Support Black Love

By supportblacklove

257 16 1

Black Love is beautiful and should be all over the wattpad community. If you would like to contribute open th... More

Welcome to Support Black Love

More Information.

115 6 0
By supportblacklove

Contest Process

Being that the first chapter was just an introduction I'm sure you all still have a lot of questions on how the judging will work. In order to be a contestant you must complete the form in the external link or in the bio, make sure it says "contestant questionnaire" or you will be applying for the wrong thing.

Step One: One of the judges will be assigned to read 3 pages of your story. Once they are finished they will send me the following filled out based on your story: 

description: 0/5

title: 0/5

cover: 0/5

plot: 0/20

spelling errors/grammar: 0/10

character development:  0/5

uniqueness: 0/20

constructive criticism:

Final: 0/100

Step Two: The following day I should have the information and will be deciding who will win based on what you have been judged on and your final score.

Step Three: If you have won I will send you a message to congratulate you and your story will be shared by the judges, you will receive a shout out, your story will be located in our bio, and you will be given a sticker to add to your book cover. (Possibly picking 3 winners) 

Keep in mind that at least 6 books will be judged (depending on the amount of judges) and each judge will get to read one story each. I will be making the final decision based on the little rubric.

Reading List

Just so no one is confused, if you apply to be on the reading you still can sign up for the contest. Just know that the two are completely different. 

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