Gilmore Girls: One Shots/Stor...

By amethystjewel04

9.4K 211 95

Ideas for upcoming stories(maybe) If there is a One Shot that you would like to become book, or to continue o... More

Valentine's in the Vineyard
A Different Beginning
A Band Of Girls
Unexpected Help
New Lifestyle; New Love
Yale Alumni Party
You Are The Reason
Last Shot
Past Comes To Haunt

A Path Turned Difficult

2.6K 26 15
By amethystjewel04

I dont know what to call this also I tried to make it go one way but it took a different turn as I wrote. Also, I just got done with testing! Well, I have one more left and I have some homework to do but ya know I had an idea so I wrote like half of this at my school party.


This is where Rory is at the internship at the Stanford Gazette with Mitchum Huntzberger and tells her she "didn't have it" but that didn't happen in this one shot. Anyway, stop reading this and read the story!


Rory was sitting in a chair next to Mitchum with her notepad and pen. They were in a meeting where all the editors and head of the Gazette talked about the layout and stories. It was free for all idea brainstorming meeting.

Rory was taking notes, she wanted to speak, but she didn't think it was her place.

That's when Joe, a friend Rory made after a week of being there, asked for her opinion.

"Rory? Do you have any thoughts for the byline?" Joe asked.

Rory's head snapped up, Joe gave her a knowing look.

He knew she had some ideas, a lot of very good ideas.

"Um... Well, there is a new sanctuary being built near Cape Cod for the bottlenose dolphins. There have been many fishermen on boat going out and hunting them, so Aqua Life is trying to save them from being extinct. My dad donated a lot of money for the cause and his Law Firm sponsors it, along with Gilmore Insurance." Rory said smiling.

"Hmm... saving the dolphins. I like it." Sarah, the features editor said.

"Who is you dad? If you don't mind me asking. You only mentioned his law firm." David, the layout editor asked.

"Oh, I don't mind at all. My dad is Christopher Hayden." Rory responded.

She momentarily forgot that her boyfriend's father was sitting next to her.

"Your father is Christopher Hayden? Son of Straub and Francine Hayden?" Mitchum said with blank expression on his face.

Rory stiffened.

"Yes, that's him." Rory said with a short nod.

"Hm." Mitchum hummed as he started to think.

"If your family is very high society, how come we don't see you around at events and all that?" Kenneth, the sports and entertainment editor questioned.

"Oh well, my parents wanted to raise me in, but out of society. So I halfly live in Stars Hollow, a small town, and Hartford. I'm going to Yale right now though."

They all nod, but Mitchum is still frozen in his seat.

"Alright, well meeting dismissed." Mitchum said standing up and exiting leaving everyone in the room still.

Joe makes sure that he was out of ear shot and then Joe turned to Rory.

"Do you have the story?" Joe asked.

Everyone looked confused.

"Right here Joe, and here is some pictures too." Rory said handing him a red folder.

Joe takes it and smiles.

Rory then gets up and leaves to hurry and catch up with Mitchum.

Joe reads through her story and smiles.

Everyone is on the end of their seats.

"Can I read it?" Sarah asked.

Joe then hands the papers to Sarah and the pictures to Camille, the photographer.

"Wow these are amazing pictures! Even better than mine!" She exclaims as she looks through them.

"She is an amazing writer. This is definitely front page worthy." Sarah says going to the second page. Sarah looked at the bottom of the second page and saw in Rory's beautiful script handwriting, the words You may edit as much as needed, this was a great opportunity. Thank you. :)

Sarah smiled.

When everyone in the office read it, besides Mitchum, they put it as the byline.

Rory enters her dorm that she shares with Paris, walks to her room and falls onto her bed. She was exhausted.

This is what happened when she left the meeting room to catch up to Mitchum...

As Rory caught to Mitchum, her phone rang.

"Hello?" Rory asked as she follows from a distance.

"Hey kiddo, listen I know you have your internship right now. I'm very proud of you, but I need you come see me right now. I now I shouldn't say anything over the phone, but I need you to be heiress of the Hayden fortune. You'll be taking over the Law Firm when you graduate. You can do some writing, please come to my office as soon as you can." Chris told her in a frantic voice.

Rory started to get concerned.

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Thanks kiddo, see you soon. Bye."


Rory hangs up to her phone, and rushes to Mitchum.

"Mr. Huntzberger, may I take one minute of your time?" Rory asked politely.

"Yes, you may." Mitchum says while he continues to walk.

"I'm quiting the internship." Rory says a bit too bluntly.

Mitchum stops in his tracks, and looks over at her.

"And why is that?" He asked her.

"I have unfortunately have some issues to deal with right now pertaining to family. I have to speak with my father like right now and will not be perusing to be a journalist. I appreciate the opportunity of being your intern, but my path lies else where. Now if you'll excuse me I have to pack up and go." Rory says and swiftly turns to head back to her desk and pack up.

As she packs up her desk, Logan walks in.

"Hey Ace, where you going?" He asked curiously.

"Oh um... I'm leaving the Gazette." Rory said not really sure how to respond.


"Ugh, fine. I quit the internship." Rory said.

As she said that Camille was walking by.

"Your quiting the internship?" Camille asked confused.

When Camille asked this a chain of the same question from everyone else was thrown at her.

"Yeah, my path lies else where. That and I got a very concerning call from my dad. So..." Rory sighs.

Logan gives her a look of confusion.

Rory then gets a text.

She sighs.

"Listen. I gotta go, this just turned into a very urgent matter."

"Okay, I'll see you tonight." Logan gave her a short but sweet kiss on the lips.

Rory smiled, "K, I'll see you tonight. Bye."

Rory grabbed the rest of her stuff, but left a piece of paper behind without knowing.

Logan grabbed it and unfolded it.

It read:

Pro/Cons to be the Hayden Heiress and future corporate lawyer of Hayden Law

He could tell is was unfinished by how there wasn't much written on it.

He then stuffed it in his jacket pocket and headed to have lunch with his dad.

He was definitely not looking forward to it, at all.

Rory drove up to Hayden Law, got out and started heading up to her dad's office.

Once she entered she saw her dad, mom, and both sets of grandparents.

"What's wrong?" Rory asked her dad.

"You have to get married in three years to get the Law Firm and officially be the Hayden Heiress." Chris explained to his daughter.

Rory just stood there shocked.

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