Roleplay with Friends (^-^Ani...

By KuraiSamaOkami

23 1 4

This story is about a group of mystical creatures starting on a new journey. A journey that will change their... More

A start of a new Beginning

23 1 4
By KuraiSamaOkami

(A:N~ This is my first story that will probably never end. This is a story that me and a group of friends of mine had created. It's going to be like an Roleplay basically, so it will be alot of action and some cool stuff. I really do hope you enjoy this and will share to other people. I really don't care if you follow me or not but if you want, it's cool, no harm done.)

ANYWHO.... let's get the story.....ACTION!!!!

Chapter 1

There is a huge secret between Reality and Fable, but in this dimension.... there holds a huge area that only mystical creatures no one can get past to. This place is named Yandersville which holds people, but not any kind of people......this is a race that contains humans DNA mixed with animals like Raptors, T-Rex, Foxes with 8 tails, wolves and so much more. However, one person went very personal with the conflict of humans and her race, her name is Yumi(you-me). She's a fox with 8 tails and lives with her best friend Nekoette in a two story house.

Yumi- "Hey Nekoette?"
She says with no emotion because she was born like that....just no emotion at all.
Nekoette-"Yes Yumi-chan?"
Yumi-"Do you possibly want to make a change in history?"
(A:N~ I'm just gonna call her Neko from now on because of my lazy self)
Neko- *thinks for a moment* "Depends....what type of change??"
Yumi-"A change in history so we're not being hunted and our kind doesn't have to hide anymore kind of change....."
Neko- "Yumi-chan, there is somethings that are meant to stay the way it first starte-"
She was cut off by Yumi yelling
Yumi- "So I'm suppose to have to sit here and do absolutely NOTHING about the fact that our kind being is  murdered every single day?!?!?!? I'm not going to sit here while I know that either you or me might be the next one dead......"

Nekoette just gave in, knowing that she won't win this argument including the other 75 that she lost to.
Neko-"Fine, but you need more people for this to happen. I'll get a friend of mine and you see if anyone else is interested
Yumi-"Okay see you later kitty"*runs out the door*
Neko-*sigh* *dials a number on her phone* "Yo' Papsi, I got a favor-"
Neko continues with her phone call and Yumi goes outside and ask multiple people to join the guild, but everyone thinks it's impossible. Then she runs into a shark pup.
Yumi- "Aww, are you lost? I don't see a collar"
Fluff- "Well 1. I'm my own owner, 2. Keep your hands to yourself....*says with alot of sass*
Yumi- "I am so sorry, I didn't know and.....well, I can't tell the difference, because 1. I don't know you 2. It wasn't my fault that you like that form. Actually WHY are you in the form anyways?"
Fluff- "Well, I like this form because I look cute in this and I don't feel comfortable in my other one. My names Fluff!"*reaches her paw out for Yumi to shake"
Yumi- *takes her paw and shakes it* "Yumi"
     Yumi and Fluff had turned out to be really good friends and Yumi talk to Fluff to getting into the guild and she said that more people will be there. Fluff said that she will talk her friend into it. They set up a meeting point that night to start the trip. Once the sun was going down they departed and Fluff was on her way to her friend Galaxy.
     Fluff got to her house and yelled
Fluff- "Galaxy, can come down here for a moment?!?"
Galaxy- *comes out from under the staircase* "No need to yell but anyways, what do you need me for? Is there anything I can help you with??"
Fluff- "I actually just an answer, but either way your going with....KAY!! But, I'm going to join a guild to help improve our way of life, and I wanted you to come with me so you won't be alone"
Galaxy-*looks surprised* *thinks for a while then answers* "F-fine, I'll go, but ONLY for your saftey, not to make any friends.
Fluff-*sighs* "Ok, but I will break that shell. We are going to meet the others tonight at dark, so get everything you need. We won't be here for a while."
Galaxy- "Hm"*nods head in agreement*
     Then they pack up only what they need and got the personal things that has meaning to them. Fluff took her needs and a cloud bracelet and Galaxy got her needs and she got her Galaxy charm and the picture of her and her family. Her mom, she was the most beautiful creature to her. Then she was forced to marry her father, which turn out to be abusive and full of hatred. Finally her brother's Loki and Papsi, they left her to survive on her own when she was only six years old and she had no one to go to because their house burned down and that's when Loki left her. She was mad at him and has been searching for Revenge, (Papsi is an exception due to her being so young and not knowing about him until she found the photo) on Loki (which had his face scribbled out). (AN: Basically she doesn't know what Papsi looks like because his face was scribbled out and she doesn't know what Loki looks like because it's been 10 years since he left her. Sorry about the confusion)

*Flashback 10 years ago*
(Younger)Loki- "Galaxy!! Where are you?!?*a burning wood plank fell in front of him*
(Younger) Galaxy- *screams* "Help!! Help me Loki, he's trying to get me!!*runs up to Loki and they both start running outside*
Abusive Father-"Get*cough cough* back here you little brat!!*gets a knife and runs after them*
Right when Loki was going to put one foot outside, Galaxy was being held back by their father.
Abusive Father-"You think you can get away from me without a special memory of me, huh Galaxy?!?*evil laugh* *cuts Galaxy's forearm deeply multiple times*
Galaxy-*whines from the pain* "!!"

    Galaxy kicks her father and her and Loki ran as far and fast as they could. They separated, not knowing that they are and they are quiteboth lost in the middle of the forest of purple plants that are very rare, and very dangerous to use called Chorus Plants. They grow these fruits and flowers so it mesmerizes Galaxy. It only leads down but legend has it, that if you eat one chorus fruit, you will teleport to a different dimension. Galaxy had taken her red bandana and wrapped it around the big wound that her father had caused. When she was done, she noticed that there was dark figures running in the opposite direction of the burning house. It looked like it was an adult and a child running, so Galaxy ran after them to see if they could help her find her brother but when she almost got them she tripped and saw that the adult had dropped something on the ground.
     Galaxy crawled over to the object to see that it was a galaxy charm with different galaxies on either side

She took it incase she ever saw those people again. Since Galaxy didn't know right from wrong, she ate the chorus fruit, then she teleport somewhere she thinks that she can start anew and find her a place called Yandersville.

(A:N ~ please don't judge my writing skills, hopefully it will get better. It took me a long while to finish this chapter because of all the things that is going on in my family. Yesterday, I was really depressed about my guinea pig dying but you can check that out on my other story called Drama, More Drama, and Even More Drama. Now you guys have a good day/night and please don't hesitate to tell me about my story to improve it or any incorrect spelling and grammar I can take any critisms. Just please tell me of what you think about it. Thank you my little stars!!)

~Galaxy L.

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