Live to Rise. (Loki Love stor...

By XHannahxHorrorX

14.8K 324 34

Aries is a 44 old woman. But with one slight difference. She doesnt look it. Aries is a "Super Hero". She loo... More

Live to Rise. (Loki Love story)
The End!


1.1K 33 10
By XHannahxHorrorX

"Really? Well that makes two of us, I have become very fond of you." i said smiling. He smiled at me and my heart skipped.

As the days past, I continued to talk to Loki, And i gave the director the information i got from Loki. I felt bad about doing so, But he was the enemy right? Whenever my meetings with Loki would end, Steve would always follow me around like a lost puppy dog. I knew his feelings for me, But i did not feel the same way. I couldnt, he was going to die eventually. Even if my heart felt the way his did, I wouldnt be with him only to have it broken as he died.

"Why do you still visit Loki? He doesnt tell you any new information." Tony asked one day durring our meeting.

"Ive grown fond of him, He talks to me." i said frowning.

"You've grown fond of him? He's the bad guy. You cant be fond of the bad guy" Steve said.

"Loki is no bad guy. He is just misguided. He is my brother" Thor said.

"He has feelings too. He cnt just be locked in a cell all day and ignored." i said siding with Thor.

"Alright, Everyone calm down!" Nick yelled. We all looked at him and sat down again.

"Enough fighting. We have bigger problems than why Ms. Monroe is still talking to Loki." Nick said. We all nodded and he turned around. I got up and walked down to see Loki. Again.

"Ahh hello Aries" he greeted me.

"Hello Loki. How are you today?" i asked.

"Same as always. And you? I can see you are quite frustraited." he said.

"Meetings always make me this way dont they?" i asked.

"I must agree. Now, I must ask you something of great importance." he said.

"And that would be?" i asked.

“ I know what you have done with the information i have leaked to you.” he said and my gaze went to the floor.

“I-” i started but he cut me off.

“Do not worry, I am not angry. It is what i wanted you to do. Noone of the information was wrong. But it kept them busy insted of pestering me. And i can see you have grown tired of them” he said. All of the things he said were true..

“How?” i asked. My eyes were wide and he smiled.

“I have my ways.” he said.

“Im sorry.. I was only doing my job, I never ment to become so fond of you as i have..” i said putting my head in my hands.

“As i said, I am not angered with you. There is another matter i wish to discuss.” he said. I nodded and he stood up walking over to the glass that seperated us.

“When i leave this place, Come with me. Be my Queen. I have become quite attached to you. You’re different than other midgardians.” he said. I stood up and walked closer to him.

“Q-queen?” i asked. He pressed his hand to the glass and smiled.

“Yes.” he said. I placed my hand upon his and heated my hand with fire. Flames circled our hands, Going through the glass. But not damaging it. He looking in wonder at our hands.

“I would love to Loki, But i dont know..” i said.

“Just think about it. We have forever.” he said smiling.

“But the war is soon, If S.H.E.I.L.D doesnt find the tesseract.” i said softly.

“You will not be harmed, I am sure of it.” he said. I looked into his eyes and say the same compassion i had seen when i told him about my family. How could i say no? I felt someone coming and i stopped the fire. Loki knew it too. He sat down and pulled an angry face on.

“Aries, I need to speak with you.” Steve said looking at me.I nodded and followed after him. I looked back and saw Loki smiling at me. I followed Steve for a minute and then he stopped suddenly and pulled me into and empty hallway.

“Whats wrong?” i asked, he was angry.

“i was thinking about what you said. You love him.” Steve said putting his hands on my shoulders.

“T-Thats absured!” i lied. But my insides knew it was true.

“I like you Aries, And im sure i would be better suited for you than him!” Steve said.

“Look, Steve, I cant. I dont have those feelings for you. Im never going to die, And someday you will. It would never work out.” i said. He became angry.

“Yes it could!” he said. I shook my head.

“Fine. I guess it wouldnt.” he said.

“See, I would rather just have you as a friend” i said. He looked at me, His face serious.

“You have to choose.” he said.

“What do you mean?” i asked confused.

"Where does your loyalty lie? Its him, Or me, I mean us" Steve said gripping my shoulders.

Why does it have to be so black an white?! This or that?!" I yelled.

"Thats just the way it is Aries, Make yourdescision soon. We dont have much time" Steve said carressing my chin and walking away. He was right, I needed to choose what and who i was fighting for. My heart, Or my world.

I walked to my chambers and sa ton my bed. I knew what i wanted. It wasnt a difficult thing to figure out.. I got up and ran down to Loki. he stood as soon as he saw me running. He walked to the glass and pressed his hands against it.

“Have you decided?” he asked? I nodded and out my hand on his.

“Yes. I say yes.” i said and he smiled.

“You will make a great queen, You will get eh respect you deserve.” he said and i smiled.

“Now go, They are all in Dr. Banner’s lab. Do not worry. Tell them that i have become violent, And i will not talk to you any further.” he said. I nodded and took off running. I go to the lab and saw everyone standing around.

“Any news?” Thor asked. I nodded and sighed.

“He’s become violent. He wont speak to me anymore.” i said.

“Well, I sugest we take shifts watching him. Who knows what hes up to.” Nick said. We all nodded.

“Aries and Tony, Thor and Steve, Dr. Banner and Natasha.” Nick said.

“Whos first?” i asked.

“You and Tony. Go now” he said. We agreed and hurried down to Loki.

~~Hey guys, So I see some of you are reading this!! Thank you sooo much. But if i could get atleast maybe 5 comments for the next chapter?? That would make me the happiest girl ever!! -HannahQuinnBostwick<3~~

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