Personal Experience

By TSDBlackBelt

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Written by @AndreaLotter and myself. This is a story about a young girl who knows the boys of One Direction;... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Twenty-One

160 0 0
By TSDBlackBelt

*Colleen's P.O.V.*

As I sit here in Harry's lap I stare at Andrea in complete disbelief. I never thought she would ever want to go public with Niall. Harry and I technically aren't even official. He still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend even though it's sort of implied. He knows how in the past I live when it comes to relationships. I start to play with his fingers when I say, "Look. I've always wanted to meet Jade, Leigh-Ann and Jesy. I still can't believe we haven't met them while knowing Per for over three years now. I've listened to their music since around a year after they won because I didn't really know who they were until I got heavily involved with you guys. I love their music."

Perrie looks at me in awe, "See guys. We can't discourage our little girl," she says teasingly to me.

"What if we work out a deal?" I ask.

"Like what?" Louis replies.

"That if it gets too much for us we can leave. I mean just Kaitlyn , Andrea and me. You guys wouldn't have to."

"Remember what I told you, Love," says Harry, "You aren't going anywhere without me." I laugh at his sincerity.

"And what happens if you get mobbed?" Continues Louis.

"I guess I can't really answer that..." I drop Harry's hands, but he begins to run his fingers across my stomach.

"That's what I thought." I look at him hurt. I know he's the protective, big brother I never had, but I don't like being treated like this. I fight back the tears I want to cry so badly.

"Louis," says Niall, "We get that you want to protect them, but they need freedom at the same time. How else are they going to get used to it?" Louis doesn't answer.

"Okay, I think it's time we all go to bed," Harry says a little angered. We clean up our spot along the beach. I watch everyone seeing how drained they all look. "Come on," Harry says pulling me out of my thoughts. He crouches down signalling for me to hop onto his back. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. My eyes flutter when I rest my head against him.

I wake up the next morning snuggly in mine and Harry's bed while he rubs my arms with his large hands. I push myself back closer to him comforted by the warmth his body generates. He doesn't say anything, but starts to hum what I have concluded to be our song; Irresistible. I shut my eyes once again to drift back into dream land.

When I wake up again Harry is no longer in bed with me, and I hear running water coming from the bathroom. I slowly pull my body from the comfort of the sheets. I take my cell phone out to text the girls if they want to get lunch since it's almost noon. After telling Harry I'm going to lunch with the girls and get dressed I head down to the patio where meals are served. Harry lets me go by myself, and I successfully make it to them. I'm very excited to hear how Andrea's night turned out since we didn't talk about it last night. The others are all here before me. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," they tease. "When was the last time you slept this late?" asks Eleanor.

I shrug, "It's been too long."

"And Harry even let you come down by yourself?" Perrie jokes, so I laugh with her.

After we order, and thankfully they're still serving breakfast, El immediately asks, "Alright Andrea, spill. What happened last night?!"

She chuckles taking a sip of her coke, "Ladies, you should be ashamed. Did you plan this lunch to get me to talk?" she sips her drink again; "You should know I don't kiss and tell."

"Come on, A," I whine a little.

"Okay, okay, I'll give in," she laughs once more. "Well, after Harry talked to me, you guys dolled me up and brought me downstairs I couldn't help to stare at Niall."

"Yea, yea, we know that part," says Kaitlyn impatiently.

"All I wanted was to be in his arms again. Over dinner he wouldn't stop telling me how much he loves, cares for me and adores me." We all "awe." "I forgave him right away. How can I hate him when he pulls his puppy dog eyes?" she laughs more. "We went on a stroll after dinner then made our way back to our room, and he sang to me. Our song, "Dead Sea" by the Lumineers. We chose this song a few months ago because I would constantly play it when he was around; sing and hum it all the time. It's such an uplifting son too. Now he sings it all the time when I feel even slightly depressed."

"Go on," I say smiling.

"And it was only round one before we came back down to you guys." All of us go into giggle fits.

"That Irishman knows just how to win your heart back. He just needs to smile and play his guitar making you putty in his hands," Perrie teases.

"I know," Andrea jokingly pouts crossing her arms. "I hate that he has that effect on me." We all laugh once again.

After our food is brought out I say, "So girls can I ask you something...?"

"Sure, baby, what's up?" El responds.

"Well, Harry and I have been talking..."

"About what...?" They all eye me.

"Um... Well..." this topic is still a delicate one for me. "About you know... Um... Having sex..." I watch the girls’ faces change from normal to utter concern; Andrea chokes on her drink nearly spitting it out.

"Are sure you want that?" Kaitlyn asks extremely concerned.

"Isn't it too soon?" Perrie adds.

"I trust Harry. A lot. I think I'm doing the right thing," I say shyly. "I just really don't know what to expect, I guess. I love him, and I want him to be my first. Well, my first after what happened..." I won't look at them

"Sweaty," says El, "It’s not something you can plan. It's something that just happens," she places her hand on my back.

"I guess the only thing I'm worried about is that he might be too rough..."

"My first impression of Liam was this dominant sex animal, but he is gentle, he’s never not been gentle. Our first time was magical, but intense. Every part of him contradicted itself. He's so sweet, humble and considerate, yet at the same time, he's a headstrong, super tender, delicate guy who usually only makes love. He whispers sweet nothings in my ear. And, when he really gets into something, he's going to make it happen. He's really in to intimate things; he'll massage me before and after we sleep together. Or sometimes it's just kissing out for as long as possible before one of us can't take it anymore," Kaitlyn gushes over a Liam.

"You're forgetting vocal and loud," Andrea teases.

"Oh please, like you and Niall are innocent. I have a hard time believing that."

"At least Niall and I have the decency to not be around others when we plan to be loud." We all laugh as Kaitlyn blushes.

"So he's not as sweet and innocent as everyone thinks he is?"

"He has his moments," Andrea winks at me. "Niall is Niall. What can I say? We're just really comfortable around each other. Niall has an amazing body, and he absolutely loves when I do the little things to acknowledge it. He's the most enthusiastic guy I've ever met. He's eager to try anything and everything. And when he finds something he likes, he'll stick to it for a while. It's just so easy to be comfortable around him. Because without ever using words he makes me feel so perfect, so desirable and pretty and sexy. Like I’m everything he wants."

"You are everything he wants. There's no doubt about that," Perrie says. "With Zayn, he is a complete mix in the bedroom," she laughs. "He can be very dominant when he wants to be. But, he can also be very sweet and caring and playful. When he's dominant, sometimes he can get scary, but I love it all the same. He will let me take charge. But it's a rare occasion. When he's playful he likes to bite, as I'm sure harry does," she winks at me and I giggle. "He loves to play music in the background while we make love. He never forces me to do anything for him even though I can tell when he wants to. So I'll please him in more ways than one." I look at her scared. "We don't just stick with home runs," she says slyly.

"You told them what the bases are?!" I almost yell at Andrea and Kaitlyn.

"They kept pestering us about it!"

"So yea, we know what you and Haz did," Perrie answers my unasked question. I sit there glaring at them all blushing horribly. "Anyways, sometimes he'll pull me up to dance to set the mood, but as the night passes it usually isn't slow anymore. When he's finished he loves to look me up and down pleased with his work. Then he'll trace his fingers over my body to calm me down. He loves to tease, but two can play at that game. We use more than position as well. He doesn't like it the same every time. He and I are usually quiet as well. And though he may be rough, he still thinks about me first. He makes sure I'm getting pleasure out of everything we do." We all stare at Perrie never expecting her to tell us all of this.

"I guess it's my turn then," jokes El. "Louis loves to make me beg. Granted now, it doesn’t work. All the time,” she winks at us. “He loves to be rough as well. But that’s only when he’s trying to get me to tell him what I want. He loves it when I tease him as much as I love when he teases me. Most of the time he likes to chase me around the house or wherever we are,” El giggles. “And when he catches me, all he does is kiss me. Little pecks here and there. He does like to go all night, and all day if he gets the chance. Like when he’s on break. He loves to grip as tight as possible; enough to leave bruises.” I can’t believe the four of them are telling me so many details into their sex lives. “What I think to be kind of the greatest thing about our sex lives is that I can barely walk the next day,” she blushes. “He does make sure I get my fill as well. Actually, other than him loving foreplay he still makes sure I’m pleasured. Just like Zayn with Per,” she nods towards her. “He really does know what he’s doing. And the two of us love explore different things. Positions and other things,” she takes a sip of her wine. “He also lets me play music which he seems to always love. Louis also knows that he’s good at what he does in the bedroom, so he does get cocky sometimes. But I can bring him back down. I love it when he smugly smiles afterwards, though, when he knows he can control me.”

I sit here looking between them all. I can’t believe how detailed they’ve all been. “Wow.”

“Colleen,” says El; her hand never leaving my back, “These are our boys. Don’t expect any of this from Harry.”

“But what if he becomes rough when I’m not ready?"

They all laugh. “Honey,” says Perrie, “Personally, I don’t think Harry would ever be rough with you. He would only do what you could handle.”

“And I don’t think Per is saying you can’t handle it rough,” snickers Andrea, “But you know how Haz is with you. He’s gentle, caring and sweet.”

El adds, “I’ve never seen Harry so caring. You’re the first girl- first person outside of his family that he has taken such good care of.” I smile at her. "Honestly, you should have heard him while we were on your with the boys."


They all laugh, "He wouldn't shut up about you." I blush. "It got annoying..." Andrea says. "But. It also hurt to see him like that. Out of these three years of knowing him, I never saw him so sad. He hid it very well on stage too. And when you told me what happened, there were so many times I wanted to tell him so he would shut up and make you his again. Seeing him like that kind of made it easier not to tell him, though. If he knew he would have lost it. I don't think I'd ever want to see that..." I look at her heartbroken.

"So, now that we’ve told our stories, how did it feel getting Harry off, Colleen?" Eleanor asks.

"Um… I guess it was different. I don’t know what I’m supposed to compare it to…” I blush.

“How big is he?” Andrea winks. I stare at her wide eyed not knowing if I should answer this. “Colleen. I’m joking; I don’t expect you to answer that,” she pauses, “Unless you want to.” I continue to stare at her dumbfounded with my mouth agape. “But seriously, how did it feel to control him? Because he can be pretty dominant.”

“I don’t know… I’ve never touched anyone like that… It was definitely awkward even though I started to feel confident by the end of it. It didn’t take long for him to… Ya know…” Thankfully no one says it since it’s still a bit weird for me. “Um…” I start to rub the spot on my neck where Harry decided to leave a hickey as if my neck is just sore.

But they're too smart for me, "Did he leave something there?" Andrea asks slyly. I nod. "Well, let us see it."

As I’m about to answer I see the guys walking over to us. “Hello girls,” Harry says coming to me, and when he is behind me, he leans over placing his hands on either side of me onto the table. Then he kisses my neck in the exact spot he left his mark making me flinch since it’s still sore.

“What are you ladies up to?” asks Louis a little slyly.

“Oh, you know, girl talk,” replies Eleanor, “Shoes, clothes, make up, the usual.”

“Well, I hope you’re having fun,” says Liam, “We’re all heading back to the beach. You can come join us if you’d like,” he winks.

After the guys walk away I say, “That was weird…”

“Anyways,” says Perrie, “Show us the hickey.”

"It's covered in foundation."

"Not anymore," Kaitlyn winks. I blush. I take a napkin to my neck removing the last of the makeup. “I’ll kill him myself,” Kaitlyn says sternly.

“Guys…” I whine.

“Colleen!” El yells jokingly. “How could you let him do that?” she slits her eyes at me smirking.

Will the girls get their way? How about the girls conversation at lunch? ;) Don't forget to vote!!

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