Uzumaki Siblings! Protectors...

By ZyraUzumaki035

22.2K 445 83

Naruto and his twin sister Kazumi, are the one of the last Uzumaki and Namikaze's left. Sasuke, is a differe... More

Chapter One: The Beginning
Chapter Two: I Like You.....Okay
Chapter Three: Recap (Hokage and Jonin POV)
Chapter Four: Passing The Graduation Exam
Chapter Five: Kazumi's Little Secret
Chapter Six: Team 7 Formed
Chapter Seven: A Journey To The Land Of Waves
Chapter Eight: Kakashi's Team?
Chapter Nine: Battle At The Bridge...AND GETTING A BOOK LIKE KAKASHI'S!
Chapter Ten: Time To Myself.....I Guess
Chapter Eleven: He Knows.....And Something About Kazumi
Chapter Twelve: Taking The Jounin Exams
Chapter Thirteen: Picking My Future Team
Chapter Fourteen: Team 12 Picked?
Chapter Fifteen: Team 12 Formed
Check Out New Book!
Chapter Sixteen: Why Does That Cat Keep Running Away?
Chapter Seventeen: Is That Sensei?
Chapter Eighteen: Lukario and Gin Have Abs?!
I'm so sick and sorry
Chapter Nineteen: "Killer Five? More Like Sh**ty Five"
Chapter Twenty-One: Chunnin Exams Part One
Sick again?
Chapter Twenty-Two: His Promise
Check New Books
Chapter Twenty-Three: Sasuke's Crush
Chapter Twenty-four: "SENSEI!!!"
Chapter Twenty-five: The Preliminaries; The Break-Up
Taking Short Breaks
Chapter Twenty-six: The Preliminaries; Lukario Versus Gin
Chapter Twenty-seven: This Isn't Goodbye

Chapter Twenty: Good Luck

249 7 0
By ZyraUzumaki035

Kazumi POV

     This is the day. The day that all Genins are waiting for. I teleported to Training Ground 12. I saw my team.

They're wearing a different outfit this time. I smiled at them. "Are you guys ready?" -me

"Yes sensei!" -Lukario

"Yup!" -sheila

"Sensei? Who are the two that's gonna be separated from us?" -zara

"Yuki and Lukario. You both are perfect for this. You both are strong. Lukario knows some of his clan's justus. And Yuki can take out almost half of an army. I trust you two. And the other three of course." -m

"Thanks sensei!" -Yuki

"Now. If you encounter a blonde idiot. A pink haired girl. And an emo looking boy. Don't attack them. Only attack them if they treat you like an enemy. And. You are a team in this. Sheila. Gin. Zara. If the three of you encounter Yuki and Lukario, don't fight. You are still a team. And always will be." -Me

"Yes sensei!" -Sheila

"Now. Let's get you guys to the academy." I said and I teleported all five of them there. Yuki and Lukario were swaying back and forth. I chuckled at that.

They're still not used in being teleported.

I heard a crash.

I saw my ex-team. Sasuke and Lee are battling! "What a drag." I muttered and teleported between them.

I held both of their foot and knocked them away. "What is the meaning of this?! The first test hasn't started yet, yet you two are fighting! Do you want to be disqualified?!" -me

"I'm sorry!" -Lee

"SISSY!" -Naruto

"Kazumi. He said that he wanted to battle." -Sasuke

"And you gave him a battle? Let me be blunt. You'll automatically lose. You're a Ninjutsu and Genjutsu user. Lee is an advance Taijutsu user. You don't know Taijutsu better than Lee." I crossed my arms and sighed. "Guy. Look out for your student." -Me

"Sorry Kazumi. And Lee! You know better! That's a forbidden move!" -Guy

"No way! Lee?!" -Me

"I'm sorry sensei." -Lee

"Guy. You taught him that?! That move could've killed Sasuke!" -Me

"K-killed?" -Sasuke

"Yes. Killed. That move is almost forbidden. The one who knows that move, can only use it to his or her other villages." -me

"Thank goodness you stopped it in time." I glared at him. Then my hair went upwards. "WHY YOU LITTLE-YOU COULD'VE STOPPED IT YOURSELF! THAT'S YOUR STUDENT, IS IT NOT?!" -Me

"A-AH! Sorry!" -Guy

"Jeez." I looked back to my little team. I smiled at them. "Good luck in the exams. Yuki. Lukario. You two. You need to be careful in the Second Exam. Stick together guys. You're a team. Do NOT go against each other. Oh yeah. If a grass ninja. Scream at the top of your lungs. Scream 'sensei' if you want to summon me." -Me

"Why sensei? Is there something wrong?" -Gin

"I know, we shouldn't trust ninjas from other villages, but this" -Sheila

"I am looking for a certain someone, and stop him. Before things get even worse." -Me

"Okay sensei." -Zara

"Anyway. This is my ex-team. Like I said before. Encounter them. Be nice to them. Attack you. Attack them. Okay?" -Me

"Yup!" -team

"Anyway. Go on ahead. Go to Room 301. I'll catch up. I just need to see Gramps Hokage. Oh. Big bro. Wanna came with me?" -Me

"Yeah! It's been a while since I last saw Gramps!" -Naruto

"Let's go!" -Me

"Nuh uh! Be little again!" -Naruti

"Fine." I said and transformed into my eight year old self. Then big bro hugged me. It's a little uncomfortable. Since I'm little than my new team. "Let's get flowers. How about the Yamanaka flower shop?" -Me

"Sure! Let's get ramen next!" -Naruto

"Naruto. You know that you need to take the exams to become Chunin." -Me

"That can wait!" -Naruto

"Fine." I said and we teleported away.

Yuki POV

     Sensei and the blonde kid, I think, Naruto. Yeah. Naruto. They teleported away and we sighed. "Let's go!" -Lukario

"Oi! Lukario! How can you be so happy all the time. YOU'RE A NARA FOR KAMI'S SAKE! And Naras are all, lazy, troublesome and sometimes emo!" -Sheila

"Oi! Not all Naras are like that!" -me

"And how can you be so sure?!" -Sheila

"Because I'm not like the Naras!" I sweat dropped. He's right though.

I looked at my sensei's team. "Hi! I'm Yuki Hamura! What are yours?" -me

"Sakura Haruno." -Sakura

"Sasuke Uchiha." -Sasuke

"Hey. Zara. What relative are you to Sakura?" -me

"She's my cousin!" -Sakura

"Thank goodness you're less annoying." -Zara

"Hey! I'm not that annoying!" I saw Zara look at Sakura with a questioning look. I sweat dropped even more. "Sooooo! How's Kazumi?" -Sasuke

"Huh? Sensei's great! She's the best sensei!" -Me

"She's sometimes tired. But she only shrugs it off." -Gin

"She trains us to the max!" -Lukario

"She's cool. She's one of the most coolest Jounins we know of." -Zara

"Anyway. Let's go to Room 301!" -Lukario

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