no savior.

By TheRealestReality

3.6K 142 24

(What if you broke someone's heart?) When KJ Parker left for college, she left her true love, her last name... More

author's note
no prologues.
no more chances
no normal
no life
no en espanol
no hiding
no vacancy
no hesitation
no surprises
no standards
no hope
no words
no liquor
no bullshit
no(t) a date
no way
no fit
no smoking
no saying no
no panicking
no lies
no swiping
no tea no shade
no matter
no guidance
no denying
no help
no more
no secrets
no savior
nobody else
no(t) yours
no pain no gain
no fear
no surprise
no quitting
no(ne) like you
no stress
no bluffing
no lying
no guilt
no going back
no fathers
no way
no(thing) more
Epilogue: no chance

no time left

54 2 1
By TheRealestReality

Layne's POV

My leg bounces impatiently as I wait for it to be time. With KJ and I's no sex thing going on, I could no longer sleep in the guestroom where I'd been staying. Thus, I choose to stay with Wren the night before our wedding.

"You guys are boring," Wren paces in front of me, "Neither of you are going to have a bachelorette anything?"

"I don't want to do anything," I reply. God I miss her.

In me messing with her this afternoon, I'd accidentally gotten myself hot and bothered more than anything.

"You two must really be in love," she falls onto the couch next to me, "Because I'd be out partying hard if I were you."

"I'm sorry I'm an old lady," I say dryly, "My bad all I want is to lay in my love's arms."

"If you could stand only laying in her arms you'd be doing that and not hiding over here," Wren teases me.

"Again," I roll my eyes, "I most humbly apologize for being attracted to my future wife."

She hits me and I laugh, "You're such a smart ass. I don't know how she deals with you."

"The secret is we're both assholes," I push her, "It's a match made in heaven."

She pushes me again, "Or in hell."

We both laugh and she turns to me, "Are you ready? Like really?"

"It would be awkward if I wasn't right?" I reply.

"You've even started to answer questions like her," Wren comments, "I'm serious. Talk to me."

"I know three things right now," I take a deep breath, "I love her. She loves me. And whatever happens we'll work through."

"Hm," she accepts my answer and heads to the kitchen, returning with two bottles of something. I stare at the black bottle, decorated with colorful fruits. Sangria. She takes a seat again before changing the subject, "So which of you is the husband?"

"Are you serious?" I laugh, "Um... That's now how this works."

"What? I get the marriage equality thing but one of you has to be like, more manly," she continues, as I laugh at the awkwardness of this question, "What? Like what if you hear a noise at night? Which one of you goes to check?"

I pause at the validity of the question, "Neither. We die a terrible, homosexual, death."

"Okay," she moves on, "What if you... Okay what are you guys doing about the last name thing?"

"She's taking mine." Neither of our families were perfect, but hers had all but disowned her, so giving up her last name was nothing for her.

"Kaylie Jane Sinclair," she tests the name.

"Actually," I correct her, "While we're changing names and everything, she's just going to go by KJ from now on."

"Just through the whole name away, huh?" I nod. "I like it. What if there's a spider? Who kills it?"

"Probably me," I take a sip of my drink, robust fruit flavors coating my tongue, "KJ looks way more masc than she actually is. She can't stand bugs."

"What are you guys doing about vows?" she continues, "Those are super gendered."

"Dru is officiating so he wrote them for us," I explain, "He's gay as hell so I trust he found something gender nuetral for us to say."

"That's smart," she's not done however, "Well who pays the bills?"

"Breadwinning doesn't make her the husband," I reply, "Both of us are woman participating in a gay ass relationship."

I finish my drink and go to the kitchen to get another. The last thing I remember is popping the top off that second bottle.

Then everything goes black.


An alarm sounds and I feel like my head is about to explode. I roll over, Wren's carpeted livingroom floor catching me. I land with a dull thud feeling the shock through my entire body.

"Wren?" I call into the apartment. Just then, the door opens up and Wren enters.

"Oh my God," she pulls me from the ground, "I told you to get dressed like an hour ago?"

"Where were you? What happened to me?" I run a frustrated hand through my hair. I blink, trying to get my vision to focus.

"Here," she cracks open an energy drink and hands me a couple ibuprofen, "You're about to be late to your own wedding!" her voice feels too loud and I cringe at the sound of it. She mumbles to herself, "KJ is going to kill me."

"I'm fine," I down the entire drink, "What time is it?"

"Five in the afternoon," she replies.

"When am I supposed to get married?"

"Five in the afternoon," she replies, "So basically, now."

I stand up, feeling a little uneasy, and locate my phone. I face time KJ, going straight to voicemail. What the fuck..?

I call Dil as a back up, and he answers instantly.

"Where are you?" he answers, "We're waiting."

"I just woke up," I head to the bathroom, turning on the shower.

"Woke up? Or regained consciousness?"

"I'm not getting into semantics with you, Dillion," I reply, "Tell KJ I'm on my way."

"Okay," he scoffs, "Right."

I hang up and attempt to wash off last night as quickly as possible. I change and head back into the living room, where Wren is cleaning up.

"Let's go."

"Wait," she hurries to her back room, "Close your eyes."

I do and she ties a charmed bracelet to my wrist.

"Something borrowed," she explains. I look at the different charms, all culinary based. A whisk. A spoon. A pot.

"I love it," I hug her, "Can we go now?"

She grabs her keys, "Let's go."


We park and make our way to the clearing where the ceremony will take place. Gathered is KJ, Dil, Karry. his family, Nat, and Beck.

The sun is starting to set, painting the sky a beautiful orange. The last streams of daylight illuminate the clearing, highlighting my soon to be wife's chocolate skin tone.

She visibly perks up at the sight of me and smiles. At her side is her brother, a relieved look crossing his face as well.

"Well we can start now, right?" Dru asks, from the front of the makeshift alter.

She whispers something to Beck and he takes off. "Yeah, we're ready."

I line up with Dil, Karry and KJ next to us, as they give us away to each other. They deposit us in front Dru, and we turn to face each other.

"You look beautiful," KJ whispers quietly, "As always."

I exhale, glad that she doesn't seem upset at my lateness.

"So I was just ordained last week on the internet," Dru starts, "So y'all can just say your vows and then we can grab dinner or something?"

"Druett," Dil shoots him a look.

"Okay," he clears his throat, "So we're gathered here today to witness the matrimony of Kaylie Jane Michaels and Alayna Grace Sinclair..."

I tune out his voice, my full attention on Kaylie Jane. We make eye contact and I'm lost in her dark eyes. I could swim in the black coffee colored pools. They're an ever present comfort to me, a familiar mix of mischief and kindness swirled behind them. I scroll my eyes upward, her curls and kinks a blazing mess a top her head. I wonder what she's thinking about, if she's as in grossed in me as I in her.

Her head turns to Dru and I realize that he's done talking.

"I'll go first I guess?" she says, before turning back to me. "Layne... I wasn't going to prepare anything because I thought I'd be able to freestyle some vows. Only, looking at you I'm basically speechless, so thank God I had Nat to force me to be prepared," she reaches into her pocket, pulling out a piece of paper, "Alayna Grace Sinclair, you're the love of my life. And I'm not good enough for you, so I'll probably have to spend the entirety of my life working to earn you. And I'm okay with that, because to be able to call you mine is the biggest reward I could ask for. You push me to love harder, think smarter, and live kinder. Since we were kids you've demanded my best, and I vow to keep trying to give that to you until the day I die. I love you and I'll be happy beyond words to call you my wife."

"Layne?" Dru prompts me.

I clear my throat, "Kaylie Jane... I don't know where I'd be without you. Are you an asshole? Yeah. Are you childish as all get out? Definitely. But do you make me smile every time I see you? For sure. I know you don't think that you're good enough for me but that's part of why I love you too. You're humble to a fault, you're loyal, and you make a lot of mistakes but everything you do has the best intentions. I love you more than anything and I can't wait to call you my wife. I already know each day with you will be an adventure."

"How sweet," Dru claps excitedly, "Okay. Kaylie Jane, will you take Alayna Grace as your wife, will you pledge to share your life openly with her, to speak the truth to her, in love? Will you promise to honor and tenderly care for her, to encourage her fulfillment as an individual through all the changes in your lives? As long as you both shall live?"

She nods, practically vibrating with excitement, "I do and I will."

"Alayna Grace," he turns to me, "Will you have this woman, Kaylie Jane, to be your wedded wife?Do you pledge to share your life openly with her and to speak the truth to her in love? Do you promise to live together in marriage, to you love her, comfort her, honor her and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, so long as you both shall live?"

"I do and I will."

"Lit," he smiles, "I now pronounce you--- Shit--- I mean shoot! The rings? That's what's next right?"

Suddenly, Beck runs in, fashionably late, and tosses KJ the ring box, which she hands over to Dru. He opens it for us and KJ goes first, slipping the silver band onto my finger. I do the same to her, the multicolored gems, sparkling in the fading sunlight.

"Now pronounce youmarried. You may now seal your love with a kiss."

She kisses me quickly before pulling away, smiling like crazy.

"Okay!" Our friends and family cheer before engulfing us in a large group hug.


After dinner and a bottle of wine Karry calls us an uber to take us home. She has to practically carry me into the house.

Alone in the house, I kiss her as we make our way to the bedroom. I ravage her skin with drunken kisses, my mouth attempting to attach to every available part of her.

"Kaylie Jane~~~" she drops me onto the bed, but I hold on, pulling her down with me, "Where are you going?"

She laughs, "You're a mess, and I'm a good wife, so I'm going to sleep on the couch."

"Babbyyyyy----" I attempt to pull her close, but she resists.

"No," she pulls my hands from her shirt, and kisses my forehead.

I groan, but my swimming thoughts still suggest this is for the best. I allow her to help me undress and tuck me in.

"Goodnight, my love," she kisses my forehead.

"Goodnight," I mumble.


I awake to the sweet smell of coffee and my love seated in the kitchen.

"Morning," she smiles, "Feel better?"

"Much better," I take a seat, taking a sip of her coffee, too lazy to make my own.

"Okay good," she stands, grabs my hand, and pulls me back to the bedroom, coffee abandoned.

"Wha--?" she steals any further questions from my lips with her own.

I offer no protests as she drags me back to the bedroom.

"I thought you were being a good wife?" I tease her as she silences me with kisses.

She gives me a devilish look before pushing me onto the bed.

"I've decided I'd rather be naughty."

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