Personal Experience

By TSDBlackBelt

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Written by @AndreaLotter and myself. This is a story about a young girl who knows the boys of One Direction;... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Sixteen

157 0 0
By TSDBlackBelt

*Harry’s P.O.V.*

After the girls leave we focus back on the game ahead of us. I’m surprised Louis and Zayn came to join us. It’s not like them to golf. “What brought you two out here?” I ask.

They shrug their shoulders, “Mmhmm,” says Louis. “Guess we wanted to make sure you’re doing okay.”

“I’m doing fine. What makes you think I wouldn’t be?”

“Harry,” he glares at me crossing his arms, “You know exactly why.”

I sigh staring back at him, “I’m okay. It’s hard, but I think she’s becoming happier.”

“Honest question, mate, because it’s been bugging me.”


“Have you tried to…? Ya know…?”

“I can’t believe you’re even asking that!” I yell getting looks from the other people on the course.

“Look, I’ve just been curious. You two have been starting to become more playful; and we can all see how much you want to.”

I’m starting to become more angered, “It’s none of your business…” I sigh, “But no, we haven’t,” I say quieter. “We’ve discussed it, and I really want to, but there’s no way in heaven, hell or earth I would try if she doesn't want to,” I stare down Louis.

“Okay, okay. Sorry I asked.”

“No you’re not," I glare at him. “Because you know how bad I want to,” I whisper almost lustfully glancing at Louis.

Zayn and Niall are staring at us, “Well, awkward… Let’s get back to the game…” says Niall. After this discussion, I start to become off my game. I never thought the guys would asks that; especially after everything. Yea, Colleen and I have discussed it, but I have no clue what’s going through her mind. She tells me we probably could soon, but I’m definitely not sure with her no matter how much I want to.

As Louis and Zayn somehow continue to focus on the game, Niall comes over to me as I lean against the golf cart. “Are you sure you would want to do it?” he whispers to me.

“You know I want to. That I’ve wanted to for the longest time… But I could never pressure her into that. Especially that,” I turn to him sternly.

“Then why even think about it?”

“Because I love her. Because she’s so gorgeous that it’s next to impossible for me not to think about it.”

“I think you need to take your time with it.”

“What do you know anyway? It’s not you took your time or anything!” I snap at Niall annoyed

“To tell you the truth, I waited for Andrea for about six or seven months, so I think I know a thing or two. Remember one thing Harry; showing someone how you feel doesn’t always need to involve sex. You need to gain her trust. She trusts you, but did you ever wonder how much?"

“I... I...” I tried to speak, but Niall cuts me off

“Mate, all I’m trying to say is, take your time. Andrea had this thing in her head that every guy is just out to get one thing from a girl, and I had to prove her wrong. The fact that I’m in a band didn’t help either. I know how you feel; patience is key, and believe me, it will happen when you least expect it.”

“Yea… I guess you're right, it’s just… that at….’’

"At times it’s all you can think about…’’ Niall finishes my sentence for me. I'm impressed by his maturity. Because sometimes even I wonder how Andrea lasted two years with him, and they're still going strong.

“Yeah…” I laugh feeling slightly embarrassed, but that’s why I'm thankful I have Niall. Both of us can act like kids on stage, but we can be grown men when we needed to be. Especially in situations like this. “Anyways, do you ever wonder what the girls talk about?’’

"Girl stuff,” we say at the same time.

*Colleen’s P.O.V.*

The spa was absolutely great; and something I’ve needed for a long time. Once relaxed and manicured we decide to go explore this Edwardian mansion, the great outdoors and the equally lovely interiors.

“I just can’t believe how beautiful this place is,” says Perrie.

“The countryside is just so pretty,” chimes Andrea.

“I have a question,” I say. Andrea, Perrie and Eleanor all look at me; Kaitlyn still with Liam. “How do you girls do it? Deal with the fame and all?”

“As hard as it sounds, you get used to it,” answers Eleanor.

“But what about all the hate?”

“Unfortunately, it comes with the territory. It’s a shame sometimes, but worth it in the end because we know the guys love us.” I sigh. “Colleen, don’t worry about it. Harry probably won’t tell anyone about you for a very long time. And if he tries to, the guys will probably kill him. They don’t want to see you get hurt. The fans can be pretty mean sometimes.”

“I know…” The girls continuously reassure me that everything will be okay, and things will work out between Harry and me. We head over to the hotel’s restaurant to meet up with the guys as arranged on the golf course. I order wine like always when we take our seats along with El and Per; while Andrea orders a beer. She’s the only girl I’ve ever known to like beer so much.

“So,” she says, “What do you think the guys talked about? Don’t tell me they carried on playing; especially with Louis and Zayn who don’t play.

“Niall probably talked about Derby, beer and golf,” I laugh.

“You know Louis brought football into somehow,” laughs El.

“And Harry,” they all look at me, “Probably talked about you non-stop like always.” They laugh. I blush knowing they’re probably right.

“Ha. Ha,” I reply. “I can just imagine how annoyed they probably are at him. Then you’ll get Niall running it to us, ‘GUYS! I just got a text from my favorite derby player of our generation, Stefano Eranio!’” We all burst into hysterical laughter.

“Hey girls, sorry I’m late!” Kaitlyn says as she joins our table.

“Nice of you to join us,” laughs Perrie.

“Is the room sound proof enough?” Andrea snorts.

“For your information, that’s not all we did. If you must know, Li and I tried fly fishing… That didn’t work out… Then we tried Cider Maker, but that didn’t work either…”

“Then you went to check to see if your room is soundproof?” says El being as bad as Louis.

“Jeez, El, Louis is really rubbing off on you,” I joke causing her to blush.

“Very funny, Colleen.”

“Sorry girls, you know I’m a tease.”

“In more ways than one,” Kaitlyn winks at me.

“Shut it,” I slump into the seat.

“Where are the guys?” asks Kaitlyn.

“Outside on the terrace after they golfed. You know, more ‘guy time.’” I reply.

“Probably checking out the ladies.

“Doubt that,” says Perrie, “You know we’d kill them if they were. Besides, I can see them from here, and one keeps constantly looking over,” she eyes me.

When the guys join us we immediately order our food since we’ve been waiting over an hour for them. Dinner is full of laughter, jokes and stories from the boys. “Do you remember the night when Niall and Andrea tried to get Colleen and Harry to like each other?” asks Liam. I laugh remembering the night


After I get home from the cafe my phone starts to ring; Niall’s names showing up. “What’s up, Niall?”

“Did you just get in a fight with Harry?”

“He told you already?!”

“What they hell happened?”

“How’d you even know it was me?”

“Harry told me which coffee shop he was at, and I figured it was you since that’s where you always go to study. Especially during finals.”

“Why weren’t you with him?”

“I’m with A; she was having a bad day, so I stayed with her.”

“Well, what do you want me to do about it?”

“Apologize to him.”

“Why would I do that?!”

“He said you slapped him.”

“That’s only because he kissed me! Then tried to again!”

“He what?!”

“I guess he left that part out. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Colleen, wait!” I hang up.

I couldn’t believe how cocky Harry was; the one that everyone thinks is sweet and caring. After taking a hot shower, I reheat my hot chocolate and eat my coffee cake by the fire as I study. My mind is too focused on Harry, though. The thing is he’s my favorite member of the band. The way Niall would go on and on about him made me want to meet him so badly; and I could have sworn Niall mentioned something about him wanting to meet me. But I guess he never showed him what I look like.

My phone goes off.

Niall: Come on, Colleen. Let’s figure this out. The guys and girls are coming over tomorrow. I want you to be there. I’ll even buy your favorite wine.

Me: Fine. But if he tries anything, I will beat the crap out of him.

Niall: I won’t let him.

Me: Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow night.

*Tomorrow night*

Andrea: Where are you?

Me: Still studying…

Andrea: Come on, Colleen, you said you would be here. You need a break.

Me: Okay, okay, I’ll be over!

I don’t want to go, but Andrea and Niall are going to kill me if I don’t. By nine o’clock I finally arrive at Niall’s house, not even knocking.

“Colleen!” Niall and Andrea scream; wrapping their arms around me.

“Hi, guys!” I smile.

“Everyone’s here. Even James since we haven’t seen him in a while.”

“Hi, James.” I haven’t seen him since I broke up with him.

“Hello, Colleen. How has school been going?”

“Really well. I’ll be graduating real soon!”

“That’s great!”

I take a seat next to James; the two of us being civil with one another. Half an hour later, James and I are laughing hysterically when Harry walks through the door. “What they hell is she doing here?!” Harry nearly screams.

“Calm down, mate! This is Colleen. The girl I’ve been telling you about.”

“That’s the girl that slapped me yesterday!”

“I know.”

“You know?!”

“Of course, she’s one of mine and A’s best friends.”

James laughs, “You hit him?!”

I chuckle back, “Yea… Because he kissed me.”

“He what?!” James' voice booms through the room.

“I need more wine,” I mumble heading into the kitchen. Seeing Harry was a bad idea. I should have known I would react this way; my anger always gets the best of me. I sit back down next to James when I come back in the room. James wraps his arm around me. “What are you doing?”

“Making Harry jealous,” he whispers.


“I can tell how much he likes you.”

“You’re kidding me?” I laugh. He shakes his head smiling. There was no way Harry liked me; especially after hitting him. Another hour later I head back into the kitchen for even more wine.

Harry has been staring at me angrily the whole time. I grab the bottle from fridge, and when I turn around Harry is mere centimeters from me. “What the hell?!” I jump back startled.

“You think it’s funny flirting with that James guy who clearly isn’t interested in you?”

“What’s it to you?”

“Come on, Love,” he strokes my cheek with the back of his long finger, “I know you want me as much as I want you,” he winks. James was right? What the fuck?

“Back off, Harry. I don’t want anything to do with you,” Harry leans in trying to kiss me once again, but he is interrupted when Andrea walks into the kitchen. Harry moves back as I slip under his arms.

Andrea starts to slowly leave the kitchen, “I think I’ll just wait to get another drink.”

“What the fuck is your problem?” I whisper angrily.

“Apparently,” he strokes my face again, “You.” Harry leaves the room after that. I down one glass of wine before I pour another to take into the living room. I mumble to myself as I walk back in. Andrea’s eyes meet mine forgetting about the Xbox controller her and Niall are fighting over. She gives me this look that she isn’t going to tell anyone what happened. I sigh in relief.

As the night goes on Harry and I continue to glare at each other while Andrea keeps looking between the two of us. James keeps his arm around me for the whole night. I don’t tell him he was correct about how Harry feels about me. The next time Andrea looks at me she clears her throat knocking me out of my stare down with Harry.

I get tired of Harry glaring, Andrea awkwardly looking between the two of us and the rest of the guys fighting over what game to play, so I decide to leave. “I’m going to head out. I need to get more studying done.”

“Colleen,” Niall whines, “You can’t leave. It’s only one am.”

“Exactly. And I need to pass my economics final or I’m doomed.”

“Ha, economics,” laughs Harry.

“You want to give the class a try, asshole?” Everyone stares at me. “I’ll see you guys when finals are over,” I storm out of Niall and Andrea’s home.


Harry laughs, “The first time she called me an asshole.”

“You still are one,” I tease.

“Yea,” he makes a heavy sigh as a joke, “But I’m your asshole." Everyone irrupts into a laughing fit. By eight-thirty we leave the restaurant, and everyone goes their separate ways. Naill and Andrea also leave Harry and me to be by ourselves alone. The first time in over a month.

“Don’t wait up!” Niall yells as he and Andrea make their way to the Rover.

“So… It looks like it’s just you and me for a while.  Are you okay with that?” Harry asks as we walk through the hotel lobby.

“I guess," I smile. Once back in our room we take to the bedroom to watch old movies. A few musicals and a few black and white ones.

“The guys asked me about us today…” says Harry randomly.

“What were they curious about?” I ask with my eyes still glued to the TV.

“If we ever…” My eyes go wide as I whip my head to look at him; and he’s not looking at me.

“Wha-what did you tell them?”

“They’re my best friends… I told them the truth…”

“I guess I can’t get mad at you since the girls did the same thing to me…”

Harry finally looks at me; his eyes full of lust. We lean in closer to each other, and his hands are everywhere. He finally chooses to keep them planted on my hips, and mine find their way under his shirt. “Are you sure you want to do this, Colleen?” I hesitantly nod my head against him. “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to,” he says sincerely.

“I-I’m sure,” I reply nervously.

Harry slides his hands to the hem of my shirt so he can lift it off. I shiver as the cold air hits my body. “You’ll be warmed up soon, Love.” Harry rids himself of his shirt then latches his lips back on mine. His hand slides down towards my shorts; unbuttoning them slowly. My nerves begin to pick up as his hand gets closer to my center. I breathe heavily at the gentle touch of his fingertips. My pants are gone along with his, and now it’s time for my bra to come off. It’s been a while since I haven’t worn one. As the clasp slowly comes undone I cross my arms over my chest. It’s not that I’m insecure about them, but it’s just very nerve racking to me. I shouldn’t be scared of Harry seeing me naked. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, Love. I told you, and I’ll tell you again, I don’t want to hurt you. And I most certainly don’t ever want to force you to do anything you don't want to do.”

I uncross my arms for Harry; knowing I’m safe with him. Harry rolls himself above me and props himself on his elbows. I inhale deeply hoping I'm not going to regret this as he starts to kiss my neck. He places one hand on my stomach; his fingers running on the bottom of my breast. He keeps them there as an unasked question. "G-go ahead," I whisper. He trails his hand onto my breast, and gently rubs it; his hand covers me entirely. I keep telling myself I can handle this. He's attended to both of my breast now, and his hand travels back down to my hips as our lips attach once more. I can't handle this, and when the tips of his fingers dance around the hemline of my panties I stop breathing.

He sighs heavily breaking our kiss; I open my eyes when I feel him pull away. We look into each other's eyes, “Colleen. I can’t do this. Not with you like this. It’s too much," he breathes deeply, "Don’t say it’s not to make me feel better because I can see it in your eyes, and feel it in your body that it’s not,” he kisses my forehead. “We’re not doing this. Not until you’re one hundred percent sure.” Harry rolls back over to my right.

I get out of bed grabbing my pjs from the dresser and a new bra then head to the bathroom to clean myself up. I stare at myself in the mirror wondering why I even let it go this far. Tears begin to fall from my eyes. I quickly wipe them from my face as I get back into my clothes. When I walk back into the room, Harry has his clothing back on and is ready for bed. I slide into bed then into him. Even though I thought I was ready, felt very nervous about it, and got scared, I still feel comfortable with him wrapped around me.

"Hey," he says, "It might not have worked now, but it will. You know how much I love you. I guess we're just not ready to show it in an intimate way yet."

He's right. "Good night, Harry,” I whisper.

“Good night, Colleen. I love you.” He kisses my cheek.

I mumble, “I love you too,” as I fall into sleep.

Things are getting personal between the guys! What do you think about Harry and Colleen's relationship?!

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