Love Will Do What It Does

By pandafangirl2

34.5K 1.2K 2.2K

The strike is over, the Newsies are hawking headlines once more, and all seems right in New York City. Jack a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Let's Play A Game Of Tag
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note
Q & A
Flash News
I got Tagged pt.1
Tagged once again

Chapter 34

735 23 153
By pandafangirl2

Buttons and Mush sprinted down the busy streets of Manhattan, dodging citizens left and right. It hadn't been long since they'd split from the others, but every second felt like an eternity.

Lives were on the line. Friends were in danger. Stopping for a breath wasn't a luxury they had right now. They knew the stakes, which is why they were given this specific task. They were some of the fastest runners out of the Newsies, so they had a better chance of getting places sooner.

As they turned the last corner, Buttons caught sight of their first destination. Pointing it out to his comrade, they hurried over to the building. Stepping through the front door, they were greeted by stocky and muscular men all seated at the bar or tables.

"Oi, you two!" Someone called to the boys from behind the bar. "The sign outside says "No Minors Allowed."" A rugged and tough looking man with an Irish accent said from where he stood cleaning mugs.

"We're- We're sorry, mister, but our friend Race sent us." Buttons stammered, fearing the rough men surrounding him and his friend.

"You boys are friends of Race?" The bartender asked. The boys nodded, too scared to speak.

"Well, why didn't ya say that in the first place! Any friend of Race, is a friend to us!" A Scottish man yelled from a table next to the bar; he held a journal of sorts, filled with what looked like stories. Shouts and calls were made from all corners of the bar, the men confirming what Race told Mush and Buttons to be true.

"Tell me lads, what are your names?"

"I'm Buttons, and this is Mush."

"Call me Tom. Well, what brings ya to the my pub?" The Irish man inquired.

It was Mush's turn to speak. "We was told to ask yous for help. Remember when Race came in 'ere with a girl named Katherine? She's in trouble now."

"What kind of "trouble" are we talkin' about?" A man, clearly American by the way he spoke, asked from the bar. He was muscular, blonde, and sounded a little like Spot when he talked.

"She's been kidnapped." Buttons added. The pub became silent. It grew into a tense and uncomfortable quiet before someone finally broke it.

"I'll help however I can." A British fellow stood and walked over to the boys. He seemed a bit out of place amongst the rest of the burly group. With his smallish frame, his speech, and the fancy clothes he wore, you'd think he was a doctor of some sorts. But that didn't really matter to the boys, they were just happy he was on their side.

"I'm in too." The American shot up, stepping over to them. One after another, more and more men stood and took a place beside the boys, ready to aid their young friend. Last, but most certainly not least, Tom walked out from behind that bar and joined the large group.

The Newsies smiled. There was no way they could have predicted this outcome, it was amazing! "I'll take ya all to where the otha guys are. Buttons, you gotta go finish dis. I'll see ya later." Mush said as he lead the gang of volunteers to aid his friends.

Buttons tipped his cap and turned on his heel, running to fulfill his own task.

Somewhere in Brooklyn...

The Newsies has reached the warehouse where Spot's boys had seen Katherine and Joey.

Jack was on edge to say the least. He knew worrying wouldn't help their predicament, but that didn't stop him from being concerned.

Davey was trying keeping Alice calm and the other boys were a bit nervous, except for Spot of course. He was happy to see these thugs kicked off his turf.

They walked up to the large, rundown estate, their plan playing over in their heads.

"Alright, Race, you take Specs and scout around da outside o' the buildin'." Jack pointed down one side of the structure.

The boys nodded and complied, quietly and carefully making their way around the building.

"Spot, ya sure this is the right place?" Jack whispered to the boy next to him.

"Hey! I trust my guys with my life! Sure they don't smell that nice, but I'd rather 'ave them with me in a fight than not." Spot proudly replied.

Jack nodded his head and accepted the answer. He actually agreed with Spot. No matter what happened, he could always count on his boys, his brothers. They were family. And in a family, nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

The leader was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of someone running. He looked just in time to see Specs and Race turn a corner sharply as they dashed over to their friends. The pair skidded to a stop, out of breath, and immediately tried to relay what they had discovered. It was a hard thing to do what there was no air in their lungs.

"There- There are....three thugs-" Specs started, but he was too winded to continue, so Race, who had somewhat gained control over his breathing, took over.

"Three guards at the front, two at the back." He said as he leaned against the building.

Jack smiled. It wasn't an ordinary smile, oh no. This was the same smirk that got them into the Strike as well as into the room with the old printing press they used to end it. Bad things happened when he got that look on his face, and the boys knew it. Groans of protest were heard amongst the Newsies while Alice just stared in confusion.

"What's going on? Why is everyone acting like it's the end of the world?"

"It's not the end of the world," Davey said as he put his arm around her shoulders protectively. "It's the beginning of something much worse."

Jack and Spot walked down the alley, pretending to mind their own business as they passed the two guards at the back entrance. Jack winked at Spot, who gave a subtle nod in return. Spot walked near one of the men and kicked him in the shin. Jack ran up to the other thug  kneed him hard in his stomach. The one Spot was taking care of turned furious. He swung his arms wildly, desperately trying to grab the boy by his neck or arm. But the famous Spot Conlon was too quick. The boy dodged the man's futile attempt to apprehend him and gave hard punch to the thug's head, knocking him out cold. Jack had done the same thing to his opponent. The two leaders looked at each other before signaling the rest of the group.

"All clear!" Jack called to Romeo, who was their lookout. The young newsie motioned for the others to advance and they slowly entered through the back door.

Inside, it was dingy and filthy. The whole interior was covered in dust and cobwebs with dead machines and equipment scattered about, it wasn't a pleasant looking place at all. But they didn't care about how it appeared, they were focused on one thing: saving their friends.

Jack was still at the head of the gang. They had earlier planned to split up into three groups and search the whole place. Jack didn't like the idea of everyone separating, they were stronger together, more eyes and fists in one company. But they had to be quick and quiet, a party their size was bound to be noisy when all together. Splitting up it is.

Jack sent Tommy Boy with Finch, Knobs, Smalls, Mike, and Ike, while Sniper went with Specs, Jojo, Albert, Henry, and Kid Blink. That left Jack with Crutchie, Davey, Spot, Race, Romeo, and Alice.

Les had begged to come, but Davey wasn't going to let his little brother anywhere NEAR Brooklyn, much less to a kidnapping rescue, so they had brought him home shortly before heading out.

"Jack, I know this is the last thing I should be sayin'," Race whispered loud enough for their band to hear. "What if we didn't make it 'ere in time?"

"Don't even talk like that! Of course we got here in time." Davey defended.

Jack hadn't said a word, but he had already been thinking that they may be too late. He hope, pleaded, prayed silently to God or any other deity who heard him, if they were real, that they got there in time.

As Jack's group advanced down a dark corridor, it was getting harder to see. Race struck a match, casting a little light around them. Alice scanned the area the best she could until she caught sight of something useful. She walked over and picked up to oil lanterns that were almost full.

"Ahem." She cleared her throat. The boys turned to see her standing there with two lanterns in hand. They all broke out into smiles, even Spot grinned a little.

"Nice goin' Alice!" Romeo complimented.

"Good thinking! These are perfect!" Davey walked over and reached for one of them. Race's match had gone out, almost burning his hand, but he struck another one and helped light the lamps. One was passed to Jack at the front while Spot covered the rear.

They crept along the corridor, checking in every room they came across. Jack handed Race his lamp as he started to round the next corner. He suddenly scrambled backwards, falling on Romeo.

"Jack, what's wrong?" Crutchie asked in a quiet tone.

"There are more men down that way. Three that I saw. I think they'se guardin' somethin'." Jack breathed out after rolling off of the younger newsie, an expression of pain took over his face.

Crutchie knew he was hurting, he still hadn't healed fully. But saying anything wouldn't change his mind or make him slow down. So Crutchie limped over to his brother and helped him stand again. Once he had regained his bearings, Jack told them his plan to get rid of the guards.

Romeo and Race quietly snuck around the corner, ran up to two of the guards and swiped their hats. The Newsies waved them in their faces before bolting off in the opposite direction. The two with now missing hats stormed after the boys, leaving only one to stand guard.

Now it was Jack and Spot's turn again. The pair soundlessly walked over to the last man and with a kick and a punch, he was down for the count. Jack had caught the man and slowly lowered him to the floor, so as to not raise awareness to anyone inside.

Jack turned the doorknob and opened the door slightly, enough to see inside. There she was, tied up and gagged, sitting in the center of the room. Katherine.

Jack wanted to jump up and shout for joy as well as to rush in there and free her from her captivity. But he couldn't, not right away. He had to be smart about this. He glanced around the room again and took notice of two sleeping men, in there to protect their plunder no doubt.

The newsie leader carefully closed the door. He waved his hand and the rest of his gang joined him at the door. Jack relayed what he had seen to them, it was in their best interest to act fast.

Deciding on the best plan of action, Spot along with Jack and Davey began walking into the room, being as quiet as possible while Alice and Crutchie stood watch.

Katherine, who had been trying to devise a scheme to escape, heard light foot trees and looked up from her bonds and let out a muffled yelp. Jack quickly brought a finger to his lips, showing her it was better if she stayed silent. She nodded, understanding his message. She almost cried from the joy of seeing them here, they were here to rescue her and Joey.

Jack reached her first and immediately began untying the ropes that bound her. Davey and Spot got there soon enough and did the same.

Once freed, Katherine sprang from her seat and pulled Jack into a crushing hug. Tears were streaming down her face. He had come for her. She knew he would, but he was here, now. Upon releasing him from her grip, Jack raised his hands to her face and gently took off her gag. He had to see that smile of hers, that wonderfully entrancing grin that played in his thoughts everyday.

Now that they had Katherine, it was time to leave. Jack grabbed Katherine's hand and hoped one of the other groups found Joey, he couldn't abandon his brother.

The ragtag gang turned to exit the horrid place when a face in the door stopped them. It was a man, the same man who ordered the kidnapping in the first place.

"Well well, 'ere to take back your precious girl? I think not." He spat, closing the door behind him.

The man whistled and the two guards instantly awoke. They looked upon the scene before them and to the rear of the small group, cornering them completely.

"You brats won't get away that easy." The leader hissed.

Before anyone had a chance to move, the door opened again. The two brute guards came waltzing inside. One carrying Romeo and dragging Race, both unconscious. The other held Alice by her hair and Crutchie, missing his crutch, by his arm. His iron grip wouldn't give in, Alice was desperately trying to break it.

Jack knew their chances were diminishing by the second. The man holding the out-cold boys put them on the ground and joined the other men in surrounding the Jack, Katherine, Davey, and Spot. The latter looked particularly enraged. You never want to get on the bad side of Spot Conlon. Ever.

The Brooklyn newsie took one step forward before Jack put his hand out in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. Spot looked at Jack, confusion written all over his face. Jack simply shook his head. The odds were stacked too much against them, they just couldn't risk it.

The leader walked up to Jack. A terrified Katherine was standing behind him as he used his body like a shield for his girl. Her ferocity has died down hours ago, she merely wanted to getaway alive.

The evil man extended a hand towards Katherine's arm, but something jerked him back. The group looked around to see another man standing in the back of the thug's leader.

The new arrival had a hand on the leader's shoulder, preventing him from reaching the girl. It was still dark inside the room, but Katherine could finally see the man's face, a face she recognized. Her frown transformed into a smiled upon seeing who it was. Tom Branson forced the leader to confront him.

"Lay your hand on her, and you'll lose it." He sneered. The leader looked puzzled for a moment, but not for long before a fist in his face sent him reeling. Not a minute later, more men piled into the room, their hands filled with knives, bludgeons, chains, and many other weapons. Jack, Spot, and Davey has no idea who any of these men were, luckily Katherine had already met most of them.

"Jack, these are friends of Race. They've helped me out before. They're on our side." Katherine explained though her voice was hoarse and scratchy from screaming and crying into her gag. The boys' began to grin. A groan was heard from one area of the floor. Tom walked over to see Race and Romeo waking up.

"Race, since when do ya sleep on the job?" The boy tilted his head up, a smirk playing across his face.

"Tom? What are ya doin' here?"

"Watching out for you, as always." The bartender grinned. He extended a hand and aided the boys in regaining their footing. Tom once again returned his attention to the thieves. Mush seemed to appear out of no where beside Tom, looking very happy to see his friends were okay.

"Better late then never, right?" He said to no one in particular. Race and Romeo just grinned. He wasn't wrong.

"Alright gents, let's finish this outside." Tom grabbed the leader by his arm. What he failed to see was the mans opposite hand made into a fist. He landed a punch to Tom's stomach and the rest of the thieves followed suit in attacking the newcomers.

Hearing the brawl, the man holding Alice and Crutchie relaxed his grip and let them go, joining the fight. Alice quickly found his crutch and returned it to him as Davey reached them at the same time Race, Mush, and Romeo did.

"Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine. Where did Kath, Jack, and Spot go?" Alice asked worriedly.

"I don't know, they were right behind me..." Davey's eyes scanned the clashing men. He caught sight of his friends in a corner, Jack making sure Katherine was protected.

"Jack! Jack over here!" Crutchie hollered.

Jack's head spun around to meet his friends' gazes. Holding on to Katherine, he lead the way through the rumble, being careful to avoid getting more involved than they already were. Finally, after much effort and cautious weaving around people, they made it to the room's other side.

"C'mon guys, let's get outta here!" Jack now started to run towards the door, their exit. Lucky for them, there was no one near it, so it was now or never. The party of teenagers took their chance and made a beeline for the door, hoping no one would stop them. And no one did. They reached the door with no hindrance, the group filed out quickly, not once halting their escape.

Jack had remained in the front, doing his best to remember the route they took to get inside. It was a bit more difficult than he anticipated, but he was able to guide them to where their venture started. The minute they stepped outside, police officers surrounded them, batons at the ready.

"Hold it right there!" The chief ordered. The teens froze where the stood.

"Mr. Chief, Sir. Those are my friends, the ones I was tellin' ya were tryin' to rescue Katherine!" Buttons said from his place beside the cop. The chief nodded and motioned for them to proceed forward.

Once they were behind the officers, they were met by the rest of the Manhattan Newsies while the police arrested the crooks responsible, with the help of Tom and the others.

"Hiya fellas! I'se so happy you'se all is safe!" Crutchie said with a huge grin on his face. The other newsies engulfed the newcomers in hugs, cheering for their success.

"Guess I didn't need to almost break my arm trying to get out of there." A different voice said. Jack turned around to see Joey standing there, looking a little worse for wear, but safe.

Jack's already wide smile got even wider upon seeing his brother. He ran forward and nearly tackled him to the ground in a hug, completely overjoyed that he was alright. Katherine had walked over too, glad as ever that they were all intact and free.

"Katherine? Katherine are you here?" She heard a voice call to her, a voice she recognized immediately. And in all honesty, she was ecstatic to find the person it belonged to. Dodging her way around Newsies in celebration, she found him, his back to the her.

"Father?" She said, her voice still hoarse.

Joseph whirled around and smiled upon seeing his daughter. He raced over and wrapped his arms around her in a loving embrace, something she had never received from him. It shocked her to say the least, but it was most welcome. Joseph eventually pulled away, his eyes looking over his daughter in her frightened and possibly hurt state.

"Come my dear, I must get you to the hospital." He grabbed her hand and began leading her to his carriage.

Katherine instantly pulled away, refusing to budge. "No!" She cried. The newsies stoped their chanting at the sound of her protesting, all silencing so as to be aids to their friend if the need arose.

"Father, I am so glad to see you, but it is because of you that I was taken in the first place! Those men you hired to "protect" me, were the ones to kidnap me. All of this happened because you did what you did what you thought was right for me." Katherine noticed Jack walking in her direction and she joined him halfway. Taking his hand into hers, she looked back at her father. "These are the people who have been there for me, and I'm not leaving them again. I'm not leaving him again." Katherine tilted her head upward to meet Jack's. He lifted his hand, gently cradling her face, and pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss. The Newsies hooted and hollered once more.

Jack smiled into their kiss, momentarily pausing it. "I've been waitin' a long time to do that." He breathed out, low enough for only Katherine to hear.

"Well I'm flattered Mr. Kelly." She whispered back, wearing a grin of her own.

Joseph stood in astonishment. Was this really happening? Did his daughter get abducted because of him? Did these news boys rescue her without a moment's hesitation? That couldn't be right...could it? While still mulling all of this over, Joseph saw a familiar person amongst the newsies, chatting and joking about like they were old friends.

"Joshua? Joshua what are you doing fraternizing with these...children?" He stepped over to the suitor he had chosen. The boy in question turned to him, a look of surprise covering his face.

"Who you'se callin' "children"?! I'se 13!" Romeo shouted proudly, then proceeded to be whacked by Albert.

"Mr. Pulitzer..." The suitor gaped at the newspaper owner before him. A quick glance at everyone around him, all of his friends and brothers, brought out his braver side.

"Mr. Pulitzer, these are my friends. Not only my friends, but my brothers too. Especially Jack Kelly."

"Joshua, what are you saying? You mean to tell me that you enjoy being around these...these newsies?"

"I was a newsie. They were- are my family. I never had any intention of pursuing your daughter. I did, however, have the intention to make sure she and Jack were happy, no matter what it cost me. Because they have love, the truest and purest loved I've ever seen. That's something you can't take away or break, ever." Joseph walked over to Katherine and Jack while Joey continued talking.

"And why is that, Mr. Smith?"

Only, it wasn't Joey who answered, but Jack.

"'Cause love will always do what it does, triumph."

Those few words shook Pulitzer to his core. He finally realized what he'd been missing, what he continuously overlooked about Jack and Katherine being together, their love. Rank or wealth had no meaning to them, all they needed was each other, and he saw that now.

"Well then Mr. Kelly, it appears I have been wrong."

"What? The great Joseph Pulitzer, was wrong?" Jack faked shock.

"Don't push it. I'm merely stating that I had misjudged you, and for that I apologize. It seems you are willing to give up everything for my daughter's health and happiness, something I have been sorely lacking. Your relationship has my blessing."

Katherine had to cover her ears to keep the cheers and hollering from bursting her eardrums.

"Looks like there's really nothing we can't do, when we're together." Katherine beamed, tears of joy gathered in her eyes.

"I couldn't agree more." Jack pulled her into another passionate kiss. He then picked her up, bridal style, and twirled her around. The pair laughed, finally they were together.

Finally, they had won.

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