Diary of the White Notes (Sea...

بواسطة CypressFlynn

171 5 0

The Murderer...The Liar...The Cheater...The Queen. Four high school students with a major secret to hide...an... المزيد

Part 1: Betrayal And Disloyalty
Part 2: The End Of Us
Part 3: Standing Alone
Part 4: The Monster Inside
Part 5: Strike Of The Threat
Part 6: Start Of Something Deeper
Part 7: Whispers In The Dark
Part 9: Demons Hold

Part 8: Ugly Truths

7 0 0
بواسطة CypressFlynn

Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 2)

Intro Music: Digital Daggers - No Easy Way (Out)

EPISODE 8: Ugly Truths

In a whole new location, Gary was continuing his meeting with three hooded figures and Dairvon.

Gary: So...that's why.

Dairvon: Something big is coming. Though, they don't know what.

Gary: You were letting us know, ahead of time.

That's right. If you don't do something, there may not be any time for this world.

Gary: So you guys aren't from here?

Yeah. Paul had his suspicions on me but couldn't figure it out.

Gary: Paul was sharp like that. So where do we go from here?

Dairvon: I need you to keep an eye on my hermanito for me.

Gary: You know we're not on talking terms, right?

Dairvon: You don't have to talk to him. Just watch over him.

Gary: Alright. But I'm not doing this alone.

You won't. We'll be helping you.

Gary: Well, then my job won't be so hard.

As Gary and Dairvon were wrapping up the meeting, they were unaware that someone was watching them. However, it was too dark to see exactly who was spying on them. The next morning, Alexandria was waking, from her sleep. She looked around and saw that the scenery was different. It wasn't her house. She removed the blankets from her body and began putting on her shoes.

You taking off, without saying goodbye?

As Alexandria grabbed her bag and was about to walk out the door, someone had stopped her. She turned around and it was Virtus. He was dressed in his clothes. He was wearing a plain, white shirt and no sweatpants. In his left hand, was a can of alcohol.

Alexandria: I'm gonna be late for school.

Virtus: Why don't we go together?

Alexandria: I appreciate the thought but I need some time alone.

Virtus: You've needed time to yourself a lot. Do you not like being around me?

Alexandria: You know I don't. You don't understand that I have a boyfriend, whom I'm devoted too.

Virtus: My brother can't satisfy you, like me. If you let me in, you'd see for yourself.

Virtus walked closer to Alexandria, having her against the front door. Using his free hand, he began messing with her hair and grabbed a hold of her chin. He tried leaning in for a kiss but Alexandria turned her head, feeling uncomfortable. He then removed his hand and started sliding it down her waist.

Alexandria: Virtus, I can't do this. I'm gonna be late.

Virtus: You're no fun at all.

Alexandria said nothing, as she prayed to be away from him.

Alexandria: If Cole finds out, then he'll...

Virtus: Then what? What will he do. He won't blame me. He'd blame you.

Alexandria: ......

Virtus: He'd listen to me, over you. I'm his familia. Meaning that my words counts, over yours.

Alexandria: Cole would believe me. I've always been by his side. Always honest with him.

Virtus: Always, huh? Then why aren't you leaving? You could've left, last night.

Alexandria: ......

Virtus: You wanna be here. You wanna be with me. You just don't wanna accept it. At least, not yet.

With nothing left, Virtus stepped back, with a grin, on his face.

Virtus: But, I need to hurry and take off, as well. We'll continue this tomorrow.

Out of fear and disgust, Alexandria quickly opened the front door and began walking off. But from behind her, someone was watching. They saw all that happened. They waited until Alexandria was gone and walked right through the front door. However this was, wore a mysterious black hoodie. Inside the house, the stranger walked into the house, heading upstairs. In Virtus' room, he was getting ready, putting some clothes on and fixing up his hair. Out of nowhere, his bedroom door busted open. The unknown stranger just walked inside and started attacking Virtus. He grabbed his head, slamming it against Virtus' own mirror, throwing him on the ground and started waling punches on the boy. It went on for a few minutes and ended. Grabbing Virtus' shirt, the stranger gave the boy one simple message...

People like you disgust me. You're really what they call "scum of the Earth." I'll only tell you this once...stay away from Alexandria Edwards...or the next time, I kill you, with no second thought.

Throwing him on the floor, the stranger gave a powerful kick to Virtus' gut and walked out his room. At the school, Alexandria was talking with a couple of the girls,. She then noticed that Gary was speaking with the new kid student.

There he goes again.

You mean Gary? Some things never change.

Alexandria: Is he trying to engánchate with her?

Most likely. That's all Gary is known for.

That and lying to everyone he knows and wants to use.

He'll never find himself a buena mujer, with the way he is.

Yeah. It's a shame he can't follow Cole's example.

You're so lucky, Alexandria.

Alexandria: Lucky?

To have a hombre like Cole.

Alexandria: ......

Which reminds me, why haven't I seen you and Cole together? You two lucha?

Alexandria and Cole? Lucha? Don't be ridículo. Those two never fight.

Yeah, good point. You two are like alma gemela.

Alexandria: You think?

Of course.

Alexandria thought about and she wanted to believe her friends. But with what's been happening, she wasn't sure.

Well, we gotta get to class. See you, Alexandria.

Sí, nos vemos.

Alexandria's two friends began walking off. With Gary, he was continuing his conversation with the new student.

Gary: Any updates on the...

No, nothing yet. What about Alexandria? How is she?

Gary: Dunno. Even hasn't sent anything info yet.

I'll see if I can find him. Stay out of trouble.

Gary: No promises.

As the student walked off, Gary pulled his phone out and checked for messages or notifications. Out of nowhere, a hand tapped on Alexandria's shoulders. It was Nikki.

Nikki: Hi, Allie.

Alexandria: Oh, oye, Nikki. How are you feeling?

Nikki: I'm fine. What about you? How's Cole?

Alexandria: He's...he's fine, I guess. Have any of your memories come back?

Nikki: No, still don't remember anything.

Alexandria: Have you talked to Paul?

Nikki: He won't talk to me. I think he hates me.

Alexandria: No, I don't think so. He's probably going through some estrés.

Nikki: You think so?

Alexandria: Knowing Paul, yes. He has some issues with his family. But never talks about it.

Nikki: I want to be his friend but whenever I approach him, he always walks away.

Alexandria: You'll get use to that...if you remember anything about him.

Nikki: Well, I do remember something...

Alexandria: Espera, ¿lo haces?

Nikki: But it's still kinda...brumoso.

Alexandria: What is it?

Nikki: I remember Cole and Gary...they were fighting about something. But it ended up pretty bad.

Alexandria began to think back and remembered that there was a fight between the two.

Alexandria: Do you remember...why they were fighting?

Nikki: No but I think I was involved, somehow.

Alexandria began to remember what Paul had said to her. She remembered Paul mentioning that Gary had kissed Nikki, during a party and Karen snitched to Cole and Paul.

Alexandria: I guess I should indulge you.

Nikki: Huh?

Alexandria: They were fighting because of you.

Nikki: Why me?

Alexandria: Because YOU kissed Gary. And it broke Paul's heart.

Nikki: We...we kissed?

Alexandria: Yes. And I believe you had feelings for Paul, when doing so. Now I'm beginning to wonder if that was all a lie.

Nikki: Allie, I'm sorry...but I don't remember any of this.

Alexandria: Yeah, sadly you don't. Maybe you'd feel some guilt of what you did.

Nikki: ......

Alexandria: Paul loved you. You were his todo. But I guess that didn't mean anything, did it?

Without another word, Alexandria walked off. Nikki was stunned, the memories and events that she didn't remember was brought to light by one of her friends. Paul and Gary stopped talking..,and it was because of her. As Alexandria was walking off, she accidentally bumped into someone. It was Virtus.

Virtus: What a coincidence bumping into you.

Alexandria: ......

Virtus: Where were you hiding this whole time?

Alexandria: Away from you.

Virtus: Now come on, no need to be like that. Talk to me, bebé.

Alexandria: DO NOT CALL ME THAT!!! I'm not your "bebé" and you don't care about me. All you want is to get me in the bed. Well, lemme tell you this. That ¡¡¡NUNCA OCURRIRÁ!!! You will never have me.

Alexandria began walking off, furious as she ever was.

Virtus: I will, even if I have to force you.

Outro Music: Bassnectar (feat. Mimi Page) - Butterfly


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