Gilmore Girls: One Shots/Stor...

By amethystjewel04

9.2K 211 95

Ideas for upcoming stories(maybe) If there is a One Shot that you would like to become book, or to continue o... More

A Path Turned Difficult
A Different Beginning
A Band Of Girls
Unexpected Help
New Lifestyle; New Love
Yale Alumni Party
You Are The Reason
Last Shot
Past Comes To Haunt

Valentine's in the Vineyard

1K 26 10
By amethystjewel04

Ok, just to be clear: These are not exactly one shots, technically, they are more of book idea outlines or whatever. I just don't know what else to call them.

Anyways, I don't own Gilmore Girls.

Honestly, I wish! But I don't.

This takes place where Logan, Rory, Luke and Lorelai are in Martha's Vineyard for Valentine's Day.

This one is a bit longer. And also, if there is any one of these that you think I should turn into a book and continue, please comment and vote. Thank you.


Rory and Logan were celebrating Valentine's Day in Martha's Vineyard. Logan said that Rory could invite her mom and Luke if she wanted. So that's what she did.

Lorelai and Luke came the day after she called.

As they all got settled, it started to get late, and so they all went to bed and Rory showed them where they would be staying.

"Good night kids!" Lorelai calls, "It's been a long day so we are gonna hit the hay! Rory don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

"Mom!" Rory yells.

Lorelai snickers as she goes into her room to get settled with Luke.

Once the door closes, Logan slides his arms around Rory's waist from behind and he puts his head on her shoulder smirking.

"So... wanna have some fun?" Logan asked as he gently kissed her neck.

"Uh no! My mom and Luke are in the other room! You ain't getting anything this weekend Mac." Rory says pulling out of the embrace.

Logan just pulled her back to him.

"Ugh fine, but a lot kisses and a few cuddles should suffice." Logan said turning her around so she is facing him.

He kisses her on the lips, it was a sweet short kiss.

As Rory pulled away giggling, "Oh so Mr. High-and-mighty actually cuddles? What happened to the other Logan?"

"Hm. I dont know. I guess someone just uncovered the real me." Logan smiles.

Rory smiles up at him and gives him a short peck on the lips.

Logan pouted, "Ah, come on! You gotta give me something better than that."

Rory giggles, then smirks.

Logan raises an eyebrow at her.

She then grabs his face and plants a passionate kiss on his lips and before he could respond to the kiss she pulled away.

Logan was in a daze, when Rory grabbed her book making her way to their room laughing slightly.

Logan watches her leave the room for a minute and then chases after her with a mischievous look in his eye.

The next morning Rory and Logan are the first ones to wake.

Logan's phone starts to buzz. He looks at it and sees that it is his father.

He sighs and answers, "Hello?"

"Hey son. I know you are on your Valentine's Day get away with Rory. But, I need to discuss some things with you."

"What things, exactly?"

"Well, you see... you are graduating in a few months and will becoming the Co-CEO in the up coming fall next year. Now, I know you aren't going to like this, but you need to find a suitable wife by the end of summer. I don't care who it is as long as she can fit the role. If you pick Rory that is fine with me, but your mother will have a few things to say about that. But Logan, this is important. If you dont find a wife by the deadline I have given you, you will have an arranged marriage with a mini Shira as I like to call her. Honestly, I hate the girl your mother chose. Anyway, once you come back home we can talk about the details then."

Logan was just shocked to say the least.

"Okay, I'll be home Monday at the earliest."

"Alright then, see you Monday. Bye son."

"Bye dad."

Logan hung up the phone and went to get ready.

Rory exited the bathroom with only a towel around her.

"Hey, you okay? You look a little tense."

Rory said she then noticed his phone in his hand.

"Ohhh, I see. I'm guessing your dad called?" Rory questioned.

Logan just sighed and sat on the bed.

"Yeah, he called. And told me very interesting news."

"Oh? And what would that be?"

"How about I tell you while we go get pastries from Wilkey's Bakery?"

"Sure. Let me get dressed real quick." Rory rushed to get dressed.

Once they were both ready the set out to go to Wilkey's Bakery.

"So what did he talk to you about?" Rory asked as they started walking.

Logan explained the whole situation to Rory and by the time he finished talking they arrived at the Bakery.

"Wow. So you have to be married by next year during fall time to become Co-CEO?" Rory asked in an amazed state.

"Yep. He said that I can choose anyone and he even suggested that you would be a perfect fit." Logan shrugged.

Rory froze.


"Oh, did I leave that out in the explanation? Whoops. But yeah, that's what he told me." Logan said smiling slightly.

He could tell she was thinking about the whole situation.

A ghost smile spread across her lips but she hid it from Logan. She didn't want to give any thoughts as encouragement.

Once they made it back to the house, the set up breakfast.

The young couple split the morning paper as they wait for the older couple to come out.

Lorelai finally entered the kitchen as the sent of coffee woke her up. Rory was done with her story on her part of the paper.

"Morning." Lorelai said happily as she goes for the coffee.

"Morning." Logan and Rory respond.

"You have got to read faster." Rory whines.

"I can read at my own pace, Ace." Logan says.

"Bit the rest of my story is on the page you are reading."

"Be patient would you." Logan says.

"No." Rory says and steals the paper away.

"Where's Luke?" Logan asked Lorelai.

"Oh he's waiting for my signal to come out."

"What?" Rory asked.

"You know a signal." Lorelai said.

"I have a flare gun in the garage." Logan says teasingly.

"Luke come out! You don't have to hide." Rory calls.

Luke comes in.

"Hey Luke, you wanna join me for a walk on the beach?" Lorelai asked.

"Uh, sure." Luke says.

As they leave Logan takes the paper out of Rory's hands.

"Drats!" Rory cried.

"You snooze you loose." Logan said as he returned to the place where he was.

"You two fight like a married couple." Lorelai said laughing as she and Luke exit the house.

Logan and Rory freeze in their seats.

They share a look.

As time drifted into the cool afternoon, Rory and Logan headed off to the gym.

As they were exiting the house, Lorelai and Luke appeared in front of them.

"Oh, hey. Where are you two going?" Lorelai asked.

"Oh hey mom, Luke. We're off to the gym. We like to hangout there for a day when we are here." Rory explains smiling.

"A gym?! Rory! Gilmore Girls rule number one! We do not exercise!" Lorelai gasped.

"I know, but it's fun. They have delicious cucumber water." Rory implies.

"You guys can come if you want." Logan says.

"Sure!" Lorelai chirped.

Luke just nodded.

Lorelai has been feeling his sour mood all day. Well, actually every time since Rory started dating Logan. She didn't like it. And she was sure to confront the attitude when they got home to Stars Hollow on Monday.

At the gym, Rory showed her mom around. Logan offered to play one on one with Luke in basketball, Luke reluctantly agreed but didn't want to be stuck with Logan.

Once Luke got tired and the boys went to look for the girls they found them getting massages from two other men.

"Thank you boys, you have definitely missed your calling." Lorelai said.

Logan then looked at his watch and saw the time.

"Oh hey Ace, we have to check in at Marco's. He texted me earlier to stop by and say hi, but he wanted to asked you something about help his daughter for advice on colleges." Logan said giving her a knowing look.

"Oh! I haven't seen Kelly in a while. We'll meet you at the house, is that okay mom?" Rory asked.

"Oh yeah that's fine. We were just gonna go back and take a nap." Lorelai smiled at the two.

"Ok, see you in a bit." Rory says.

Logan and Rory start walking in the other direction more inside the gym building.

They enter a big room, one side has mats on the floor and the other has a court.

Rory stripped off her jacket and sweatpants revealing a sports bra and leggings.

"Ah, I've missed this." Rory says to Logan.

"I bet. It's only been a few months since we've last been here. Do you think you still got it?" Logan asked.

Rory rolled her eyes and smirked at him.

She ran and they did a triple backflip.

She landed perfectly.

"That was fun." Rory said not even close to being out of breath.

Logan chuckled.

"Alright well, we have 30 more minutes until they get suspicious, so in 20 we will leave. Okay?" Logan asked as he dribbled a basketball and then through a perfect half court shot.

"Okay." Rory beamed.

This was their normal routine when they came to Martha's Vineyard for a small get away.

While Rory was growing up, she loved to do flips. Of course her mom wouldn't let her do any form of exercise so she would  hangout with Lane at Miss Party's and practice. She almost got caught once or twice but covered it up with the help of Miss Patty.

20 minutes later Rory was exhausted. She did her round offs, back hand springs, front flips, back flips, ariels, she also did hand stands and walked the length of the gym back and forth a couple times.

Logan did a few basketball shots here and there but her normally watched her. That's what he did every time. He was amazed the first time she showed him her talent in that same room that they were in.

"Alright let's go." Rory said catching her breath.

"You got more tricks now." Logan compliments.

"Yeah, I practice when I can. It is my only form of exercise." Rory said.

Logan laughs, and Rory laughs with him.

Rory puts her jacket and sweatpants back on and they start walking back to the house.

Once they get there it was silent.

The young couple snuck into their room and changed their clothes.

They were heading to the kitchen when suddenly they heard yelling.

"What is wrong with your attitude today?!" Lorelai yelled at Luke.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked.

"You have been so sour to Rory and Logan." Lorelai said angrily.

"I haven't been sour." Luke says.

"Yes you have! You don't even want to be in the same room as the boy! Your attitude has changed since Rory started dating Logan and I want to know why." Lorelai said stubbornly.

Lorelai couldn't hold it in anymore, and she knew the two were gonna come back soon bit didn't know when. So it seemed as a perfect time to let it all loose.

Luke got fired up.

"I don't like those two together okay!"

"Why? Why don't you?! Rory is happy with him. He makes her happy."

"He will just run off to next girl once he's done being around her."

"Luke! Logan has changed, I know because Rory's father was the same way. Chris changed his ways because of me and Rory. Logan has changed because of Rory. I know the change, I've seen it, and I see it in him." Lorelai says.

"Why are you bringing Christopher into this?!" Luke shouted.

"Really?! Are you serious right now?! I'm talking to you and all you get from what I've said is about Chris?!"

"Yes! Because he is irrelevant to this whole situation and I don't see why you had to bring him up."

"Because! Chris changed! Logan has changed! Rory is happy! Stop being such a bone head and deal with it! Rory is in a happy relationship with Logan. And if... And if you can't be happy about it... then... then... We are done." Lorelai said and this time tears fell as she spoke the last sentence.

"Lorelai, you don't mean that." Luke said.

"Yes, I do. If you can't be happy for my daughter and the relationship she is in. Then you need to go. Now." Lorelai firmly stated.

Logan and Rory hearing the whole thing and footsteps becoming closer to them. They rush to hide.

Rory sees Luke exit and a truck engine start and the wheels backing out of the drive way. The two wait a few minutes before they sneak to the door and open it and close it.

"Mom! Luke! We're back!" Rory calls out.


They get to their room wait 30 minutes then walk out.

Lorelai was packing her stuff.

"Mom?" Rory asked.

Lorelai looked up at her daughter, Rory gasped and went to hug her.

"What happened?" Rory asked.

"I'm not dumb Rory. I'm sure you two heard the whole thing. I heard the door open when you came in the first time." Lorelai laughed.

"Oh." Rory laughed.

"I'm gonna go back to the Hollow and pack a Luke box. I have a feeling I'm not gonna be with him any more. I may even move to Hartford. I don't know."

"Well I'm gonna miss you."

"Bye kiddo."

Lorelai packs all her stuff and then heads out catching a cab.

"Well, I guess I didn't need to by two lobsters." Logan says.

"Hmm... I'm sure we can eat the second one Sunday and have one tonight." Rory suggested.

Logan thought about it.

"That could work. Wanna learn how to make lobster?" Logan asked pulling out a lobster from the box.

"Awww... he's so cute. I dont wanna kill him!"

"Well Ace. You're gonna have to if you want to eat lobster for dinner."

"Fine, you can teach how to cook lobster." Rory sighed.

"Okay first all you need to do is put him in the pot of water." Logan says handing her the lobster.

Rory hovers over the pot.

"I cant do it. He's too innocent." Rory pouts.

"Ace, he's just going to take a nice hit bath." Logan says and guides her hand to place him in the water.

"See?" Logan says and releases Rory's hand from the lobster causing a plunk in the water.

"The poor thing!" Rory cried.

"It's okay, he's fine. How about you make us a salad?" Logan asked.

"Gilmore's don't eat salad, Huntzberger." Rory says glaring at him.

"If you make the small dallas and eat a serving, I will let you pick dessert." Logan said.

"Oh! Triple chocolate tiramisu!" Rory said.

Logan laughed, "I thought you might say that. So I picked one up while you weren't looking when we went to Wilkey's."

"You are the best!" Rory squealed.

She then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Logan smiled into the kiss but has to pull away to finish cooking.

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