The New Girl

By GleeForever213

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This is the first book in the 'New Girl' series! I'm not good at summaries so here is the disclaimer. Disclai... More

The New Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Christmas Break Part 1
Christmas Break Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Sequel Info!

Chapter 18

2.3K 77 19
By GleeForever213

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Brenda's POV

"Hey, babe." Sam said kissing me before walking into his house. His mom was in the kitchen cooking. Mama walked in there to help her. I sat down with everyone else in the living room. Mary had asked mama if she wanted to bring some home movies since they were going to watch some before we ate. She found one and brought it with us. Speaking of mama, her and Mary came in and Mary said,

"The turkey will be done in an hour. Who is ready to watch home movies?" Dwight put one of our home movies in it and pressed play. It was before Kevin and I were born, and Chris was 5. Him, mama and Daddy were I a store. Daddy had the camera and was pointing it at Chris.

"Don't look at me!" He said and held his hand up. Mama laughed.

"Come on, say hi to the camera."

"Don't look at me!" Then a woman came up to them and started talking about how cute he was and he said again, "Don't look at me!" And held his hand up.

The next video

It was when Chris found out mama was pregnant with us. He sat in the chair looking pissed.

"Chris didn't like the idea of having a brother and sister." Mama laughed.

"I'm not going to like them."

"Yes you will, Chris."

"Nope!" He got up and walked to his room. Mama and daddy looked at each other.

The next video

Me and Jimmy were 5 and Chris was 11 .I was standing in the middle of the room, just standing there. Chris hadn't seen me yet, so when he saw me he freaked out. I stood there for about five more minutes until he finally noticed me.

"Ah!" He screamed and fell out of the chair. I started giggling. "You little bugger! Why'd you do that?"

"'Cus it was funny." I kept giggling. Then he started tickling me.

The last video

It was my and Kevin's 10th Birthday and most of our friends were there. Kevin took a hand full of cake and threw it at me. I gasped as it hit me.

"You butt hole!" I picked up some cake and threw it at him. It hit him square in the face. Then everyone was throwing some kind of food. Mama started yelling at everyone and our friends left.

"You two are going to clean this up." We groaned and started cleaning up. When we finished mama told us to go outside so she could spray us with water to clean us off.

Dwight put one of theirs in and pressed play.

The first video

It was when Sam was 14 and he was playing basketball with his dad.

"Come on dad! I know you can do better than this." Dwight went to throw the ball and Sam blocked it.

"Your getting better son." Sam just grinned.

"I remember what happens in this one." Sam said.


"You'll see."

Dwight got the ball and threw it back to Sam, but Sam wasn't paying attention. He was trying to get Stacy to go over to Mary.

"Stacy, go back to mom so you don't get-BAM!" The ball hit Sam right in the face. He grabbed his nose and looked at Stacy," So you don't get hit like I just did." She ran over to Mary as fast as she could.

"I'm so sorry Sam! Are you okay?" Dwight asked dropping his water bottle and running over to Sam. Sam moved his hand and his lip and nose was bleeding. He spit the blood out and looked at his dad.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I looked at Sam like he was crazy.

"Sam, you just made out with the basketball, your not okay." Dwight pulled Sam into the house and Mary, who still had the camera, followed them. Dwight pushed Sam into a chair and got a lot of tissue. The camera zoomed in on Sam's face.

"Mom, please get the camera out of my face."

"Oops, sorry."

"I seriously hope you never show this video to any of my girlfriends."

"You have to get one first!" Stevie said and ran out of the room. Sam looked at him like 'What the hell?'

"Where did he come from? I didn't even see him come in."

"He's been in here the whole time."

"I'm going to lay down." Sweat and all, he went to his room.

"That was Sam's first kiss."Dwight snickered.

"Dad!" Dwight just laughed as the next video came on.

Sam was sitting in the passenger seat and his mom was driving. Sam was just staring at the camera. Then he started smacking his chest.

"This is when he got his wisdom teeth out." Mary said laughing.

"Sam, do you need to burp?" He just kept smacking his chest. "Your scaring me, do you need to burp?" He stopped and looked at her weird. She laughed.

"Uh, uh, uh," He said.

"Look at me, Sam. I think they put lip stick on you."

"Uh, uh, uh uh, uh uh,"

"Open your mouth," He looked at the camera and said,

"Ah!" But couldn't open his mouth. He put his hand on her face and she said,

"You love me I know honey." Then he started making weird sounds. And then he started trying to sing in a high voice. All he was saying was,

"Eh, eh, eh, eh." Then he started neighing like a horse.

"What's your favorite song honey?"

"Uh, I came in like a wrecking ball! I came in like a wrecking ball!" He picked up the tissue box and threw it at the dash board. Then he started making truck sounds.

"What's that?" He said pointing at his band aid.

"That's your boo boo. Here let me take it off, 1, 2, 3!" He looked at her. She said it again and his eye's widened. She ripped it off.

"Uhh." She laughed.

"I came in like a wrecking ball!"

"That can not be your favorite song." He started posing and she said,

"Your beautiful honey."

"I'm beautiful!" He said in a high voice. Then he burped.

"Say excuse me, Sam." He looked at the camera.

"Excuse me! Excuse me!" He leaned his seat back and put his feet up on the dash.

"We need to get you some soup, what kind do you want?"

"That good good."

"You want good soup?"

"Uh uh, I got that good good." He started trying to snap his fingers.

"I couldn't snap!" Then the camera turned to his feet.

"Did you really wear that shoe?" He made a sound.

"Both of 'em!" The screen went blank for a second then it had him sitting on a couch.

"I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful," He pointed at the camera. "Your beautiful. "It went blank again then came on.

"Okay so, I'm not as messed up anymore, and I can barely talk. And I look like an elephant. I look like one of them girls on Instagram taking pictures." He made a peace sign and did a kissy face and the screen went blank.

Everyone was laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh my god, Sam! That was really-I don't know!" I exclaimed and buried my head in his chest still laughing. I heard him laughing to.

"I must've been on a lot of that 'Good Good' then."

"Alright y'all. The food's done. Lets eat!"

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