By TomatoKlutz

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« The Best Thing I ever did was that I met you. » « The Best Thing I never did was that I never left you and... More

[~ Childhood Adventures |1| Puberty ~]
[~ Childhood Adventures |2| Introductions ~]
{~ Childhood Adventures |3| Grandma! ~}
{Chapter 1|Memory Lane}
{Chapter 2|Welcome Back!}
{Chapter 3|Small Talk}
{Chapter 4|Camping and Gifts!}
{Chapter 5|Planning Detectives}
{Chapter 6|Good Way To Start A Day}
{Chapter 7|Bunch of Meanies}
{Chapter 9|Cuts}
{Chapter 10|Another Two}
{Chapter 11|Le Manga Store}
{Chapter 12|Matt is High (kind of)}
{Chapter 13|Matt is still a baby}
{Chapter 14|Grandma's Call}
{Chapter 15| Magic Gummy Bears}
{Chapter 16|Literal Babies}
{Chapter 17|Mine!}
{Chapter 18|Teasing}
{Chapter 19|Sorry}
{Chapter 20|The day Tord finally made you say yes}
{Chapter 21|Movies Night}
{Chapter 16+|Not suitable for pure fans}
{Chapter 22|Yanny-Laurel}
{Chapter 23|Unknown}
{Chapter 24|Hospitals}
{Chapter 25|His Journal}
[~Birthday 8/15~]
{Chapter 26|Playful}
{Chapter 27|Text Messages}
{Chapter 28|Realization}
[~ Birthday 9/6 ~]
{Chapter 29|Last Place}
{Chapter 30|Orphanage PT. 1}
{Chapter 31|Thoughts}
{Chapter 32|The Orphanage PT.2}
{Chapter 33|Peck}
{Chapter 34|The Orphanage PT. 3}
[~ Birthday 10/28 ~]
{Chapter 35|a boy}
{Chapter 36|importance}
{Chapter 37|why}
{Chapter 38|dontgo}
{Chapter 39|firstthenafter}
{Chapter 40|HOSPITALS}
{Chapter 41|stupidity}
{Chapter 42|texts}
{Chapter 43|ding}
[~ happy ̶h̶o̶l̶i̶d̶a̶y̶s̶ ~]
[~ The Other Half Of Me ~]
{Chapter 44|A Visit}
{Chapter 45|Aiden}
{Chapter 46|Edd Angers Mama Ringo}
{Chapter 47|Acceptance}
{Chapter 48|Comfort}
[~ Birthday 6/27 ~]
{Chapter 49|Shots}
{Chapter 50|Love-sick}
{Chapter 51|Cookies!}
{Chapter 52|allsoulsday}
{Chapter 53|vulnerable}
{Chapter 54|Parents}
[~Happy Holidays!~]
{Chapter 55|Eavesdrop}
{Chapter 56|Decisions}
{Chapter 57|Arguments}
{Chapter 58|Traits}
{Chapter 59|Questions}
{Chapter 60|Meet}
{Chapter 61|Confusion}
{Chapter 62|Past}
{Chapter 63|Aimapoleia}

{Chapter 8|Them Dorks}

2.9K 98 118
By TomatoKlutz

Lol! Originally planned the title to be "Them Female Dogs" but not so much female dogs were included in this chapter but of course the main idiots are! And wowie, two chapters back to back yesterday and today! I hope you guys enjoy the love i'm gving u!

You could see the fear in the girl's eyes. It almost looked convincing, but that wasn't able to do the trick for you because of all the dramas you've watched. It was fake. Totally fake.
Tord didn't look too bothered and made his way towards you, hands in his pockets as if he was a bad boy in a movie.

The girl continued her facade as if she was a scared, lost puppy out on the street. Tord took one more step before snickering at the girl. "...And Tori, take more acting lessons. Those fake puppy eyes make me want to throw up."

Your mouth dropped to the floor. 'That's Tori?!' You thought to yourself in shock. Tori's eyes turn in away in disgust. "You never fail to surprise me, Larsson." She said, completely breaking off the "I'm Innocent" play. You see and feel the negative tension between these two.

Tori scoffed, "If it wasn't for reasons, my dad would've completely expelled you by now. Take the fish. Make sure she doesn't cross paths with me ever again." She harshly pushed you to the direction of Tord. She turned the opposite direction and continued walking, her spiky long hair following after.

The students around you started to whisper to each other, some were on their phones, possibly posting what happened, and some started to walk away. Tord helped your neck in recovering and made your way towards the classroom.

As you went back, your neck started to feel fine but still had a few aches here and there. The teacher had already made their way inside the classroom and started introductions. You and Tord sat to your places. You didn't even notice Tom was already there before a piece paper landed on your table.

"Your neck alright? It has marks 0-0"

You quietly chuckled at the note but replied back.

"What's this? Affection? @o@"

You could see Tom's eyes widen, and he speedily wrote back.

"No. It's just that it's so noticable. You sure it doesn't hurt as much?"

"And you sure that a demon hasn't possessed you into caring? ;3"

"You can't possess something twice. It's common logic."

"C'mooonnn! Just admit that you love meeee~! It isn't that hard! Look! You're actually caring!!!"

"Jesus Christ. You act like such an adult towards Matt and yet you come to me and start acting like a child."

"Not my fault that you're being so cold about it! I wonder who started this convo anyways? 0w0"

Tom gave you a "I-am-so-done-with-you" look and scrapped the paper then listened to the teachers rambling. You pouted like a child but listened anyways.

~Time Skip!~

"HOLY SH---"

It was already lunch time. The day went by quicker than you expected. You guys were sitting at a table then you started telling your story about what happened earlier. Ell was about to scream at the top of her lungs when she found out the girl was Tori.

"AAAHHHHHHHH! (Y/N)!!! You actually met her! And turns out her dad runs the university?! I really want to be her friend!!!" Ell said. Turns out she is actually a Tori fangirl.
"Ell, seriously? She almost made (Y/N) collapse and you still want to be her friend?!" Edd scolded.
"Her aggressive atmosphere is what makes her really cool, though! Like, can you imagine??" Ell rambled. Edd heaved a sigh.

"Okay, okay guys. No need to make such a big deal out of it. I'm fine! See?" You said, gesturing to your smile. "A smile doesn't make things okay, (Y/N)!" Edd said, clearly stressed and worried-sick. You found this side of Edd really cute. Actually no, you found everything about him cute.

Your smile grew wider and made you go to the other side of the table where he sat at, and you began to squish his cheeks. "(Y/N)!! Shhtohp Itch!" He mumbled out. You feel his cheeks get heated again. "See Tom? At least Edd worries about me! Why don't you?" You said to Tom. Tom is clearly not amused and continued to eat.

"If you're waiting for me to care, get food and smirnoff. It's gonna be a long ass time." He said.
You frown and stopped playing with Edd's cheeks.
You sat down on your chair and ate your food with a still pouted face. That's when Ell did a famous Le Gasp.

"Is that...Tamara?!" She said. You turn around to see a brown-haired girl, her hair going straight up into a ponytail. She looked...more chill. At least, more than Tori. From a distance, you could tell she gave off the cool-just-don't-make-her-angry kind of vibe. Sort of like Tom.

But she looks as if she goes out rather often than Tom. So that's a difference. "Wait, so does that mean there are more eyeless people around the world?" You had suddenly asked. "Of course, dummy! Ever heard of Eyeless Jack? He gives me the heebie-jeebies!" Matt said.
Tom put his chin between his thumb and index finger. "Yeah, some people say I'm related to him or whatever."

"Guys! Back to Tamara! Should we---"
"No. I don't want the same thing happening to you!"

Ell was sure wanting to talk to her but Edd obviously interrupted. Ell huffed and blew a piece of hair from her face. "Eeeeeeddd. She's Tamara. What in the heck will she do to me?" She said crossing her arms in slight frustration. "Fine then. Go! Don't come crying to me if she starts choking you!" He said. Ell immediately dashed to their table, with no hesitations.

You smile at the twin bond. "Ahh...Twin problems amirite?" You said, giving Edd a small smile.
He returned that small smile. "But ermm...just a question...what's so...awesome about the three girls that Ell really likes?" You asked.

"Well, you probably forgotten but they were our friends in the neighborhood and we used to play with them alot. But then, they got invited to be on some sort of movie. Ellsworld...? I think it was the name. Ell kept on rambling on and on about how the movie had her name in it and the trio were the three main characters in the move. They did an amazing job and the movie was popular around the country for a short period of time. You probably didn't hear of it because you were busy planning on moving. But yeah, all in all, they were kids who starred in a movie and Ell became a fangirl...even if they became a bunch of meanies."

Edd explained thoroughly. "Welcome to my world." Edd added in a monotone and sarcastic voice. You laughed. "Sounds like Ell to me!" You 5 laughed.

"YO YO YO!!!!" Ell came rushing back to the table. "GUESS WHO JUST GAVE ME HER AUTOGRAPH!" She said enthusiastically. "Justine Bieber?" Tord replied sarcastically.
"Ew, no. Tamara of course!" She said and held up the signature. "If she's so cool, why not get a sign from me? She's literally like me but in a girl's body." Tom asked.

"Hmm...True. But she's more nicer." Ell replied with a 'innocent' smile. "OOOOOOHHHH YOU NEED SOME ICE FOR THAT BURN!!" Tord yelled but then paused, "OH WAIT! YOU DON'T NEED ICE! YOU HEART IS COLD ENOUGH ANYWAYS! HA!" Tord and Ell high five each other.

Tom's left eye twitched before losing his cool. "I would have probably thrown you in hell, but you would enjoy being there, so I guess Sunshine Lollipop heaven it is!" Tom said, took out his phone and began playing the song. Tord covered his ears. "GAH! MAKE IT STOPP!!!!" He cried. "WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT SONG DOWNLOADED ON YOUR PHONE?!?!" Tord yelled, trying to cover up the song with his voice.

You couldn't stop laughing at the scene in front of you.
"Why am I best friends with you dorks??" You said before bursting into tears of laughter.

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