Personal Experience

By TSDBlackBelt

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Written by @AndreaLotter and myself. This is a story about a young girl who knows the boys of One Direction;... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Fifteen

147 1 0
By TSDBlackBelt

*Colleen's P.O.V.*

When I walk through my front door the lights are off, but one of the rooms is dimly lit. As I walk through the halls to my dining room I hear the sound of silverware clinking. "Harry, what is this?"

"Oh, nothing," he jokes. "I wanted to do something special for you. Especially after this week," he grins.

"I... I don't know what to say..."

"You don't need to say anything; just enjoy dinner." Harry has a candlelit dinner set up in my dining room. "It smells amazing. Did you cook this all by yourself?"

"I'm hurt that you would even ask that," he laughs. "Even though I am a great cook, the others did help me."

"Where are they? I'm sure they're still here since we're not allowed to be alone together..." I look down.

"They're out back."

"Oh. Okay."

"Hey," Harry whispers coming over to me. "Don't worry, Love, I don't even have any alcoholic beverage out. Unless you want some."

"No... Niall gave me some at their place..."

"You really love your wines," he laughs.

"Yea... I guess so," I chuckle.

"Let's eat."

Harry pulls out my chair for me then helps me scoot in. I always forget how much of a gentleman he can be. He has his moments like the first time we met, and a few nights ago, but when it comes down to it he's the nicest guy I've ever met.

"How's your arm?" he asks as soon as I take my first bite.

I swallow, "It's sore. I don't know if it's still bleeding," I sigh.

"We'll change it tonight," he smiles at me.

There's a few minutes of silence as we eat, "This is very good, Haz."

"Thanks, baby," he takes my hand in his. "What were Andrea and Niall up to?"

"Exactly what Louis implied," I cough embarrassed. "Niall also freaked out on me. He was really hurt. God, I didn't even think how this would affect you all..."

"Colleen," he says sternly, "It's alright. You were scared. We really do understand why you didn't tell us."

"And you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you understand why I didn't tell you?"

"No," he whispers, "I guess I really don't."

"I told Niall it's because I didn't want you guys ending up in prison for murder..."

"I guess that would have happened... We care that much..." he chuckles.

When we’re done eating the others come back into the house, and Liam helps Harry rewrap my arm. I sit on the counter in the bathroom feeling so guilty. A single tear escapes me eye. “Hey,” says Liam lifting my head, “Why are you crying?”

“Because I was so stupid for doing this…” I pull my head away.

“Colleen,” he says sternly. “You are not stupid. You never have been, and you never will be. You were just scared.” Liam pulls me into his arms, and I can feel his tears.

After I’m wrapped back up everyone heads to bed; Zayn and Perrie stay in the room with Harry and me. Harry also has to stay on the floor by the other’s demands. I lay on my stomach facing him as we stare into each other’s eyes. He takes my hand in his then begins to play with my fingers.

“I’m sorry, Colleen,” Harry whispers.

I look at him confused, “For what?”

“For trying to have sex with you,” he strokes the back of my hand, “For not being here when you needed me most.”

“Harry, please don’t. I know you’re sorry; and I know you wish you were here to save me, but you weren’t, and you can’t help that. That was your career; and I don’t want to stop you from continuing your dream.” We continue to stare at each other as the hours pass bye. I never thought I could stay awake with someone and not talk, but Harry makes everything so different. I also know he doesn’t want to fall asleep because he’ll just end up having to wake back up for me.

When Harry is about to say something we hear grunts coming from the room next to mine. We stare at each other wide eyed knowing exactly who it’s coming from. Kaitlyn and Liam have finally gotten a room to themselves, and they are making good use of it. Although, they seemed to have forgotten the walls of my house aren’t soundproof.

“Well shit,” I say giggling. I look towards Harry as his eyes start to change to lust. “Kiss me?” Harry immediately sits up and crashes his lips to mine. I haven’t had this feeling in the longest time. Harry is keeping his hands away from me because we both know that wouldn’t be a good thing.

He pulls away and I whine, “Sorry Love, but if we keep going it’s not going to end well,” he half smiles. I smile back at him when we hear an even louder moan come from the next room. “I’m so tempted to bang on their door.”

“Please don’t,” I say, “We can just tease them about it tomorrow,” then laugh.

“Fine,” he pecks my lips. “Should we get some sleep?” I shrug my shoulders. “You know I’m right here if you need me.”

“Okay,” I yawn not realizing how tired I am. Harry and I grab hands as I drift into sleep. I can feel myself waking up and rolling around as another dream is finally ending. I slowly open my eyes to see Zayn and Perrie still sound asleep and Harry intently staring at me. “What?” I whisper.

“What was the dream about?” he doesn’t miss a thing.

“Going on tour with you… Being hated on… And almost getting pulled away from you…” I look at the clock. Eleven am.

“That’s not going to happen because I won’t let it.”

The two of us get out of bed then head downstairs where we find Liam and Kaitlyn laying on my couch. In my spot. “Thought you two would still be asleep,” Harry teases.

“We couldn’t sleep.”

“We know that.”

“Told you were too loud,” says Liam to Kaitlyn.

“She’s always been a loud one,” I tease. “And the walls aren’t exactly sound proof,” I cross my arms glaring at them.

“Sorry, we’ll be quieter next time,” Kaitlyn says sheepishly.

“Next time better not be in my house. Looks like I’m going to have to burn those sheets.” They both turn bright red.

After Harry and I grab breakfast, we join the two love birds on the couch. Liam is still heavily at it with my comic books, and Kaitlyn is intently watching Criminal Minds. A show I no longer watch because of how gruesome it gets. I snuggle into Harry as I eat my bowl of cereal while his arms are wrapped around me.

“Good morning, everyone,” sings Perrie as she walks into the living room with her breakfast. “What are we watching?” she’s always so happy.

“Criminal Minds,” replies Kaitlyn.

“I’ve never seen this show. What’s it about?”

“Serial killers,” I answer. Perrie looks at all of us shocked. “I didn’t choose it. Kaitlyn had it on when we got down here.”

“Well. Okay then…” Perrie sits right next Haz and me placing an arm around me as well.

"So, what are we doing today?" I ask.

"Well," says Harry, "I've been thinking... That before we go back on tours we should all take a real vacation. Maybe visit some old castles or something...?"

"You're a hopeless romantic," I tease him. "Then we should start planning," I smile.

"Start planning what?" asks Louis as he walks into the living room.

"Harry wants to go on a vacation before you all go back on tour," answers Perrie.

"Sounds fun. Where are we going?"

"I want to see the castle of England."

"You’re hopeless romantic," teases Louis. "By the way, who the hell was making sex noises last night?"

"Those two," I point at Li and Kaitlyn.

"We're sorry!" Liam yells jokingly.

After everyone makes their way into the living room, and Niall and Andrea come over we start to plan our trip.

*two weeks before the boys go on tour*

Tour is getting closer, and we're all starting to feel the stress and sadness. The next two weeks we are spending it together after a month separately; aside from whoever stays with Harry and me. All of the events from these last three months have brought us closer than you could imagine. Their stories about tour, the girls’ stories about tour, Perrie's experience and mine. So the best way to spend these couple of weeks is a road trip across the UK.

"So, are we all ready to hit the road?" Louis asks excitedly.

"We better be since I had to wake up at the ass crack of dawn," Niall answers yawning.

"Ignore him, Louis, we all know Ni isn't a morning person," Andrea kisses Niall's cheek.

"Liam, NO! I am NOT going to drive the entire time so you can read comic books!" Kaitlyn yells at Liam who wants to take my entire comic book collection with him.

"But baby," he whines, "I... Owe! What was that for?!" Kaitlyn hits him

"No!" She says again. I can't help to laugh.

"Yea, yea, laugh it up, Colleen."

Louis, Eleanor, Haz and I hop into one car with Louis driving.  Zayn, Perrie, Andrea and Niall hop into another with Andrea driving while Liam and Kaitlyn take their own. We all kind of forced them to because we know they can get sexual even on car rides.

"Alright," shouts Niall from his car, "Let’s do this because it'll be two hours before I can eat again! The longer we wait the hungrier I get!"

"Also the moodier," shouts Harry back to him. I start to giggle at them. These last few months have been rough on all of us. Relationships and friendships were tested. Kaitlyn and Liam's balcony caught fire, Larry sagas continue to disrupt our lives; mainly Andrea's because she sometimes reads too deep into it. Even though she sees first hand it's not true. Niall apparently dated two other women during these few months, and then the trauma upon me has been taking a toll on us all. Most of the time I feel guilty about it.

As we pull out of the driveway Harry tells us, "Okay, first stop is the Castle at Taunton in Somerset. Then the Bovey Castle in Devon; which is where we'll spend the night. Then we'll leave at the asscrack of dawn again,” he laughs mocking Niall. As the drive continues we're still up to our usual antics. As we passed Niall's Rover we pull faces at each other; which they return making us all laugh.

We've finally arrived at our first destination; the Castle at Taunton in Somerset, and this place is absolutely beautiful. Niall is excited to see that there are two restaurants here, so we immediately make our way over to one. The Castle Bow Bar since we know there will definitely be beer for the guys. Harry holds to his promise and only orders water. But we girls are impatient to see the rest of the castle. The architecture is amazing here; I've always enjoyed the structure of European places.

"In 1685 the Duke of Monmouth used the Taunton Castle as a base for his troops to defeat King James the second at Sedgemoor," reads Andrea from a brochure.

"It's so beautiful here," Kaitlyn comments.

"I'd like to get married in a castle," I speak randomly causing Harry to choke on his water. "Or the Groß St. Martin’s Cathedral; the one Harry took me to on the last night of our first date. Which I still need to get you back for, you two," I jokingly glare at Andrea and Niall. They turn away whistling. Niall has  the same reaction to the word marriage. Zayn, Lou and Liam and Kaitlyn are all married now.

"I want to get married on my Uncle's game farm back in South Africa. Surrounded by the bushveld and the South African sunset as the backdrop," Andrea says joining in on my comment, and trying not to sound homesick.

"Well, at least Niall can afford to fly his friends and family down there," says Liam nudging Niall in the ribs.

"Come off it, Li," Niall replies turning ten shades of red as the rest of us burst out laughing knowing he is nowhere near ready for marriage.

After a few hours here we make our way to the next destination; the drivers being switched. Harry takes our car with me by his side. I scream when I notice Harry begins to chase me. The others turn around to see what the commotion is all about. Our laugh echoes through the grounds of the castle. We end up hitting the ground hearing a loud, "Owe," coming from the rest of the group. Harry helps me back up, and piggyback carries me back to the car.

While on the road again we continue with our antics. Zayn and Liam try to see whose car is faster causing Perrie and Kaitlyn to become a bit pissed off. "We certainly have a crazy group of friends," I say taking Harry's hand.

"We sure do, but we wouldn't want them any other way, do we?"

"No. Not at all. I couldn't even picture them any different," I smile as Harry kisses my hand. When we arrive at our next stop Niall runs out of the car yelling, "I gotta pee!!"

Andrea yells back, "I told you to go before we left!" rolling her eyes. After we park Harry begins to pull out his golf bag out of his trunk.

"Hold up here," I say as Niall comes running back to us, "What is this? I thought we were on the trip to spend time together, not you and Ni playing golf together.

"No wonder they insisted on this place," speaks Andrea.

"Oh come on," Harry whines. "You two can come join us," he gives us his best puppy dog eyes. Which always get me. And Niall's seem to be working on Andrea.

"Whatever. Let's just get checked in first."

Andrea and I know for a fact the moment the guys set foot on the golf course they won't want to come off until they're finished. So, it's either we join them, or spend the rest of the day in the spa with the girls.

"So, that's four lodges for extra privacy for one night. Any special request?" the hotel manager asks.

"Yea, you see those two over there?" asks Niall. The manager nods. "Make sure their lodge is as far away from the rest of ours as possible, and that it's sound proof, if you catch my drift." All of us begin laughing.

"Very funny, Niall," Kaitlyn responds glaring at him.

"Yea, that coming from the one who needed to sneak around in the pool house to get the job done." Liam snaps.

"At least Colleen didn't have to burn the pool house," Andrea responds putting her sunglasses on walking past Liam and Kaitlyn winking.

A bunch of, "Ooohs," came from around the lobby. We are shown to our rooms to unpack. Niall and Harry change into their golf wear then they head out to the course with Andrea and me trailing behind them. "I guess its best we join them to get more time with them," I say.

"Sounds about right," Andrea laughs. “‘Making the most of our time thing,'" she uses air quotes. "Besides I've always wanted Niall to teach me. Now that we have time I can learn," she huffs a laugh.


"Ladies! The day is getting older, and we're not getting any younger!" Harry yells from down the hall.


"Yea, yea, chill out. We're coming," Andrea answers pulling her hair back.

Thirty minutes later and the boys still aren't half way through the course. "I could get used to this," I say taking a bottle of water from the tray.

"Agreed," says Andrea. "This is just perfect."

Andrea is struggling more than ever as Niall teaches her, and I gave up five holes ago. She throws the gold club to the ground. "Hey! Be careful with that!" laughs Niall. Andrea glares at him.

"I give up," yells Andrea, "I'll never understand this stupid game!" putting away the golf club then joins me on the grass as we continue to watch the guys.

“How dare you insult the Game of Gentleman like that! I’m hurt Andrea,” Harry teases sitting down next to us pulling my water bottle from my hand.


“Hey, nothing. There's nothing wrong with sharing, Love,” he pecks my lips.

“But there are five other bottles.”

“Maybe I’d rather something that your lips were on,” he winks, and I blush. We sit together for about another twenty minutes when another golf cart pulls up next to us; driven by Louis. Accompanied by El, Perrie and Zayn.

“Mind if we join ya, mates?” asks Louis.

“Sure, but it’ll take some time if these two stick with us,” Niall nudges Andrea.

“Not that good girls?” Zayn asks. We shake our heads laughing.

“Zayn, stop teasing them,” says Per.

“Why don’t you two go have fun with the girls?” Harry asks us smiling.

“Sure. The spa idea is sounding better than before,” I laugh.

“Where are Liam and Kaitlyn?” asks Andrea.

“Probably making sure their lodge is sound proof, I suppose,” Louis answers casually while winking.

“Oh gosh,” I can feel myself turning bright red.

Harry helps me up from the ground pulling me close to him. “I’ll see you later, Love,” he kisses my cheek causing me to blush harder. “Go have some fun.”

“Ready to go girls?” asks El excitedly.

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