Fall of the Phoenix•FMA Broth...

By saranwraps

236 5 0

A whole new adventure begins six years after the war, with our lovable protagonists and interesting new chara... More


Fall of the Phoenix

200 3 0
By saranwraps

Conspiracies, surreptitious meetings, clandestine schemes and the desire for power and revenge amassed together to create the final battle against Father. As the battle drew on though, it seemed that the line between humanity and abominations was thinner than anybody had thought. Corruption seems inevitable as it is in human nature to be filled with greed and selfishness, and with King Bradley and Envy pushing and pulling behind the scenes, humans, without struggle, fall prey to the spiderweb. As flawed as humans undeniably are, the reason they've survived hardships and learned to thrive in unfavorable situations is due to one key aspect: their adaptability. In the eyes of the homunculus, feelings and attachments were the reason to their downfall many times, but born from feelings are ambitions and the will to protect and love, and that is what pushes them forward.

As the civil war draws to a close, there are many things undone as the country is left in chaos. With General Grumman now sitting in the Fuhrer's seat, the protagonists are left to their own accord. The Elric Brothers are travelling the vast lands, with Alphonse learning alkahestry in the East and Edward journeying in the West. Mustang's working to restore the Ishval communities back to their original state, with his trustee bodyguard, Riza Hawkeye by his side. Everything is going smoothly for Amestris after the defeat of Father, and the rebuilding of the country has begun.

Six years of peacefulness, but it proves that it's too good to last as Aerugo, the country south of Amestris begin to stir up trouble, along with speculations of war coming from Drachma. King Grumman tries his best to maintain the peace treaties before a declaration of war sounds from either of the countries and whatever treaty intact previously becomes invalid. The strength of the Amestris military has fallen several notches since the days of King Bradley, as a result of the many causalities from the final stand against the homunculus, Father, and the withdrawal of military forces from the borders.

The Emperor of the eastern country, Xing is reluctant to engage in a war, wary of the consequences of warfare and bloodshed as he was once involved in the battle against the Homuculi. But despite this, Ling Yao is unable to leave Amestris in the dust while a storm threatens to blow through the country once again. While he's making precautions and gathering forces in his own country, he deploys several agents of his own to aid Amestris in this time of distress.

Sent to Amestris to escape her own destiny of becoming a housewife and married off to a rich prince, is a Xing girl who's skilled in the arts of alchemy and alkahestry. Never having fully fulfilled her desire for adventures and the thrill of using alchemy with no limitations, she enters Amestris with great things in mind, and is prepared to aid the country with where ever she might prove to be helpful, for it is her duty, seeing it was the Emperor's request.

The little expeditions she took as a little girl were not nearly enough for her, but she did manage to pick up quite a lot of tricks that will prove to come in handy while she's entangled in a deadly war created by humans themselves. As the twenty-four year old finds herself in a foreign country, she's left to fend for herself, but not for long, as new comrades appear and strange relationships form.

A new story begins to unravel, and it's a one way ticket to hell covered in animosity and tears, but even in the fiery pits, there's good days.


Long note ahead; don't worry I don't usually write such long notes.

Okay, so here we have the summary, prologue, whatever you wanna call it. I hope you're intrigued and will continue to read on.

First off, I would like to say (as we all already know) how absolutely amazing FMA: Brotherhood is. Even though I'm about to publish and make this public in about ten minutes, I'm still hesitant towards this fanfic because of how spectacular the anime itself was, and I don't want to do anything to taint the satisfying ending they provided us with. As a result of that, I've decided to write a fanfic years after the original story ended, with a new story the characters will have to endure through.

Secondly, I don't think anyone actually reads A/Ns anyways so ah;; i don't know why I'm even writing this. At least I personally don't read A/Ns so I don't expect you guys to either, no double standards here.

Despite that, I'll write them nonetheless because they're fun to write. Drop a comment down below and tell me what you think, I'm fully open to constructive criticism except towards my past and present tenses because I know that I mess them up sometimes so that's one thing you picky readers don't need to bug me about, I'm working on it >.>;;

It's like 12AM where I am right now so I think I'll just leave this here. I haven't gotten this proof read by anyone else yet, I'll get to that tomorrow when someone else is actually awake here.

Happy 4th of July! ( late but whatever)

P.S I'm not even American -.-;;

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