Perfectly in Love

By romanticcoincidence

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Chapter One

Chapter Two

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By romanticcoincidence

"Shit shit shit I'm going to be so late." I ran frantically toward the building. 

I woke up late because my alarm decided to crap out on me, and I may or may not have been watching Pretty Little Liars Season 4 all night... but that is beside the point. What's even worse is that even at 8 o'clock in the morning, it's ungodly hot. This kind of weather should be illegal.

Suddenly, I see a random guy intersecting my direction of travel. "Watch out!!" I yelled, running full speed and trying to stop myself. He needs to move before I T-bone him. He turned around looking surprised, and stood still. Didn't I say to watch out? I ran around him and continued to my destination. He yelled after me, but I didn't bother to look back. My right foot was already in the building.

When I got to the office, I checked the clock and it says I made it with 3 minutes to spare. 

"Busy morning?" Monica, my coworker and friend, asked.

"Something like that." I said, still trying to catch my breath. 

The rest of the morning went on like usual, me doing my mundane tasks. Except I was thinking about that guy I almost ran into. I didn't get a good look at his face, but from what I did see, he was cute. Like, totally-my-type cute. His blonde hair shone in the sunlight. I wonder if he works here? I thought, But I've never seen him around...

And there he is. Standing at the entrance of the office, looking around as if he was searching for someone.

You know those movie scenes where the female protagonist sees the perfect guy and everything else just melts away and there are clouds everywhere and unicorns prancing? Yeah, that was happening to me. He is literally perfect. He has short blonde hair that swept to the side, and he's wearing a blue pinstripe shirt tucked into black fitted slacks. And he is walking this way. Why is he walking this way? Maybe he knows Monica. Nope, he just walked by her desk. He is definitely walking this way. Stop staring!

He stopped in front of my desk, a slight smile on his face. "Hi." he said, "I'm the guy from this morning."

"I- I know." I said, looking down. Idiot! Why did I stutter? I felt blood rushing to my face. Stop blushing! 

"I think you dropped this, Kaylee Jane Smith." He handed me my driver's license.

"My driver's license? I must've dropped it while I was runnng..." I felt my cheeks getting hotter, "Oh my gosh thank you so much." I looked up, and our eyes met for the first time. His eyes are a mixture of blue and green, and they're gorgeous. He was gorgeous. 

"You're welcome." he said, his smile getting bigger, "and watch where you're going next time."

As he turned to walk away, I yelled, "Wait!" That was louder than I expected, oops. "What is your name?"

"It's Jake," he said, "See you around!"

After he left the bulding, I exhaled hugely. Apparently I forgot how to breath. "Hey Monica, how come I never see Jake in this office?" I asked, trying to remain calm.

"Oh you don't know? This company has 2 parts. He works at the other office, but it's really close. Just down that hallway." Monica explained.

"Okay thanks." I immediately started brainstorming reasons for going to the other office. It cannot be obvious. I thought, Maybe I'll start using the bathrooms in the other office.

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