a competition...I need a real one..Like you for example a real good player..

Jake- I actually gotta go..Something came up..

Lina- Hey you..Can you give us a minute?

Danny- It's Danny but Daniel to you..

Lina- *Rolls Eyes...Whatever!..Leave now so you can let us talk.

Jake- Lina don't talk to him like that..

Danny- It's okay man..I rather go take a walk then be a victim of a boring conversation..Later

Lina- Ugh...Charming friend of yours...

Jake- So what do you want to talk about?

Lina- About what happened between us Jakey..I haven't seen you since then..

Jake- I don't have anything to say about that..It was a mistake that won't happen again..

Lina- Jakey I..

Jake- Lina stop!..I'm with Jazmin and she forgave me for what happened I'm not going to jeopardize what I have with her for a mistake that won't happen again..

Lina- But I love you Jake!

Jake- Then get over me! Date other guys! Do whatever you want! Just leave me and Jazmin alone!

Lina- Is that what you really want Jake!

Jake- Lina I'm not doing this..

Lina- (I grabbed his face and deeply looked him in the eyes)....Answer me!..Is that what you really want Jake?

Jake- Lina I don't want to hurt you.

Lina- You're hurting me by not admitting that somewhere deep down in your heart you have feelings for me too!

Jake- I gotta go alright.

Lina- Tell me I'm lying Jake!

Jake- I gotta go Lina..(I took her hands off me and walked away)

Lina- Jake! I'm talking!

Suddenly I heard a loud thud as I turned around I noticed it was Lina that had fainted and hit the ground.

Jake- Lina!..Hey! Wake up!...Shit!...Danny!! Come over here!

Alison- Omg what did you do to my friend!

Jake- This is not the time Alison!

Danny- What happened man?!

Jake- Danny I need you to help me carry her I'm taking her to the hospital!...Alison call her parents have them meet us there!


Doctor Tray- I need you all to wait in the waiting room please.

Alison- I can't believe this is happening again!

Jake- What do you mean again Alison?

Alison- I..I shouldn't have said anything..Forget it

Jake- (I angrily grabbed her by the arm)....Tell me what you know now!

Alison- Okay! This isn't the first time she faints...It has been happening more frequently lately...Especially when she has overwhelming situations..That wears her down..

Jake- Is she sick?

Alison- She says it's nothing but I'm starting to think she might be lying..

Danny- Listen Jake whatever is going on with her we'll find out now..

Alison- I need to call my sister..I'll be right back..

Danny- Are you really that worried?

Jake- How can you ask me that!

Danny- Woah okay relax...She's going to be alright Jake..

Jake- It's my fault!..This isn't the first time it happens with me..We argue and then before I know it she faints...

Danny- Look whatever it is..The doctor will let us know..

Jake- I just hope she's okay Danny..It'll be my fault if she got sick..

Danny- You heard her friend..It's not the first time it's happened..

Jake- Yeah I know but..Ugh...I should call Jazmin and tell her..I don't want her finding out and then thinking other things that aren't true..

Danny- Maybe that's not such a good idea..After all no one else knows we are here..

Jake- You don't know her friends like I do..They will tell Jazmin regardless just to fuel up a fire..I gotta call her..

Doctor Tray- Any family members of Lina?

Jake- Um I'm her brother..

Doctor Tray- Okay follow me.

Danny- *Whispers...What are you doing?..

Jake- They won't tell me anything if I'm not related to her...Wait here..I'll be right back.

Doctor Tray- So after a few tests. We found out Lina suffers from stage 3 cancer.

Jake- What!?..Doctor please tell me she can be cured!

Doctor Tray- Unfortunately there's not much we can do. If she wants too we can have her go under treatment but the results after might still be the same. At most she might have only a couple months to live.

Jake- I need to see her..May I please go in?

Doctor Tray- Of course go inside..She is resting so please no overwhelming the patient..She is very weak.

As I walked inside her room I saw her laying down so peaceful and beautiful. Almost innocent.

Lina- Jakey...Is that you?

Jake- *Smiles...Yes I'm here..

Lina- Please don't leave me

Jake- I won't leave..I'm right next to you..

Lina- Jakey...Am I dying?

Jake- Don't talk to much..Doc said you have to rest..

Lina- You didn't answer my question..

Jake- Lina you're fine..You will be much better once you get treatment..

Lina- I'm talking about the question I asked you earlier..

Jake- What question?

Lina- Do you love me?

Jake- *Sighs...I...

Madison- Oh my baby!..Just look at you!

Lina- *Rolls Eyes...Mom can't you Knock!

Jake- I'll give you two some privacy..

Lina- Jakey..Please don't leave.

Jake- I'll be right outside Lina..

Madison- Sweety how are you feeling?

Lina- I would've been better if you didn't interrupt us!

Madison- The Doctor told me you had another episode of Bulimia!

Lina- Mom Jake doesn't know so keep your big mouth shut! and I need a minute so Get Out!

Madison-..I'll be right outside you and I are not done talking.

Lina- (I rolled my eyes in annoyance as my cellphone began to vibrate)...Hello?

Franco- Hi Miss Lina..I have contacted you as the letter indicated I should..Have you done your part?

Lina- Yes..He bought the whole I'm almost dying lie...I love him but sometimes he could be so naive..

Franco- Perfect..You will receive further instructions from my boss when the time comes..You just keep acting fragile.

Lina- I could definitely do that..By the way..You didn't tell me who is your boss?

Franco- Do not worry about that now..When the time is ready you will meet him if that is what he decides.

Jake- *Whispers..Can I come in?

Lina- (Shit!)...Okay so I'll speak with you soon I have company here..

Franco- Okay we'll be in touch.

Lina- Okay sounds good..Bye bye.

Jake- Who was that?

Lina- Oh um it was Daddy..Work got in the way and he won't be able to come see me..

Jake- I'm sorry Lina..

Lina- It's fine..His absence is not a shocker..

Jake- Has your mom spoken to the doctor?

Lina- Um..No she hasn't...Why?...Should I be worried?

Jake- No not at all..I was just wondering..

Lina- *Teary Voice.....Jake be honest with me..Am I.......Dying?

Jake- Lina...You'll be okay alright?..

Lina- *Cries..Jake I don't want to die..Not like this..I don't want to be sick..

I leaned towards her and hugged her tightly. Her body was shaking. She seemed so fragile.

Lina- Jake please don't let me go..I'm so scared.

Jake- I'm right here..Everything is going to be okay.

Lina- Jake can you promise me something?

Jake- Well depends of what it is?

Lina- Promise me you will stick by side no matter what I'm going through! Promise me!

Jake- Lina I won't leave you alone with this I promise you but that doesn't mean Jazmin will be okay with this..

Lina- She has to understand YOU make me happy and if you leave me I'll die Jake!..I NEED you!

Jake- Lina calm down you're shaking..We'll talk about this another time when you are feeling better okay?

Lina- No!..Promise me NOW!..Please Jake..Promise me you won't leave me alone through all this!..Please!

I took a deep breath before replying with hesitation, "I promise Lina".

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