Eternal love, Princess of Ash...

By Leoscrush1204

623K 12.4K 1K

"Oh my what a happy coincidence!!" He cheers looking back at Alec as I slip my hand out of his and step back... More

Guess Im it?
Not a horrible๐Ÿ˜
(New story)THE STORM
Authors note


4K 109 6
By Leoscrush1204

"You are fierce. You're a survivor.
You're a fighter through and through. Little brave breathe.
There is a warrior in you."


( they shut Polyvore down!!😭😭😭 all my sets gone!! Never to be seen again! But anyways this isn't my set so all credit to the designer! Just imagine it with out the purse)

   I sat at the small table listening as the pencil scraped across the paper. It was quite but unlike the day before it wasn't uncomfortable or tense it was just quite. Bella sat across from me writing something down on a small piece of paper very quickly. Snap.
    " Shit." She mumbles as she lifts up the end of the pencil to her line of vision the lead snapped off only hanging on by a thread. "What's bothering you." I sigh in boredom leaning on one hand while I levitate some marbles Reneesme left on the table in the other. " Nothing." She sighs getting up and speeding over to the sharpener before plotting back down in the seat.
    " Sure. " I roll my eyes sarcasm dripping in ever sound."What's on your mind?" I know better than to try and look as Bella was immune to both me and Edward.
    " Can you forgive them?" She blurts out and the marbles in my hand suddenly drop to the tiled floor bouncing back up slightly before crashing down again and rolling away. I glare harshly at the retreating balls and watch as they slowly cave in before crumbling into metal flakes.
    " Isabella I'm unfortunately here to inform you that no I can never fully forgive them not after just five years." My voice is monotone as I slip into my comfort zone of Anastasia Volturi someone no one can touch and someone everyone fears. " Why not?" She sits up and asks me calmly leaning forward slowly as if she could see past my thick twisted veil I've created. I look away not quite sure why I'm stunned into silence and not able to retaliate like I usually do.
    " Whenever you're scared you hide behind that wall." She didn't back down even when I harshly glare at her. ' Shut up..' She doesn't smirk like I expect her to do in fact she only shakes her head and leans back into the chair. " I'm worried about you Anna." I pause knowing what she's thinking as so have I for the past 78 hours I've been away from home. It's been too quite from our secret enemies and I didn't like it. It felt like the calm before to storm and I was constantly on edge feeling as if someone would jump out of nowhere and put the Cullen's in danger.
    Holland may be my protector but he wasn't theirs and I subconsciously took the role on. Secretly checking up in their minds making sure they were safe and out of harms reach. " I'll be fine. " I cross my legs and place my hands in my lap clenching them into fists not showing my true emotions.
    " Why can't you forgive them? " she didn't look away from the window she was looking out of but her words were like a slap to the face. " Stop." I growl slightly my hands gripping tightly onto each other. " Are you truly mad at them? " I grind my teeth slightly and look away. Outside a roar of thunder shakes the ground before a bright streak of lightning flashes in the sky.
    " Or are you scared to forgive them?" My eyes harden and I snap my head towards her to meet her golden eyes head on. " Because if you forgive them then those people can use it against you." She finishes and I can feel my walls cracking slightly.
    " Anastasia." I look away from her piercing gaze to Holland who stood at the back door his hair damp from the pouring rain. " The twins are 30 minutes away." I can't bring myself to smile so I nod at him standing up and smooth my skirt down. " Dismissed Holland." I growl hoarsely walking away from the table and towards the living room entrance.
    " Don't run away from us Anastasia. We can help just. let us." Bella stands up from the sound of the chair scraping against the tiles. " No." I glare at her from over my shoulder. " This isn't your war to fight it's mine." Turning back I place my hand on the railing of the stairs when a hand gently sets itself on my shoulder.
      " You don't have to fight it alone." She whispers hoarsely and I sigh slightly in exhaustion and slightly from annoyance. " Drop it Bella. " I shake her hand off and climb up the stairs but with my luck, I just had to bump into all of the Cullen's in the hall listening into the conversation. Alice grips onto Jasper as she holds a hand up to her mouth, Rose looks at me in shock along with Emmett who looks pissed off, Esme and Carlisle both look down in shame and Edward leans against the hall looking off to the side.
    " Anastasia.." Rose whispers in disbelief and I can't take their stares. I can't take this feeling of sadness and fear, the fear of killing them just with my presence and love. Sadness because I know I'll never be able to be their little Annie again no matter how hard I try.
    " Don't. Don't say anything ..." I grind out before turning on my heels and speed down the stairs and out of the house Bella yelling after me. My heels don't have a chance to sink into the mud as I race over the ground my wet hair flowing behind me. 'You're just going to get them killed.'
     I clench my eyes shut and immediately images of Bella,Rose, Alice,Emmett,Jasper, Edward, Reneesme, Esme, and Carlisle all dead ripped apart because of me.
     ' You're going to kill them all...' A tear slips down my cheek as I come face to face with my worst fear. Alec could die...because of me. My mind flashes back to how empty he looked and how easily he could have been ripped away from me by those twins.
     I'm shaken out of my thoughts by a large mass slamming into my side and causing me to go flying back. I quickly get up and glare harshly at my attacker. " Leave." I snap my brown hair sticking to my neck and face as the wind whips around us and the thunder clapping above our heads. ' No. ' the large brown wolf snarls at me.
     " Go home, Andrew. And don't look back." I growl turning about to take off again when he roars at me. ' NO!! ' his thoughts scream causing me to wince slightly. " I'm not holding back." My gaze darkens as I realize what he wants even after five years my brother is predictable.
    ' I'm going to rip you apart!!' He charges towards me but I hold my ground ready to take the force head on.

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