
By applepiexpancakes

249K 5.3K 720

⚠️ Cringe Warning ⚠️ my story is literally a joke don't say i didn't warn you 💀 . . . I looked at the person... More

Author's Note (important)
His Victoria


14.1K 340 32
By applepiexpancakes

"Sara stop eating my cookies!"

"Come and get me." Sara sang while running around my house holding a jar of chocolate chip cookies. I grunted. Who does she think I am, an atlet? Well sorry to break it to you but I'm no atlet.

"SARA COME BACK HERE!" What am I doing, running after an athlete. Yes, Sara is an athlete and she's very good at running. And she wants me to catch her. Nuh uh. The jar would surely be empty before I could ever catch her. Oh no, just the thought of it makes me want to cry. "SARA!"

She is running towards the front door. Shoot, she wants to take it outside. Right before she reaches out to the door knob, the door swung open and almost hit her head. Almost. Thank goodness she reacted fast and pulled her head away. Or else she would have dropped my cookies. Yes, I just care about the cookies. But luck is bad on her side, she is falling down right after.

"Whoa there." I guess she still has some good lucks. Charlie reaches his arm and caught her before she could fall down. Turns out Charlie just got back home from his friend's house. They stayed like that for a while, just looking into each other's eyes. Okay, Charlie is looking at her but Sara just closes her eyes tightly, maybe she thinks that she is still falling down.

When she doesn't feel the ground, she opens her eyes slowly just to meet with Charlie's. Her eyes went wide instantly and she immediately tries to get rid of his hold. "Gee, thanks Charls." She thanked him as she was fixing her messy hair with her right hand while the other is still holding tightly onto the jar.

Noticing that she has already stopped, I quickly grabbed the jar forcefully from her hand. She looked at me shocked. Heh, you should be. I scanned the jar and noticed that she already ate half of it. "You ate half of the jar!" I said and looked at her with unbelievable eyes.

"No, I just ate two cookies. You were the one who ate the others." Sara said, crossing her arms onto her chest. I looked at her suspiciously. I don't believe her. I mean, I haven't ate that much yet.

"She's right, Chess. You always eat the cookies with no care. I bet you can finish it all in only 10 minutes." Charlie smirked. I can't believe my brother is taking on other person's side instead of his own sister! I huffed and turned around to sit on the twin sofa. I plopped myself onto it. I took the remote and turned on Netflix. As I opened the jar, I remembered something important. Well, important for me because it is my revenge for Sara.

"Hey Sara." I sang.

"What." She replied while she walks inside the living room with Charlie behind her.

"You have crumbs on your.." I pointed towards my lips while smirking. She looked at me wide eyes and touched her lips. Indeed, she has some. She wiped her lips and even her cheeks forcefully to get rid of them but they are still there. I laughed histerically watching her struggling.

"Hey, here let me help you." Charlie offered and swiped his thumb on her bottom lip. Sara blushed madly after that. Yup, she actually has a big fat crush on my brother. She doesn't tell me about it, it is just too obvious. "There." He smiled at her. She immediately looked away and mumbled a thanks.

Oops. I think I did her a favour rather than a revenge.

Oh well.

Sara plopped herself beside me. She reached out for a cookie and I slapped her hand. "Ow." She hissed. I stucked my tongue out to her. She gave me a small grin and shook her head lightly. What was that about. She raised her hand at me and that was when I saw it. A cookie. In her hand. When the heck did she take it.

She ate the cookie as she moaned. Just to piss me off, but nah, I have another half of the jar with me. And no, I'm not giving it to her.

"Where's mom and dad?" Charlie asked as he also plopped down onto our other sofa.

"Dad's college has a programme today so he and mom went to it." I replied. He just nodded.

After what seemed like half an hour, Sara suddenly jumped out of the sofa and clapped her hands like she just remembered something important. Charlie and I looked at her in confusion. She turned to me and put both her hands on her hips. "You owe me an explaination, remember?" She stated. Do I? I thought about it deeply and then, ding! Yes, I do.


"Now, come on!" She said pulling my arm and forced me to stand up on my feet. Charlie, on the other hand, stared at us in complete confusion. Sara, again, pulled my arm and dragged me along up to my bedroom. She positioned us on my sofa. She sat with her legs crossed while I sat in awkward position. What? She just dragged me all the way here. I'm still in counter shock. Let alone when she disturbed my movie session.

"Okay, begin."

"He's such a sweetheart.." Sara sighed in awe. "..he's such a kind hearted person.." She continued, "..he's such a perfect guy.." Okay now she is in her own world. I looked at her in horror, this girl is so not okay.

I glanced over at my digital clock which is on the nightstand, "oh look Sara it's 6:45 pm. It's getting late, you should go." I said acting to be caring about her, when in reality I'm just tired as heck and I need my short nap.

"You are just tryna get rid of me." She huffed and crossed her arms while glaring deadly at me. I looked at her and grin sheepishly, showing off my not-so-white teeth. "I'm staying." What? No!

"You can't do that! I mean, your mom will be worried.." I added the last sentence quickly after I realized that I'm actually really kicking her out. She looked at me unbelievably, and then stood up on her feet. I let out a sigh of relief, finally, time for my nap.

"You are the worst best friend on earth." She said faking hurt while brushing away her imaginary tears.

"I love you." I grinned. With that, I sent her to the front door and saw her left the neighbourhood with her expensive motorbike. I remember when she saved her money for the whole 2 years just to buy that stupid moving thing.

Before I could turn around and get into my house back, someone called out to me. I searched for the voice and noticed Sean who is in his front yard. He is crouching and is stroking his dog which is in front of him. I huffed. I hate yelling.

"What." I yelled, well not really.

"Have a nice nap." He also yelled but better than mine, while waving his hand to me with that stupid grin of his. I just gave him a small fake smile and got into my house.


Heyya! Whoever is reading this and loving it, I love you!

Until next time! Xo

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