Darkness Rises

By Forceghostlissa

7.7K 226 33

Hey all here it is as promised! the beginning of a completely different story. It starts not in the throne r... More

Chapter 1 You're Not Alone
Chapeter 2 Neither are you
Chapter 3 You' ll be the one
Chapter 4 I know what I have to do.
Chapter 5 Just you
Chapter 6 Sacrifice
Chapter 8 Promise
Chapter 9 Going home
Chapter 10 Stardust
Chapter 11 Plan in motion
Chapter 12 Stronger
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 The traitor.
The Future

Chapter 7 Forgive

392 13 1
By Forceghostlissa


Kylo stared at her in horror as she slammed the door shut and ejected him into space. She had saved him, and he was furious, she should be here with him. He should have been the one captured, not her. Kylo looked at the communicator in his hand. He knew it well. It was his fathers, Chewie had the other one. He wasn't sure if he should try to use it. Chewie probably hadn't forgiven him for Han's death. Kylo hadn't even forgiven himself.

"Ben, please help the resistance" Rey's voice was in his mind. He could feel her barely holding on. As she faded away and for the first time in years Kylo Ren was afraid for someone other than himself.

"Rey, I will come back for you" he spoke back but he didn't know if she had heard him. He felt her mind slowly blink out of his.

The escape pod slowly drifted towards the planet the First Order had been orbiting. Only one of the resistance ships, that Kylo could see anyway, was headed towards the planet.

Crait had always been one of Kylo's least favorite planets. He had only visited once in search of any resistance members and had found nothing but the rusted remains of an old base. The planet itself was dry and it reminded him of a wasteland. It wasn't an inhabited planet and when Kylo had left he could taste the salt that covered the planet in his mouth for days after. As the pod broke through the atmosphere in a fiery blaze he hoped that it would hold up until it landed, he was anxious to be on solid ground. It crashed violently throwing Kylo across the pod, smashing into the door. He hadn't thought to strap in and he was surly going to feel that mistake later. He pulled himself up and tried to block the pain that was now shooting though his chest and side. He had definitely cracked a rib. Now he had no choice but to call for help. He wouldn't be able to save Rey only half functioning.

He pressed the button on the communicator and waited a minute. Chewie's voice came roaring through it. Kylo couldn't answer at first. He was overwhelmed with guilt over Han's death.

"Chewie, it's me.... It's..... Ben" He said carefully, his name felt foreign on his tongue. Chewie's answer was a mixture of surprise and anger.

"What are you doing with the communicator, where is Rey?? Did you do something to her, you murderer" Chewie was yelling in shyriiwook, a language that Kylo hadn't spoken in a long time. But he felt the sting of  Chewie's words none the less as they cut though him.

"Rey has been captured, she shoved me into an escape pod, she saved me." Kylo's voice was filled with remorse. He should be the one back on the Supremacy, not Rey. Even as the truth rolled off his tongue, he couldn't believe that Rey had actually done it. He wasn't exactly the person who deserved saving.

"Sure she did, you probably left her there, you better run Ben because I'll kill you if you hurt another of my friends" Chewie growled.

"Uncle Chewie," Kylo whispered the name he had once called the Wookie. "I'm sorry, I know I am a monster. I regret killing him, killing my father." His words caught in his throat, he could feel tears forming. "But please help me save Rey. I don't know what Hux will do to her, she is to important to kill out right, but he wouldn't hesitate to torture her."

Chewie was silent for a few minutes before he finally answered. "Fine but you're still on my shit list, and i swear to the maker, if she dies I'll smack you into next week." Kylo smiled at the threat. He knew he would eventually be forgiven by his favorite uncle, one day. The one who would "fly" him around the room as a child, the uncle who would let Ben snuggle into his lap and fall asleep when ever his parents dragged him along on one of their diplomatic missions.

He waited in silence in the wreckage of the pod hoping Chewie would get to him sooner rather than later. Snoke's escape pod was much roomier than a normal pod, Kylo had plenty of room for some serious pacing. He went through several different scenarios in which he could possibly save Rey and escape himself, none of them seemed to have the desired end result. The only one that came even close involved the resistance and a considerable sized explosion. He knew General Leia would never go for that. She wasn't into unnecessary explosions the way Han had been, she would prefer stealth over drawing attention. Another wave of pain shot through Kylo as he thought of his parents. He had put them through so much, and his mother, she was still suffering.

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