I Was Bullied By One Direction

By Yuliza0419

56.5K 1.6K 77

I been bullied by liam,louis,harry,zayn,&niall for 3yrs. But one day all that change.... Hello my name is Ana... More

I Was Bullied By One Direction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Aurthor Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Aurthor note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Aurthor Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

934 25 3
By Yuliza0419

Ok girls when we get in there we are going to control our selves and try not kill any one ok." Ana said. "Alright imma try and if i loose it imma see if i can go to the rest room or somewhere." Zoey said. "Alright then before we go i bought shades for everyone." Carly said. "Omg thank you carly these will come in handy." Madison said. "Yep they sure will and c'mon before they call us again." Ana said. "Ok we are right behind you." Madison said.

*walks in*

"Girls come in and sit make yourself comfty." Ms.Hayle said. "Ok why did you call us in here for anyways." Asked carly. "Yeah why i want to go really bad right." Zoey said.

"What so important that you need to got home so badly? Oh and we called you girls in the office today because we had set up cameras all over the school and we saw that you was talking about that you have blood bags at you house and you told those 5 boys i dont know their names but im going to call them in." Ms.Hayle said. "Wait dont call them in they dont have anything to with this and you have no proof that we really have them in our house." Zoey said angerly. *zoey's eyes turn red* "Zoey! You got something in your eyes! Here put these on." Madison said. "Yeah dont call them in." Carly said. "Ok but zoey take those shades off they are not permited in the school campus." Ms.Hayle said. "I cant ms.hayle i need to have them on please let me keep on." Zoey said.

"No excuses Zoey give them to me or imma yank them off your face." Ms.hayle. "You just cant yank them off my face that is against the rules you cant put your hands on someone child." Angry zoey answered. "Ohh your right but i dont care about the rules right now im just asking for the shades and give them to me!" Ms.Hayle said.

"I said no and can we please leave before something else happens." Said zoey. "Zoey your fangs!" Ana whispered. "What that ana what did you say." Ms.hayle said. "Ummm....i said zoey you shades." Ana studdered. "Oh that what i thought ana better than that for your punishment for backtalking and whispering. All of you and not just 2 but all 4 of you im gonna go to your house with the gaurds to your house and check if you have any supposedly blood bags that i heard you say." Ms.hayle said. "WHAT!!!!" Ana,Zoey,Mdison,carly said at the same time. "You heard me we are going to your house after school and we expect you to be at your house afterschool if you dont we will go in like that." Ms. Hayle said. "But.. You cant do that...." Zoey said. "Yess we can. Now i have no time for you anymore leave and go to lunch and go to your last class and we will meet you at your house afterschool." Ms.Hayle said. "Ughhhhh.... Ok we will see you then later and prove that there isnt any blood bags at our house." Madison said.


"GIRLS THEY ALMOST ON TO US WHEN WE LEAVE OUR LAST CLASS WE USE OUR VAMPIRE SPEED TO GO HOME AND PUT THE BLOOD BAGS IN A SAFE PLACE." Ana said. "What about the guards they are going to see us." Carly said. "Forget about the guards they wont know who we are." Madison said. "Ok then so where are we going to hide the blood bags at." Asked Zoey. "I really dont know they are going to search all over the house. Wait i know we can hide one of us can run to lads houses and leave it there before they show up." Ana said. "Ana that a great idea lets go find the lads and see if we can." Maidson said. "Yeah cmon lunch is almost over and im still hungry im fighting to hold it back in." Zoey said. "Oh yeah cmon cuz i cant hold it in any more longer." Carly said. "Ok then we tell them and head to our last class." Madison said.

*finds the lads*

"GUYS!" Ana yelled to get their attention. "Hey what up." Niall said. "Well we wanted to see you if give us permission to leave our blood bags at your place? Can we?" Ana said. "Omg what for." Louis said.

"Well see what happen was that that bitch ass lady in the office told us that they are coming to our house because supposedly she said she heard us talking to you lads about blood and she coming with guards to our house and search our house like we are some kinds of criminals and shit and if they find the blood in our house." Madison said harshly. "Oh but wait they are going to our house too then?" Zayn said. "No they arent going to your house i told them not to and zoey almost lost control too she very very hungry so we need to leave we will just go to last class with you and try to hold it in ok so it a yes or no?" Carly said. "Um i guess you can i see you later then." Niall said. "Ok one of us may go to your house and leave it there." Ana said. "Alright then." Harry said. "Alrighty then it settle one of us are going to your house and leave it there and hide it just in case." Said Carly. "alright we will meet you in class see you later." zayn said.


"Alright girls we go to this class and then go straight home and prepare." ana said. "remember the plan girls." said carly. "yes we do cmon the bell rung already and we dont wannt get in trouble right." Said Ana.

-walks in class-

"Good afternoon mr.Johnson." Madison said. "Good afternoon madison and girl please take a seat for i can start class." mr.johnson said. "Ok." they all said. "Ok class in history we are going to learn about the bill of rights." mr. johnson said. "Ughhh!.." zoey said. "The bill of rights contains of the 10 amendments of the consitution of the united states and they are very important and you will need them in your future." mr.johnson said.

-middle of class-

"Class im going to give you a trivia alright. How many amendments in the bill of ri- Zoey are you ok?" mr.johnson said. "ummm.. yess im ok i-" zoey said getting cutt off. "Zoey your eyes keep your head down dont let mr.johnson see." liam said ahispering enough for zoey to here. "I just need to go to the restroom for a mintue can Ana come with me?" zoey said.

"No im sorry Zoey but u cant go just stay focus." mr.johnson. "Ughhhhh well...." zoey said looking down. "Ok class what was i talking about oh yess. How many amendments are in the bill of rights zoey? "answer Mr.Johnson." "10." Zoey said in a deep voice still looking down. "ummm....it correct." mr.johnson said.

-bell rings-

"ok class is dissmiss Zoey can i talk to you for a minute." mr.johnson said. "ummm i dont know if i can i have to do something with my mom right now." zoey said. "She can wait come here before i give you detention." mr.johnson said. "Ughhh alright hold up let me just tell ana to tell my mom to wait for a while." Said zoey. "Alright then hurry." Mr.Johnson said.


"Girls mr.johnson gonna talk to me give me the shades i may need them i will be out in a few head to the house and i meet you there start to do everything." Zoey said. "Alright but why does he need you for?" Asked Carly. "I dont know he said if i dont stay and talk he will put me in detention." Zoey said. "Alright then go to that bald headed teacher before you get detention." Ana said. "Ohhh and Zoey try not to eat him alright." Carly said. "Alright i try not too." Zoey said. "Bye. Girls."


"Man i wonder what he wants im starving." I thought. "Zoey take a seat i wanna talk to you." Mr johnson said. "Umm..sure thanks." I said. "Zoey today in class you been acting very strange what happened?" Said mr.johnson. "Umm nothing i just hungry for blood." I said almost growling. "Huh?" Mr.johnson said raising a eyebrow. "I said im hungry for bagels yeah bagels." I said. "Alright th- zoey wait wrong with your eyes they change color?" Mr.johnson said.

"Ummm nothing i have something in my eyes. I said. Oh ok then sit tight then i be back im just going to me desk and get something." Mr johnson said. "Ok." I shrugged. "Here read this tell me what you think." Mr. Johnson said. "Ok but i d-holy shit what the fuck." I said yelling. "Than man just stabbed me with a pencil in my hand." "I know what you are Zoey including you little friends ana Carly and madison." Said mr.johnson. "What are you talking about?" Zoey said breathing heavily. "YOU KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT THAT YOU ARE A VAMPIRE!!" He said.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW!" I snapped removing the pencil out of my hand. "I NOTICE WHEN YOUR EYES CHANGED IN CLASS AND PLUS A FEW MINUTES AGO IT DID THE SAME THING AND NOW THAT I COME TO THINK OF IT YOUR EYES CHANGED BECAUSE YOU HAVENT FEED YET." He said. "YES I HAVENT FEED YET AND IM STARVING THAT NASTY HOSPITAL BLOOD ISNT WORKING I NEED HUMAN BLOOD!" I said hungrily and growling. I can feel my fangs coming out and eyes turning red. "YOU DRINK HOSPITAL BLOOD!" Mr.johnson yelled stabbing me with another pencil. "YESS AND I WANT YOUR BLOOD I CAN ALREADY TASTE IT IN MY MOUTH!" I yelled heavily breathing. "AHHHHH IT BURNS WHAT THE FUCK YOU PUT IN IT!??!!!" I screamed. "Vampire poison. As you can see im a hunter. A vampire hunter." Mr.johnson said. "What! Your a hunter!" I said taking the pencil out.

*runs aways in vampire speed*


"Hurry and get in the house we have to get the stuff ready quick madison get all the blood bags and take them to the lads house but pass to the store and get little food because we are going to tell that bitch you went and got food." I said. "Ok then i will hurry." madison said. "hurry madison get the bags!" carly said. "Ok im going. Ok got them *opens door* omg zoey where have you been! Wait dont tell me tell me later." Madison said. "Ok." Zoey said. *madison runs off* "Zoey what the fuck happened to you?" I said. "I cant explain i will explain later when they leave." Zoey said. "Ok now hurry change your clothes you have blood on them." Carly said.

Madison pov

*arrives to the boys house*

"BOYS QUICK HERE HIDE THESE. Those are the blood bags so be careful." I said. "ok we will. Did zoey get home?" niall asked. "yes she did came back with cuts and bloodly clothes." I said in a hurry. "what the hell?! Who did that to her?!" asked zayn. "I don't know guys she said she was going to tell us later when they leave. Now I have to go I have to go get food from the store." I said.

"alright but we will call you in 1 hour and if you don't answer we are going over there." louis said. "alright." I said leaving.


"What to pick up?" I thought. "oh yeah imma bring the basics you know milk, eggs, apple juice, ice cream, candy. I think that enough imma go pay." I said to myself. "Hello did you find everything ok?" The cash lady said. "yes thank you." I said. "your welcome your total is $10.95" she said. "ok thanks." I said. *gives money*

-leaves store and gets home-

"GIRLS IM HOME!" i said knowing that hoe is here.
"Oh great madison your here" ms.hayle said.
"yes i stopped by the store for food we need." i said.
"ok ms.hayle we are all here now ypu can look around and see that we have no blood bags here." carly said.
"ok i will." ms.hayle said.

-1 hour later-

"girls the boys are calling me and i cant answer now ms.hayle is still here." i said whispering. "Well dont answer call them later when she leaves." ana said.


"i've called madison loads of times and she wont answer. whag should we do lads." niall said.
"Well i think we should go over just in case." harry said. "sounds like a good idea." zayn said.
"ok get in the car." liam yelled.

-get in car and drives off-

"ok lads what are we gonna do whem we get there?",asked louis.
"Im not sure louis but i think we should knock on the door and be polite and not rude." liam said.
"your right liam let me call her again and see if she answers." niall said stuggling to drive and take his phone out.
"NIALL!!! LOOK OUT!!!" Harry yelled.
everything went black
"Omg when is she gon-" zoey whispering and got cut off.
"i guess your right girls you got no blood bags here sorry for misleading you i will leave now. bye girls see you at school." ms.hayle said leaving. "alright bye." all the girls said.

-madison phone rings-

"hello is this madison?" Person says.
"um. yes this is her." madison says.
"im afraid to tell you this but your friend niall, liam, louis, harry, and zayn are in the hospital in critical condition im afraid they wont make it." the nurse said.
"omg i will be right over there." Madison said.
-Hangs up-
"GIRLLSSSS!!!", Madison yelled.
"what happen why are you yelling?" Zoey said.
"the boys they are in the hospital in critical condition they wont make it. they cant die they are my friends." madison said al,ost in tears.
"dont worry madison we will turn them. they are our friends as well." ana said.
"now cmon lets go" zoey said.

-arrives in the hospital-

"hello im looking for Liam, Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Niall please." madison said.
"ok they are in room 123." the lady behimd the desk said.
"thank you" we all said and leaves.
"girls look it 123 ready to go in and turn them." madison said.
"yeah now each of us get one but madison you get two you get zayn and niall, ana you will get liam, i will get louis, and carly you will get harry." zoey said. "alright lets go.but do it quick before doctors come in." carly said "ok cmon." madison said.

-walks in room-

"ok quick" madison said.
-3hours later-
"the doctors came in and told us that they are doing well and told us to go home. but we havent went home." madison thought. "they should have woken up all ready." carly said. "girls look they are waking up" ana said.

-boys shot up from bed and doctor walks in and the girl leaves-


"boys your up you should be in bed!" Doctor says.
"i know but im so hungry." niall said
"ok i will get you food niall rest." doctor grabing niall and puts him in bed.
"but i want blood." niall says looking at his neck.
-bites neck-
"ya want some hurry before it finshes." Niall said to the lads.
-they all digs in and vanishes-


(PERSONAL) @Yuliza_Official
(FANPAGE) @1dand5sosnoodle


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