Minho x Newt

By NewtTMRlove

15.3K 386 192

The kind British teenager, and the sassy Asian boy, are meant to be. They feel things for each other that WIC... More

Minewt-Part 1
Minewt-Part 2
Minewt-Part 3
Minewt-Part 4
Minewt-Part 5
Minewt-Part 7

Minewt-Part 6

1.8K 52 36
By NewtTMRlove

Minho's POV

I give Newt a peck on the lips and smirk. "I love you too."

I sluggishly stir awake. I yawn and rub my eyes sleepily. I have a moment where I'm confused as to where I'm at, until I feel Newt cradled into my arms. Oh crap. We must've fallen asleep yesterday.

What time is it? How late am I gonna be to my job? I can't be late for the maze today if I plan on having time to see Newt afterwards! I groan and Newt's body shifts in the bed as he awakens too. I hear a British mumbling noise as I jump out of bed to leave for the maze. "Be back later Newt, sorry." I say.
"Alright, love."

Newt reaches for a long stick placed beside his bed and he uses it weakly to stand up. I'm just about to leave but he reaches his hand out and stops me. "Could I just have one more kiss before you go?"
"Fine." I roll my eyes playfully and kiss Newt on the cheek. "Better now?" I ask.
"Not quite," Newt replies grinning. I go in for more and this time I kiss him very hard, as his soft lips move in rhythm with mine. He leans into me and then we slowly pull apart. "Take it easy today, Newt."

"I know. I'll be bored as bloody hell though not being allowed to work on the garden today. I'll just have to lay here like a shucking koala and sleep all day."

"Goodbye, Newt," I say teasing him with another eye roll at his koala complaint.

I close the door behind me in a hurry, until I walk straight into Frypan. He looks at me questionably. "Minho? Whatchu doin' in Newt's room? Ain't you supposed to be in the maze or somethin'?"

"Ain't you supposed to be in the kitchen or somethin'?" I say back sassily mocking his tone.

"Uh...I'll just let you on your way then if you let me on mine," Frypan mutters nervously yet skeptically.

I walk past him and don't bother changing my running gear from yesterday. I check my watch and figure out that if I run as fast as yesterday I should have enough time to run my paths of the maze today even with the late start.


I see the light of the glade peeking through the maze walls. I have almost made it back from a super long day thinking about Newt. I can't stop thinking about how much fun we had last night. We didn't do anything dirty last night either. We just kissed and cuddled and that was enough. I couldn't have asked for anything better.

I can't believe we'd never kissed before yesterday. All day, swarms of thoughts have been rushing through my mind. I wonder what the other gladers will think when we tell them about us. I can't wait to call Newt my boyfriend.

But before we do anything, I have to be sure that Newt has a safe recovery and healing plan for his ankle. This morning I couldn't help but notice how sickly purple and injured it still was. I'm just glad he'll be getting the help he needs. Those medjacks better work their asses' off when they're dealing with my Newt.

I finish the map work for the day and head over to the bonfire. I find Alby sitting on a log and I am about to tell him that I am headed to visit Newt, until I see the little British klunkhead's figure in the forest waiting for me behind Alby. He's with a walking stick at the edge of the trees, leaning against a wide trunk.

I walk on past Alby and straight to Newt. "What the shuck are you doing here?" I ask straightforwardly.

"You didn't expect me to be cooped in that little room all day did you? Clint said I was free to go as long as I checked back in with him tomorrow. Ankle isn't as bad as we thought." Newt looks at me excited as his eyes widen. I Jostle his fluffy blonde hair trying to meet his excitement but I can't.

"Are you sure you'll be okay tonight? Maybe it would be best if you were under a medjack's eyes."

"I don't need a baby monitor! I'll take it easy. I promise. I figured you could keep an eye on me anyways." I trust Newt. I trust that he will take it easy.

"I believe you." As Newt leans back on the tree trunk he pulls me towards him as we begin an amazing night.

I help Newt to the ground and we lay on our backs in the green grass of the glade. He reaches for my hand and and I grip back tightly. He then snuggles up against my chest with his body curled into me. He looks up at me. "Once all this stuff is over we should do something together. Something fun ya know?"

"Like an adventure?" I say back jokingly.

"Yeah, we could go for a walk through the setting sunset, and then go see a cheesy romance film together at the theatre, and then eat out at some fancy restaurant with Italian food. Then we'd head back to our hotel with soft beds and pillows and have scrumptious breakfast in the morning to top it all off." He sighs sleepily.

I look down at Newt puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"I mean when we get out of here. When we can live a bloody normal life. When we find the way out and tear down the creators. When we're free."

I think about what Newt said for a while. I'm about to respond until I feel his breathing steady and I find his eyes closed. He's fallen asleep. "Goodnight, Newt."

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